#im gonna bash his head in with a rock wtf
Episode #5 - "Either I Bash My Own Head In, or I Wait To Get Sliced Open."- Kori
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Of course. Of-FUCKING-COURSE of all the people Dani could send home, it was Anna, thank god it wasn't Timmy, but still holy shit. Like she had a freaking idol in pocket, why the hell couldn't she have just flopped. I need her gone TODAY. Like I'm tired of having to worry about this punk. I'm losing my cool I know, but for the love of god, even that whole tribe agreed it was her time to go.
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What in the actual fuck just happened???? Dani calls me out in her idol speech saying I'm gonna go, and then fucking votes off Anna. I still have just a blank stare on my face with my mouth wide open just because I'm that shocked. I'm pissed because Anna was someone who I could really trust and I'm going to miss having her in this game. I'm glad Dani's idol is gone and it means that she did find it at Summit 13 because I was told something had been there and she was the only other person checking the Summit at that time. I really should have said something to Ryan and Anna about that and I regret not doing so. But I can't regret it for too long because I just have to keep moving forward and hope for the best at this point.
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When Hurricane Dani destroys your number one ally in this game
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Hurrah! Exile Island and also a huge strike against my game. I am ecstatic to be assured a spot in the Final 14. But there are a LOT of downsides to Exile Island. Firstly, I miss out on whatever tribe I end up with's dynamics for 3 days. Everyone will assume I have an advantage now, whether I do or not is irrelevant, perception is reality in this game. Lastly whichever tribe I join is likely to be the weaker tribe as they are the ones who lose this challenge, so its a tribe that might just go to tribal again. WHICH MEANS that I'm even more likely to get sent home, especially if it's a live challenge which I'll be unable to participate in since it'll be in the middle of the week and during my work... I feel like I'm in between a Rock and a Giant Saw Blade, and it's either I bash my own head in, or I wait to get sliced open.
Talio wins immunity sending the new Audax tribe to tribal council.
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I finally have a chance to breathe in this game. I am so thankful for Ryan for finding so many links. I'm actually really happy with how I did in this challenge, especially after the last one, because I found like 11 of the links. Also only the 4 people who just came from Audax are the only ones who found links so really even if we didn't swap we would have won this challenge. 
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Another day on Exile. I'll be joining Audux, which is the tribe I preferred, but at the same time I still worry they may be thinking. Kori has an advantage from Exile. OR they might already have a majority that I can't become a part of due to joining late. It's tough, and I dunno what the future holds, but I can only hope that with my excessive planning and studying of how people have voted and previous tribe relations, I can find the cracks I need to make it to the merge and beyond.
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after tribal #5
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Well... I'm still alone on Exile, and I've had a lot of time to reflect on the game I've been playing, I feel like I haven't been active enough with certain people because I now find myself constantly worried in these swap scenarios, if I ended up on the other tribe, I'd likely be drawing dead, which isn't a good thing to be doing since I was on a tribe with half of them on some point or another. It's frustrating, and I realize I need to make a greater effort for change, which I'm gonna do once I re-enter the game, maximize my socialization as much as I can.
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well I've gone to like every single tribal council besides the first one. And it sucks ass wow i hate it. Well In this game i have been in more allainces than i hav ever been in before so i guess thats fun . I have Bullies R us (all members still in game ) which is Me, JUlia, RTP, and isaac then i have OG Vindicta (all present) ME, Julia, Isaac, and John. Then im also in FAb Three (all present) Me julia and John then im in Sexy can i (not all present) which is me RTP and ANNA <3 RIP a legend. Well now i want to make an alliance with Andrew and Isaac bc isaac told me he is close to andrew and if i get the locked down ill be aligned with almost everyone on my current tribe other than Nathan and Colin.  O ya going to tribal tonight. im hoping that nathan gets voted out bc i think he knows alot of ppl in this game and he is very well connected. Also he hasn't talked to me much at all which is kind of concerning. But i think i hav the votes for him to leaeve. I hope he doenst hav an idol. but if he does and if he plays it i think hes going to be voting out colin bc Julia told him that is who the vote if for. SOOO ya HOPEFULLY IM HERE FOR ANOTHER ROUND AND I CAN WIN AN IMMUNITY BC DAMN THIS IS EMBARRASSING. 
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so i feel ok... i think. i’m like 99% sure that nathan is going and i feel bad bc i love him but hey.. it ain’t me. i’m pretty sure the vote isn’t me because i have a feeling isaac will always want to vote with blake and blake tells me what he’s doing so to get majority against me, isaac and andrew would have to start it just bc i feel really close to colin and john. i even think if we lose again i’ll be fine.. any who i’m going to sleep to avoid talking to people and hope blake makes sure everyone is in check 
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So, we stan this swap. 
Dani popped off and people will see her as an easy target, but if I get my way I would like to keep her around a bit since I think she’ll trust me. 
I think I have enough connections on this tribe to keep me safe if we lose, which is good because I think we are super close to merge and my ass needs to get there. 
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Ok I’m at a conference so bare with me. Honestly rip Anna I miss that bitch. But this swap seems pretty good for me...I think Timmy and Kevin will still think I’m with them...obvs I’m still with Dani....and then I know Jake and bodhi so I need to try and talk to Nicole but she’s not really around...if I had to vote rn I’d go for her...it’s been real y’all 
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So I guess the vote is just supposed to be Nathan? Idk because people aren't really talking but I guess there's a group of Isaac, Julia, Blake, and Coffey deciding who they want out and it was allegedly between Nathan and Colin but they landed on Nathan.
But now Nathan mentioned to me he wants a group of me, him, Julia, and Colin? But I don't see that group being made. Idk wtf is going on. I don't wanna have to lie to Nathan but I wanna get in the good graces of the majority group to establish myself into some better footing. 
So right now I just wanna play off that I'm a 5th to the majority 4. Isaac knows I'm doing this. The other 3 don't. Isaac says he has Blake for sure and we're trying to see how much we can trust Julia and Coffey.
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ahhHHHHHHHHHHH. I've been so busy the past 2 days and we have to deal with tribal. I'm doing last minute scrambling currently to make sure no messy shit is happening. every person I've talked to said it's a cut and dry vote on nathan?? so like??? nice?????
I hope its true lmao
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Jake and I are in a good spot strategically, and we've got options. There's Dani, but there's also Ryan + Timmy. We need to figure out how to keep both groups in.
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I’m so happy to be back with Blake. This round we had an original Vindicta alliance of me, Blake, Julia, and John Coffey and even though Nathan’s been having a bad time we decided he’d be better to send home because he’s more social and less boring than Colin (Noah Fence) and has more connections. I was apprehensive about sending him home at first but like he came here to play and that’s just part of the game, he’s a threat and he needs to go. Sorry buddy. Andrew told me that Nathan was trying to round up a 4 consisting of himself, Andrew, Julia, and Colin. It’d be stupid of Julia to flip and alienate herself and I have Andrew on lock so unless Nathan has an idol I think he should be going.
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Nathan is voted out by a vote of 6-1. You can find his preseason interview here.
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