#imagine if kiki just compliments him ''you're a really nice person oso''
hugispuso-archive · 2 years
what i really love about oso.matsu, even though his brothers often think he's the shittiest eldest brother anyone could ask for, is that he still pertains or sticks to his role as the eldest. did you know he consoled kara.matsu and told him to not change himself even if people think he's "painful" or cringe? did you know he was also the first to speak up when jyushi.matsu started crying and encouraged him to meet his girlfriend before she moves away? did you know he avoided a fight between choro and totty by simply cheering for the third eldest and assuring him he'll tell everyone else (even though it wasn't a total success)? i mean like, what kind of person who wouldn't make fun of their sibling? even if that's how he is, he genuinely cares for his brothers and would do the best he can to help them in times of despair. that's why... he lost control of his emotions when he learned they were planning on moving out. even if he doesn't want to admit it, he loves his brothers and doesn't want to be separated from them. he felt conflicted about the situation and didn't know what to do about it, hence making the wrong move (aka actually hurting one of his brothers).
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