#im craving soft price okay i need him to give me a kiss on my forehead a
anothersylvia · 2 years
I’m Not Afraid To Cross Some Lines (Jack Harlow Fanfic) Part 3
You could not bring yourself to do anything for about a week. Left shattered by the decision you made to tell Kyle the truth about you messing with Jack Harlow while in a relationship with him and after you had reassured him that there was nothing going on. Parts of you fought to make the distinction between whether or not you told him so he could be free of your betrayal and be with someone who would do right by him or because you were now deeply in love with Jack. Hot flashes of your sessions with Jack lingered at the forefront of your daily thoughts. You burned to feel the sensation of his soft lips on your body again , licking and kissing on you. You’d randomly think of the smell of his hair and how his curls felt in your hands when you’d run your fingers through his hair as he’d go down on you. You craved his company beyond the physical aspect of your relationship , what you felt on stage with him was undeniable , you needed to feel that again but you shuddered to bring yourself to tell Jack how you really felt. In fact you were avoiding him , no longer responding to texts since the late night performance. You were only afforded the luxury of avoiding him for so long cause soon came time for you to shoot a music video with him. 
Things were tense as you and your team arrived on the set , you were already and hour late and found them filming what they could without you. Walking in you caught a side eye from Jack that you did your utmost best to brush off as if you did not see. It was understandable why he would be upset ,not only was there no explanation for why you had been ignoring him but now your behavior was interfering with his work. The delay was taken further by you still having to sit through hair and make up , in that time you mindlessly scrolled through your instagram feed till you were interrupted by the music video director requesting to speak to you along with Jack. In your effort to avoid Jack’s gaze you accidentally zoned out from the conversation. 
“ we just need to know if you’d be cool with that?” The director snapped you out of your train of thought. 
“Did you even hear a fucking word we said ?” Jack snapped , losing his patience. 
“What is that tone about ?” You snapped back. The tension could be cut with a knife with the music director and your beauty team and manager all watching this unfold. 
“It’s about the fact that you model your way in here late as fuck , we still have to sit back and wait for you to finish getting ready just for you to sit here and act like you couldn’t be bothered with this whole thing , just fucking leave if you don’t wanna be here “ The hard edge to Jack’s voice shot across the room like a dagger , piercing your already fragile resolve. 
“Okay fine , I’ll just model my way right out of here, I don’t need this shit “ You got up from the make up chair 
“Okay okay okay , can everyone just calm down real quick “ Your manager intervened , attempting to deescalate the scene playing out. “Please give us a moment” she requested to the hair and make up team and director before they left , leaving just the three of you. 
“I’m gonna need you two to talk this one out like adults , this is what happens when you want to mix business with pleasure , but the rest of us can’t pay the price for that so whatever it is you need to get off your chests , get to it so we can have a productive day” 
You and Jack defiantly folded your arms over your chests , not wanting to even look at each other. Once she was gone Jack spoke. 
“You want to tell me what I did wrong ?” 
“You ruined my relationship , I was happy before you up and decided to fuck things up for me” 
“Oh you wanna go down that road y/n ? If you were so happy what drove you to meet me up in my hotel room then ? What had you running back and sending all those freaky videos and texts ? Cause that was not giving I’m in a happy relationship “ 
“Oh so now you’re calling me a slut ?” 
“If the shoe fits honestly “ 
You were about to yell at Jack before you held a fist up to your lips  holding back the curse words at the tip of your tongue 
“You know what Jack , we are going to get through shooting this video today but just know that me and you after today , done! Delete my number , never speak to me again and I never want to see you again” 
‘Works for me “ Jack stormed off. 
Keeping your word you put a show on for the cameras masking as much tension as you possibly could. You and Jack faking chemistry and good vibes and pulling away from each  other  every time the director yelled cut. 
“That’s a wrap everybody !”  
Just as you were about to walk off the set Jack’s hand stopped you from walking off and he pulled you into a kiss in front of everyone on set. Your initial shock was overcame as you melted into the kiss giving Jack’s tongue access to met yours. You heard members of his crew begin to cheer as Jack’s hands wrapped around your waist. 
“Wanna get out of here ?” Jack spoke softly onto your lips holding your face in his hands. You gave a confirming smile before You and Jack walked off the set hand in hand eager to be alone. That kiss spoke better than a thousand words could have telling you everything you needed to know about How Jack felt about you and how you felt about him. That night The two of you made love in his bed ,it was nothing like your sneaky link ups in hotels. Jack was giving you passion , holding your hand through slow strokes and keeping his eyes on you , giving you all of him. He relished in the soft and sweet moans he was pulling from you with each stroke. 
“I want you to be mine “ Jack whispered onto your lips as your foreheads touched and your hands stayed intertwined. 
“I want to be yours Jack” You returned the breathy soft tone before pressing your lips to his for a slow and wet kiss , sealing the sentiment. You felt your body begin to tremble , overwhelmed with not only the exchange of immense pleasure but the exchange of energies. You felt soul tied to Jack , like he had the power to take your breath away. On the verge of reaching your climax tears stung your eyes. You reached your climaxes in unison with your lips locked. Jack letting out moans you had never heard from him before , your hearts intensely beating against each other’s chests with your forehead pressed to his. And as you lay in silence trying to process the passion and intensity of what just transpired Jack broke the silence. 
“Y/n , from the moment Drama introduced me to you I was head over heels , like how can someone be so talented and beautiful , but if someone had told me back then how deeply in love I would have fallen for you I would not have believed them”. “I just want you to know that the more we started talking I couldn’t help myself and I’m sorry I didn’t pursue you the right way”
“I didn’t mean what I said about you fucking Kyle and I up , I’m sorry I said that” Jack kissed your forehead while lovingly stroking your hair. 
“You are mine though right?” 
You giggled before giving a him a kiss , “I’m all yours baby”. 
The end :) 
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