#imogen after she pulled a power move on her gf's ex: idk maybe he's just homophobic how's that my problem
imogenkol · 1 year
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So…. The Imogen/Bix brainrot streak is officially a year long and will probably go strong for at least another lmao
Imogen returned later than she intended and saw the mechanic had already made herself comfortable in bed. While the hour was late, Bix still appeared to be wide awake. She rolled over onto her back when Imogen approached and smiled up at her. 
“There you are,” Bix greeted. 
“Here I am,” Imogen replied with a warm smile of her own as she discarded her coat and kicked off her boots. 
A healthy amount of tiredness weighed on Imogen’s shoulders and she looked forward to the promise of rest. Though, her thoughts did wander to Cassian’s visit at the beginning of the day. She studied Bix as she unbuckled her pants and worked them down her hips. Nothing in her mechanic’s expression alluded to anything troubling, but that didn’t dissuade her curiosity.
“What is it?” Bix asked, noting her lingering stare.
Imogen shrugged. “I was only wondering what Cassian wanted earlier.”
“He wanted to know how I was holding up.”
With a nod, Imogen silently crawled into bed. A part of her bristled, knowing that Cassian must be skeptical of her support for Bix. Imogen felt confident that she offered a positive impact in spite of her dark history and would not stand for Cassian attempting to undermine that. Imogen burrowed herself in the blankets and reached for her beloved’s embrace to banish her apprehension on the matter. Bix wrapped an arm around her from behind and pulled her close, making Imogen sigh in contentment at the comfort from the other woman’s body.
Bix nuzzled her face into the back of the bounty hunter’s neck. Imogen loved it when she did that, the sensation of her breath always caused a light tingle to spread across her skin. “He asked me what my plan is.”
“Your plan?” Imogen questioned.
“If I intend to hide or fight.”
Imogen’s thumb brushed over Bix’s knuckles as she stared at the wall in contemplation. She recalled the time she offered to take Bix away from Ferrix. She would have taken her anywhere just to keep her safe. She would do that now, if Bix wished it. But the thought of fighting alongside each other – for a cause that Imogen did not fully believe in – was a concept that roused far more complicated emotions. 
“What did you say?”
“I told him we’d figure that out. You and me.” The continued use of the word we out of Bix’s mouth brought forth a warm sensation that bloomed within Imogen’s chest. She hoped she’d never get used to it because she would miss the excited flutter in her gut. “He was also pretty curious about us.”
“I am sure he was,” she responded flatley.
“What was that earlier?”
Imogen knew she referred to her less than restrained method of displaying her devotion, but the look on Cassian’s face had been all too satisfying. “I am certain I do not know what you are referring to.”
Bix saw right through her. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to make him upset.”
“I kissed you. If Cassian could not handle that, then that is his problem.”
“Timm was jealous of Cass, too.”
At the loud silence that followed her statement, Imogen turned around to face her. “Timm was a coward and a fool,” she said in a firm, yet gentle tone. Bix's jaw twitched as her eyes briefly flicked down, but she did not contest her words. “If I truly felt threatened by Cassian in any way, then I would have killed him myself. He still lives and I have no intention to change that.”
Doubt still shined in her dark brown irises as she held Imogen’s gaze. “Then what was the show for?”
“I wanted him to know where things stand.”
“And where do they stand?”
Imogen carefully rested the palm of her hand against her lover’s cheek, brushing across her skin in a soft caress – as soft as her next words. “You are mine, as I am yours. No one else's.”
“Is that your way of saying you don’t want me to see any other people?” Bix asked playfully, pulling Imogen in closer by her waist.
“I am not too keen to share now that I have you to myself,” Imogen replied. Bix scoffed as she rolled her eyes and an amused upturn tugged at the corner of Imogen’s mouth. “What?”
“You didn’t like sharing even before we were together,” Bix said.
The bounty hunter’s smirk turned into a grin. “Perhaps you were always mine,” she mused.
The mechanic's snappy retort came out a little too quickly. "No, you spent way too much time trying to convince yourself you didn't love me for that to be true."
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