#ime the more spoken-of 'invisible' disabilities are memory; MI/ND/IDD; diabetes; chronic pain
secondwhisper · 8 months
Love and solidarity to people with less-spoken-of "invisible" disabilities.
Disabilities of breathing, eating, and drinking. Disabilities of language, speech, signing, reading, and writing. Disabilities of digestion and toileting. Disabilities of sleep. Disabilities of thermoregulation. Disabilities of sexual function. Disabilities of navigation, balance, and motor control. Disabilities of taste and smell.
"Invisible" disabilities with obvious causes, and "invisible" disabilities with unknown causes. "Invisible" disabilities with treatments, those with helpful adaptive technologies, those with experimental approaches, those with social or infrastructural accommodations, those with nothing that really helps. "Invisible" disabilities that go unspoken even in spaces meant for those of us who have "invisible" disabilities. "Invisible" disabilities that have yet to be named.
"Invisible" disabilities that wouldn't be so invisible if others would just look at us and how we live.
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