#im kinda offended on johns behalf
DBD rewatch notes!!
episode TWO!
Also my autocorrect is fucked but I'm not gonna proofread this thing โœŒ๏ธ
alright im making sure to watch the recap this time, apparently a character narrates it.
well that was underwhelming. maybe the real narration is added in a later episode.
Also I just realized about how 'this living girl can help with the living' and 'Becky is alive' like no wonder Edwin panicked he thought he wouldn't get to help out ghosts anymore.
so they just happened to walk by the docks, huh?
even Charles thinks Eddie boy fucked up.
Even now, Edwin wants to handle diplomacy. Just like with Shelby.
it would be kinda funny if the guy these cats killed was the sane guy Esther tested her machine on. random guy constantly exposed to The Horrors.
"using magic on my cats is a risk car crash on your part" that line is so iconic
so I guess the cats like him being king bc he's protective, or at least willing to start shit on their behalf.
what does too many cat scratches do to a ghost?
is that location inside the warehouse? I assume it is abandoned bc of how many cats have been showed to live in there. are the lights kept on by magic?
OF COURSE the cat king has his mattress on the floor LMAO mold who?
"If you must know" omg CK's private questions are probably so protecting and random before Edwin's autistic ass catches on to the flirting
He is trying so hard to stay on track
The way they show us Edwin's reaction before showing us that CK grabbed his *wrist* I thought this scene was going in a different direction on my first watch ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘
a caging spell is like. so obviously a bad guy thing to do. like, making someone feel like they can't leave or manipulating their life until they can't leave is classic abuser shit, and CK here pulls it on their FIRST meeting. not to mention the spell can only be undone by the caster, so if Edwin ever wants to leave the town (bc being there actively puts him in danger) he is forced to see the Cat King.
The whole point for CK of putting that spell on Edwin, was to show him how fucked up his spell on that catboy was. So he KNOWS that using magic on someone is wrong.
Edwin is trying so hard to get this guy tp be reasonable
"I can see that has offended your old fashioned sensibilities. I an a fair and consensual Cat King." THIS IS COERCION. THIS IS FUCKING COERCION.
I get that he backs off or whatever, but why on Earth did he think any of that was okay to begin with!? Also no "fair" king has to point out how fair they are. It's almost as if you've given this guy enough rain to believe otherwise :o
Why exactly was there a time warp??
I love when Edwin talks with his hands.
Not Edwin accusing Charles of being careless because he isn't at risk of going to hell :0 (also Charles yes we do it is happy brevete you're the best)
I'm not going anywhere without you :3
So ig Charles figure CK must have had something else to say bc how on Earth does one *trick* Edwin? like he tells Emma, driving a hard bargain is his THING.
Jokes on Edwin bc act cagey about something ONE TIME and all of a sudden it's the only thing your friends ask about!
Hercules referenced!
She looks so small in that room alone
that would probably be funny if I knew what John Hughes was.
Hop on the ferry AND THEN WHAT
say what? they're so in tune.
*tosses mail on bed* *misses*
these guys really love using symmetry in shots
you can actually hear Litty and Kingham giggling here! and a little bit of their weirdass theme song.
How exactly can Mick tell that the magic can't be undone??
Tragic Mick is so lonely. nobody cares about his story.
freebie enchanted jar, I guess. Good on Charles for recognizing how cool it is but like. why did he give them that besides plot
Will the kids ever find out that Mick was the one who sold that stuff to Esther?
no thoughts only explode
Yay Edwin cares if she's alright!
is there like a running joke with them about western medicine? bc the line 'stop being so nice' just sounds random to me idk
he's so excited! aww
The way he looks at the wall when Charles points out the bracelet XD
just because you don't like books does not mean you have to be so haphazard! the place is a mess and you probably ripped some pages!
pink is blue and your left isn't mine. makes perfect sense.
Those poor little shits had no clue they would end up inside a girl who hates being looked at XD
I like how Niko is shy at first it's a cool character decision.
why does Crystal already say "yes" to "history of fainting" if she doesn't get know that Niko has had these episodes before??
Also the hysteria detail is nice. a few episodes later Edwin corrected himself before saying it, and I think either Niko or Crystal must have spoken to him after he called Niko hysteric *twice*
why do they keep thinking Death will randomly show up in their office??
the "you'll rip your arm off" is a comic reference. a child servant named Persephone was stuck in a mirror portal when she died and Charles was afraid Edwin would injure her if he tried to pull her out.
I think Charles might have started to suspect what CK wanted in this scene, but until Edwin comes out he probably either feels unsure about it or thinks it is too delicate to ask straight up. Not that he's necessarily "delicate" with what he does ask.
oh their little joke and smiles are so cute!
well if it isn't the book Charles TRIED to get earlier!
Edwin with the literal interpretation
Also I can't see MUCH of the writing but the "secretions" are described as "viscous" so there is no way they made that connection without seeing the vomit first. that does not mean weird light.
Crystal is so funny here. "I noticed you have no friends sp you must feel lonely about your sickness. similarly, I don't know my parents." she is lucky that worked. it is still a sweet scene tho.
She's so sixteen. she needs her parents. :((((
Did Niko say she lived in Japan? Did Crystal read that on the envelopes? Why didn't she get visions when she touched the letters? they're definitely emotional enough.
Crystal has changed into more subdued clothing, and the ends of her hair are a little messy. honestly her hair progression is so interesting to me because of the way it changes with her character, but I think I should rather that be it's own post. lmk if y'all want that, but I will probs get around to it anyways.
So this is where the conflicting narratives confuse me. Do they exit the host body when they get strong, or when they are starving?
Niko is so excited to listen to herrr
What exactly does Niko mean by "are you insane?" like she sounds so excited.
Crystal is so sensitive to Niko's feelings. She tries to be helpful but also not freak her out.
The 4th wall break HELP (+more symmetry and a face closeup)
Also the flashback starts out from her eyes.
Now that I read about it, he school uniform really does look like Litty's dress. plus you can hear the sprites giggling again!
At least Edwin has enough sense to let Crystal keep doing her thing!
I guess Jenny thought Crystal brought Niko downstairs. Great, another way Jenny thinks she is weird and irresponsible.
Who was that shorter person in the hall of the Lost and Found?? Emma or something? probably not.
bigass clipboards
Most of Charles' chest is obscured in the photo.
honestly the constant use of artistic symmetry in these shots A] makes a cohesive vibe and B] makes it look manufactured, it reminds me of the ASOUE netflix show in that way.
wtf does "a misplaced dead child causes more trouble than a live one" even mean?? what kind of proviene are live children causing in the realm of Death??
I like the Night Nurse character because her duty is to take care of those kids but she also seems to think of them all as troublemakers or obstacles for whatever reason. ooh, more symmetry!
What is that glowing table all about?
I guess they came up with a compromise about Niko.
Googled it, bobtail means a person you don't like or find unpleasant.
wait I added in the time period. He's being sexist.
an unlicked cub is someone who is "rude" and I'm pretty sure it is classist.
"let's not worry about dads, yeah?"
Edwin always says exactly what he is thinking. I think he probably throws in period slang if he doesn't want to hurt Charles' feelings.
I wonder why Charles has multiple things he knows Edwin's dad would say. I bet Edwin uses his dad to insult people (clients?) all the time and Charles looks it up and goes "wait a sec that describes me too" or smthng.
wdym "maybe that's why I like her so much?" WDYM
"We're figuring this out" WHERE HAVE I HEARD THOSE WORDS BEFORE (staircase)
"I simply hate that I am the reason we are stuck in this town." "I should have known. Welcome to not being perfect"
Walks fast bf and walks backwards so he can talk and look him in the face bf. they're so complimentary.
They always end up in that one same pose, huh? Facing straight at eachother in profile. It's so organic, and I think that CK has actually tried to force a similar shot, which is interesting. that's in a later episode though.
Charles the emotionally attuned king
"you're like a dog with a bone" *steps on bone*
it isn't as if you what, Edwin? as if you haven't said it all already? as if you know any more than Charles about it?
So they use the dead host body to reproduce through spore pods that biomimic dandelion seeds? I feel like that needs more elaboration. Like that needs to be explained to me.
aww poor Niko :((
You know shit's serious when they break out the "Asunder"
The circle thing. First of all, what is that? Secondly, I feel like these two are framed in a circle another time, but I don't remember when.
badass transition and the shrine is really cool. the dandelion texture is pretty realistic imo.
It does not look chiseled away but go off
So what type of sacrifices? do they need you to ""pay"" then attention? are the dead bodies the sacrifices? are the hosts the sacrifices?
Are there enough abandoned pantheons of these just scattered about that the supernatural scientific community had the consensus that they are a common parasite??
I like how the fake dandelions look slightly different than real ones.
Did their worshippers make a vessel to trap them? Or is that just where they lived before they started starving and inhabiting people?
I think this is practican effects + camera work?? it's very good!
I guess she figured out time was running out.
Is that charming in a condescending way or does he just think that she's easy to work with?
"cut the weird shit out I'll like, evict you" she had no clue how to talk to kids, or to stand up to someone who will listen.
'that got dark' that is the same reaction to when Crystal brought up David
did they ever end up telling Niko that David the Ex is a demon?
What are the rules about what objects are invisible or not?
wait did they explain to Crystal that the thingies are starving???
this scene is so frickin creeeepyyyy
They make a point about keeping their hats on. They seem to love those hats. weird.
and the sprites also care about eachother to some extent.
did her hair change immediately and they only noticed just now, orr??
This time when meeting new friends, Niko doesn't act shy anymore. She already feels comfortable around Crystal since they talked.
Crystal had a Look when Niko said the agency name was good, but idk if it was entirely mean.
They better elaborate on those godly powers next szn!
HEY the letters hit the bed this time!
WHO got the word out, tho?
So they have to tell those ghosts to go home so the girls can sleep?
so the FEAR is her power
Green fire
why is she doing this with the rings on. there's no way anything she's doing is sanitary.
tbh with the growling, I totally thought he'd be evil the first time 'round.
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