#im posting it so i gets the my thots tag but technically its TUMBLRS thots-
pixiechick · 3 years
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( mort here btw i wont be using this blog Much until around february or after but just a heads up for how this blog is gonna work since its gonna be a little different from my other ones!!!! since some friends followed bc i was messing around w kayden )
SO! not negative in any way but a disclaimer about this blog! im not often open about it but i have a dissociative disorder as a result of childhood trauma. the Old, Out Dated, and like, Not Really Good term for disorders like these is ‘multiple personality disorder’, to give unaware people an idea on what im talking about. i am technically diagnosed with DID (dissociative identity disorder) but it was from a psychiatrist i only saw once and wont be able to see again, so i usually refer to my disorder as OSDD (other specified dissociative disorder) instead, which is sort of like DID Lite, and often used for people with symptoms of DID but who dont fit the criteria 100%. i use this term instead of technically having the DID diagnosis, because amnesia between “personality” switches is somewhat common with DID from what i know, and i do not experience that as severely as some other people i know who also have DID, so im not comfortable using “DID” to describe myself until i see another psychiatrist that i will be able to meet with for more than one session
im coming out about this because i will be co-running this blog with my alter, Lesley. (an ‘alter’ is what we in the OSDD/DID community refer to our ‘other personalities’ as, since they are essentially their own, individual people who just happen to share the same brain/body. les is not really me, and vice versa.) she’s wanted to write coco for quite a long time now, but we realised it was going to be hard to do so without people going “mort is that you?” so after some thought, we’ve decided it would just be best to come out about our disorder and co-run the blog, so she can write most of the dialogue, and i can write most of the Non dialogue, since she’s not as good at that.
i understand that this is likely rly confusing!!! so for all ooc posts we’ll be using alternate faceclaims so people can differentiate us, and we’ll try to sign off ooc tags/posts/DMs with “M” for mort or “L” for les. our ooc typing styles and tones are a lot different as well, but i know not everyone can pick up on that so we’re going to try to make it as clear as possible who is who and i hope everyone will be patient with us and willing to deal with the confusion. i’ll try to stick to using meowth as my faceclaim, and les will try to stick with using pikachu (she LOVES pikachu). im gonna put a little divider here now and let let finish up this post-
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fuckin hell took us way 2 long 2 rember where th fuk my pikachu icons wer saved. me or mort’ll make em nicer later probs but w/e 4 now. so heyyyy we thot itd b a good idea 2 let me introduce myself @ th end of here so ppl can get 2 kno me a lil or smth i guess. im lesley, i prefer th nickname les (pronounced less, but if u pronounce it lez insted thats also chill). i use she/they pronouns, eithers good. we’ll try 2 like? make an actual page abt this shit once th blogs up n runnin normally but hopefully this mess works 4 now lmao.
SO ill b writing/helping with most of th dialogue 4 coco since shes a bitch jst like me. but if our portrayal dont seem consistant all th time its probs cuz we’re 2 peeps runnin a single blog.
so abt me i am like. KIND OF MEAN LOL? like i aint nice nd im kiiiinda petty? so ill PROBS leave most of th talking 2 people 2 mort but ill def occasionally tlk 2 pals in tags or make ooc posts or w/e. jst rly wanna stress tht mort and i are really different ppl so plz plz if u see Me talking and go ‘‘wow what an asshole i hate this chic’‘ that is 100% chill just pls dont take it out on mort ykno?
u can ask 4 my personal carrd/tumblr or our system carrd (a system is wat peeps like us call peeps like us. since we’r like a collective) privately if u want 2 know more but plz dont b offended if we dont give it 2 u rite away cuz while like IM fine w sharin anything abt me it also has som more Personal info on mort that he isnt as public with SO yeah
is that it? i think thats it. peace. we’r gonna play some pokego cuz we caught A SHIT TON OF PIKACHUS WHILE WE WER OUT FUCK YEA FUCK YEA gotta check n see which we’r keepin n stuff aaaaand then morts gonna try 2 do some neku and/or rhyme replies but we mite fuck around on here a little tn 2
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