imlcdrcs · 1 month
It has been said time and time again, and I will continue the topic and say it again myself; the representation of healthy masculinity within lotr is by far one of the best I have ever seen in any work of fiction. so many of the men within middle-earth show love to one another openly and without hesitant, they cry, they express grief, fear, and worry openly and without shame, they feel and show heavy emotions, they express their struggles openly and in a healthy manner, they admit defeat and express their wrongdoings, seeking to do better, they do not tell one another to "man up" or to hide their feelings, they embrace it and are open about it, many dress in ways that are highly elegant and pretty, many wear their hair long and flowing, adorned with glorious jewels and gorgeous braids, not once ever fearing if this somehow makes them less of a man for embracing these attributes, they kiss their loved ones, they embrace them within their arms whether it be in the form of a hug or a cuddle, they nurture and heal their injured, they fight for what they believe in and those that they love, all while remaining soft, albeit strong. their masculinity isn't fragile, demeaning, toxic, or aggressive; it is gentle, nurturing, protective, strong, caring, open, and vulnerable. This is what healthy masculinity is. This is what masculinity should be. These men do not fear or hate their gentleness, vulnerability, emotions, or affection; they fear and fight only what threatens to take away just that.
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imlcdrcs · 13 days
I think we as a fandom need to talk more about how incredible it was, especially for the time, that Tolkien held high, outspoken, anarchist beliefs and how heavily it showed in his work, especially with his very clear message of anti imperialism/anti industrialism, and his message of respecting those who the world tends to see as lesser with their lives and jobs (especially farmers).
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imlcdrcs · 27 days
Friendly reminder that while it is perfectly okay to not want to watch any of the newer Middle Earth based series, whether it be Rings of Power, The Hunt for Gollum, or even The Hobbit trilogy, etc, please also remember that this will be some new fans first introduction to this amazing, incredibly rich world of stories, don't let your negativity or media preferences ruin it for them. Don't be like those in the past who shamed people who became new fans via the LOTR movies by Peter Jackson, claiming they were not true fans, and how the movies weren't accurate and therefore not worth being praised and watched. Don't do that. Let them be. Let them experience this wonder just as you once did.
Also, not that it is needed to be a "valid fan"; but most all of these people also go on to later read all of the many books based in this world; most are aware that none of these films are truly "canon" or fully accurate, and that is perfectly okay! They can still be enjoyed, loved, and watched, they are also a vital part of bringing a new generation of fans in! So tag your negativity properly and let the new fans be, it doesn't matter what drew them in, just welcome them as you once were.
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imlcdrcs · 23 days
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I know everyone is in agreement that the elves are very elegant and ethereal, but can we also talk about dwarves for a second? Dwarves are absolutely elegant and ethereal in their own ways, and I think it is about time we start embracing theirs as well and paying attention to them as we do the elves! I mean, just look at him!
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
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a rare happy thranduil 🍃
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
Bilbo ; I don't know, Thorin, this is just not my cup of tea..
Thorin, not paying attention ; Well then, what is?
Bilbo, staring at the cup of tea in his hands ; That is the entire point, I don't know!
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imlcdrcs · 27 days
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
Give dwarven women beards, you absolute cowards.
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imlcdrcs · 27 days
"When the seas and mountains fall, and we come to end of days. In the dark, I hear a call, calling me there, I will go there and back again."
The Breaking of the Fellowship, lyrics by Howard Shore.
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
Pippin ; Can you be quiet?! I'm trying to think.
Merry ; Don't worry. Doing something for the first time is difficult.
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
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"I will carry him if I must."
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
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imlcdrcs · 27 days
One of my favorite things lately is seeing all the trans men in the notes of my LOTR masculinity post, saying how heavily LOTR has helped them in their transition, and in many other ways with their own masculinity. We love to see it.
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imlcdrcs · 27 days
Thank you for your post. I was one of those people who got into lotr because of the pj movies. (My dad tried numerous times to read the Hobbit to me when I was little but I always thought it was my dad interrupting the story to explain things. Turns iut I just really hate that writing style 😂) ANYWAY I really like Rings of Power but I’ve seen so much hate for it that was only tagged #ringsofpower and no anti tag anywhere. And I just want to browse the tag and see what other people like about it and what takeaways they’re getting that I might have missed without someone complaining “that wasn’t in the books” or “this series is actually bad and anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid” so thank you for your post.
Of course! Thank you yourself!
I was the same as well and became a fan of these stories through the LOTR movies by Peter Jackson over a decade ago, and it was and still is so amazing. (This love also extended to all of the many books, which I also love and have read!) I love The Hobbit films as well, which sadly still get so much hate - I also enjoyed Rings of Power and genuinely do not get Tumblr's mass hate for it. It is ironic since many of these people love the other films, which are just as inaccurate themselves, so they can not claim their dislike is due to inaccuracies.
I think they just hate change and seeing other people's interpretation of the stories and characters, and they truly believe that only one adaptation of Middle Earth stories can ever be made, and well.. That just isn't the case. Many films and such existed before Peter Jackson's as well; these stories are very old and having many adaptations is normal and expected, and if someone can spend this much time online hating it, then I mean this in the nicest way possible; they really need to go touch grass and get a life.
Either way; don't let these people ruin your fun! The next season of Rings of Power is soon, and I am very excited myself, especially for Annatar! Just because the show has its flaws doesn't mean it is bad or deserving of such hate. Nobody likes a person who gate keeps what makes a real fan, nobody likes someone who acts as if they're an authority on what a "good" adaptation is, and nobody likes an old bastard who claims everything was better back in their day and how anything new is "bad" and "soulless".
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
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"Let us hope still for something that will bring reconciliation. Our advantage in numbers will be enough, if in the end it must come to unhappy blows."
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