#im not allowed the good smells unless they're Strong.
drawnecromancy · 7 months
Moss and Pine!
From this ask game!
MOSS - What kind of setting do you find easiest to describe?
Things that don't require a lot of description- LOL no i mostly like to describe interiors but i'm bad at details so it doesn't really show. I WILL tell you what kinda fabric is in those bedsheets and i WILL make Hélianthe uh, use expensive ass silk even though we all know he never sleeps in there.
PINE - What smell do you associate with your writing?
Usually none. I don't have a strong enough sense of smell to have a lot of these in memory to invoke.
Some of my writing smells like lavender though. Specifically one of my early Elder Scrolls fics.
Some other bits smell like blood.
In both of these sentences, I almost wrote tastes instead of smell. That's how shitty my sense of smell is, it's easier to imagine tastes lmfao
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How would shoto, katsuki, and Izuku handle feeling their instincts overwhelming urge to scent mate, without revealing they're a werewolf? Or even better (for some drama), they're mate doesn't even know it yet! They think they're just friends, or classmates. Only a matter of time though....
I am just...so weak for any type of supernatural creature x human who has no idea whats going on or that they’re being courted troupe 
Maybe its because protective/delusional yanderes are my favorite and that fuels them
Also usually I don’t do yandere unless specified but I got yandere ideas and vibes from the ask so that's why this one is different! If you’d like non-yandere with this feel free to re-ask it and ill do it for you! Also im sorry I dunno if this was exactly what you asked for QuQ
Shouto would be the most secretive about his werewolf side and any...unseemly instincts that come with it. His father was a werewolf who couldn't control himself around his human mate and he swore he would never be like that no matter what happened. He had seen first hand how fragile and weak humans are compared to werewolves and he is determined to let you live a normal, pain free life, with him, of course. Having said that having his mate to be (he’s working on it) so close to him all the time, smelling like others, and not like him nearly sends him through the roof every time. 
Now if you were already friends he’d try to just play it off as casual affection, throwing an arm around you occasionally, bumping shoulders more often, “accidently” tripping and knocking into you, anything that could get even a drop of his scent on you. Even from an outside perspective it just looks like he is an awkward mess with a crush trying to be closer to you, nothing to suspicious but its enough that he can keep control of himself...for now. But he’ll be 10x more on edge, barely restraining growls when people touch you, people talk to you. Just the thought of someone else breathing around you makes his skin crawl, nails sharpening off into claws, teeth elongating into dangerous fangs. 
This is a dangerous game he was playing with his instincts, basically the equivalent of swinging a piece of meat in front of a starving dog and expecting it not to bite. He won’t last long in this state before he bites...and when he does it will be you that suffers the consequences...
If you’re lucky enough to already be dating him it won’t be as drastic, he’ll just come across as a clingy lover, enjoying cuddling and hugging on you all the time. It can get a bit annoying since it seems like every time you stand still for more than a few moments he’s draped over you like a blanket, rubbing his face into you’re neck. But he is soft and sweet enough that it just comes across as this little quirk he has, you brush it off. As long as you keep tolerating it and don't confront him about it everything can go on as normal for you. Just never try and break up with him...for your own safety and others.
Izuku is clingy on a normal day, now bring his mating instincts into this? He’s insufferable. He can only really be calm when you are dripping in his scent and clearly that isn’t achievable in your current circumstances so he is left on edge and anxious, hovering around you and being overly aggressive to anyone else that approaches him.
Honestly even if you’re “just a classmate” you’re going to be pretty good friends with Izuku, he is loveable and persistent enough that you can’t stop it. And as a (hopefully) future pack alpha werewolf he is clingy in general towards those he wants to bring into his pack, which includes some classmates, so luckily for him rubbing and hugging on you isn’t that out of character for him. You, much like his other friends, aka those he has claimed as his future pack, almost always are dripping with his scent thanks to his overly affectionate personality. And even if he hasn’t been hugging on you he’s always quick to offer a jacket or sweatshirt if you’re cold, seeming to enjoy you wearing his clothes more than anything. It soothes both his need to scent you and his possessive need to show that you are claimed by him. 
Unlike Shouto he just plays off his clinging as normal, he’s not awkward or hesitant about it so you don’t really question it, just assuming that his touchiness is just who he is, which isn’t far off from the truth. It gets to the point that when he eagerly snuggles up to your side at lunch, or wraps his arms around you as he snuggles up to your back on a cold day, or any of the hundreds of other acts of physical contact he engages in don’t feel weird or romantic, it’s just who Izuku is what your friendship is like, until it turns into something more...
If you are resistant towards his constant affection he will be much less...calm about it. Roughly grabbing your shoulder and pulling you against him so you are covered in him for the briefest moment, the slightest hint of his scent getting on you. Or he’ll get more sneaky, leaning over your shoulder to glance at your notes as he asks you questions about the homework or asks what youre doing. If you continue to fight his affection he’ll get more and more aggressive, towards others and then even towards you. You better change your attitude quick.
He can only bend so far before he snaps.
Katsuki is the most blunt or the most secretive about wanting to scent mark you, depending on your relationship. He knows he’s going to be the alpha of his very one pack one day, and his pack needs a strong mate like you by his side. Katsuki has the strongest instincts out of the 3, which leads to his aggression.
If you are a friend of Katsuki he’ll go one of two ways, the first way is he’ll be bold and blunt, pulling you onto his lap or forcing people to move so he can sit next to you, pressed up against your side. He’ll angrily throw his jackets at you and yell at you to cover up no matter how many layers you are wearing, growling and yelling at you until you listen and put on his scent soaked jacket. Or he’ll be much shyer about it, waiting until you are in private to hesitantly pull you into hugs or sit closer to you, still acting confident but it’s clear he’s a little timid, unsure of how to initiate physical contact with you. Either way one thing is for sure, any other werewolf will never doubt who you belong to, even if he hasn’t mated and marked you up yet.
If you are just a classmate the same scenario really will play out, but leaning more towards the first aggressive one, he’ll yell at you, shoving and fighting you more during training, anything to allow more physical contact between the two of you. He’ll follow you around growling and grunting at you if you point out how he is glued to your side, stepping even closer until your bodies are brushing against each other, glaring and pouting at you if you continue to point it out further, making him turn red in embarrassment 
No matter what he’ll be aggressive and protective of you, especially towards others. Even those he is scouting to be part of his pack need to be careful around you. The second you complain about anyone, or anyone hurts or upsets you, they are gone. He needs everyone to be able to smell that you’re his (even though he knows most people can’t tell) and he needs to protect you from threats until he can cover you in his scent everyday, to lock you up and keep you safe, his precious little mate. 
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