#immortalized through the doge meme
The Immortal Block cont
So this is an old Voltron AU thing i came up with where prisoners who broke mentally are sent to a specific prison nicknamed the Immortal block. The prisoners there are denied death and are all actively seeking it before they are sent to the block. Once there these prisoners rebel by actively trying to be happy. One of the many things they were denied before the block. So they sing, make games, perform plays, tell stories, flirt with guards and other such things. It drives the guards and the druids who experiement on them insane but the block is still heavily guarded.
Deep within the Immortal Block is one of the first Prisoners Zarkon ever took. They mimic the voices of prisoners long dead and has forgotten everything outside the block. Many of the prisoners are the last of their kind, and cultures have mashed together while attempting to save traditions from vanishing. And smack in amongst it all is Matt Holt. Sent there by his fellow prisoners in a desperate attempt to keep him alive to see his family. After all, no one dies in the Immortal Block.
Matt brought his own flavor of enjoyment with him. More variety in the antics is a rare occurance in the block and after hearing Old man Daagith had a space farm or some other variation of space children songs more than you would wish to well... Suddenly hearing Beyonce's Umbrella or Brittany Speare's Toxic over and over is a bit of a relief. The memes drive many guards mad. Old memes, Doge memes, Vines being recited and reenacted, after a solid 8 hiurs of hear abiut Roadwork ahead the Guards cried when night shift entered with the tranquilizers. Sadly the lone prisoner of the night that avoided the tranqs kept the repetions going.
But the worst thing was the prison wide games of Simom Says.
What made it worse was that the guards had to join or risk the prisoners who had been quiet for a few days, pinching or slapping them between the bars of their cell for not doing as Simon says. It didnt help that the prisoners had figured out how to move through the ventilation system, or something. The guards all swore that they found prisoners wandering in the block whenever they pleased. Only Haggar could leave the prison, she had designed it that way. So she brought prisoners and new guards and left with guards relieved of duty. It wasnt like the prisoners could break out of the prison or take it over. Not with all the security in place. But it was still unsettling.
This little rebellion, the songs, the jokes, the games and memes, the noise soon became silence. Not two years after Matt Hilt came to the Block did that Hell become dead silent. The guards pacing vanished. The song of the prisoners, young and old were nothing but echos. And the last voice in the block sang in a voice thwy forgot was theirs.
Immortals we were, trapped in a hell. Anger rose in our hearts, but there it died. Our voices rang out in peaceful mirth. The broken song of those craving souls. No silence for us and thus we sang. The song of the broken drifted away. Oh. Souls oh souls the silence sang. Let your burning hearts run free. A song lips makes quite kiss, upon the wounds of madness. And there oh there are Saviors saw, the broken hoards all raised song. Our lives were taken, crushed and burned, but our voices oh how they returned. Sing the song of the broken hearts! Sing this song oh fractured minds! The ghost of the Immortals lead you on! The suns shall shine and the stars shall hold your souls. Until the dawn bring back your joy.
And so the first prisoner within the block fell silent. A being who had forgotten everything about themselves, about what joy really was. Matt Holt held their fin as they passed away. They had found away past the barriers Haggar made. Prevebting those within the block to die, instead they slipped between. Their body dead but their voice and soul alive. Only one prisoner would be able to do this. There wasnt enough resources. So it was decided, the oldest of them would go. They would become a phantom and leave to get help, to find Voltron. And out of respect for their leader, for the voice that sung to them as they slept, and wept, who fought and toiled away to ensure there was a hidden space for all prisoners to be away from Haggar's huntung eyes, the Immortal block, for the first time in ten thousand years fell silent. They listened to th Eldest's song as they passed out of the mortal coil and into the space between, the space where Quintecense is born. And once. The ritual was done, they began their plays and games again.
But Matt Holt was hidden. He did not step out into the light after that day. And when the night shift came, pumping sedatives into the isolated chambers he hid with the mummified body of the Eldest. He held their gift to him, a small charm that pulsed in his hand. And as the silence crept in and thw guards began to rejoice in thw silence. He sang in a voice tgat was not his.
Hush little birdies dont say a word. The Eldest is walking amongst the ferns. And as those ferns rustle and sigh. The Eldest is taking the winding path. Though it is long and she will be gone, soon she will return with the ringing gongs.
The song, clear but the lyrics a bit rough rang out across the Block, helping the inhabitants out of nighares and into a more peaceful sleep. And outside for the first time in ten thousand years the Eldest looked at the stars, her bioluminescent eyes pricked with tears and her once thin and sickly fins billow out like sails. Full and healthy once again, her scales gleam, and her miuth so long trapped in a manic forced smile collapses down into a blubbering frown. She was free, but not quite not yet. She swam off into the void her mouth playing with a few words and a new voice as she practiced the message.
This is Matthew Deuteronomy Holt. I am alive. My location is in the Immortal Block. We Immortals await your arrival.
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chriswritesthings · 6 years
8 of the Good Bois in games
Video games have always been a platform onto which a person could fulfill their greatest wishes, sometimes that wish is to be the saviour of the world. Other times that wish will be to be the best at a certain discipline and for some it is to simply travel the world with a good boi at your side. For the uninitiated amongst us a good boi is a doggo or pupper, generally the term is gender neutral, however some people use it solely for male doggos, and can very rarely be a cat. It cannot be understated how important good bois are to any adventurer, they are a source of constant companionship throughout an adventure and are often the only characters that won’t betray you. Unerringly loyal, they are the adventurers best friend. In no particular order 8 of the best good bois in video games.
D-Dog - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
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Arguably the most photogenic good boi in this list. Venom Snake’s companion in MGSV D-Dog is the only actual canine member of the private military company Diamond Dogs. D-Dog can be found in the first mission of the game as a puppy. After being sent to your home base via the fulton recovery system D-Dog greets the player with puppy licks and a generally excitable personality. Revolver Ocelot then offers to train your new canine friend as an attack dog while you are on missions, eventually allowing you to bring to him on missions.  
D-Dog is an incredibly good boi with a winning smile and a well fitting eye patch. 11/10 would rescue with a balloon extraction system.
Boomer - Far Cry 5
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A close second in good looks after D-Dog, Boomer can be found very early on by the player after receiving a distress call from Rae Rae, Boomer’s original owner. Once the player arrives at Rae Rae’s farm they find the family dead and Boomer locked in a cage and surrounded by Peggie cultists taunting our good boi. After clearing out all the enemies around the farm the player then frees Boomer and he offers to lend a paw to the resistance.
Boomer is a Australian Cattle dog mixed with an unknown breed giving him a blue spotted coat and sports an incredibly stylish climbing rope collar his only downside is that Ubisoft won’t let him get into your car with you. 13/10 Spotted spotting dog #letboomerrideshotgun
Annoying dog - Undertale
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Simply known as Annoying Dog in the game files and by most of the community this good boi is supposed to be an in game representation of Toby Fox, according to Toby himself. The characters sprite either represents a Samoyed or a Pomeranian, there is debate over this as in the demo of the game Annoying dog is represented by spr_tinypomwalk and snd_pombark however the sprite looks closer to a Samoyed due to its pointed ears and tail.
Regardless of the breed of this wonderful boi he will appear during the Papyrus boss fight to munch on Papyrus’s ‘special’ bone before being shoo’d away. Despite being dubbed Annoying this good pupper continues about his life with gusto, something we can all appreciate in life. 11/10 amour spécifique pour la vie
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Dogmeat is a recurring companion throughout the Fallout games, appearing in Fallouts 1 through 4 meaning the only games he doesn’t appear in are Tactics, Van Buren, Brotherhood of Steel and New Vegas. In Fallout 1 and 2 Dogmeat is a mut found terroising an old man in Junktown, distracting him for the old man allows the player to recruit our good boi as a companion. In Fallout 3 he is a cattle dog and is found in the scrapyard area of the Capital Wasteland fighting Raiders, helping him defeat the raiders allows him to be recruited. Finally in Fallout 4 Dogmeat is a german shepherd, a highly loyal species of good boi who will love the player unconditionally, and most importantly is set as essential in the game’s code meaning he can’t die. 13/10 Immortal, omnipresent good boi guardian
Sif - Dark Souls
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The only good boi on the list that can’t be a player companion. Sif, also known as the Great Grey Wolf, is the companion of the Artorias the Abyss walker in the first Dark Souls game. While Sif is actually a wolf, that makes them a proto dog. Artorias and Sif would fight against the monsters of the Abyss together. Artorius eventually sacrificed himself to save Sif, and in return Sif guards his grave, making this good boi the most loyal on the list. Unfortunately to progress through the game the player must fight and kill Sif as one of the games boss fights.
14/10 Fights with a greatsword, gives a great sense of regret when fighting.
Timber - Far Cry: New Dawn
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Not much is known about Timber, the good boi companion in the upcoming Far Cry: New Dawn. What we do know however, is that he’s a Shiba Inu, this means one important thing. Timber has the potential to revive the doge meme in the post apocalypse. Additionally it has been noted that Timber, as well as all other animal companions will be able to ride shotgun with you. 12/10 much wow.
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