#interesting that dragstrip fulfills the ''traitorous second to a tyrant'' role within the stunticons
transingthoseformers · 6 months
I keep on thinking about Wildbreak and how if he is Knockout and Breakdowns child, how did Motormaster recruit him? I sincerely doubt Knockout and Breakdown willing let their kid get involved with Motormaster and becoming Menasnor. So do you think Wildbreak was kidnapped? Was Knockout forced to let him go? Also all the angst
I always assumed that Breakdown left the Quintessons and that somehow, somehow, Wildbreak took his place
Considering how close Dragstrip and Wildbreak are, I assumed that Dragstrip dragged both of them back into it. Seems to me like out of the "original" stunticons team, by the time rid15 rolls around it's only Motormaster and Dragstrip left with no Breakdown, Dead End, or Wildrider in sight.
I also see the opportunity for Wildbreak to be highly curious about his carrier's past with the Stunticons and finding his goals aligned well enough with the group
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