#interesting choices i know but i don't think welding will ever go away. and much of my family is welders they'd be very proud of me.
mosscrab · 4 months
ouuughh. college </3 sorry rambling vent in tags i'm gonna be okay i'm just tired
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braindead94 · 7 months
Any chance you could write something for me? Not really sure which Alfred Molina character would go with this so you can pick whichever one you want. Oc gets kidnapped by Molina character and they know they're not important enough to be saved. If you don't want to write it that's fine too, no worries. Hate to say it but I just feel like I'm the friend that wouldn't be rescued either.
Oh honey, of course I will. I'm so sorry for the late reply, so I made this in a bit of a rush. I hope this made you feel better.
Until then, please take good care of yourself and please remember that you are so very much worth it.
You didn’t cry a lot when Doc Ock carried you to his hideout. Then again, you haven't cried a lot since last year.
Dread has been a concentint feeling along with abandonment, allowing yourself to fully immerse yourself in the metal arm that swapped around you so tightly.
He must have noticed when he was safe in his lair. The tall evil scientist merely glanced at you while the arm that was handling you placed you onto a chair in the corner. Never bothering to tie you down.
“You can try to escape from here, but remember: all around us is cold water, miles and miles away from the docks. Too far for any normal person to make it by themselves. And even if you miraculously swim over to dry land,” He turned to look straight into your eyes, his own filled with dark and hidden humor with a small smirk. “We can catch up to you quickly. Then that will be the end of you.”
You nodded, slumping in your seat as you rested your hands on your lap. Doc wasn’t taken back much but he did raise an eyebrow from how silent you are. Most of his hostages usually yell or threaten him, they would go as far as to mock him of his ‘life choice’.
But you were just so… quiet. 
The tall man with the metal arms turned and went to work on whatever his scheme was in the middle of the room. You only sat and watched him as the welding works began, the burning smell of smoke filling the air and stinging your nose. The noises weren't as chaotic as you expected. It was almost soothing. 
You sat there for what seemed like hours, between watching him and looking at the hands on your lap. Fiddling with your chipped nails. Never spoke one word.
One of the arms took notice of how well behaved you are, and Doc seemed to take notice of it too as he turned around from his work to really look at you. He saw how sullen you are, how dull your eyes glanced over at him.
Something tugged his old heart, a curiosity grew in his mind as he took off his welding gear and strolled over to you with his arms held behind his back. “What is the matter?” Your head shot up, now snapping out of your daze to see his handsome face regarding you with interest. The actuators all hover around you with their red bulbs shining into your face.
“I-I’m sorry?” you asked. “You’ve hardly said a word since you came here, Hell, you didn’t even call out for help when my helpers catched you. Heh, now that I think of it, you didn’t even run away from me, not as fast as the others. So, you either have a death wish or something else on your mind.”
You sat back, trying to make yourself seem smaller before looking away. “I’m just… I’m just tired… sir.” He blinked. “Tired? From being kidnapped?” You just nodded, but Flo noticed how low your heart beat went. The actuators all noticed how your hair was greasy from unkept habits, how your nails looked like they were bitten, and how your skin was all grimy. 
His thick brows lowered down. “Are you…. Alright?” He asked, almost supproding himself. It surprised you too as you glanced up at him. “I’m… fine as I’ll ever be.” “As you’ll ever be? Aren't' you afraid of us? Of what we might do to you? That you might never be rescued?” You shook your head, looking back down again. “I’m not worth rescuing.”
His heart sank how you said those words.
He knelt down, placing a large hand yours. Blanketing them while the other cupped your cheek to look back at him. Moe hovered around to wrap on your shoulders and the rest lowered themselves down to try to make themself less threatening.
“How could you say that? Surely you must have a family that cares for you-” Your lips wobbled. “Any friends?” Tears finally came out. “I’m not that important back home.” You whispered.
Suddenly he remembered how his father berated him, insulting him, making him feel worthless. He vowed to never have any children so that he may never treat them the same way his father did.
He lunged forward to give you a hug, his arms nearly crushing you with his hidden strength. “You are to me.” He muttered. All the actuators slitherd over his body and yours to join in the hug. “You can stay here as long as you like. As long as you need to, my dear.”
Your stunned body slowly warmed up to his gentle hold, almost melting as your hugged him back and let out a little cry as Flo rested her head on your shoulder.
Doc insisted you call him Otto while he set up a place for you to stay, something much more cleaner and comfortable then his hostage room, which was just an old mattress on the floor.
The arms were super welcoming, giving out chirps of comfort and werrs-like purrs whenever they come near you, giving your back a rub or a hug. Their creator was more open, more friendly as he brought out food to make from his makeshift kitchen.
He showed you the bathroom and let you wash up (a long long overdue on your part) while he prepared dinner. He even brought out extra clothing (his own shirt and sweatpants, which he was slightly embarrassed that he didn’t have anything else but you only thanked him with a small smile). It was a surreal experience, so jarring and out of nowhere of how kind he's acting. 
When you came back out, all fresh with a new attire, Otto and his helpers were almost done with dinner. You glanced at the windows and saw how dark it was becoming. Your body gave a small shiver as you joined the heavyset man in his kitchen and one of his arms took notice and stretched out to grab you a blanket that hang on the chair near your new room and gave it to you.
As you wrap yourself up, Otto started talking about his nuclear fusion and what’s its purpose. How it was meant to help mankind and to help power the city. But he has to perfect it, and has to make it better than the last time.
All the while he was finishing cooking and Harry gave you a glass of water, you smiled. His whole demeanor was so vastly different, so warm and open. Even his actaures were more friendly. He never asked about your life, merely asked about your interests or hobbies.
You ate and chatted about old shows that he missed like Cheers and you then started to talk about your favorite episodes. With your belly becoming full and your body finally relaxing from the stressful day, you felt yourself becoming tired.
Otto insisted you to go to bed, never allowing you to help him clean up dinner. So you shuffled over to your room, closing the curtain that acted as your door (he promised to get you a real door soon) and crawled into the freshly made bed.
The tall scientist felt more ease as he watched the curtains fall still, his mind almost less chaotic as he cleaned up.
His own body was BEGGING him to follow his own order and go to bed himself. Back then, he would have just ignore it and gone straight back to work or go to the drawing board, and that’s exactly what he did. 
‘Just need to go over a few equations before proceeding to the next phase.’ He promised to his children as he sat down and drew up his blueprints.
For a while, it was silent. Blissful and calm, with the help of the small waves the water the outside provided.
Spider-Man mentally high fived himself for finding Doc Ocks hideout, slowly climbing down the walls before touching the ground. Normally he wouldn’t bother trying so hard to find it but after Doc took you away, he just had to try harder.
He looked around, peering into the darkness. Just barely making out anything with the faded light from the city far away. The spider hero then took notice of a curtain in a doorway and made his way to it when the harsh glow of red emanate in the dark in a corner of the wide warehouse.
“I would advise you not to disturb them, Spider-Man.” Warned the familiar voice. The hero turned, his body tensed up and ready for anything.
Anything but seeing Otto sitting in a chair with casual cloths and bunny slippers. His actuators hovered in the air, all staring daggers at him. “Octavius…. Nice slippers.” He called out.
The heavyset man hushed him, which Spidy felt a bit taken back. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your evil plans beauty sleep-” “Shut your motor of a mouth for one second or you’ll wake them up.”
That got him to stop. “Them? Wait, your… hosetige?” 
Otto grimaced at the word, as if being reminded that what he kidnapped you for was painful to remember and nodded.
Spider-Man slowly lowered his fists and looked back at the blue curtin. “Are they okay? What’s wrong?” He asked in a hush voice. “I didn’t wanted to press them for any information but…” His voice trailed off as he leaned on his knees, the actuators lowering themself onto the ground. Harry curled up onto his lap.
“They think they are not worth saving.”
Spider-Mans heart sank. He felt tears almost touching the eyes of the mask as he reached out to peek into the room.
You were curled up on a wide bed, a small smile on your face as the warm blankets covered you up. A light snore made it’s way out of you as he slowly back up and closed the curtain. 
He stared at the doorway before turning back to the scientist. “Is that your bed?” He asked, his voice almost joking but cracking at the edges. Otto nodded, and didn't want to discourage him from making jokes.
Spidey just walked over to him, rubbing the back of his neck. “Did you see if they were hurt? Any scars on their arms or anything?” Otto looked at the ground as Flo reached out to rest her head on the hero's shoulder. “I didn’t take a good look at them, I just gave them new clothes and fed them. But they ate like they were starving for days.”
They didn’t say anything while Moe reached out and grabbed a chair for Spidey. As the red and blue spandex hero sat, letting out a groan as he felt his whole body relaxed, they started to talk. 
“Were you sent to find them from their families?” Otto asked, and Spidey shook his head no. “I didn’t get in contact with their families, nor to the police.” “What about any missing person report?” “Not yet, there’s that stupid rumor that you have to wait 12 hours before fully knowing that the person is missing.”
“But… I kidnapped them in broad daylight.” “Yeah, I know. Pretty stupid, huh doc?” Spider-man sighed. His heart feeling unsettled by the whole event. There was no way that Doc Ock was that nice to feed and let his own victome, but it looked like you brought out Otto. At least for a little while.
He felt, or at least Peter Parker felt, that you were safe staying here.
“I can’t let them go back home if they do not feel like they are wanted. I hope you understand that.” Said Octavius, sitting up slightly. Spidey nodded. “I understand. I’ll look into their home and see if their friends or family are looking for them. But importantly: I’ll make sure their living situation is okay to live in.” The tall man, who killed countless people over the years, his whole body slumped in relief before muttering to him ‘thank you’.
“So…. would you like something to drink? Milk, whisky, Oveltin?” The hero shook his head as he stood up. “Nah, I’m fine. I have to get back to work. You know how it is, Otto.”
The scientist nodded and got up to see him off. The actuators silently stayed behind their creator as they went to the door.
Spider-Man turned back to look at Otto deep, brown eyes and asked if he could leave a note for them and the tall man agreed.
The next morning, you were woken up by the fresh smell of bacon and pancakes. The thought of food made you rise out of bed to see Doc Ock cooking breakfast over a stove. How metal arms weaving in the air as they gathered and mixed all of the wet and dry ingredients like monkey tails. A found smile grew on your face as you eagerly made your way to the table where you saw a letter addressed to you.
Looking back up to see if he noticed you, you opened it up and read the letter.
Dear Y/n,
I was here to rescue you from calamari man here but he explained-VERY BRIEFLY, about how you feel about yourself. While I do not condone on staying with a super villain, I sympathize with your feelings.
And I just wanted to tell you that you ARE important. That you do belong here in this crazy, weird world we live in. That you do matter to someone out here. You matter to Doc here, to those actuators. He cares about you, you know? And knowing him, I know you are in good hands. Hehe, get it? Hands?
Anyway, I’ll be back with some news about your family and, and only IF you want to, I’ll bring you back home. Until then, I’ll let you stay with Otto. He’s a good man.
Until then, from your friendly neighborhood,
Ps: Always remember, you are worth rescuing. Always and forever.
PSS: ask Doc if he has a garden in the shade
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