#im crying aksjs
catcze · 3 years
zhongli loves u very very much and will happily indulge u as long as it is within his power. that includes your fascination with his dragon form
SFW only for now !! I'll send the other part later if you wanna put it under the cut, Catte !
• tiny, noodly version of his exuvia, perfect as a makeshift scarf, doubles as an automatic shield switch if you're out adventuring!
• chonkli, or what form is is similar to artist nagarnia's interpretation, is a little smaller, but more interactive. perfect for your sleep aid, as someone to curl into while clutching him to your chest
• also your personal belongings guardian if you go off to check something out. just because he's little doesn't mean he cant well damn protect!
• flicks his tongue like a snek @ your face constantly because he is smitten and wants to kiss you constantly (if your companions know, its.. embarassing for you and them. zl doesnt care though, because he's shameless like that ^7^ he's shouwing his love for his beloved, and no one can stop him)
• if you are in cold places, he's gonna wrap himself around your body, if not curl up in your inner coat. he refuses to be in any bag, he wanna be close to you
• in hot and humid places, he's going to wanna be around you, but loosely this time. he's not gonna be as hot on your body because, well, he's a reptile!
• sometimes you take a nap underneath some trees as it's sunny, and if he doesn't already lay down beside you as his mortal form, then he's gonna be laying on you, happily stretched out on your torso.
• the same thing happens if you insist he go big mode (his usual draconic size) but only in secluded areas, or areas that aren't explored by other people, as to maintain his identity
• he coils up a bit more, for you to use him as a personal pillow (bed??) out in the open
~ conyo anon
NSFW !! 18+ ONLY !!
NSFW part!! its much shorter and a little less coherent bc i got embarrassed halfway im sorry KHeJENDNMDN ~ conyo anon
• notice how he can change his size? HAHAHAhaha ;)) wink wink • if you insist it, he would penetrate you, but ofc he's going to set down some rules. only one is going in, and that you should be stretched and prepped accordingly. • and for you to be prepped accordingly, he insists you lie face down on his belly. • you do exactly that and as you start getting comfortable, you feel his breathing on your lower half as he starts licking in. his tongue tapered, and much more solid compared to his smaller forms, slowly making you open up to him • little by little, and in the end he succeeds. • hes gonna have two cocks just because hes technically a reptile here, riding one and touching the other?? perfect, you're gonna have zhongli purring and rumbling in absolute delight as he watches his beloved enjoy themselves
aksjdas yOOO aksjdas you went off on these omg i lOVE itaksjdas
wAIT AKJSDASKJ OMG <33 THis is literally so cute in the sfw part n vv mmMM 👀💦 in the nsfw part omg aksjs <33 I'm literally gonna cry tho it's so cute that he flicks his tongue out like a snek omg the visual image for that is so?? cute??? asadskj <33 also yESSSS pls the smut is so good I?? have no words omg aksjdas 😩💞💦💦
conyo anon ilysm omg thank u for feeding the morax fuckers and simps hheehakjsdna <333
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charles-edwin · 3 years
AKAJAJ NONO LOOK wenzhou give me life and their dynamic and story is just BEYOND kissy fingers but like. I physically cannot watch woh without sobbing . Its a miracle if I can get past the intro without crying its got me in some kinda choke hold I SWEAR
(also aksj idk anything about bad buddy but im always happy to see you on my dash <3)
akjskaksksks i completely understand you!
i can get past the intro without fully sobbing but i ALWAYS cry when watching the ending
i mean??? these lyrics WITH these scenes??? whoever made this ending wanted a permanent effect, wanted me DEAD and they succeeded
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but no worries! you don’t have to rewatch it if it’s too overwhelming for you!!
and thank you so much!!! i’m really glad i’m not bothering you 🥺❤️💙
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angelicyoongie · 4 years
hey maggy!! i hope ure doing well, i can't wait to see your upcoming chapters and stories omg :o also i should confess... ure one of my favourite writers on this app omg.. i stumbled upon abundance by accident and now its my most favourite hybrid series. i love your writing so much gosh im glad i stumbled upon you, lots of love from me and bts <33
hi!! i’m doing well, i hope you are too! nooo it’s too early in the day to make me cry aksjs, thank you so much 😭💖 much love from me to you too!!
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lom-l-moved · 6 years
i was tagged by @golchabf ty bb !!
rules: Answer the Q+A’s and tag 5 of your most recent followers and 3 of your biggest fans
what’s the smell of your shampoo?
coconut i believe ajsjs i didnt pick it out tho
what is your aesthetic?
?? gay ???
what’s your favorite time of the day and why?
hm either late at night or early in the morning bc its quiet and theres no expectations
what do you like most about the beach?
the ocean itself tbh
what do you worry about constantly?
aksj besides everything uuh ???
what is a song you’ve cried to before?
god theres so many but um summertime by mcr makes me cry almost every time akjssj
what are some relaxing tips for your followers?
oh god im like the worst person to go to for this but uuh listening to music or ambience and just sitting and closeling my eyes and ignoring everything else helps me relax sometimes
what are some things that make you tear up?
hm ok this is weird but honestly happy stuff makes me tear up ,,, and like songs i rly love ,,, and either really happy or really sad scenes in movies
what is your favorite from each of the five senses?
sight: the sky/stars
smell: lavender or the smell after it rains
touch: water
taste: oof ok uuh theres this white chocolate raspberry swirl ice cream and uuuuuuh id die for it pls and ty
sound: rain (or bass tbh)
what is one alternate reality you’d like to be in?
ok this is gonna sound rly depressing but the one where my parents never got married (or the one where im already famous)
what are some troubles you face on a day to day basis?
not getting enough love and attention
what is one scene of a book that’s made you really sad?
idk abt one specific one but the ones where ppl die always make me really sad
say something to your followers:
ilyall 💘💝💗🌸💖💗💕💞💘💝💗🌹💖🌸💖🌸💖💗💖💕💞💕💞💖🌸💗🌹🌸💖
5 most recent followers:
@yeoreum @yeol @keyyshinee @jinergy @jksleeps
3 biggest fans:
@felixslee @dykeawsten @01okyo
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h-oeticjustice · 7 years
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