#im ok with artist interpretation to make stories bi
driedlasagna · 4 years
More Tangled Thoughts: New Dream Kids Edition
ok so first things first: I am still working on a fic that incorporates the prompts I got a while ago on another post about the new dream kids, it’s just hard to write a scavenger hunt lmao
also, these are my headcanons about Rapunzel and Eugene’s kids: I will be using the names I came up with for them as well as just the ideas I have about them. If you don’t agree with any of it- great! If you agree with them- great! I love seeing everyone’s interpretations of these characters and what i have to say is not the end all be all (obviously) 
ok gonna put a cut here bc idk how long this will get
ok so i think basically everyone agrees that the new dream kids are twins so like....they’re twins that hasn’t changed
The names i randomly chose for them are Emmeline and Callan, (i like being able to give characters nicknames-theirs are Emmie and Cal) but i was thinking and after seeing people headcannoning that Rapunzel wasn’t her original name (similar to Eugene’s being Horace) i was like...hmmm
so I decided Rapunzel’s name was initially Emilia, named after some relative Emmeline and then...boom full circle her daughter is named Emmeline
I have absolutely no explanation for Callan’s name i just thought it sounded like it would work for the tangled universe
ok now into personalities
I was thinking Callan would maybe be quieter, but maybe not in a ‘doesn’t speak’ sort of way??
like Emmeline doesn’t take any shit and she’s very vocal but Callan is just more reserved
but when they’re together all bets are off and they wreak HAVOC like the guards thought they had their hands full with Eugene when he was Flynn Rider but now there’s the kids of him and Princess Rapunzel (aka another person you really can’t tie down) and it’s like being sneaky is in their genes
also Eugene (and Kiera and Catalina) probably teaches them some sneaky tricks but like...on the down low. Rapunzel isn’t thrilled when she learns about this but like she also finds it hilarious and in reality doesn’t mind bc the twins are using it to sneak a cupcake or two, not steal a crown
Emmeline takes more after Eugene and Callan takes more after Rapunzel, but both LOVE painting on the walls of their rooms
Emmeline dreams of being a guard and doesn’t love the idea of being fully in charge of running a kingdom. Callan wants to be a great artist like his mother and isn’t necessarily scared of the possibility of being king one day
Later in their lives, this kind of turns into Callan actually becoming King of Corona while Emmeline marries a princess from another kingdom and is Queen there- she’s super happy about that bc she doesn’t want all of the pressure being The Head of a kingdom comes with, she’s like the second in command kind of thing and most likely becomes very involved with that kingdom’s guard
so yea they’re both not straight. probably bi but yea. Callan might be ace or aro or both idk 
but i LOVE the idea of a prince coming from another kingdom and both of the twins have a crush on him. I think i made a post about this before but i should really write a fic of this 
The twins absolutely LOVE Max and Max LOVES the twins. Obviously he’s at the very end of his life (bc he’s a horse) when the twins are old enough to interact with him and he probably dies before they’re 10
both twins are known to speak their minds but especially Emmeline
she learned very quickly that she needs to filter her thoughts during diplomatic events and put on a face (another reason she absolutely dreads the idea of being Corona’s Queen) but can still get away with snide remarks to Callan....sometimes
the Prince of Corona has been known to laugh so hard during events that water comes out of his nose. Eyewitnesses say the Princess sitting next to him always looks very pleased with herself when this happens
the twins love making each other laugh. they have a great sibling relationship but obviously do fight sometimes bc that’s just how siblings be
I know i’ve been describing Emmeline as like...kind of rigid but she is also soft and has ‘classic princess qualities’ i hate how that sounds but idk how else to put it
basically Emmeline can and will fuck you up or mess with you but she LOVES getting an excuse to dress up and attend balls and similar events (may or may not have to do with her big fat crush on the princess from Bayangor) 
Callan enjoys his more comfy, non-princely-duties clothes but also loves dressing up for events
the twins ADORE their family. Uncle Lance tells amazing stories (almost as good as their father’s stories and that’s saying a l o t), their cousins Kiera and Catalina are the best babysitters (bc they let them sneak around and ride dessert carts through the halls), Uncle Varian is always doing the coolest things and makes the best hot chocolate in all of Corona, and their grandmother and grandfathers just absolutely spoil them bc they didn’t get to be a part of their own kid’s childhoods bc they love their grandkids sm
Callan, especially when he was a toddler, ALWAYS finds himself in someone’s arms. that kid LOVES being held and everyone knows this
even though he doesn’t compete in it, Callan always enjoys Contest of the Crowns bc he is his sister’s number 1 supporter, even if they’re mad at each other
Emmeline’s favorite holiday is the Goodwill Festival. She absolutely loves the gopher (she finds that animal absolutely adorable) and just all around enjoys the happiness and good feelings that radiate through the kingdom during it
They do know Cass, but not super well. They first meet her when they’re like maybe 3 or 4 and visits are fairly sporadic and few and far between, but they do love their Aunt Cass (i feel like she has Aunt Willow vibes- ie, travels a lot but makes time every now and then to visit)
Emmeline and Callan are probably the only kids in all of Corona who just call Monty ‘Monty’ and not ‘Uncle Monty’. Monty loves them, they love Monty, and both he and Rapunzel put aside their friendly rivalry when it comes to the kids, but for some reason the twins just never ended up adding the ‘uncle’ to his name (Rapunzel does not mind. Eugene thinks she’s almost smug about it)
the twins are obsessed with the stories Rapunzel and Eugene tell them. The story of how they met is one of their favorites. it’s been told to them for as long as they can remember, but they only learned the full story sometime when they were in between the ages of 10 and 13. That night they slept in their parents room.
Lance is the one who tells the twins about Eugene’s Flynn Rider days, but doesn’t mention the Flynn Rider in his stories is their father. The twins are confused by this bc Eugene reads them the actual Flynn Rider books (which they love) and when they ask Eugene about it (”Uncle Lance told us you would know!”) they don’t initially believe him when he comes clean to having been the thief. It takes Rapunzel and quite a few wanted posters (”that’s obviously not you- the nose isn’t right!” “THANK YOU!”) to convince them otherwise. 
ok this is getting really long so i think i’ll stop there. honestly, im not expecting anyone to read this fully bc of how long it is and it’s just me rambling again, but if you did, thank you! i really appreciate it! I’ve gotten addicted to sharing my thoughts in this manner so like...this is most likely not the last time i do this lol. also i didn’t proofread this bc frankly i dont care
the amount of unfinished new dream kid fics in my wips.....astronomical. 
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who’s your celebrity crush?
probabl tom holland or 90′s leo dicaprio <3 
are you single or taken?
taken, just got my first bf!
rant. just do it
I think that abortion should be legal because as of right now the only reason it’s illegal is because stupid men keep passing idiotic laws on womens bodies. Young ladies are told to be responsible and they wont get pregnant, but that’s not always the case!!
do you think its ok to separate the artist from the art?
No, I think that the artist should always at least get a credit if thats what you mean
how many accounts do you have?
Three. This one ( @depressedtheatregirl )
this one ( @fangirl-all-the-time-bi​ )
and this one, which i almost never post on ( @cottagecore-darkacademia )
how many pairs of shoes do you have?
We’re moving, so I got rid of a lot, but mainly 7
opinion on… (specify to the person you’re asking to)
i am confusion
how many accounts do you follow?
um let me check
180 because sometimes i sit and just follow all my recommended because people want followers and i think im a pretty nice person :)
favorite brand of clothing?
Idk but i love almost anything from shein and hot topic but im not goth i just love dark academia
name a dog
or like BB so i could just call him/her baby
what unusual talent do you have?
crying for hours on end for no reason
i have a wide vocal range
what’s the most interesting schools gossip you’ve ever heard?
Best friends since 4th grade broke up because one called the other “fat and disgusting”
School hoe (my best friend) rejects popular “bad kid” for like the fourteenth time and switches to homeschool, screw it
ever prank called a store?
yeah me and my sister used to prank call Bojangles and just say in our most valley girl voice possible “Is this that WE HAVE THE MEATS place?” “omg NO beth, thats AR-BEES”
what’s your coffee order?
Starbucks: Venti Mango Dragonfruit Refresher with extra ice (call me basic but its good)
Dunkin: Small Caramel Latte with Extra Whip
what’s a question do you constantly get asked?
are you ok?
are you and Christian ever gonna date?
what the heck are you doing?
if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
I would get an anchor or a cross on my wrist (we love jesus here in this household)
I kind of want to get a tattoo that says ‘FEMINIST’ on my arm 
google the top song from the year you were born
LOVE STORY BY TAYLOR SWIFT BABYYY (Also pls dont try to find out my age from this)
rant about your favorite musician
ok I love Barrett Wilbert Weed. She plays Janis in Broadway’s Mean Girls and Veronica in Broadway’s HEATHERS (My favortie musical) and she just has such a wide vocal range and strong belt, its just beautiful.
I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT She has the same political views as i do, she’s such a boss, but she has a man too so yeah, she writes such great music, she just seems like an all around great person. Love her and my fave album is reputation.
what’s your favorite teacher you’ve ever had?
This is hard so im gonna put the top 3: NUMBER 1: My 4th grade teacher Mrs. Stone. She was super fun, she let us stand up and walk around during class if we needed to move, she read the first book of my favorite series, a series of unfortunate events, to the class, introducing me to it, and she and the 5th grade teacher had an ongoing prank war that ended up being a thing between the classes too. She moved to Scotland though. shes cool.
My 6th grade history teacher, now the principal of the school. He just made history SO fun, and he loves fanboying over harry potter with me. He’s just such a fun and hilarious person.
My 6th grade math teacher, now works at a performing arts school... teaching math. He had such a soothing monotone voice, i dont even know what was so great about him, other then he used to fanboy over harry potter with me and his voice was soothing. He was a great teacher and he loved making dad jokes and bringing his newborn to school. When he left, he wrote EVERY STUDENT IN THE SCHOOL A PERSONAL HANDWRITTEN GOODBYE NOTE. He had been there for like 10 years.
describe your blog in 3-5 words
kind (ig i say nice things abt random blogs on it a lot so)
what’s a conspiracy you believe in?
nothing comes to mind 
I dont believe in this, but i remember a cray alex jones theory that hillary clinton is the ringleader of a child s3x trafficking ring
if you could see any concert tonight what would you choose?
Taylor Swift Lover Stadium tour if it was still happening
if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
can you dance? sing?
... can’t really dance without choreography, but I think I can sing. I love musical theater and so therfore i know most the words to a lot of broadway songs, which require a large vocal range, which i practice on a daily basis
what’s something you can’t stop buying?
various types of candy
anything organization
crowds or small groups?
depends I perform for crowds, but am uncomfortable performing for small groups. 
I love hanging out with small groups, but get anxious with large crowds.
how long before a trip do you pack?
for summer camp, literally 2 months ahead i start packing
for trips, usually a couple days, maybe a week
what celebrity would you rate a PERFECT 10?
Barrett Wilbert Weed
Taylor Swift
what quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs?
your limitation is only your imagination
if you had to dye your hair an unnatural color right now, what would you choose?
red or yellow
you can change one thing about your life right now. what are you changing?
I go to a bigger private school with a better campus (i know which one I want to go to but i wont say) 
how old do you get mistaken for?
14 or 15
what do you think about a lot
Christianity and sin, and interpretation of the bible. For example, i often wonder if watching porn is a sin or not? Not that Im interested in porn, cuz im not, but just is that a sin? 
do you like your hogwarts house or do you wish you were a different one?
Even before I knew I was a Ravenclaw, i thought it was the best. We stan.
what does home mean to you?
The water must not taste weird
I must know how to use the shower
I must love the inhabitants of the building. My best friends house is home. My house is home. My grandparents house is home,
what do you think you’d be arrested for?
murder or jaywalking
have you ever been called down to the principals office?
Yeah, the most recent time was I made a girl mad and I tried to apologize to her but she walked away and her two friends formed a wall around her and hurled insults to me as she cried, and i yelled “WELL IF YOU DIDNT WANT ME TO APOLOGIZE THEN YOU SHOULDNTVE CAUSED A SCENE” and i slapped her
post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wanted
i tagged you in it
describe your aesthetic
dark academia-cottagecore
basically libraries and flowers, kind of a prep feel to it, but more depressing, which boosts my serotonin
answer with one of your ‘school memes’ (inside jokes you have with your class/grade) with no explanation
feel free to reblog or send me some if you’d like! this took forever so reblog please!
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