#imagine a nokia phone. she's like a nokia phone but held together with duct tap
animasend · 2 years
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  ignore the icon she’s a cutie but i was thinking about olga’s health lately and going off of some small little tidbits from the official manga’s, i have a few littol headcanons that i need to write down so i have them somewhere u know
olga gets headaches like. a lot. most of it is due to the fact her Magic Crest is located directly in the center of her forehead and when it was passed down to her, the headaches became a sort of lingering after-effect. 90% of the time they’re minor mostly. she usually carries something on her to help with that if they become a nuisance but  she can manage them on her own just fine without anything.
the other 10% is when the headaches become a full-blown migraine. sometimes it’s random but most of the time is when she’s been exerting herself and using a lot of mana and magecraft. (like during mistified & subsistence). the only real help for when they become migraines for her is to sleep. just sleep and i don’t meen like an hour nap i mean she’s out between 4-8 hours. she’s extremely sensitive to light & sound when a migraine hits, and x10 as irritable. she’ll just excuse herself to deal with it if she’s around others when one hits 
don’t wake her up if she’s taking a nap for that reason. she can and WILL reinforce a pillow to hit u in the face with the force of a bag of bricks going 80 mph
she deals with some body pain. now, in spirale, most of that has come from the fact she’s had to. you know. fight for her life on a handful of times and also that cool scar she has on her abdomen (thanks mistified xoxoxox) but the rest is most likely due from stress/just not having taken good care of herself beforehand. usually, she can handle it. if it gets bad then she has this special tea for it but 99% of the time the pain is easily ignored. when it comes to that scar, there’s some phantom pains from it time to time, normally in the form in a sharp and sudden jolt of pain.
her sleep schedule is...kinda wonky. she gets enough sleep but then again this is due to her having sort of trained herself to be able to work off of 4-6 hours of sleep, mostly when she had became director. she does nap when she feels it is necessary though, she doesn’t neglect sleeping. like the weekends are perhap the only days where she’ll allow herself to spend all day in bed if she’s tired from the week before, rather than push through it
 most of this is why she usually has on her some dried fruit to help a myriad of things. they’re mostly for herself but she’s never had any problems giving some to another if it’ll help what troubles them. this she can recognize though because of her own health, so she knows best how to prevent fainting or getting back energy, etc etc
asides from the above she’s in pretty good health! 
she’s also very secretive about these things. it goes hand in hand with the mage mindset of don’t let anyone perceive a weakness, be absolutely perfect, all that fun stuff! the only ones who knew of her health in story was romani and lev 
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