#in terms of f/os i think would go even if i wasn't so excited about it i think it'd beee...
caracello · 1 year
all of my f/os are excited about the barbie movie because i am and they love me. but cypher is also like genuinely hyped on his own.
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wisemins · 1 year
yo! 🗺️, 👥 and 💌 for your aot s/i or selfship with armin (for that last one)
Thank you for the ask!!! Omg I'm very excited to answer!! 🗺️ - if your s/i is used for multiple f/os, how would all the timelines look if displayed together?
Ah, so I'll do this for specifically A.oT as a whole because my s/is are just myself with canon details sprinkled in! So, myself in that canon never changes no matter the f/o, and I have 4 romantics there. The only mass differences really are what I end up doing/minor details in background. Also, for the sake of it, my canon with Yelena in particular is never actually canonical in the mainline. I only am ever with her in a modern AU! And with Erwin, my background is just a bit different and my platonics are different in that canon. Armin and Jean though have almost the same exact outcome side by side, since we're all the same age and whether or not I choose either one romantically in a canon is decided at the same point in time! But all versions of myself in ALL of my canons involving every f/o? Oh, it's a mess. But not completely impossible of a scenario to imagine given my MCU self, as I'm a user of the mystic arts and could technically jump across universes in the right time and place. So I think it'd all end up VERY interesting to say the least in terms of that!
👥 - is there a character from their source who isn’t/wasn’t originally an f/o but that has lore connections to your s/i? in other words, a (potential) f/o for lore reasons?
This is a tough question! I tend to fall in love with a lot of people, I find the good and the lovable in so many different characters, so even when they *start* that way, I end up just falling in love with them anyways! In AoT, I'm pretty sure I don't have anyone like that! Either I fell in love with them organically, or I had a huge 8 year long crush on them and never knew (COUGH Erwin COUGH). But, I'll answer with another one from a different canon! A good example of this was with my canon in dea.d by daylight, I was shipping with Laurie (from Halloween, but she's also in Db.D) and Amanda (Who is from Saw, also just in Db.D), and when writing out my stories and fics I realized how much I liked Nea, and she was important to my lore, but I ended up falling for her and having her as an f/o. But then eventually the spark wasn't quite there anymore, so I took her off the list, but recently, well, I think my feelings for her have been resurfacing! So we'll just have to see! 💌 - any major changes in your selfship lore over time? if so, compare how it used to be with how it’s now.
Back when I used to just ship with Armin, before I realized I was also in love with Jean and the others, my lore was a bit different! For the most part it's stayed the same fundamentally, but! My whole being a titan shifter in my canon is a fairly new thing in my lore (only about three or so years ago!) and it made a major change in how it went going forward and some moments in the past! It offers solidarity with Armin, and a lot of angstY moments, difficult ones. It changed his perspective about me here and there, not in a bad way but in a more of a "Oh wow she'd actually do anything for me" kind of way. And he's right! Thank you so much again!! These are so fun to answer!!
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