#in the background atem shouts OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE YOU TWO
x-heartofthecards-x · 2 years
The executive finally pulls his eyes away from the computer screen to look at his companion. Immediately, Yugi’s smile is blinding. How is it that he’d not noticed before recently? It’s no wonder that people seem to like the man.
Of course he’s amazing. He’s Seto Kaiba, after all. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that he’s one of the greatest minds of their generation. He has sycophants praising him pretty much wherever he goes. But he enjoys hearing it. Especially out of Mutou’s mouth. It’s… different.
He hadn’t regretted it before, but right now, he’s glad that he decided to take this project on. Happy that Yugi decided to share with him. A strange feeling, that.
He’s not anticipating the answer to be that easy, to be honest. He’d fully expected a little more resistance. Maybe he’d just been thinking too negatively? Or does the man think that it’s going to be more business? The answer is not clear. Still, it’s a yes.
If he remembers correctly, Kame closes around ten. He’s someone that - unfortunately - stays up far past that most days, so it’s not much of an issue. Still, it might be nicer to meet up a little earlier if possible. At the final statement, he finds himself smiling - a soft upturn of the corners of his lips.
“I’m honored.” A quiet chuckle. “If it won’t lose you too much business, how about around eight?”
Yugi won’t have to close up too early, and he’ll have a little time after his own shift to mentally prepare. He’s not sure what, exactly, he’d like to do just yet - but he’ll likely avoid bringing work with him. Or, at least, too much of it.
As he thinks of what they could possibly do that isn’t related to their unnamed game - or duel monsters - a whim strikes him. It’s been a while, but he’s still fairly confident he has the skills necessary.
“I could… cook.” He’s nervous, but refocuses on the screen so that it’s less obvious. He hasn’t offered to do so for anyone besides his brother… ever. And he only does so occasionally at this point - most of the time he has people for that. “We could also just order something. Up to you.”
"Oh, I am pretty sure that I won't lose any business at all. Most of my business happens right after the schools get out. Eight is totally doable," Mutou replied with a chuckle.
Then the CEO offered to cook for him and almost sheepishly looked away. At least, that was the way he read the movement. His stomach somersaulted inside him at the nearly nervous action from the other and he thought, for just a moment, that his feelings might not actually be unrequited.
"I didn't know that you cooked. That sounds really nice," he began, his smile softening as he continued to look up at the other.
He considered not saying anything. Considered just seeing what happened and not risk putting himself out there for what was potentially the biggest misread of signals in his lifetime. It would be easier to not say anything. It would be safer.
Afterall, they just started this business venture together and saying something could ruin that. Not to mention the friendship they had begun to build. Saying something risked that as well.
He had almost fully resolved to remain quiet, but he could have sworn that he felt a swelling of annoyance from the Pharaoh—of course, this was impossible. Atem was gone and it was more likely just annoyance with himself, but even so, it was enough to make him pluck up some courage.
"Seto?" He began cautiously. His brow furrowed a bit and he continued, "Feel free to correct me if I am way off base. But ah… are you asking me on a date?"
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