thesupremerabe · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag!
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know
Tagged by: @team-mcgrath Thank you so much! :)
Name: Sophia
Nickname: I don’t really have one
Gender: female
Star sign: Libra 
Height: 5′4″
Sexuality: I’m still not 100% sure... I’m beginning to think I’m lesbian but right now, I’m still identifying as queer.
Hogwarts house: Honestly, I’m not really sure again. When I took the sorting hat test on Pottermore about a year ago, I was placed in Gryffindor, but I made a new account and took the test again about a month ago and I was sorted into Slytherin. I think I have traits to fit in with any of the houses (except for Ravenclaw because my brain’s a trash can) so if I were given a choice, I would probably choose Gryffindor or Slytherin. 
Favourite animal: I have so many!
Gerbies (gerbils)
Manta rays
Average hours spent sleeping: about 7 hours
Dogs or cats: I love both! 
Number of blankets I sleep with: Usually 1 or 2
Dream trip: Traveling around the world to visit all of the major art, natural history, and palaeontology museums.
Dream job: Professional contemporary or jazz dancer
When I made this account: About a year ago
Why I made this account: Well, when I first made this account, I was ourfavouriteannakendrick, a fan page for Anna Kendrick. Then I discovered Katie McGrath and I fell in love with her, hahaha, so I expanded my blog to include her and Supercorp (among other gay things). 
Number of followers: 954 (I never expected to have this many followers! Thank you so much for following me!)
Reasons to my URL: The “katie” refers to Katie McGrath and the “kendrick” refers to Anna Kendrick because they’re MY ABSOLUTE FAVES. 
Tagging: @okaylenaluthor @zupercorp @kaidence-elyse @heyimgayasfuck @officialreigncorp @irishluthor @fangirlingforkatiemcgrath @rebornpoet @bechloeiscanon @katiemcgrathnews @puppyluthor @sapphictv @agentearp @imgettingbi @that-lezboon @thisfaceismyid-motherfucker @theonehandkid @thatmadfangirl @akwardweirdo @haughtmcgrath
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