#im gonna get this out of the way but the non and oui joke they made barawa said was So uneccessary....just let him say 'a clone?!?'
toestalucia · 10 months
if u told me theyd keep mentioning the zombie outbreak in events....
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lareinenoir · 6 years
Bucky Barnes × MY Black! OC pt II
Warning: Racial slur/ mentions of 'n' word, angst, This chapter focuses mostly on Major. I'm sorry if that's not what you're looking for but don't worry, Bucky will be in the next chapter!
Taglist: @littlekidsteve @coffee-with-bucky >Not apart of the contest, just thought you might want to read it<
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"Margaret-Jane" Shouts Hector from the door walking in the little diner. Seeing she didn't even look up to acknowledge him, he slid in the both now facing her. "Margaret-Jane?"
"Hi Hector." She said giving a weak and tired smile then going back to her book.
"That's It? No joke about my mixed match socks? Aren't you going to teach me some more cuss words in French?" He laughs trying to cheer her up.
"No." She shakes her head and flips the page. "Not today. I'm feeling...bleh."
"Bleh? Is that even a feeling Jane." Hector chuckled but stops seeing that she didn't think it was funny.
"Bleh." She sighed still eyes on the words and lengthy pages.
"So uh...my dad. He is going to find out soon." Hector explains changing the subject.
"Oh? About what?" Asks Margaret-Jane licking her lips.
"About Tommy and I. He uh...he found one of my poems I wrote about him. I never gave a gender but compared his kisses to dew in the early morning." Hector sighed with ease
"Very wet?" Asks Margaret-Jane
"We'll not just the lips." Hector winks then laughing seeing her shudder. "Anyway, now my dad wants to meet Tommy. I told him it was a girl but he's gonna see soon that...he'll know I lied."
Margaret-Jane rubbed her eyes and said, "Then tell him the truth."
"I can't. I didn't imagine my coming out," he whispers the last part. "would be like this. I don't think I ever planned to actually."
She shrugs her shoulders and flips the page. Margaret-Jane wanted to be helpful and she wasn't trying to be rude to Hector. The truth was, she didn't really care. The only thing she cared about was the one person she wanted to forget.
"Jane?" Asks Hector seeing her cover her eyes with her palms. "Jane?" He asks again this time hearing her sob as a tear fell onto the page she was reading.
"I miss him, Hector. I miss him so much." She sobbed still covering her face.
"Hey?" He asks getting up and sliding in next to her with his arm across her slump shoulders. "What's bothering you mi amiga?"
"I tell myself not to miss him. Not to think about him as much because he isn't thinking of me. I want him back." Said Margaret-Jane leaning into him "I want him to come back. I want him to be thinking of me, Hector."
"I understand." He hushes brushing back her hair kissing her head.
But Margaret-Jane was wrong. Bucky was missing her. She was on his mind all the time. He would write to Steve every chance he could, always asking how she was doing and if she did ask to say, 'I just want you to be happy.'
Steve never knew how to answer because Margaret-Jane had been a ghost on the street. On rare occasions, they'd cross paths and he'd wave and say hello.
So, Steve would reply,
She's adjusting.
And that was that. Bucky always heard the other guys talk about the girl they had back in Brooklyn. He knew that Margaret-Jane was his but he wanted her to know that too. Bucky wanted Margaret-Jane to know that he hadn't given up on them. He really did want to marry her.
"What about you, Barnes?" Asked one of them. "Got anyone at home?"
He laughed nervously rubbing the back of his neck with a soft grin. "Yeah." Bucky nods. "Can't wait to get back home and marry her."
They all laughed and he blushed a bit at the thought of her sweet lips on his. Or her accent when she said his full name. When Margaret-Jane would mutter things when she got annoyed.
"You asked her yet?"
"No and yes. She said yes but I have to get her a ring. A good size ring so Major knows much I love her."
"Getting sappy on us Barnes?" They joke and erupted in laughter.
Bucky shoved them and smiled widely telling them to shut up whilst flipping them off. "Her name is Major?"
"Margaret-Jane." Answers Bucky
"Oh yeah!" Another nods and everyone looks to him. "I seen that girl before. That French girl wanna be a teacher. No lie, the only reason why people give her the time of day is to hear her talk. Cuz they never seen a French nigga."
Bucky stood and reached over swiftly grabbing the collar of his shirt. "Watch it, Clifford." He hisses, now nose to nose.
"Easy, Barnes. Ain't mean no disrespect. In Atlanta, I see a whole bunch of them niggas."
"I don't care if 'a whole bunch of them' were growing on your ass." Bucky said in a low menacingly voice that made everyone else straighten up. "Don't say it again." His eyes look to everyone else and he drops Clifford.
Then Bucky stormed off to his tent.
"Marguerite-Jeanne?" Her grandmother says shaking her awake after taking the book that covered her face.
"Grandmother?" She yawns trying to sit up but ended up laying still. "Quelle heure est-il?" (What time is it?)
"Past noon. What is the matter with you? Are you feeling ill? For the past month, you've been sleeping till noon sometimes till two."
"I've been up studying grand-mère. I take the exam next week to get my degree and then I'll become a teacher." Margaret-Jane yawned
"Unfortunately, there will be no more sleeping. The Jackson family is coming over for dinner and I need you to run an errand for me." Her grandmother explains placing money on her nightstand. "Grab some flour and eggs, oui? For biscuits (cookies) for dessert."
Margaret-Jane groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes, still trying to wake up. "Oui grand-mère."
"Ou pas. Vous prenez du poids." She mutters then laughs a bit. (Or not. You seem to be gaining weight.)
"Pourquoi faut-il être si grossier!" Margaret-Jane asks folding her arms. (Why do you have to be so rude!)
"Je suis desolè." (Im sorry) She replies kissing her head and then leaves her grand daughter alone.
Still trying to wake up, Margaret-Jane slips the dress off her body and walks to the closet. Pausing before the mirror, she frowns and sucks in her cheeks.
"Mon Dieu, peut-être que ma grand-mère avaitraison" (my goodness, my grandmother was right.)
Her face seemed to get a little thicker and so did her hips. Margaret-Jane was not a sporty girl but her stomach looked bigger too. Maybe it was all the food she had been consuming. The milkshakes with Hector almost every day or the midnight snacks. They were usually marshmallow and peanut butter on bread with the occasional swap of peanut butter to mustard. She didn't want to believe it but now it was crossing her mind.
"Non." She shook her head "Je ne peaux pas." She tells herself. "Je ne peaux pas." (I can't.)
Margaret-Jane didn't want to think about it and decided it was best just to leave that thought alone. Hector was a big distraction when she invited him to the market.
"Jane." He said as he held out his arm
"Bonjour, Hector." She waves taking his arm. "How was your morning?"
"Better question, how was yours?" He grinned giving her a look. "You seem...different today. Happy, yes? Your glow is like a mirror of your own heart with a beautiful face to match."
"Aw." She cooed with a hand over her heart.
"That was good. I'm gonna write that down." Hector said with a laugh as they entered into the store.
"I don't know." She shrugs. "I barely have been thinking about Bucky. Maybe that's it. My focus is on my Exams."
"I'm proud." He says kissing her head. "You'll be a great teacher. Those children will be very lucky to have you."
Walking around the store to get the items, Hector and Margaret-Jane had to go through the seafood isle. That's when Margaret-Jane went silent and her face a little green.
"You look flushed." Hector says as she tries to catch her breath, turning away from the isle. "Are you sick?"
"No. Maybe." She answers placing her hand in her knees. "Do you not smell that, Hector?Back in France they sell seafood all the time. I don't know why the smell is bothering me so much." Margaret-Jane tells him.
"Im afraid its just you." He sighed.
"Are you alright dear?" Asks a woman as Margaret-Jane looks up forcing a smile.
"Yes. I believe I just caught some sort of bug?" She replied in a question becuase she wasn't sure if she used the phrase correctly.
"Sir, you should get your wife home." The woman tells Hector who sort of blushed and chuckles. Her light brown eyes focus on Margaret-Jane, picking up her accent and replying, "Tu as besoin de repos. Les nausées matinales peuvent être un véritable défi." (You need to rest. Morning sickness can be a real challange.) "Especially in the first couple of weeks."
"Attendre les nausées matinales?" (Did you say morning sickness?) Asks Margaret-Jane who swallowed the large lump in her throat. The hairs on her arms tickled her uncomfortably.
"Oui Tu n'es pas enceinte?" (Yes, aren't you pregnant?) The woman laughs heartedly. She noticed that Margaret-Jane didn't answer and was staring at her with a blank expression. "Does he know?" But she still wasn't getting it. Margaret-Jane pushed that thought aside, but what if this woman was right. "You come visit me sometime this week at the clinic. I'm Kathleen Paul by the way." Quickly writing it down, Kathleen hands it to her and leaves the isle.
"Kathleen thought I was your husband. What a sense of humor." He says as she forces another giggle and flattens out her dress. "Jane?"
"I need some fresh air." She told him, reaching for the cash in her pocket. "Buy the items, oui. I'm going to take a walk."
Margaret-Jane didn't give Hector time to answer and just left the store. Trying to catch her own breath and get rid of that dizzy feeling, she had the pleasure of bumping into Steve.
"Margaret-Jane?" He asks seeing that she was a bit frazzled not to mention wobbly in platform shoes. "How are you?" Asks Steve guiding her to the near by bench.
Her lips moved but no words came out just tears. Steve never had a girl cry on him before and Margaret-Jane was just a friend. A friend he hadn't seen in a while. "What's the matter?" He asks again
"Steve," she sniffed not sure if she wanted to tell him. "I'm just so overwhelmed. It's just my grandmother and I now and-and-and I don't know what to do. I've been trying to focus on my Exams becuase it keeps me from thinking of him." She confessed feeling all her emotion fall into his lap. "I know I told him not to think of me and I-I-I was such a fool! If he comes back will he still love me? Will he forgive me, Steve? I can't do this on my own." Margaret-Jane shook her head as more of her tears fell. "I need him now more than ever and I-"
"Margaret-Jane, slow down." Steve tells her not really understanding all her rambling. "What are you talking about?
"You are completely right." She nods cleaning her face and flattening out the skirt of her dress. "What the hell am I talking about. Kathleen could be wrong."
Standing, Margaret-Jane kept telling herself that and took a deep breath. Steve was very confused and saw how nervous she was due to her continuing to flatten out her dress. He was still very concerned.
"Je suis dèsole. I did not mean to dump all my problems on you, it was impolite. You aren't my therapist-"
Margaret-Jane stopped talking as the words got caught in her throat. Steve watched her fall to the ground and her body start to spasm.
"MARGARET-JANE!" He shouted rushing to her aid and then crying out, "HELP! HELP! SHE NEEDS HELP! SOMEBODY!"
To be continued
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Things I've done™
Someone at school said “punch me” as a joke. yeah I didn’t take that as a joke I actually punched them really hard and got in trouble.
Came out to someone the best way tbh: Them: what’s a song that describes your life? Me: idk man like maybe girls/girls/boys? that stuffs confusing
Made shitty hetalia puns in history
Wrote on the whiteboard at lunch (which wasn’t aloud) and almost cried laughing when my teacher was like ‘who drew on the whiteboard’
Dropped a knife in my dishwasher and almost peed my pants laughing
Tried to come out to my family playing board games. you had to pick to be a girl (pink thing) or a boy (blue thing) so I picked blue and then when you had to get married to a girl or guy I just picked one out not looking.
Decided to be sooooo damn rebellious and buy music on my phone when I knew I didn’t have much credit left
Tried not to laugh when this girl got super pissed at me for talking about Hamilton and she said ‘all you do is talk about that damn thing non stop’
Read the hat fic and proceeded to: cry throw my phone almost throw up bc that shits disturbing when you’ve got a hamster
Sprained my ankle in front of half my class, resulting in me screaming and crying whilst everyone was like ‘what’
Brought my iPad to school when my parents said not to
Wanted a boyfriend/girlfriend more than you could ever imagine
Cried bc I realised my family may never accept me as trans/queer
Told my music teacher to play Hamilton
When my class got told to draw someone we hated and make them look stupid (we were also told we weren’t allowed to draw anyone from the class) I drew this girl I didn’t like (at the time) and called it “miley cyrus x justin beiber”
Named an egg in science class 'baby gerita’
Wrote justin beiber x napoleon fanfic
Wrote trump x reader fanfic (as a joke lmao sorry america)
Said “oui oui mom ami je m'appelle lafayette” in french class
Made my kahoot name “jesus”
Planned out my schools reenactment of Hamilton the musical
Practiced the “kicking nerds in thE NOSE” kick from heathers without pants on in front of a glass door. I almost cried when I saw my neighbour, this old dude looking at my and laughing
Cried in woolworths on the 4th of july bc my friend made a shitty usuk joke
Set an alarm on my ds for 12:00 am and put it in my sisters room
Tried to come out to this dude by asking very specific questions. he did not catch on.
Pranked this girl from my school by sending her cat facts everyday. she still has not figured out who 'cat fact person’ is
Confessed I had a crush on my friend at 12:00 am on new year
Broken a water wheel in science and blamed it on someone
Concealed my hatred for someone bc they’d literally be so angry if they knew I hated them bc they’ve done so much for me but I hate them bc they just blame too much stuff on me/get super angry about little things/lie about things I did or didn’t do
Attempted to sing dead girl walking but cried laughing
Disagreed with same sex marriage in like 2007 (hello there quality character development)
Seen a really cute girl in what was it? 2014? and thought “shit am I bi”
After that lovely experience in 2014, I proceeded to go “nope, fuck it, deal with that shit later”
A year later in 2015 “lmao what noooope totally straight yes hello I am the heterosexual™”
Gotten a date mate (woah holy crap that’s possible???)
Wanted my soulmate more than anyone on earth
Actually not peed for over 24 hours at a friends house. don’t ask me why. I do this all the time I’m usually just being weird like I’ve been to one persons house since 2012 and still do it Gotten in trouble a few years ago and being told what to do about it and to prevent it happening again “put your ipad out of your room” “turn off all electronics” and thinking “fuck off I don’t care” Thought of 'gorg washing machine' and couldn't stop laughing and had to listen to its quiet uptown, the only hamilton song to make me cry, but I was still laughing
im gonna add to this post when I do more stuff™
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xxprettylilthingxx · 6 years
Deep in Love
((DISCLAIMER!!! pleas feel free to use google translate for the non English! but if you can understand what i put with the other languages... kudos to you.)) The party had lasted for around six hours,
I was exhausted. My long curly hair getting in and sticking to my face,
My shirt and jacket sticking to my back,
The air was hot. And I was a mess.
 I had no idea this many people could make one person sweat so damn much. What can I say? This was a frat party, none of them were “not sweaty.” it was around three am by now and I was on the couch talking to one of my friends, her name was Peggy, a sweet and lovable girl. Why am I not with her? Well. I’m into dudes. My name is John Laurens, and i’m a gay college freshman. Fresh outta high school, i’m not your stereotypical gay guy, i’m kinda masculine, but not femmy. I have long curly hair like I said, and i’m a thin guy. Kinda femmyish body if you ask me. I have a waist like a girls, and I have A LOT of freckles. But I mean the rest of me is man. And yes I mean THAT too.
 Anyways back to Peggy and I. She had smiled at a small joke I had made and she continued to talk about this guy she wanted me to meet tonight. But he never showed up.
(her words. Not mine)
“He’s just not really the party type ya know?” she said taking a drink of her coke and rum. She was a classy girl. From a wealthy family and her sisters Eliza and Angelica were off with some frat boys, Peggy wasn’t into the jocks, she was and is a good girl! She keeps herself in check and makes sure her men treat her well. I mean if I was a straight male I would totally date her and treat her like a goddamn queen.
 “Really? I can tell..” I say with an un-amused tone. She frowned and punched my arm playfully. “Shut up! You’ll totally fall for him, he’s awesome!” She said running a hand through her hair. I sigh and lean against the arm of the couch.
“Would I really?” I ask giving her a tired look. “Sure you will!” she said with a soft and kind smile.  I chuckle at her cutesy attitude and poke her leg with my foot.
 “We should get you back to your dorm, you look tired.” she said standing up and stretching.
I nod and follow her out the door.
  The next morning I wake up and rub my eyes as i feel a headache creeping into the back my eyes and neck. I groan and get up grabbing some ibuprofen and popping two or three pills into my mouth and taking a large drink of water to kill the pain flooding in my head.  I look at the clock and groan seeing its eight am and my first class doesn't start till nine or so. I fall onto my bed and roll over to see my dorm mate still asleep and...drooling.
 I pick up my phone and check for any missed calls and or texts i didn't get back to.
Nothing. I sigh and check out pictures from last night on my instagram feed. I chuckle at the memories from the night’s shenanigans.
 “That was a fun party..” I say to myself before i sit up and get out of bed again, going to get ready for my day.
   First period, american history. I find my way through the lecture hall and to my small group of friends. I smile at them as I take my seat.
  “Tired?” asked one of my buddies, his name was Lafayette. A french man that’s pretty clever and attractive. Really attractive. But not exactly my type. And next to him was my other friend Hercules Mulligan.  He was.. Well.. interesting. I can’t really describe him. All i know he likes to rap here and there, I mean, lafayette, mulligan, and I all rap from time to time. It’s fun. Like a lot of fun!
 As class starts I start to nod off slightly from the lack of sleep last night. But as I start to fall asleep the large doors burst open and a male around my age stumbles in, his round framed glasses falling off of his face as he trips and drops all of his books and papers. His hair in a messy ponytail and his clothing very formal yet, out of whack from the possible running i can see. He almost looked like a new and nervous professor but he was student seeing as he was a half hour late.  
 “So so so sorry i’m late! I slept in.. my alarm didn’t ring and-”
 “I’m gonna stop you there…” the professor interrupted the male. “What’s your name?”
He asked looking down at his attendance sheet.
  “Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton” the student replied as he fixed his appearance and his glasses. I notice myself staring at him but i don’t really care, he was… beautiful! In a manly way. So Handsome? (I’m not sure) he looks and makes eye contact with me. He smiles and i feel my face heat up as i blush deeply. I look away and hide my face in a book. I hear him chuckle and his footsteps come closer. He takes the seat in front of me and Lafayette nudges me and chuckles.
 “What?” i say looking at him.
 “Je peux voir que vous avez un laurens béguin, n'osez pas le cacher!”
 I blush and reply.
  “NON, JE NE FAIS PAS LAFAYETTE! ... FERMER FERMER VOTRE TROU CROISSANT! Ne me ment pas! Je ne l'aime pas!!!” I whisper yell.
(also, I forgot to mention, i’m fluent in french)
 Lafayette chuckled and shook his head. “Nice way of denying it mon ami..” he said leaning back in his chair. I huff and notice alex looking back at me with a shocked and slightly impressed expression. He looks back at the professor quickly then back to me.
"vous parlez français aussi?"   he asks tilting his head. I blush as he gives a soft and kind smile.
“Oui…” i say shyly crossing my arms and looking away from him like some sort of tsundere.  
I get an idea.
     "Cur tantopere solliciti estis? Gallico loquebatur in me?"  i say with a smirk. (im also fluent in Latin)
 Hamilton chuckles.
"Ah i videre Latina, etiam lingua Scio quia y '” he replies with a cocky grin.
 I raise my brows in surprise and i come up quick with another language i know.  Spanish, perfect!
"Supongo que debes saber el segundo idioma más usado en América ¿verdad? ¿Sabes ... español?"
 Hamilton nods.
"sí, también uso el español. Es el que uso más para no hablarle a la gente. No quiero hablar también, como los pelos de punta que me golpean y lo que no. También domino el japonés, el árabe, el chino, el tailandés y holandés."
I chuckle and smile leaning forward. “I’m laurens.. John laurens.” i say with a kind smile.
“Alexander Hamilton. Just call me alex for short if you want.”
  After class i duck out of the lecture hall as fast as i can so i can avoid human traffic. As i get to the hallway i hear footsteps, running footsteps. I look behind me and notice alex sprinting towards me...a little too close… i jump out of the way as he comes to a stop in the place where i was a second ago.  
 “Sorry, i uh...i wanted to see if you… jesus christ..” alex put his hands on his knees panting. I chuckle and pat his head. “No thanks i'm not religious”  he looked up at me and smiled standing up.
   “I was going to ask you if you wanted to meet for lunch..” he asked kinda shyly. I blush then smile with a nod. My hair bounces and he chuckles and touches it.
 “Curly… i like it.” alex picks up his papers that fell when he came to a stop. He waved and i waved back as he walked away.  Noticing no one was in the halway i kinda… well… had myself a little ‘School boy has a crush’ dance and slid down the side of the wall clutching my shirt in my hand over my heart.
 Okay, maybe lafayette was right.
 I do have a crush on Alex.  
  “I FUCKING KNEW IT!” i jumped at the sudden shout. I look over to lafayette standing in a pool of his own french fry pride.
 “Shut up! I can’t help it.. He.. he’s so nice…”   
  “You’re so gay it actually hurts mon ami.”
 I glare at him. “Don’t you go pointing fingers laf… i saw you staring at hercules in history.”  
Lafayette snorts. “Yeah because i’m dating him you fool.”
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” i huff and cross my arms. Another one of my comebacks shot down. It… usually happens.
 I stand and head to my next class with lafayette.
 As we walk, he puts his arm around my shoulders, he gives me small smirk and i start talking knowing this is what he does…
 “He wants to have lunch with me.” i say looking to the side and away from lafayette.
 “It’s a good start. Get to know each other. Lunch is around an hour and a half so you have time to swap numbers and talk.”  he says as he  sways his hips as he walks, he keeps bumping me.
 I mean i can't complain.. That's just how he walks.  “Do you want him to fall for you?” he asks giving me a sly smirk. I blush then nod biting my lip somewhat.
 We stop.
Lafayette kneels down to me somewhat (seeing as he’s like 6’4 and i’m 5’11) he gives me a once over and stands back up.
“We’ll fix you up after class.”  he points to his bag.  We walk the rest of the way in silence and i think about alex with a small smile plastered on  my face.
  Class had dragged on for around an hour and I sighed as i slumped down in my chair with a heavy sigh. I looked at my note and textbook and shut both putting them away. The lights flip on and i stand hauling my bag over my shoulder and heading to lunch to meet up with alex. But before i reach the hallway i feel someone pull me aside.
 “Not yet mon ami. We need to fix you up… remember?” lafayette says with a smile. I roll my eyes and follow him… deliberately.
 He drags me into the bathroom and picks me up setting me on the counter. I give him a confused look and notice he pulls out some powder and hairspray. A little blush and a shirt similar to mine.  It was a little big but it wasn’t bad.
“What’s with the shirt?” i ask.
“guys like shoulders. Your gonna show one of yours off.”  lafayette says confidently. I give lafayette a confused look and shrug it off as he shoves the shirt into my arms.
“Change.” lafayette says as he turns on one of the sinks and gets his hands wet. I take off my own shirt and put on the other one. One side slips off my shoulder. I look in the mirror.
“Huh… it is cute.” i say as i look back at lafayette. He smiles and gets to work.
 He powders my face to make me seem a little more fair, and he adds some blush to my nose so i don’t look dead. He curls and sprays the few loose hairs by my ears and forehead. He gloses my lips a bit and smiles when he’s done. I hop down off the counter and thank him grabbing my bag and heading off to lunch to meet alex.
 As i reach the cafeteria i scope out alex. I see him at a back table by the rather large windows. He looks up from his laptop and looks around. He seemed to be looking for me. So i sneak up behind him. I tap his shoulder and smile as he turns around, he smiles back and stands.
 “Hey john.” he says pulling out a chair for me i sit down and scoot in.
“How was class?” i ask pulling out my wallet so it’s ready to go for when i go and get my food.
 “It was long. I was stuck in there for a little longer than needed.” he said with a tired sigh. I nod in agreeance.
“I know that feeling all too well.” Alex chuckles and smiles at me with kind eyes. I watch as alex’s eyes dart around.
 He is totally checking me out! I see him look at my exposed shoulder, he smiles with a small amused huff.. He leans over the table and fixes the shirt and it just slumps off the other one.  He laughs audibly and sits back in his chair.
“Shirts a little big on you john.. Not to bad though..” he says with a small smile. I blush and smile back.
  “I love it though.. It’s pretty cozy.” i reply with a little head tilt and a small yet hopefully cute smile. I notice alex’s cheeks flush red a bit as we talk. We get to talking so much we don’t even bother getting anything to eat.
 A while passes and alex cracks a few jokes that have me dying of laughter. After the third or so joke i check my watch and notice i was late for class.
“OH SHIT!” alex jumps from the sudden shout.
 “I’m late for class alex.. I.. i have to go…” i grab a napkin and a pen out of my bag i scribble down my number and hand it to him. “Here’s my number! Call me!” i say as i run out of the cafeteria.
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