#image › vydar.
asandygraves · 7 years
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A Heroscape aesthetic board for @the-brilliant-loser! I hope you like it!
(Transcription below the cut.)
[A series of ten photos and gifs, to be described from top to bottom, left to right. The first image is a grey scale close-up gif of a pair of heels slowly walking away from the camera with the heels-wearer slowly dragging an ax, The second image is a photo of a 4th Mass Line Heroscape figure running up to two werewolf Heroscape figures. The third image is a gif of Spike from Cowboy Bebop fighting a guy with a sword and having his gun knocked out of his hand. The forth image is a photo of a Heroscape map. There’s a large bridge covering a large body of water, and forested area on either side. The fifth image is an image of the Jandar, Ullar, Vydar, Einar, Aquilla, and Utgar symbols, along with the attack on defense symbols on Heroscape dice. The sixth image is a photo of a Heroscape map.The map has a castle at the end of a bridge, and the bridge is over a moat. On the near side of the bridge, there’s a forested section and an iced section of land on the opposite side of the moat to the castle, while behind the bridge there’s a lava section of land. The seventh image is a gif of an anime lad rapidly shooting a gun. The eighth image is a photo of Deathwalker Heroscape figure near lava tiles. The ninth image is a gif of one anime gundam shooting another anime gundam with a regular gun. The tenth image is a long image with turtle emojis on each edge reading, “Please don’t interact if: You are a map/nop/etc. or You are a terf/swerf/exclusionist/etc.!”.]
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