#instead you're like...actually lol. did you know. she was corrupted by power cause grief...and became her evil father. lmao aight. cool
forthemetamyguy · 5 years
Daenerys and Drogon should have mirrored Aegon and Balerion
Rewatched Stormborn and it got me heated again. Saw Balerion the Dread and had Aegon get name dropped for the eightieth time. Definitely feeling robbed of a good narrative journey that not only would have satisfied Daenerys’ internal journey of finding home and her external journey of attaining the crown, but would have simultaneously mirrored the birth of Westeros as we know it via Aegon, with the death of the “wheel” as she undoes it.
He brought three dragons and while he didn’t make the feudalistic system of fealty, he merged the seven kingdoms and started this down the path it is on. Daenerys brings three dragons as well… To complete her Targaryen journey she needs to live up to her words and break the chains of the system, of the wheel. You have Drogon burn the throne that Balerion forged… But that isn’t the wheel. It’s a chair. Her death does not break the fucking wheel like Tyrion tells Grey Worm. It just flat out doesn’t. In fact, this is worse because the leadership is CLEARLY chosen out of nepotism and includes very questionable choices on grounds of competence (a master of coin who doesn’t understand loans? a maester who left after like three fuckin weeks? Davos over Yara is an interesting choice considering they don’t let her retain her crown… And then of course Tyrion. Who has spectacularly failed as hand multiple times now).
The nobles who choose Bran openly mock the idea that the people deserve any measure of power. This is simply just more of the same, with a different chair… The wheel is THERE and it is openly sticking out in the wide world to be gazed upon and yet you dare say she fulfills her role? Bullshit. She deserved to dismantle the system and undo the monarchical damage her family had done, to invert Aegon’s journey (a man, of conquest; a woman, of liberation) and bring a transitional system of change, to find home in herself and her family name but to simultaneously free herself of the damage it has done to her (including freeing herself of her father’s sins, and overcoming people’s insistence she fall to madness as he did), to stand amongst her CHILDREN as mother rather than as her SUBJECTS as ruler.
Like she didn’t get to break a damn thing. She didn’t get to confront the Targaryen legacy, she succumbed to it. When she talks to Jon in the dragonpit at the end of season 7, her dialogue is specifically about this! She loves her heritage but she knows her family has made grievous mistakes. That she comments on the poor treatment of the dragons says enough. They are HER children. That they allowed them to crumble…to fall…to misuse and devalue them, her children, she sees as horrible. But this is also how she feels of anyone subjected to subjection. How could you turn her. How could you deny her such a beautiful story. So that the Starks can all find their way home in the end, enact every revenge they have piled up, only to split up. Apparently only they get to self-actualise, along with Theon…who became a Stark. Amazing stuff here
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