#im gonna go ahead and assume you're actually pretty bad at this field
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taz-writes · 6 years
Im sorry if these power asks get a bit annoying, please don't answer them if you're annoyed! Assuming they all completed their evolutions who would win in a fight: Sayara vs Aelia; Aelia vs Violet; Sayara vs Violet; Sayara vs Kyrina; Aelia vs Kyrina; Aelia vs Amalie. Thanks, and again, sorry if this got annoying.
I am not annoyed at all, I am loving this excuse to talk about battle royales. Are you kidding? This is what I LIVE for. 
My one caveat here is that this is based on a neutral showdown--there’s some stuff that happens over the course of the series that changes how various people’s evolutions work, and a few characters (looking at you, sayara and kyrina... and tbh aelia....) have magical items and interfering factors that act as powerups or modifiers. I’m not factoring those into this, because almost all of them are major spoilers. No ghost powerups, no special necklaces, no legendary weapons, no sears, no curses, no cheating Paleness stuff, just the magic they’re born with. 
Putting the battle royale under a readmore because it’s very long and I don’t want to eat anyone’s dash!
Anyways, Sayara vs Aelia depends on the arena. In a face-to-face open-field firefight, Aelia wins because of her speed and targeting skills. Sayara’s a Light elemental whose attacks tend to be very flashy and choreographed, and Aelia’s built for speed and accuracy and evasion, so she’ll dodge most of what Sayara throws at her in an open space. She’s just really freaking fast. Plus Sayara can tank through a lot of damage, but she doesn’t have much to defend her from a psychic attack like the ones all the Ravenharts are capable of using. If Elli brainpains her, Sayara stands a 50-50 chance of dropping her shields and being open for an attack. And Aelia’s strong enough to just keep on doing that, which would incapacitate Sayara pretty effectively. 
In a confined space or an area with obstacles, the odds even out, and Sayara has a decent shot at winning. Sayara’s very creative and will supplement her subpar magical firepower with improvised weapons and distractions. Psychic attacks are most effective when you can see your target, so Elli can’t hit as hard if Sayara’s hiding, and Sayara will have places to go if she’s knocked out so she can recover. Plus, if you take away Aelia’s maneuvering space, then she can’t go nearly as fast. She’s agile but she has limits. Sayara could corner her and take her out, because she wouldn’t have anywhere to go, and her defense is pretty subpar. 
Aelia vs Violet is the battle of the psychics. These two have similar specializations, similar abilities, and firm defenses against each other’s best attacks. Violet wins here, because of a few very specific skills, but it’ll be a long fight. They both have the ability to target the mind directly, aka the brainpain I mentioned above, and they’re both rigorously trained to resist the same. Their primary elements are in opposition to each other, with the potential to cancel each other out. Aelia specializes in enemy debuffs and fast, accurate attacks; Violet is a classic glass cannon sniper with some very interesting defensive skills. 
The reason Violet wins here is because of two things: one, Violet has a skill that casts absolute darkness over an area. Within this darkness, it’s impossible for anyone to see anything, so Aelia wouldn’t be able to find Vi or move without being at risk. Two, Violet has a power I’ve nicknamed the “air shatter,” which literally creates a temporary black hole and completely destroys whatever matter is around it. This is fucking DEVASTATING when applied correctly. A bonus third thing, both girls can sense mental presences and sort of track each other in the dark, but Violet is much much better at it and can do this with more accuracy. Aelia hits moving targets easier, but she has to see them. 
Aelia attacks significantly faster than Violet, whose powers have very long casting times and cooldowns. This is the reason this is an endurance match. If Elli interrupts Violet’s spellcasting, that forces Vi to restart, and Vi can teleport all over the place but every time she does that it prevents her from preparing another attack. The reason Aelia doesn’t win with this is that Aelia doesn’t have as much endurance as Violet, and if all Vi’s doing is teleporting around to dodge then Elli will wear down fast. 
Sayara vs Violet is hands-down Violet’s win under normal circumstances. Sayara has really bad aim, and Violet’s good at hiding. Violet can be invisible for a lot longer than Sayara, and Vi is the empress of brainpain, and Vi can teleport... Sayara’s pretty screwed here. Her shields are great, but one good air shatter from Violet will rip one to shreds. Plus, Violet’s just a lot stronger in general. Without the powerups and items she hoards in canon, Sayara’s magic is the epitome of average, and Violet is one of the most OP fairies to have been born in centuries. It’s not a fair fight. 
The only way Sayara could win this is if Violet makes a strategic error and lets Sayara get too close--Vi’s specialty is long-ranged area attacks, and if she fires off an air shatter against someone who’s right next to her, then she’s gonna get hit too. Sayara will charge her and try to tackle her to the ground and beat her up physically, and Violet weighs 90 pounds soaking wet, if you punch her she’s going down. 
Sayara vs Kyrina is a win for Kyrina, probably, but it’s a very tough match. What you have here is a carefully-tailored unstoppable force vs immovable object situation. This is a fight that happens at least four or five times during the series, since Kyrina is one of the main antagonists... It’s a perfect pairing of specific skills and specific incompetences. I’ve built these two to balance each other out, with Kyrina slightly ahead. They’re actually very similar in terms of fight style, with Sayara leaning towards defense and Kyrina leaning towards DPS. 
Kyrina hits hard. She hits very, very, VERY hard. As a fully-evolved adult, she is strong enough to completely vaporize a person with one solid lightning bolt. Frankly, she’s strong enough to do that by her 8th evolution. There are... multiple character deaths in book 3. Kyrina can and will one-shot Sayara if she lands a decent hit at the beginning of the fight. Ky also has pretty decent shields, but she’s a sloppy fighter who leaves her blind spot open. Ky’s weakness is her endurance--she tends to blow all her power on the first few hits, and her attacks will grow steadily weaker of the course of a fight as she loses stamina and energy. 
Sayara can take a lot of hits, though. This is why she’s matched up against Kyrina in canon, because she has a level of bullheaded focus that makes her unbelievably tenacious even though her well of raw magic equates to less than half of Kyrina’s potential. Her shields are good enough to absorb maybe a hit or two from Ky before they’ll pop, and Sayara is focused enough to keep throwing up those shields until she literally runs out of power and burns out. She likes to dive in close to her enemies and hit them with as much force as she can muster, and then she’ll just keep doing it. Unlike most of the people you’ve sent her against today, Kyrina is not good at dodging, and will keep taking those hits and hitting back. 
This is an endurance match, plain and simple, and Ky wins by outweighing Sayara with sheer brute force. With both girls unaugmented and using only their own magic, Ky’s more than twice as strong as Sayara, so it’s just not a fair contest. Sayara gives her a run for her money, but if Ky’s lightning doesn’t bring her down, then she’ll bring herself down by burning through so much magic that she literally rips her soul apart. There’s a pattern to these Sayara matchups, and it’s that Sayara’s totally screwed in 90% of situations, because she relies on her legendary weapon and Fianora’s help (and a lot of blind luck) to win her canon fights. 
Aelia vs Kyrina is another toss-up. This is a fight where Kyrina’s other abilities come into play besides her lightning--when she fights against Sayara, she’s gonna mimic Sayara’s tactics and they’ll go at each other with brute force punches. Against Aelia, Kyrina will start to use her Storm powers with a little more creativity. She has the potential for a lot of arena control--she loves using lightning because it’s flashy and loud, but her aura is built for earthbending. If there aren’t obstacles already, then Kyrina will create some, by trying to hit Aelia with spikes of stone. Her aim is awful, but eventually this is gonna narrow down Aelia’s avenues of escape, and then Elli won’t be able to dodge Kyrina’s OP attacks. 
Aelia can’t use much psychic stuff against Kyrina, because when Kyrina gets brainpained her instinct is to lash out as hard as she can in every direction, and Elli can’t dodge when there’s nowhere to go. Plus she’s fast, but she lacks a lot of defense and like I said Kyrina is crazy strong. My instinct is to say that Kyrina wins here, but Aelia might have a decent chance, since she is definitely fast. I’m unclear right now about how much of these gals’ powers are their own, and how much is coming from [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS]. 
Both of these characters have several major factors influencing how their magic works in canon, and almost all of those factors are Major Spoilers. In canon, these characters fight twice over the course of the series. The first time, Kyrina beats Aelia handily. The second time, Aelia totally destroys Kyrina. Neither of these is technically a fair fight by anyone’s definitions. 
Aelia vs Amalie could be a lot like Aelia vs Violet, but because of the way Amalie’s magic works, she does not have any defenses against psychic magic. Amalie is physically incapable of resisting psychic attacks with any more skill than your average nonpowered human. That makes this matchup firmly Aelia’s win. 
Amalie’s skillset looks very similar to Violet’s. She has the same arena-darkening ability, she can use the same air shatter black hole spell (and she’s actually stronger with that specific move than Violet is), and she also uses a weird form of corrupted lightning-like magic that does what’s basically necrotic damage. Unfortunately, though, she cannot use ANY Illusion magic, so she’s mostly helpless against Aelia’s psychic abilities. She meditates a lot, and she’s smart, so she’s tougher to brainpain than average, but Aelia’s powerful. By the end of her evolutions, Elli should be well-trained to crush Amalie’s mind. 
If we disregard Aelia’s psychic abilities, then Amalie might win this fight, because she does have a number of area attacks. Aelia’s faster, but won’t hold up against a Darkness-fueled attack. Aelia’s psychic magic is the only reason this is an easy fight. 
Thank you so much for this ask, which wound up being super long! I love talking about my fairies and their abilities, because I’m really proud of how they balance each other out despite being ridiculously strong. 
An honorable mention, since we’re on the topic: Lavender could defeat every single one of these characters in a surprise attack, because she uses material magic, and her sleep-dust bombs are impossible to resist unless you see them coming and set them on fire before you breathe in any dust. She doesn’t need to be strong. If you don’t see her coming, which you won’t, then you’re doomed. 
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