#in today's dream it was a demolished room behind a hole in a regular room that was filled with Christian symbols and memorabilia
die-rosastrasse · 1 year
Do you ever dream of the bad place? I can't really explain it but that's what I call these weird spaces or rooms in my dreams where I can just feel the most menacing, evil, dangerous atmosphere that makes me afraid to come closer or even wakes me up from fear, or I'm screaming in my sleep. These spaces often look normal and realistic, just a regular basement or building, they usually feature some kind of door too. It's just so surreal because in dreams you forget that what you see is not real, so suddenly feeling this eerie vibes from a room or door makes the evil seem so material and clear. Ever since my childhood I've been dreaming about the same places over and over and my worst fear is that one day I'll find them in real life and feel this dread then too. But maybe I would open the door, I'm just so desperately curious to know what kind of terror is so bad, it's finding its way into my dreams. I want to know what's there. And I want to know if I'm the only one who has these dreams.
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