#iodic acid
sciencespies · 2 years
Cracking the chemical code on how iodine helps form clouds
Cracking the chemical code on how iodine helps form clouds
An international team led by University of Colorado Boulder researchers has cracked the chemical code driving the formation of iodine particles in the atmosphere, revealing how the element contributes to increased cloud cover and depletes molecules in the Earth’s protective ozone layer.
The research, conducted at the world’s largest particle physics laboratory, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), was published today in the journalNature Chemistry. It’s the first time that any experiment in the world has demonstrated the mechanism for how the gas-phase form of iodine — known as iodic acid — forms, and suggests it has a catalytic role in atmospheric particle formation.
It comes at a time when atmospheric iodine is increasing globally, with current levels triple what they were 70 years ago. Researchers hope that this new knowledge on iodine’s atmospheric interactions can be added to global atmospheric and climate models to help scientists better understand its environmental impacts — such as increased cloud cover, which could exacerbate global warming-related thinning of Arctic sea ice.
“This paper establishes a link between the sources of iodine, how they are emitted into the atmosphere, and particle formation, which through subsequent growth, seeds clouds,” saidRainer Volkamer, co-lead author on the paper, professor of chemistry at CU Boulder andfellow at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES). “That link didn’t exist before, and now we have established that link at the molecular level.”
This link between iodine sources and atmospheric particle formation is a multi-step process. First iodine oxide radicals bond with themselves, then react with ozone and water to make iodic acid, with (singlet) oxygen and hypoiodous acid as co-products.
Iodine is a common and highly reactive element that forms radical species which undergo rapid chemical reactions lasting seconds to minutes in the atmosphere. Most iodine found in the atmosphere comes from the ocean — where it exists as iodide, also present in table salt. Its three-fold increase in the atmosphere over the past 70 years is linked to an increase in anthropogenic air pollution: as harmful, ground-level ozone reacts with the ocean-based iodide, it releases volatile iodine gasses to the atmosphere.
While iodine has been studied for 150 years, it is only in the past two decades that researchers such as Volkamer have revealed its important role within the atmosphere. In 2020, Volkamer and CU Boulder and CIRES researchers published research showing how iodine reaches the stratosphere and eats away at the ozone that protects the planet from harmful UV radiation.
“Iodine is the new kid on the block, among other halogens, that play into the recovery of the ozone layer,” said Volkamer.
DisCERNing chemical processes
To study this missing link, the research team turned to CERN, home to the pristine conditions required to observe and collect data on these particles. Here,an experiment known as CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets) has become the world’s leading laboratory experiment to study the remaining poorly understood aspects of aerosol and cloud formation.
Volkamer’s research group, the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOSpec) Lab, is one of only three universities in the U.S. (along with Caltech and Carnegie Mellon University) who are part of this collaboration, along with 16 European partners.
“This is the only such experiment that exists in the world,” said Volkamer. “It’s an honor to be part of the collaboration and to be leading it in the context of a study like this one.”
In the CLOUD chamber at CERN, the researchers had access to a laboratory environment with perfect control over conditions like temperature, pressure, humidity, ozone concentration, and iodine concentration, as well as access to different light sources resembling different aspects of the solar spectrum.
By setting up this artificial, indoor atmosphere where certain reactions may or may not happen, the scientists could accurately gather data on iodine chemical reactions that form and grow particles.
“This is a great example of experiments and computations coming together to answer a question that neither of them could have answered on their own,” saidTheo Kurten, co-lead author on the study and professor of chemistry at the University of Helsinki.
To determine whether what they observed in the laboratory translated to the real world, they also tested their findings in the air surrounding the Maïdo observatory on Réunion Island in the southern Indian Ocean — a remote location free of much of the influence of human activity — and were able to corroborate their laboratory results.
A catalytic role on climate
Unlike other elements such as sulfur (or sulfuric acid), iodine doesn’t need the help of other molecules (known as “bases”) to form atmospheric particles. It’s also quite efficient at this process, compared to other elements, the researchers found.
Therefore, the formation of particles from iodic acid is not limited to coastal iodine hot spots, or locations where these chemical bases are available, but rather can occur throughout the atmosphere.
“It’s a global phenomenon, and the global significance of iodine in particle formation may be bigger than currently thought,” said Henning Finkenzeller, first author on the study, a part of his dissertation at CU Boulder.
Iodine is also fundamentally different from other particle-forming vapors, said Finkenzeller, because of its ability to kick-start the formation of atmospheric particles, and the fact that one iodine atom can kick-start this process multiple times. This catalytic role in particle formation enhances its effects in the atmosphere wherever it goes, whether that role is eliminating protective ozone molecules or increasing cloud cover.
As human activity increases the availability of iodine in the atmosphere, due to our negative impacts on air quality around the world, this short-lived element’s impacts may be long-lasting. As sea ice melts in the Arctic, more iodine can enter the atmosphere, increase cloud cover and enhance warming effects on the region. And in the tropics, storms can send this iodine high into the atmosphere, where it impacts our protective ozone layer.
“We still need to better understand iodine recycling chemistry. But now that we understand the source mechanism, we are one step closer to understanding how excess iodine impacts particle formation, clouds and ozone recovery in our planet’s atmosphere,” said Volkamer.
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sinolandchem-leo · 27 days
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Ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵 6484-52-2 3102300000 【PPAN、CPAN】 硝酸铵 6484-52-2 3102300000 Sodium nitrate 硝酸钠 7631-99-4 3102500000 Sodium nitrite 亚硝酸钠 7632-00-0 2834100000 Ternary molten salt 三元熔盐
Iodine 碘颗粒/粉末 7553-56-2 2801200000 Bromine 溴 7726-95-6 2801302000 Benzene 苯 71-43-2 2902200000 Sulfur 硫磺 7704-34-9 2503000000 Liquid chlorine 液氯 7782-50-5 2801100000 Hydrogen peroxide 双氧水 7722-84-1 2847000000 hydrogen 氢气 1333-74-0 2804100000 nitrogen 氮气 7727-37-9 2804300000 Aniline 苯胺 122-98-5 2921411000 Phenol 苯酚 108-95-2 2907111000 Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素 9004-70-0 39122011 Acetone 丙酮 67-64-1 2914110000 Sodium cyanide 氰化钠 143-33-9 2837111000 Morpholine 吗啉 110-91-8 2934 99 90 Sodium azide 叠氮化钠 26628-22-8 28500060 Sodium sulfide 硫化钠 1313-82-2 2830101000 Sodium hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢钠 16721-80-5 2830109000
Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素 9004-70-0 3912200000 Activated carbon 活性炭 7440-44-0 3802101000/3802109000 Coal, barbecue coal 煤炭,烧烤炭 125612-26-2 7321890000 Glass powder 玻璃粉 14808-60-7 3207400000
Titanium dioxide 钛白粉 13463-67-7 3206111000 "Pharmaceutical intermediates" 医药中间体 96-53-7 Resins 树脂 201058-08-4 3506990000 Coatings 涂料 3208901011 Formaldehyde 甲醛 50-00-0 2912110000 Cresol 甲酚 1319-77-3 2907121900 Styrene 苯乙烯 100-42-5 2902500000 Stannic octoate 辛酸亚锡 301-10-0 2915900090 Tetrahydrofuran 四氢呋喃 109-99-9 2932110000 Trimethylamine 三甲胺 75-50-3 2921110090 Dimethyl ether 二甲醚 115-10-6 2909191000 Butyraldehyde 正丁醛 123-72-8 2912 19 00 Glutaraldehyde 戊二醛 111-30-8 29121900 Petroleum ether 石油醚 8030-30-6 2710123000 Methylal 甲缩醛 109-87-5 2911 00 00 Xylene 二甲苯 95-47-6 29024100 Adhesives 胶黏剂 Xanthan gum ���原胶 11138-66-2 32139000 Lime nitrogen 石灰氮 156-62-7 31029010 Sodium fluoride 氟化钠 7681-49-4 2826192010 Diethanolamine 二乙醇胺 111-42-2 2922120001 Caprolactam 己内酰胺 105-60-2 29337100 Melamine 三聚氰胺 108-78-1 2933610000 Bisphenol A 双酚A -80-05-7 2907230001 Plastics 塑料 9002-84-0 39046100 Glycerin 甘油 56-81-5 29054500 Furfuryl alcohol 糠醇 98-00-0 2932 13 00 Furfural 糠醛 CAS: 98-01-1 2932 12 00 Paraformaldehyde 多聚甲醛 30525-89-4 2912600000 Polyphosphoric acid 多聚磷酸 8017-16-1 28092000 Acid dextrin 酸性糊精 9004-53-9 35051000 Nitrobenzene 硝基苯 804-36-4 2904201000
Hydrochloric acid 盐酸 7647-01-0 28061000 Nitric acid 硝酸 7697-37-2 28080000 Sulfuric acid 硫酸 7664-93-9 2807000010 Phosphoric acid 磷酸 7664-38-2 2809201100 Oxalic acid 草酸 144-62-7 2917111000 Acetic acid 醋酸 64-19-7 29152100 Formic acid 甲酸 64-18-6 2915110000 Propionic acid 丙酸 CAS: 79-09-4 2915501000 Iodic acid 碘酸 7782-68-5 28111980 Sulfuric acid 硫磺酸 107-35-7 29211980 Tartaric acid 酒石酸 526-83-0 2918120000 Industrial oleic acid 工业油酸 112-80-1 29161500 Adipic acid 己二酸 124-04-9 2917120001 Isooctanoic acid 异辛酸 149-57-5 29159080 Methanol 甲醇 67-56-1 2905110000 Ethanol 乙醇 64-17-5 2207100000 Propanol 丙醇 71-23-8 2905121000 Butanediol 丁二醇 19132-06-0 2905399002 Octyl alcohol 辛醇 111-87-5 2905161000 Propylene glycol 丙二醇 57-55-6 2905320000 Ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯 141-78-6 2915310000
Potassium nitrate 硝酸钾 7757-79-1 2834219000 Magnesium nitrate 硝酸镁 10377-60-3 2834299090120 Copper nitrate 硝酸铜 3251-23-8 2834299090129 Aluminum nitrate 硝酸铝 13473-90-0 2834299090122 Iron nitrate 硝酸铁 10421-48-4 2834299090126 Zinc nitrate 硝酸锌 7779-88-6 2834299090114 Strontium nitrate 硝酸锶 10042-76-9 2834299090110 Barium nitrate 硝酸钡 10022-31-8 28342990 Lithium nitrate 硝酸锂 7790-69-4 2834299090104 Lead nitrate 硝酸铅 10099-74-8 2834299090118 Rubidium nitrate 硝酸铷 13126-12-0 28342980 Cesium nitrate 硝酸铯 7789-18-6 2834299090108 Chromium nitrate 硝酸铬 13548-38-4 2834299090124 Cobalt nitrate 硝酸钴 10141-05-6 2834299090 Silver nitrate 硝酸银 7761-88-8 28432100 Manganese nitrate 硝酸锰 10377-66-9 2834299090125
Potassium chloride 氯化钾 7447-40-7 3104209000 Sodium chloride 氯化钠 7647-14-5 2501001900 Magnesium chloride 氯化镁 7786-30-3 2827310000 Ferric chloride 氯化铁 7705-08-0 2827399000113 Calcium chloride 氯化钙 10043-52-4 2827200000 Aluminum chloride 氯化铝 7446-70-0 2827320000 Zinc chloride 氯化锌 7646-85-7 2827399000124 Ammonium chloride 氯化铵 12125-02-9 2827101000/2827109000 Cobalt chloride 氯化钴 7646-79-9 2827393000 Chromium chloride 氯化铬 10025-73-7 28273985 Cesium chloride 氯化铯 7647-17-8 28273980 Silver chloride 氯化银 7783-90-6 2843290090102
Sodium sulfate 硫酸钠 7757-82-6 28331100 Magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁 7487-88-9 2833210000 Ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 7783-20-2 3102210000 Potassium sulfate 硫酸钾 7778-80-5 3104300000 Calcium sulfate 硫酸钙 7778-18-9 28332980 Silver sulfate 硫酸银 10294-26-5 28432900 Chromium sulfate 硫酸铬 10101-53-8 2833292000 Chromium formate 甲酸铬 27115-36-2 2915120000 Cobalt sulfate 硫酸钴 10026-24-1 2833299010
Sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠 1310-73-2 2815110000 Potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾 1310-58-3 2815200000 Magnesium hydroxide 氢氧化镁 1309-42-8 2816100090 Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙 1305-62-0 2825 90 19 Iron hydroxide 氢氧化铁 1309-33-7 2821100000102
Sodium carbonate 碳酸钠 497-19-8 2836200000 Potassium carbonate 碳酸钾 584-08-7 2836400000102 Calcium carbonate 碳酸钙 471-34-1 2836500000 Silver carbonate 碳酸银 534-16-7 28432900 Sodium percarbonate 过碳酸钠 15630-89-4 2836999000 Sodium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠 144-55-8 2836300000 Sodium arsenite 亚砷酸钠 7784-46-5 2842909013
Ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 1066-33-7 2836994000102 Diammonium phosphate 磷酸二铵 7783-28-0 31053000 Sodium phosphate 磷酸钠 7558-79-4 3105300090 Trisodium phosphate 磷酸三钠 7601-54-9 2835291000 Potassium phosphate 磷酸钾 53006-98-7 28352910 Potassium pyrophosphate 焦磷酸钾 7320-34-5 28353990 Tripotassium phosphate 磷酸三钾 7778-53-2 2835240000104 Aluminum phosphate 磷酸铝 7784-30-7 2835299000103 Calcium phosphate 磷酸钙 7758-87-4 28352600
Potassium chlorate 氯酸钾 CAS: 3811-04-9 2829191000 Sodium chlorate 氯酸钠 CAS: 7775-09-9 2829110000 Barium chlorate 氯酸钡 10294-38-9 2829199000 Sodium hypochlorite 次氯酸钠 7681-52-9 2828900000 Sodium chlorite 亚氯酸钠 7758-19-2 2828900000103 Calcium hypochlorite 次氯酸钙 7778-54-3 2828100000
Sodium perchlorate 高氯酸钠 7601-89-0 2829900090103 Potassium perchlorate 高氯酸钾 7778-74-7 2829900020 Ammonium perchlorate 高氯酸铵 7790-98-9 2829900090 Potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾 7778-50-9 2841500000 Sodium dichromate 重铬酸钠 10588-01-9 2841500000
Tellurium Te 碲 Te 13494-80-9 2804500001 Indium In 铟 In 7440-74-6 8112 99 70 Gallium Ga 镓 Ga 7440-55-3 81129290 Cadmium Cd 镉 Cd 7440-43-9 8107 20 00 Antimony Sb 锑 Sb 7440-36-0 8110102000 Phosphorus P 磷 P 7723-14-0 28047000 Arsenic As 砷 As 7440-38-2 2804800000 Aluminum Al 铝 Al 7429-90-5 7603100010 Beryllium Be 铍 Be 7440-41-7 8112120000 Copper Cu 铜 Cu 7440-50-8 74081100 germanium Ge 锗 Ge 7440-56-4 28053090 Zinc Zn 锌 Zn 7440-66-6 7904 00 00 Tin Sn 锡 Sn 7440-31-5 8003000000 Mercury Hg 汞 Hg 7439-97-6 2805400000
Copper oxide 氧化铜 1317-38-0 28255000 Iron oxide 氧化铁 1309-37-1 2821100000 Aluminum oxide 氧化铝 1344-28-1 2818200000
Niobium pentoxide Nb2O5 五氧化二铌 Nb2O5 1313-96-8 2825904910 Zirconium dioxide ZrO2 二氧化锆 ZrO2 1314-23-4 2825600090 Tantalum pentoxide Ta2O5 五氧化二钽 Ta2O5 1314-61-0 28259085 Titanium pentoxide Ti3O5 五氧化三钛 Ti3O5 12065-65-5 2823000000 Zinc sulfide ZnS 硫化锌 ZnS 1314-98-3 28309085 Silicon dioxide SiO2 二氧化硅 SiO2 14808-60-7 2811229000
Gallium antimonide GaSb 锑化镓 GaSb 12064-03-8 2853909029 Indium antimonide InSb 锑化铟 InSb 1312-41-0 3818009000 Cadmium telluride CdTe 碲化镉 CdTe 1306-25-8 2842902000 Bismuth telluride Bi2Te3 碲化铋 Bi2Te3 1304-82-1 2842909090 Gallium telluride Ga2Te3 碲化镓 Ga2Te3 12024-14-5 8106001091 Zinc telluride ZnTe 碲化锌 ZnTe 1315-11-3 CdZnTe 碲锌镉 CdZnTe 8107900000 Indium Phosphide InP 磷化铟 InP Germanium phosphide GeP 磷化锗 GeP Cadmium selenide CdSe 硒化镉 CdSe 1306-24-7 2842909023 Germanium sulfide Ge2S3 硫化锗 Ge2S3 12025-32-0 8112991000 Steel gallium tin InGaSn 钢镓锡 InGaSn Antimony dioxide SbO2 二氧化锑 SbO2 2025820 28112900 Indium trioxide In2O3 三氧化二铟 In2O3 Germanium dioxide GeO2 二氧化锗 GeO2 1310-53-8 2825 60 00 Bismuth trioxide Bi2O3 三氧化二铋 Bi2O3 1304-76-3 2825902100 Tellurium dioxide Te02 二氧化碲 Te02 2025820 28112900 Gallium trioxide Ga2O3 三氧化二镓 Ga2O3 12024-21-4 28259090
Urea for vehicles 车用尿素 57-13-6 31021000 Urea for agriculture 农用尿素 57-13-6 3102100010101 尿素硝酸铵溶液 3102800000 PCU 控释氮肥 3105590000 NPK 氮磷钾复合肥 66455-26-3 3105200010 MOP 氯化钾肥 7447-40-7 3104202000 DAP 磷酸氢二铵 7783-28-0 3105300090 MAP 磷酸一铵 7722-76-1 3105590000 MKP 磷酸二氢钾 7778-77-0 2835240000 magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁 7487-88-9 2833210000 ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 7783-20-2 31022100 sodium sulfate 硫酸钠 7757-82-6 2833190000 soil conditioner 土壤调理剂 38249090 water-soluble fertilizer 水溶肥 3105909090 organic-inorganic fertilizer 有机无机肥 3105901000 compound fertilizer 复合肥 3105901000301 Ammonium nitrate calcium, 硝酸铵钙 15245-12-2 3102600000 Calcium nitrate 硝酸钙 10124-37-5 3102600000 Urea compound fertilizer 尿素-复合肥-各类 58069-82-2 38249090 trace elements Amino acids 微量元素氨基酸肥 31052000.01 other fertilizer products 其他肥料产品
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bloomingbluebell · 2 months
iodine is unfortunately named. it it per-iodic acid or period-ic acid
0 notes
autodaemonium · 1 year
Pronounced: zwpsthtthzthnrtthriourknn.
Pantheon of: shoddiness, psychological feature, recklessness, legality, energy, demeanor, indulgence, food chain.
Pronounced: kuwwdnlnouuhtlikztdnayt Indulgence: luxury. Energy: second wind. Psychological Feature: motivation. Recklessness: brashness. Demeanor: citizenship. Legality: validity. Legends: sale, shingling, pickup, speakership. Prophecies: dialysis, regatta, neurosurgery.
Pronounced: nruhititlnkrnrsuhuhflwf Indulgence: luxury. Energy: second wind. Psychological Feature: motivation. Recklessness: adventurism. Demeanor: manners. Legality: validity. Legends: documentary, flotation, cardinalship. Prophecies: doctor, quantum leap, truckling, gyneolatry. Relations: kʌwwdnlnɒətlɪkztdnɛt (iodic acid).
Pronounced: uuhuhuthhtuhyuhrooahzmththdin Indulgence: luxury. Energy: second wind. Psychological Feature: cognition. Recklessness: adventurism. Demeanor: swashbuckling. Legality: validity. Legends: graduation, leak. Prophecies: special olympics, immolation, declassification. Relations: kʌwwdnlnɒətlɪkztdnɛt (diol), nrəɪtɪtlnkrnrsəəflwf (node).
0 notes
chemlearn · 2 years
Common name and formula of important chemical compounds. 
Baking Powder Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3
Bleaching Powder Calcium Oxychloride CaOCL2
Blue Vitriol Copper Sulphate CuSO4.5H2O
Caustic Potash Potassium Hydroxide KOH
Caustic Soda Sodium Hydroxide NaOH
Chalk (Marble) Calcium Carbonate CaCo3
Chloroform Trichloro Methane CHCl3
Dry Ice Solid Carbondioxide CO2
Epsom Magnesium Sulphate MgSo4
Green Vitriol Ferrous Sulphate FeSo4
Gypsum Calcium Sulphate CaSo4
Heavy Water Deuterium Oxide D2O
Laughing Gas Nitrous Oxide N2O
Magnesia Magnesium Oxide MgO
Marsh Gas Methane CH4
Mohr��s Salt Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O
Plaster of Paris Calcium Sulphate CaSO42H2O
Potash Alum Potassium Aluminium Sulphate KALSO4
Quick Lime Calcium Oxide CaO
Sand Silicon Oxide SiO2
Compound name
Molecular formula
Molar mass
Range of concentration
0-30% (18°C)
0-6% (15°C)
Acetic acid
0-100% (20°C)
0-100% (20°C)
0-16% (15°C)
Aluminium chloride
0-40% (15°C)
Aluminium nitrate
Aluminium sulfate
0-26% (15°C)
0-30% (20°C)
Ammonium acetate
0-45% (25°C)
Ammonium carbonate
Ammonium chloride
0-24% (20°C)
Ammonium dichromate
0-20% (12°C)
Ammonium hydroxide
0-62% (20°C)
Ammonium nitrate
0-50% (20°C)
Ammonium oxalate
Ammonium sulfate
0-50% (20°C)
Antimony(III) chloride
Antimony(V) chloride
Barium chloride
0-26% (20°C)
Barium hydroxide
Barium nitrate
Bismuth(III) chloride
Bismuth(III) nitrate
0-8% (20°C)
Butyric acid
0-62% (25°C)
Cadmium nitrate
0-50% (18°C)
Cadmium sulfate
Calcium chloride
0-40% (20°C)
Calcium hydroxide
Calcium nitrate
0-68% (18°C)
Calcium sulfate
Carbon disulfide
Chloroacetic acid
0-32% (20°C)
Chloroauric acid
Chloroplatinic acid
Chromium(III) chloride
0-14% (18°C)
Chromium(III) nitrate
Chromium(III) sulfate
0-40% (15°C)
Chromium(VI) oxide
0-60% (15°C)
Citric acid
0-55% (20°C)
Cobalt(II) nitrate
Cobalt(II) sulfate
Copper(I) chloride
0-20% (20°C)
Copper(II) chloride
0-20% (20°C)
Copper(II) nitrate
0-25% (20°C)
Copper(II) sulfate
0-20% (18°C)
Dichloroacetic acid
0-30% (20°C)
Diethyl ether
0-5% (20°C)
EDTA, disodium salt
0-6% (20°C)
0-100% (20°C)
Ethylene glycol
0-60% (20°C)
0-40% (15°C)
Formic acid
0-100% (20°C)
0-48% (20°C)
0-60% (20°C)
0-100% (20°C)
Hexafluorosilicic acid
0-34% (17.5°C)
0-60% (15°C)
Hydrobromic acid
0-65% (25°C)
Hydrochloric acid
0-40% (20°C)
Hydrocyanic acid
0-16% (15°C)
Hydrofluoric acid
0-50% (20°C)
Hydrogen peroxide
0-100% (18°C)
Hydroiodic acid
Iodic acid
Iron(II) ammonium sulfate
Iron(II) sulfate
0-20% (18°C)
Iron(III) chloride
0-50% (20°C)
Iron(III) nitrate
0-25% (18°C)
Iron(III) sulfate
0-20% (17.5°C)
0-8% (20°C)
Lactic acid
0-80% (20°C)
0-18% (20°C)
Lead(II) acetate
Lead(II) chloride
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thearistocratsblog · 5 years
1)GOODS: Agar-agar; nitrogen; actinium; alginates for the food industry; alginates for industrial purposes; crotonic aldehyde; ammonium aldehyde; aldehydes; americium; amyl acetate; anhydrous ammonia; acetic anhydride; anhydrides; anti-knock substances for internal combustion engines; antifreeze; argon; lead arsenate; astatine; aluminium acetate; lime acetate; lead acetate; acetate of cellulose, unprocessed; acetates [chemicals]; acetylene; acetone; oenological bactericides [chemical preparations used in wine making]; balm of gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] for making varnish; barium; barytes; albumin [animal and vegetable, raw material]; animal albumen [raw material]; iodised albumen; malt albumen; bentonite; berkelium; bicarbonate of soda for chemical purposes; potassium dioxalate; bichromate of potassium; bichromate of soda; bauxite; bromine for chemical purposes; albuminized paper; baryta paper; diazo paper; blueprint paper; litmus paper; self-toning paper [photography]; nitrate paper; photometric paper; borax; agglutinants for concrete; gas purifying preparations; preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations; substances for preventing runs in stockings; water-softening preparations; limestone hardening substances; artificial sweeteners [chemical preparations]; concrete-aeration chemicals; leather-dressing chemicals; chemical preparations for the manufacture of paints; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; starch-liquifying chemicals [ungluing agents]; viscose; bismuth; bismuth nitrite for chemical purposes; witherite; distilled water; sea water for industrial purposes; acidulated water for recharging accumulators; heavy water; hydrogen; seaweeds [fertilizers]; gadolinium; protective gases for welding; solidified gases for industrial purposes; gas propellents for aerosols; basic gallate of bismuth; gallium; gambier; helium; electrophoresis gels, other than for medical and veterinary purposes; genes of seeds for agricultural production; aluminium hydrate; hyposulphites; ceramic glazings; glycol; expanded-clay for hydroponic plant growing [substrate]; china slip; alumina; glycerides; glycerine for industrial purposes; glucose for the food industry; glucose for industrial purposes; glucosides; gluten for the food industry; gluten for industrial purposes; holmium; hormones for hastening the ripening of fruit; peat pots for horticulture;guano; humus; detergents for use in manufacturing processes; defoliants; hydrazine; manganese dioxide; titanium dioxide for industrial purposes; zirconia; oil dispersants; petroleum dispersants; dysprosium; bichloride of tin; detergent additives to petrol [gasoline]; additives, chemical, to drilling muds; additives, chemical, to insecticides; additives, chemical, to motor fuel; additives, chemical, to fungicides; dolomite for industrial purposes; europium; fluids for hydraulic circuits; power steering fluid; brake fluid; transmission fluid; grafting wax for trees; tree cavity fillers [forestry]; glaziers' putty; rare earths, metal earths; and earth metals namely molybdenum, rhenium, selenium, tellurium, gallium, germanium, scandium, tin, indium, stibium; diatomaceous earth; fuller's earth for use in textile industry; lime chloride; ytterbium; yttrium; iodine for industrial purposes; iodine for chemical purposes; aluminium iodide; casein for the food industry; kainite; sorrel salt; californium; camphor, for industrial purposes; calcium carbide; magnesium carbonate; cassiopium [lutetium]; catechu; alum; ammonia alum; aluminium alum; chrome alum; ketones; cinematographic film, sensitized but not exposed; oxygen; nitric acid; benzoic acid; boric acid for industrial purposes; tartaric acid; tungstic acid; gallic acid for the manufacture of ink; gallotannic acid; tannic acid; iodic acid; phenol for industrial purposes; citric acid for industrial purposes; lactic acid; formic acid; persulphuric acid; oleic acid; picric acid; pyrogallic acid; salicylic acid; sebacic acid; sulphuric acid; sulphurous acid; hydrochloric acid; stearic acid; carbonic acid; spirits of vinegar [dilute acetic acid]; phosphoric acid; hydrofluoric acid; cholic acid; chromic acid; oxalic acid; arsenious acid; adhesives for billposting; leather glues; adhesives for wall tiles; adhesives for paperhanging; birdlime; compost; beer preserving agents; mangrove bark for industrial purposes; silicon;; krypton; xenon; curium; lactose for the food industry; lactose for industrial purposes; lanthanum; dry ice [carbon dioxide]; lecithin for the food industry; lithium; magnesite; manganate; oils for tanning leather; oils for currying leather; oils for preparing leather in the course of manufacture; paper pulp; wood pulp; grafting mastic for trees; mastic for leather; automobile body fillers; copper sulphate; metalloids, namely stibium, arsenic; alkaline-earth metals; alkaline metals; methane; methyl benzene; methyl benzol; flour for industrial purposes; tapioca flour for industrial purposes; potato flour for industrial purposes; industrial soap; arsenic; bate for dressing skins; sodium; hypochlorite of soda; naphthalene; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; neodymium; neon; neptunium; nitrate of uranium; nitric monoxide; baryta; uranium oxide; oxalates; lithia [lithium oxide]; lead oxide; antimony oxide; chromium oxide; cobalt oxide for industrial purposes; mercuric oxide; olivine [chemical preparations]; gallnuts; wine finings; textile-brightening chemicals; beer-clarifying and preserving agents; reducing agents for use in photography; pectin for the food industry; pectin for industrial purposes; perborate of soda; percarbonates; dioxide of hydrogen; persulphates; perchlorates; foundry sand; plastisols; sensitized plates for offset printing; ferrotype plates [photography]; plasticizers; plastics unprocessed; x-ray films, sensitized but not exposed; plutonium; polonium; potash; potash water; praseodymium; rubber preservatives; masonry preservatives, except paints and oils; brickwork preservatives, except paints and oils; cement preservatives, except paints and oils; preservatives for tiles, except paints and oils; bacteriological preparations for acetification; currying preparations for skins; tempering and soldering preparations; metal hardening preparations; opacifiers for glass; opacifiers for enamel; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; metal annealing preparations; cement-waterproofing preparations, except paints; plant growth regulating preparations; wallpaper removing preparations; anti-boil preparations for engine coolants; fulling preparations for use in textile industry; scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes; galvanizing preparations; finishing preparations for use in the manufacture of steel; meat tenderizers for industrial purposes; enzyme preparations for the food industry; vine disease preventing chemicals; chemical preparations to prevent mildew; chemical preparations for protection against wheat blight [smut]; chemical preparations for smoking meat; chemical preparations for decarbonising engines; damp proofing preparations, except paints, for masonry; anti-sprouting preparations for vegetables; brazing preparations; by-products of the processing of cereals for industrial purposes; promethium; protactinium; mordants for metals; radium for scientific purposes; radon; anti-frothing solutions for accumulators; drilling muds; solutions for cyanotyping; baths for galvanizing; silver salt solutions for silvering; rhenium; mercury; rubidium; samarium; saccharin; selenium; salpetre; sulphur; silver nitrate; carbon sulphide; silicates namely dust from processed copper; aluminium silicate; scandium; acrylic resins, unprocessed; artificial resins, unprocessed; synthetic resins, unprocessed; epoxy resins, unprocessed; soda ash; calcined soda; caustic soda for industrial purposes; barium compounds; fluorspar compounds; salts [chemical preparations], namely calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, ferrous sulphate, nickel chloride, copper sulphate, nickel sulphate; ammoniacal salts; ammonium salts; salts of precious metals for industrial purposes; salts for galvanic batteries; salts for coloring metal; salts for industrial purposes namely, blue vitriol and nickel vitriol; iron salts; gold salts; iodised salts; calcium salts; sodium salts [chemical preparations]; salt, raw namely, calcium carbonate; salts from rare earth metals; mercury salts; chrome salts; chromic salts; salts of alkaline metals; rock salt; fire extinguishing compositions; compositions for the manufacture of phonograph records; compositions for the manufacture of technical ceramics; compositions for repairing inner tubes of tires; tire repairing compositions; fire extinguishing compositions; adhesive preparations for surgical bandages; fireproofing preparations; amyl alcohol; ethyl alcohol; concrete preservatives, except paints and oils; strontium; barium sulphate; sulphates; antimony sulphide; sulphides; benzoic sulphinide; sulphonic acids; sumac for use in tanning; antimony; thallium; cream of tartar for the food industry; tellurium; terbium; tetrachlorides; carbon tetrachloride; acetylene tetrachloride; technetium; thiocarbanilide; titanite; sensitized cloth for photography; blueprint cloth; toluene; toluol; fuel for atomic piles; thorium; peat [fertiliser]; thulium; carbonic hydrates; carbon; blood charcoal; fertilizing preparations; nitrogenous fertilisers; fertilizers; fish meal fertilizers; pyroligneous acid [wood vinegar]; uranium; chemical intensifiers for paper; chemical intensifiers for rubber; enzymes for the food industry; fermium; ferrocyanides; soldering fluxes; brazing fluxes; formic aldehyde for chemical purposes; phosphates [fertilisers]; phosphorus; photographic paper; photosensitive plates; sensitized photographic plates; sensitized films, unexposed; photographic developers; photographic sensitizers; chemical preparations for use in photography; photographic emulsions; francium; fluorine; chemicals for forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; glass-frosting chemicals; glass-staining chemicals; enamel-staining chemicals; water purifying chemicals; oil-purifying chemicals; soldering chemicals; stain-preventing chemicals for use on fabrics; anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows; leather-waterproofing chemicals; textile-waterproofing chemicals; chemical preparations, except pigments, for the manufacture of enamel; radiator flushing chemicals; leather-impregnating chemicals; textile-impregnating chemicals; horticulture chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; agricultural chemicals, except fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; soil conditioning preparations; chimney cleaners, chemical; industrial chemicals namely, blue vitriol, nickel vitriol, calcium hydrate, calcium sulphate, ferrous sulphate; agricultural, horticultural and forestry chemicals; coolants for vehicle engines; chlorine; chlorates; hydrochlorates; aluminium chloride; magnesium chloride; chlorides; palladious chlorides; chromates; caesium; cellulose; cerium; cyanides [prussiates]; calcium cyanamide [fertilizer]; cymene; loam; spinel [chemical preparations]; alkalies; caustic alkali; erbium; ethane; methyl ether; sulphuric ether; ethyl ether; glycol ether; ethers; esters; cellulose ethers for industrial purposes; cellulose esters for industrial purposes;(2) Aluminium; fittings of metal for compressed air ducts; vats of metal; joists of metal; bottles [metal containers] for compressed gas and liquid air; beryllium [glucinium]; arbours [structures of metal]; ingots of common metal; anchors; bolts of metal; eye bolts; casks of metal; mooring buoys of metal; barrels of metal; identification bracelets of metal, for hospitals; bronze; bells for animals; silos of metal; busts of common metal; bird baths [structures of metal]; vice benches of metal; screws of metal; aviaries of metal [structures]; tungsten; ferrules of metal for handles; signboards of metal; diving boards of metal; loading gauge rods, of metal, for railway wagons; nuts of metal galena; nuts of metal; galena ore; nails; brads; horseshoe nails; germanium; vice claws of metal; doors of metal; chimney pots of metal; memorial plaques, of metal; chimney shafts of metal; troughs of metal for mixing mortar; containers of metal for storing acids; jalousies of metal; iron, unwrought and semi-wrought; roof gutters of metal; street gutters of metal; tinplate; door bolts of metal; window fasteners of metal; binding screws of metal for cables; cramps of metal [crampons]; wheel clamps [boots]; rivets of metal; padlocks; box fasteners of metal; locks of metal for bags; locks of metal for vehicles; spring locks; closures of metal for containers; latches of metal; signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal, for roads; number plates, of metal; signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal; fences of metal; indium; cabanas of metal; telephone booths of metal; cadmium; telpher cables; ropes of metal; greenhouse frames of metal; cornices of metal; cermets; water-pipe valves of metal; drain traps [valves] of metal; metal cages for wild animals; keys; mooring bollards of metal; cobalt, raw; chill-molds [foundry]; elbows of metal for pipes; bed casters of metal; furniture casters of metal; door bells of metal, non-electric; pillars of metal for buildings; casings of metal for oilwells; chimney cowls of metal; sealing caps of metal for bottles; tent pegs of metal; pegs of metal; rings of common metal for keys; door fittings, of metal; fittings of metal for windows; guard rails of metal; door frames of metal; tool boxes of metal, empty; stringers [parts of staircases] of metal; taps for casks, of metal; screw tops of metal for bottles; manhole covers of metal; pitons of metal [mountaineering equipment]; pot hooks of metal; hooks for slate [metal hardware]; hooks of metal for clothes rails; clothes hooks of metal; chicken-houses, of metal; brass, unwrought and semi-wrought; scaffolding of metal; staircases of metal; ladders of metal; limonite; steel sheets; cast steel; traps for wild animals; magnesium; manganese; reinforcing materials, of metal, for concrete; reinforcing materials of metal for machine belts; reinforcing materials of metal for pipes; reinforcing materials of metal for building; brazing alloys; masts of metal; steel masts; copper, unwrought and semi-wrought; sheets and plates of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; common metals, unwrought and semi-wrought; moldings of metal for cornices; molybdenum; door knockers of metal; pipe muffs of metal; tombs of metal; flashing of metal, for building; roof flashing of metal; anvils; anvils [portable]; beak-irons [bick-irons]; ferrules of metal for walking sticks; rope thimbles of metal; handcuffs; duckboards of metal; nickel-silver; nickel; niobium; grease nipples; house numbers of metal, non-luminous; braces of metal for handling loads; barrel hoops of metal; common metals and their alloys; palings of metal; crash barriers of metal for roads; tin; shuttering of metal for concrete; poles of metal, for electric lines; branching pipes of metal; monuments of metal; monuments of metal for tombs; wainscotting of metal; building panels of metal; lintels of metal; casement windows of metal; strap-hinges of metal; shims; rocket launching platforms of metal; transport pallets of metal; floor tiles, of metal; armour plate; grave slabs of metal; tile floorings of metal; iron slabs; loading pallets, of metal; armour plating; paving blocks of metal; roof coverings of metal; door panels of metal; floors of metal; gold solder; silver solder; door closers, non-electric; door openers, non-electric; collars of metal for fastening pipes; winding spools of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses; floating docks of metal for mooring boats; aluminium wire; iron wire; wire of common metal; wire of common metal alloys, except fuse wire; barbed wire; copper wire, not insulated; soldering wire of metal; steel wire; rods of metal for welding; rods of metal for brazing and welding; rods of metal for brazing; window frames of metal; containers of metal for liquid fuel; containers of metal for compressed gas and liquid air; rails of metal; furnace fireguards; runners of metal for sliding doors; sash pulleys; ores; iron ores; ores of metal; chrome ores; tool handles of metal; door handles of metal; scythe handles of metal; broom handles of metal; knife handles of metal; pigsties of metal; lead, unwrought and semi-wrought; safes [strong boxes]; insect screens of metal; cable joints of metal, non-electric; junctions of metal for pipes; silver plated tin alloy; alloys of common metal; bottle closures of metal; outdoor blinds of metal; steel alloys; steel, unwrought and semi-wrought; tinfoil; statues of common metal; figurines [statuettes] of common metal; cask stands of metal; tombstone stelae of metal; bars for metal railings; stables of metal; advertisement columns of metal; telegraph posts of metal; tombstone plaques of metal; tantalum [metal]; greenhouses of metal, transportable; titanium; wire cloth; tombac; mobile boarding stairs of metal for passengers; wire rope; pipework of metal; penstock pipes of metal; water-pipes of metal; gutter pipes of metal; ducts of metal for ventilating and air conditioning installations; drain pipes of metal; chimneys of metal; pipes of metal; ducts of metal, for central heating installations; steel tubes; turnstiles of metal; angle irons; door stops of metal; sash fasteners of metal for windows; bicycle parking installations of metal; towel dispensers, fixed, of metal; tungsten iron; molybdenum iron; silicon iron; ferrotitanium; chrome iron; flanges of metal [collars]; weather and wind vanes of metal; aluminium foil; foils of metal for wrapping and packaging; ice moulds of metal; foundry molds [moulds] of metal; fittings of metal for coffins; fittings of metal for beds; fittings of metal for furniture; furniture fittings of nickel-silver; clips of metal for cables and pipes; chromium; cattle chains; zinc; zirconium; cast iron, unwrought and semi-wrought; balls of steel; hinges of metal; crampons [climbing irons]; cashboxes of metal; safety cashboxes; railroad ties of metal; window casement bolts; cotter pins of metal; spurs; roller blinds of steel; latch bars of metal; furnace fire screens; badges of metal for vehicles; lock bolts; tool chests of metal, empty; letter boxes of metal;(3) Agates; diamonds; amulets [jewellery]; precious metals and their alloys and bracelets [jewellery]; straps for wristwatches; charms [jewellery]; key rings; brooches [jewellery]; alarm clocks; ornamental pins; tie pins; beads for making jewelry; pearls made of ambroid [pressed amber]; busts of precious metal; jet, unwrought and semi-wrought; pearls [jewellery]; tie clips; cuff links; badges of precious metal; gold, unwrought and beaten; ivory [jewellery]; cloisonne jewellery; jewellery ; jewellery of yellow amber; iridium; precious stones; semi-precious stones; spun silver [silver wire]; necklaces [jewellery]; rings [jewellery]; watch cases; clock cases; medals; medallions [jewellery]; precious metals, unwrought and semi-wrought; movements for clocks and watches; clockworks; coins; gold thread [jewellery]; threads of precious metal [jewellery]; silver thread; olivine [gems]; osmium; palladium; platinum [metal]; watch springs; rhodium; ruthenium; stopwatches; silver, unwrought and beaten; earrings; ingots of precious metals; alloys of precious metal; statues of precious metal; figurines [statuettes] of precious metal; watch crystals; paste jewellery; clock hands [clock and watch making]; shoe ornaments of precious metal; hat ornaments of precious metal; ornaments of jet; cases for clock- and watchmaking; chronographs [watches]; chronometers; chronoscopes; watch chains; atomic clocks; watches; sundials; clocks and watches, electric; control clocks [master clocks]; clocks; wristwatches; jewellery cases [caskets]; spinel [precious stones];(4) Alabaster; window frames, not of metal; asbestos cement; asphalt; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; balustrading; arbours [structures not of metal]; concrete; bitumen; joists, not of metal; telephone booths, not of metal; busts of stone, concrete and marble; bird baths [structures, not of metal]; binding agents for making briquettes namely, calcium sulphate, calcium hydrate, magnesium sulphate; stained-glass windows; aviaries, not of metal [structures]; diving boards, not of metal; geotextiles; gypsum; plaster; pottery clay; clay for use as building materials; gravel; aquarium gravel; granite; folding doors, not of metal; coal tar; chimney pots, not of metal; prefabricated houses [kits], not of metal; parquet floor boards; memorial plaques, not of metal; roofing shingles; veneer wood; chimney shafts, not of metal; jalousies, not of metal; roof gutters, not of metal; street gutters, not of metal; signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, not of metal, for roads; non-luminous and non-mechanical signs, not of metal; calcareous stone; lime carbonate; cabanas not of metal; artificial stone; building stone; paint spraying booths, not of metal; gravestones; greenhouse frames, not of metal; cornices, not of metal; asphalted cardboard for building; wood pulp board, for building; quartz; caissons for construction work under water; bricks; drain traps [valves], not of metal or plastic; cask wood; mooring bollards, not of metal; cement posts; chimney cowls, not of metal; door frames, not of metal; stringers [parts of staircases], not of metal; silica stone; quartz; manhole covers, not of metal; chicken-houses, not of metal; building timber; sawn timber; wood, semi-worked; staircases, not of metal; tar; road coating materials namely, crushed building stone, granulated smelter slag stone and cast smelter slag stone; fireclay; pitch; building materials, not of metal namely, crushed building stone and sand; raw chalk; calcareous marl; mosaics for building; marble; slate powder; porches, not of metal, for building; tombs, not of metal; flashing, not of metal, for building; roof flashing, not of metal; duckboards, not of metal; moldings, not of metal, for cornices; laths, not of metal; wood panelling; palings, not of metal; crash barriers, not of metal, for roads; windows, not of metal; olivine for building; poles, not of metal, for electric power lines; wainscotting, not of metal; parquet flooring; lintels, not of metal; casement windows, not of metal; aquarium sand; silver sand; sand, except foundry sand; sandstone for building; planks [wood for building]; rocket launching platforms, not of metal; tile floorings, not of metal; paving slabs, not of metal; cement slabs; tombstone stelae, not of metal; scaffolding, not of metal; asphalt paving; wood paving; paving blocks, not of metal; macadam; fireproof cement coatings; bituminous coatings for roofing; wooden floor boards; mantlepieces; door panels, not of metal; porphyry [stone]; floating docks, not of metal, for mooring boats; mortar for building; asbestos mortar; scantlings [carpentry]; furrings of wood; vinyl siding; pigsties, not of metal; insect screens not of metal; statues of stone, concrete and marble; statuettes of stone, concrete and marble; alabaster glass; glass granules for road marking; insulating glass [building]; window glass, for building; window glass, except glass for vehicle windows; building glass; plate glass [windows], for building; tombstone stelae, not of metal; stables, not of metal; advertisement columns, not of metal; posts, not of metal; telegraph posts, not of metal; tombstone plaques, not of metal; greenhouses, transportable, not of metal; penstock pipes, not of metal; water-pipes, not of metal; gutter pipes, not of metal; ducts, not of metal, for ventilating and airconditioning installations; drain pipes, not of metal; chimneys, not of metal; sandstone tubes; turnstiles, not of metal; tufa; angle irons, not of metal; bicycle parking installations, not of metal; plywood; foundry molds [moulds], not of metal; cement for blast furnaces; cement for furnaces; magnesia cement; pantiles; slate; roofing slates; slag stone [building material]; clinker stone; railroad ties, not of metal; wood veneers; clinker ballast.
2)SERVICES: Travel guides and travel information services; sale of sightseeing tours and travel agencies, namely information, organization, marketing, and booking of trips, and of all other travel services, namely excursions, tickets to performances, hotel accommodations, rental of hotel rooms, bungalows, and villas, rental of vehicles for transport and tourism purposes; organization, booking, and provision of planned trips, namely sightseeing tours, organized trips to all-inclusive resorts, lodging with hosted activities, sporting activities, cultural activities, cooking workshops and entertainment, restaurant and bar services, thematic trips, and cruises; organization of lotteries; booking of seats for performances; entertainment, namely quiz games, game shows, radio game shows, production and broadcasting of television and radio programs; sporting activities, namely organization of competitions and sports training in the fields of golf, football, volleyball, tennis, basketball, water sports, sailing, judo, yoga, horseback riding, applied arts, bridge, fitness, archery, skating, trapeze arts, surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, water skiing, kitesurfing, diving, swimming, ping pong, badminton, sliding sports, in-line skating, roller skating, scooters, roller skates, skiing; vacation club services, namely temporary accommodation with restaurant services, hosted activities, entertainment, namely sporting activities, cultural activities, cooking workshops, the plastic arts, movies, the circus, dances, parties, the Internet, games, reading, music, photography, radio, the theatre, live entertainment, fireworks, parades, fashion shows, beauty pageants; health club services, namely fitness; education and training, namely organization and conduct of conventions, colloquia, conferences, symposia in the fields of travel, tourism, foreign languages, journalism, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, occult sciences, logic, epistemology, morals, ethics, dogmatic theology, moral theology, pastoral theology, history of religions and cults, social sciences, statistics, demography, sociology, politics, economics, law, legislation, public administration, governments, military affairs, consumption and consumers, education, teaching, ethnology, customs, folklore, hard and natural sciences, environmental conservation, mathematics, astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, crystallography, geology, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, hydrology, paleontology, biology, ecology, genetics, botany, zoology, applied sciences, technology, medicine, pharmacy, engineering, agriculture, animal husbandry, home economics, cooking, the chemical industries, computers, the construction industries, arts, entertainment, land-use planning, urban planning, architecture, the plastic arts, music, games, sports, the performing arts, linguistics, philology, literature, archeology, geography, biography, history; classes in the fields of travel, recreation, sports, and entertainment, namely the plastic arts, film, the circus, dance, parties, the Internet, gaming, reading, music, photography, radio, the theatre, live entertainment, fireworks, parades, fashion shows, sporting activities, cooking workshops, beauty pageants, animation, culture; sports training camps, namely internships in the fields of golf, football, volleyball, tennis, basketball, water sports, sailing, judo, yoga, horseback riding, applied arts, bridge, fitness, archery, skating, the trapeze arts, surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, water skiing, kite surfing, diving, swimming, ping pong, badminton, sliding sports, in-line skating, roller skating, scooters, roller skates, skiing; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes in the field of travel, tourism, foreign languages, journalism, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, occult sciences, logic, epistemology, morals, ethics, dogmatic theology, moral theology, pastoral theology, history of religions and cults, social sciences, statistics, demographics, sociology, politics, economics, law, legislation, public administration, governments, military affairs, consumption and consumers, education, teaching, ethnology, customs, folklore, hard and natural sciences, environmental conservation, mathematics, astronomy, geodesy, physics, chemistry, minerology, crystallography, geology, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, hydrology, paleontology, biology, ecology, genetics, botany, zoology, applied sciences, technology, medicine, pharmacy, engineering, agriculture, animal husbandry, home economics, cooking, the chemical industries, computers, the construction industries, arts, entertainment, land-use planning, urban planning, architecture, the plastic arts, music, games, sports, the performing arts, linguistics, philology, literature, archeology, geography, biography, history; consulting and information in the fields of education, training, and recreation, namely the plastic arts, film, the circus, dance, parties, the Internet, gaming, reading, music, photography, radio, the theatre, live entertainment, fireworks, parades, fashion shows, sporting activities, cooking workshops, beauty pageants, animation, culture, including those provided online; cultural activities, namely organization of exhibitions, festivals, plays and movie screenings; promotion for others regarding the sale of flights, trips, and all travel services by means of a communications network, namely the Internet, as well as through the distribution of printed matter, brochures, photographs, drawings, visual and audiovisual advertising material for the purpose of disseminating information on goods and services related to the tourism and travel industry; transport of passengers and goods by air, road, sea, and rail; chartering of seats on various flights, and booking, sale, and issuance of tickets for travel by air, sea, rail, road, and of tickets for trips, sightseeing tours, and holidays, namely stays in hotels, vacation clubs (hotels), rental of accommodations, by travel agencies and through the global communications network, namely the Internet; handling of passengers and goods in airports; organization, booking, and provision of cruises, operation of travel agencies, airport services, namely handling and representation services, in airports, for freight, goods, and luggage; in-flight food and drink services, namely distribution of meals, snacks, and beverages in identified boxes, distribution of goods related to restaurant services, namely condiments, napkins, and cocktail napkins.
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trendingnewz-blog · 5 years
Potassium Iodate Market Estimated To Experience A Hike In Growth By 2024
Potassium iodate is a chemical compound majorly used in the food and healthcare industry. It is an oxidizing agent and catches fire if it comes in contact with reducing agents or combustible materials. It can be prepared by adding iodine to a hot, concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide. It can also be prepared by reacting a potassium-containing base such as potassium hydroxide with iodic acid.
Potassium iodate is used as an additive to raise herbage iodine levels. Potassium iodate is used for iodination of table salt to prevent iodine deficiency in humans. Iodine is an essential trace element; the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine contain iodine. In areas where there is little iodine; iodine deficiency gives rise to goiter, which results in developmental delays and other health problems. In some regions, potassium iodate is used as a source for dietary iodine. It is a major ingredient in some baby formula milk. Potassium iodate is also used in the food industry for various purposes.
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The growing demand for potassium iodate in agriculture is expected to boost the market within the forecast period. The demand for potassium iodate has experienced a continuous rise in the past few years and this trend is expected to continue in the next few years as well. The major reason for this is the diverse range of applications of potassium iodate. It is used in agriculture, water treatment, food preservation, medical, industrial and fire service applications among others. It is used in agriculture as a stable form of iodine, for animal to correct iodine deficiency and prevent various animal diseases, in food industry for iodisation of table salt and in pharmaceuticals it is used for the production of disinfectants, antiseptics and deodorants. Owing to such a wide range of applications, potassium iodate is widely used in several end-user industries. The growing demand for these application products from is anticipated to drive the demand for iodate in the next few years. However, the US Food and Drug Administration has expressed serious concerns about the safety and effectiveness of iodate, and the fact that its manufacturers are not in conformity with FDA rules to assure safety, quality and purity of the product. In addition, potassium iodate has the disadvantage of being a stronger intestinal irritant. These parameters may act as restraining factors  for the growth of the potassium iodate market in the near future.
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The regions such as Asia Pacific, Africa and Latin America are predicted to emerge as the fastest growing markets for potassium iodate. The demand is expected to be highest from the emerging economies such as China and India. The continual and rapid growth in the industries in these regions is expected to drive the demand for potassium iodate in the production of various applications products. Moreover, developed markets such as the U.S. and European economies are steadily recovering from the economic downturn and are anticipated to generate significant demand for potassium iodate in the coming years. Due to the positive outlook across the world, the global potassium iodate is predicted to record a strong growth in the near future.
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Key manufacturers of the potassium iodate market are Chemicals India Company, Chongqing Changyuan Chemical Corporations Limited, Tianjin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and Themedica among others. Potassium iodate market is fragmented in nature with many small, medium and large scale industries.
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priyanka16me · 5 years
Sodium Iodate Market to Witness Widespread Expansion by 2024
Sodium iodate is the sodium salt of iodic acid which is used as an oxidizing agent. Sodium iodate is a colorless, rhombic crystal and is used as the catalyst in bis-indole synthesis. Sodium iodate is formed by the chemical reaction between a salt base and acid. Sodium iodate may decompose on exposure to light, air, or moisture and is heat and shock sensitive. The reaction between a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide and iodine can also lead to the formation of sodium iodate. Sodium iodate is used as a source of iodine supplement and also as analytic reagent.
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The key factor which drives the global sodium iodate market is the salt industry in which the demand for iodized salt keeps on increasing. The growing baking industry is another significant market driver of sodium iodate as sodium iodate in trace amounts is used as disinfectant against bacteria. Recent advancements in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry is acting as a driver of sodium iodate as it is used as an analytic reagent. Growing technical developments in the field of cell biology is also acting as a significant market driver of sodium iodate. The analytical reagent market is a driver of sodium iodate due to the ability of sodium iodate to quickly detect morphine and heroin.
The global sodium iodate market is segmented on the basis of product grade as medicine grade, food grade, feed grade, reagent grade, cosmetic grade, industrial grade, and agriculture grade. Based on product categories, sodium iodate is segmented as inorganic compounds, inorganic salts, synthetic reagents, analytical reagent and Puriss p.a. On the basis of raw materials, sodium iodate is segmented as iodine and sodium hydroxide. In terms of application, the market is classified as iodine supplement, disinfectant, preservative, medical disinfectant, ordinary and chromatographic analytic reagent, and feed additive.
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The global sodium iodate market witnessed decent growth in 2015 and the same trend is expected to follow during the forecast period (2016-2024). In terms of region, the global sodium iodate market has been segmented into Asia Pacific, North America, and Europe. In the Asia Pacific region, China is the major player due to the growing pharmaceutical industries in the country. North America and Europe are the significant players in the sodium iodate market due to the rising demand for analytical reagents. Middle East and Latin America are growing markets for sodium iodate owing to recent developments in the pharmaceutical sector in these regions.
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Key players of the global sodium iodate market include Iofina, Ajay-SQM, Hanwei Chemical, Shandong Boyuan Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Chemos GmbH, Hangzhou Dayangchem Co. Ltd, Charkit Chemical Corporation, Barentz N.V,CG Chemikalien GmbH & Co. KG, BKM Resources Inc., Kinbester Co., Ltd, Jin Dian Chemical Co., Ltd., and Simagchem Corporation.
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lovekedars-blog · 5 years
Iodate Market to Penetrate Untapped Regions During 2018-2026
Global Iodate Market: Introduction
Iodate, a soluble byproduct of the oxidation process is considered as a stable class of iodine species which is converted to the vaporized phase and is a prominent form of inorganic iodine in prescription. Iodate is a chemical compound having molecular formulae- IO3-. Iodate and iodine are two prominent species of iodine, which are mainly added in salts. Iodate is also referred to as iodate ion, trioxidoiodate, iodic acid anion, etc.
In term of physical properties, iodate is white crystal compound available in powder form having better solubility and molecular weight. On the basis of the secondary group attached to iodate component, it is classified into various types, such as potassium iodate, sodium iodate, and calcium iodate, among others. The primary applications of iodate are- mainly utilized in bakery food, animal husbandry, as a chemical intermediate, pharmaceutical processing, many more. Moreover, iodate also finds a wide range of applications due to its superior properties in the end-use industry including agricultural, pharmaceutical, chemical, food & beverages and more.
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Global Iodate Market: Dynamic  
In the recent past, a large share of global iodate market has been contributed by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The rapid growth in the global and regional manufacturing sector of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, has necessitated the use of iodate as a raw material. Furthermore, lack of iodine can negatively impact on the health, such as it causes mental retardation, childhood mortality, goiter, and cretinism, among others. Thus, insufficiency of iodate is not only a nutrition concern; but also it is considered to be a major issue to human resources welfare and healthcare development of a nation. These factors are projected to fueling the global iodate market towards the end of the forecast period
Moreover, the growing world population associated by aging individuals and rising demand from the end-user applications will witness the global iodate market at a significant position. Iodate is also an important raw material in the production of animal’s food; hence, the growth in the consumption of animal feed additives across the world is expected to further drive the global iodate market.
However, relatively higher consumption of iodate causes side effects such as thyroid disease, thyroid cancer, and reduction in sperm count. As a result, these will be estimated as a restraining factor for the global iodate market during the forecast period
Global Iodate Market: Market Segmentation
Global Iodate market is segmented on the basis of products types, grade, end-use industry, and regions as given below. On the basis of product type, global iodate market can be segmented as mentioned below:
Sodium Iodate
Potassium Iodate
Calcium Iodate
On the basis of grade, global iodate market can be segmented as mentioned below:
Pharma Grade
Industrial Grade
On the basis of end-use industry, global iodate market can be segmented as mentioned below:
Chemical Industry
Agricultural Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
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Global Iodate Market: Regional outlook
On the basis of geography, global iodate market can be segmented into seven key regions including Middle East & Africa, Latin America, North America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Japan, and South East Asia Pacific. South East Asia Pacific iodate market is estimated to witness the relatively high market share owing to the industrialization and more population. Moreover, regulations formulated by agencies such as the European Commission and EPA (Regulation (EU) 2015/861) categorically concerning the authorization of iodate, which in turn, Europe iodate market estimated to achieve the new highlights throughout the forecast period.
The US Pharmacopeia specifies iodine (iodate) content of is not less than 99.8% in a human body. Emphasizing on this aspect, North America is estimated to be moderate growth rate followed by Europe region in the global market, during the forecast period
Global Iodate Market: Key Players  
The global iodate market projected to be fragmented due to the medium to high presence of local and international market players. Some of the key players are identified across the value chain of global iodate market which is as- Morton Salt, Inc., Salins Group, Compass Minerals, Cargill, Nihonkaisui, China Salt, Jindian Chemical, Boyuan Pharmaceutical & Chemical, Iofina, Hanwei Chemical, China Salt, and among others.
The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.
The report covers exhaustive analysis on:
Market Segments
Market Dynamics
Market Size
Supply & Demand
Current Trends/Issues/Challenges
Competitionc & Companies involved
Value Chain
Regional analysis includes:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Latin America (Mexico, Brazil)
Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain)
Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)
Asia Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)
Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries, S. Africa, Northern Africa)
The report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.
Report Highlights:
Detailed overview of parent market
Changing market dynamics in the industry
In-depth market segmentation
Historical, current, and projected market size in terms of volume and value
Recent industry trends and developments
Competitive landscape
Strategies of key players and products offered
Potential and niche segments, geographical regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective on market performance
Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint
Know More About Report@ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/iodate-market.asp
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Ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵 6484-52-2 3102300000 【PPAN、CPAN】 硝酸铵 6484-52-2 3102300000 Sodium nitrate 硝酸钠 7631-99-4 3102500000 Sodium nitrite 亚硝酸钠 7632-00-0 2834100000 Ternary molten salt 三元熔盐
Iodine 碘颗粒/粉末 7553-56-2 2801200000 Bromine 溴 7726-95-6 2801302000 Benzene 苯 71-43-2 2902200000 Sulfur 硫磺 7704-34-9 2503000000 Liquid chlorine 液氯 7782-50-5 2801100000 Hydrogen peroxide 双氧水 7722-84-1 2847000000 hydrogen 氢气 1333-74-0 2804100000 nitrogen 氮气 7727-37-9 2804300000 Aniline 苯胺 122-98-5 2921411000 Phenol 苯酚 108-95-2 2907111000 Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素 9004-70-0 39122011 Acetone 丙酮 67-64-1 2914110000 Sodium cyanide 氰化钠 143-33-9 2837111000 Morpholine 吗啉 110-91-8 2934 99 90 Sodium azide 叠氮化钠 26628-22-8 28500060 Sodium sulfide 硫化钠 1313-82-2 2830101000 Sodium hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢钠 16721-80-5 2830109000
Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素 9004-70-0 3912200000 Activated carbon 活性炭 7440-44-0 3802101000/3802109000 Coal, barbecue coal 煤炭,烧烤炭 125612-26-2 7321890000 Glass powder 玻璃粉 14808-60-7 3207400000
Titanium dioxide 钛白粉 13463-67-7 3206111000 "Pharmaceutical intermediates" 医药中间体 96-53-7 Resins 树脂 201058-08-4 3506990000 Coatings 涂料 3208901011 Formaldehyde 甲醛 50-00-0 2912110000 Cresol 甲酚 1319-77-3 2907121900 Styrene 苯乙烯 100-42-5 2902500000 Stannic octoate 辛酸亚锡 301-10-0 2915900090 Tetrahydrofuran 四氢呋喃 109-99-9 2932110000 Trimethylamine 三甲胺 75-50-3 2921110090 Dimethyl ether 二甲醚 115-10-6 2909191000 Butyraldehyde 正丁醛 123-72-8 2912 19 00 Glutaraldehyde 戊二醛 111-30-8 29121900 Petroleum ether 石油醚 8030-30-6 2710123000 Methylal 甲缩醛 109-87-5 2911 00 00 Xylene 二甲苯 95-47-6 29024100 Adhesives 胶黏剂 Xanthan gum 黄原胶 11138-66-2 32139000 Lime nitrogen 石灰氮 156-62-7 31029010 Sodium fluoride 氟化钠 7681-49-4 2826192010 Diethanolamine 二乙醇胺 111-42-2 2922120001 Caprolactam 己内酰胺 105-60-2 29337100 Melamine 三聚氰胺 108-78-1 2933610000 Bisphenol A 双酚A -80-05-7 2907230001 Plastics 塑料 9002-84-0 39046100 Glycerin 甘油 56-81-5 29054500 Furfuryl alcohol 糠醇 98-00-0 2932 13 00 Furfural 糠醛 CAS: 98-01-1 2932 12 00 Paraformaldehyde 多聚甲醛 30525-89-4 2912600000 Polyphosphoric acid 多聚磷酸 8017-16-1 28092000 Acid dextrin 酸性糊精 9004-53-9 35051000 Nitrobenzene 硝基苯 804-36-4 2904201000
Hydrochloric acid 盐酸 7647-01-0 28061000 Nitric acid 硝酸 7697-37-2 28080000 Sulfuric acid 硫酸 7664-93-9 2807000010 Phosphoric acid 磷酸 7664-38-2 2809201100 Oxalic acid 草酸 144-62-7 2917111000 Acetic acid 醋酸 64-19-7 29152100 Formic acid 甲酸 64-18-6 2915110000 Propionic acid 丙酸 CAS: 79-09-4 2915501000 Iodic acid 碘酸 7782-68-5 28111980 Sulfuric acid 硫磺酸 107-35-7 29211980 Tartaric acid 酒石酸 526-83-0 2918120000 Industrial oleic acid 工业油酸 112-80-1 29161500 Adipic acid 己二酸 124-04-9 2917120001 Isooctanoic acid 异辛酸 149-57-5 29159080 Methanol 甲醇 67-56-1 2905110000 Ethanol 乙醇 64-17-5 2207100000 Propanol 丙醇 71-23-8 2905121000 Butanediol 丁二醇 19132-06-0 2905399002 Octyl alcohol 辛醇 111-87-5 2905161000 Propylene glycol 丙二醇 57-55-6 2905320000 Ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯 141-78-6 2915310000
Potassium nitrate 硝酸钾 7757-79-1 2834219000 Magnesium nitrate 硝酸镁 10377-60-3 2834299090120 Copper nitrate 硝酸铜 3251-23-8 2834299090129 Aluminum nitrate 硝酸铝 13473-90-0 2834299090122 Iron nitrate 硝酸铁 10421-48-4 2834299090126 Zinc nitrate 硝酸锌 7779-88-6 2834299090114 Strontium nitrate 硝酸锶 10042-76-9 2834299090110 Barium nitrate 硝酸钡 10022-31-8 28342990 Lithium nitrate 硝酸锂 7790-69-4 2834299090104 Lead nitrate 硝酸铅 10099-74-8 2834299090118 Rubidium nitrate 硝酸铷 13126-12-0 28342980 Cesium nitrate 硝酸铯 7789-18-6 2834299090108 Chromium nitrate 硝酸铬 13548-38-4 2834299090124 Cobalt nitrate 硝酸钴 10141-05-6 2834299090 Silver nitrate 硝酸银 7761-88-8 28432100 Manganese nitrate 硝酸锰 10377-66-9 2834299090125
Potassium chloride 氯化钾 7447-40-7 3104209000 Sodium chloride 氯化钠 7647-14-5 2501001900 Magnesium chloride 氯���镁 7786-30-3 2827310000 Ferric chloride 氯化铁 7705-08-0 2827399000113 Calcium chloride 氯化钙 10043-52-4 2827200000 Aluminum chloride 氯化铝 7446-70-0 2827320000 Zinc chloride 氯化锌 7646-85-7 2827399000124 Ammonium chloride 氯化铵 12125-02-9 2827101000/2827109000 Cobalt chloride 氯化钴 7646-79-9 2827393000 Chromium chloride 氯化铬 10025-73-7 28273985 Cesium chloride 氯化铯 7647-17-8 28273980 Silver chloride 氯化银 7783-90-6 2843290090102
Sodium sulfate 硫酸钠 7757-82-6 28331100 Magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁 7487-88-9 2833210000 Ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 7783-20-2 3102210000 Potassium sulfate 硫酸钾 7778-80-5 3104300000 Calcium sulfate 硫酸钙 7778-18-9 28332980 Silver sulfate 硫酸银 10294-26-5 28432900 Chromium sulfate 硫酸铬 10101-53-8 2833292000 Chromium formate 甲酸铬 27115-36-2 2915120000 Cobalt sulfate 硫酸钴 10026-24-1 2833299010
Sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠 1310-73-2 2815110000 Potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾 1310-58-3 2815200000 Magnesium hydroxide 氢氧化镁 1309-42-8 2816100090 Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙 1305-62-0 2825 90 19 Iron hydroxide 氢氧化铁 1309-33-7 2821100000102
Sodium carbonate 碳酸钠 497-19-8 2836200000 Potassium carbonate 碳酸钾 584-08-7 2836400000102 Calcium carbonate 碳酸钙 471-34-1 2836500000 Silver carbonate 碳酸银 534-16-7 28432900 Sodium percarbonate 过碳酸钠 15630-89-4 2836999000 Sodium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠 144-55-8 2836300000 Sodium arsenite 亚砷酸钠 7784-46-5 2842909013
Ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 1066-33-7 2836994000102 Diammonium phosphate 磷酸二铵 7783-28-0 31053000 Sodium phosphate 磷酸钠 7558-79-4 3105300090 Trisodium phosphate 磷酸三钠 7601-54-9 2835291000 Potassium phosphate 磷酸钾 53006-98-7 28352910 Potassium pyrophosphate 焦磷酸钾 7320-34-5 28353990 Tripotassium phosphate 磷酸三钾 7778-53-2 2835240000104 Aluminum phosphate 磷酸铝 7784-30-7 2835299000103 Calcium phosphate 磷酸钙 7758-87-4 28352600
Potassium chlorate 氯酸钾 CAS: 3811-04-9 2829191000 Sodium chlorate 氯酸钠 CAS: 7775-09-9 2829110000 Barium chlorate 氯酸钡 10294-38-9 2829199000 Sodium hypochlorite 次氯酸钠 7681-52-9 2828900000 Sodium chlorite 亚氯酸钠 7758-19-2 2828900000103 Calcium hypochlorite 次氯酸钙 7778-54-3 2828100000
Sodium perchlorate 高氯酸钠 7601-89-0 2829900090103 Potassium perchlorate 高氯酸钾 7778-74-7 2829900020 Ammonium perchlorate 高氯酸铵 7790-98-9 2829900090 Potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾 7778-50-9 2841500000 Sodium dichromate 重铬酸钠 10588-01-9 2841500000
Tellurium Te 碲 Te 13494-80-9 2804500001 Indium In 铟 In 7440-74-6 8112 99 70 Gallium Ga 镓 Ga 7440-55-3 81129290 Cadmium Cd 镉 Cd 7440-43-9 8107 20 00 Antimony Sb 锑 Sb 7440-36-0 8110102000 Phosphorus P 磷 P 7723-14-0 28047000 Arsenic As 砷 As 7440-38-2 2804800000 Aluminum Al 铝 Al 7429-90-5 7603100010 Beryllium Be 铍 Be 7440-41-7 8112120000 Copper Cu 铜 Cu 7440-50-8 74081100 germanium Ge 锗 Ge 7440-56-4 28053090 Zinc Zn 锌 Zn 7440-66-6 7904 00 00 Tin Sn 锡 Sn 7440-31-5 8003000000 Mercury Hg 汞 Hg 7439-97-6 2805400000
Copper oxide 氧化铜 1317-38-0 28255000 Iron oxide 氧化铁 1309-37-1 2821100000 Aluminum oxide 氧化铝 1344-28-1 2818200000
Niobium pentoxide Nb2O5 五氧化二铌 Nb2O5 1313-96-8 2825904910 Zirconium dioxide ZrO2 二氧化锆 ZrO2 1314-23-4 2825600090 Tantalum pentoxide Ta2O5 五氧化二钽 Ta2O5 1314-61-0 28259085 Titanium pentoxide Ti3O5 五氧化三钛 Ti3O5 12065-65-5 2823000000 Zinc sulfide ZnS 硫化锌 ZnS 1314-98-3 28309085 Silicon dioxide SiO2 二氧化硅 SiO2 14808-60-7 2811229000
Gallium antimonide GaSb 锑化镓 GaSb 12064-03-8 2853909029 Indium antimonide InSb 锑化铟 InSb 1312-41-0 3818009000 Cadmium telluride CdTe 碲化镉 CdTe 1306-25-8 2842902000 Bismuth telluride Bi2Te3 碲化铋 Bi2Te3 1304-82-1 2842909090 Gallium telluride Ga2Te3 碲化镓 Ga2Te3 12024-14-5 8106001091 Zinc telluride ZnTe 碲化锌 ZnTe 1315-11-3 CdZnTe 碲锌镉 CdZnTe 8107900000 Indium Phosphide InP 磷化铟 InP Germanium phosphide GeP 磷化锗 GeP Cadmium selenide CdSe 硒化镉 CdSe 1306-24-7 2842909023 Germanium sulfide Ge2S3 硫化锗 Ge2S3 12025-32-0 8112991000 Steel gallium tin InGaSn 钢镓锡 InGaSn Antimony dioxide SbO2 二氧化锑 SbO2 2025820 28112900 Indium trioxide In2O3 三氧化二铟 In2O3 Germanium dioxide GeO2 二氧化锗 GeO2 1310-53-8 2825 60 00 Bismuth trioxide Bi2O3 三氧化二铋 Bi2O3 1304-76-3 2825902100 Tellurium dioxide Te02 二氧化碲 Te02 2025820 28112900 Gallium trioxide Ga2O3 三氧化二镓 Ga2O3 12024-21-4 28259090
Urea for vehicles 车用尿素 57-13-6 31021000 Urea for agriculture 农用尿素 57-13-6 3102100010101 尿素硝酸铵溶液 3102800000 PCU 控释氮肥 3105590000 NPK 氮磷钾复合肥 66455-26-3 3105200010 MOP 氯化钾肥 7447-40-7 3104202000 DAP 磷酸氢二铵 7783-28-0 3105300090 MAP 磷酸一铵 7722-76-1 3105590000 MKP 磷酸二氢钾 7778-77-0 2835240000 magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁 7487-88-9 2833210000 ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 7783-20-2 31022100 sodium sulfate 硫酸钠 7757-82-6 2833190000 soil conditioner 土壤调理剂 38249090 water-soluble fertilizer 水溶肥 3105909090 organic-inorganic fertilizer 有机无机肥 3105901000 compound fertilizer 复合肥 3105901000301 Ammonium nitrate calcium, 硝酸铵钙 15245-12-2 3102600000 Calcium nitrate 硝酸钙 10124-37-5 3102600000 Urea compound fertilizer 尿素-复合肥-各类 58069-82-2 38249090 trace elements Amino acids 微量元素氨基酸肥 31052000.01 other fertilizer products 其他肥料产品
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Potassium Iodate Market to Perceive Substantial Growth During 2016 – 2024
Potassium iodate is a chemical compound majorly used in the food and healthcare industry. It is an oxidizing agent and catches fire if it comes in contact with reducing agents or combustible materials. It can be prepared by adding iodine to a hot, concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide. It can also be prepared by reacting a potassium-containing base such as potassium hydroxide with iodic acid.
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Potassium iodate is used as an additive to raise herbage iodine levels. Potassium iodate is used for iodination of table salt to prevent iodine deficiency in humans. Iodine is an essential trace element; the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine contain iodine. In areas where there is little iodine; iodine deficiency gives rise to goiter, which results in developmental delays and other health problems. In some regions, potassium iodate is used as a source for dietary iodine. It is a major ingredient in some baby formula milk. Potassium iodate is also used in the food industry for various purposes.
The growing demand for potassium iodate in agriculture is expected to boost the market within the forecast period. The demand for potassium iodate has experienced a continuous rise in the past few years and this trend is expected to continue in the next few years as well. The major reason for this is the diverse range of applications of potassium iodate. It is used in agriculture, water treatment, food preservation, medical, industrial and fire service applications among others. It is used in agriculture as a stable form of iodine, for animal to correct iodine deficiency and prevent various animal diseases, in food industry for iodisation of table salt and in pharmaceuticals it is used for the production of disinfectants, antiseptics and deodorants. Owing to such a wide range of applications, potassium iodate is widely used in several end-user industries. The growing demand for these application products from is anticipated to drive the demand for iodate in the next few years. However, the US Food and Drug Administration has expressed serious concerns about the safety and effectiveness of iodate, and the fact that its manufacturers are not in conformity with FDA rules to assure safety, quality and purity of the product. In addition, potassium iodate has the disadvantage of being a stronger intestinal irritant. These parameters may act as restraining factors  for the growth of the potassium iodate market in the near future.
The regions such as Asia Pacific, Africa and Latin America are predicted to emerge as the fastest growing markets for potassium iodate. The demand is expected to be highest from the emerging economies such as China and India. The continual and rapid growth in the industries in these regions is expected to drive the demand for potassium iodate in the production of various applications products. Moreover, developed markets such as the U.S. and European economies are steadily recovering from the economic downturn and are anticipated to generate significant demand for potassium iodate in the coming years. Due to the positive outlook across the world, the global potassium iodate is predicted to record a strong growth in the near future.
Key manufacturers of the potassium iodate market are Chemicals India Company, Chongqing Changyuan Chemical Corporations Limited, Tianjin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and Themedica among others. Potassium iodate market is fragmented in nature with many small, medium and large scale industries.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional mark
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autodaemonium · 1 year
Pronounced: fuhihtauhsdthzayuhvpuhoairah.
Pantheon of: good part, fault line, languor, regularity, naturalness, thing, hydrophobicity, guidance system.
Pronounced: lrrupvazuhzttprruhnuhiah Regularity: orderliness. Thing: inessential. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: sincerity. Prophecies: conventionalization, damper. Relations: upŋɛɪəsresvoɑəndrʌɪaɪ (autograph), əəsədðtwætɪrvɪsəərlaɪ (foldout), svnbdnʌɒæədəəɑstəɪhʃ (thrombin).
Pronounced: mdahtntruintiwmlnstiv Regularity: orderliness. Thing: unit. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: unaffectedness. Legends: cut, auction. Prophecies: preparation, estimate. Relations: əknnfbinæəɪʃɪəʌəɑənu (undecylenic acid), upŋɛɪəsresvoɑəndrʌɪaɪ (pantothenic acid), pkgkntəəfrrɑetpɪokər (iodic acid).
Pronounced: pkgkntuhuhfrrahetpiokuhr Regularity: uniformity. Thing: inessential. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: unaffectedness. Legends: cancellation, finance, generation, topolatry, headroom. Prophecies: air cover, deficit spending. Relations: əndsbvpwvəppzidnnəʌd (estate).
Pronounced: svnbdnuouauhduhuhahstuhihsh Regularity: cyclicity. Thing: necessity. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: simplicity. Legends: plain sailing, co-option. Prophecies: casus belli. Relations: əndsbvpwvəppzidnnəʌd (salicylate).
Pronounced: tuhrnowdfuhwntmisahbthetb Regularity: evenness. Thing: variable. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: simplicity. Legends: vitrectomy, heave, dead heat, forlorn hope. Prophecies: neutralization fire, landslide, checkmate, commerce, snap. Relations: pkgkntəəfrrɑetpɪokər (possession).
Pronounced: upngayiuhsresvoahuhndruiai Regularity: even spacing. Thing: unit. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: naturalization. Legends: ball-buster, suspension, takedown, trouble, pickup. Prophecies: american football, fan dance, runaway, sleep deprivation.
Pronounced: athshuiuhmzayndftiiekltshth Regularity: cyclicity. Thing: body of water. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: sincerity. Legends: densitometry, denationalization, peace march, trot, wardenship. Prophecies: extrasystole, pop fly, bell ringing, astrolatry. Relations: əknnfbinæəɪʃɪəʌəɑənu (reproduction cost).
Pronounced: uhknnfbinauhishiuhuuhahuhnu Regularity: even spacing. Thing: subject. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: unaffectedness. Legends: peepshow. Prophecies: bobble, replication, wassermann test, furor, tide. Relations: ʃaɪteaɪðlznzɪəɪaʊekzaɪʃk (cresol), lrrʌpvæzəzttprrənəɪɑ (digoxin), əəsədðtwætɪrvɪsəərlaɪ (whiskey sour), mdɑtntruɪntɪwmlnstɪv (hydrogen).
Pronounced: uhndsbvpwvuhppzidnnuhud Regularity: evenness. Thing: subject. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: simplicity. Legends: shtik, keratoscopy, receding, roleplaying, bash. Prophecies: knock. Relations: lrrʌpvæzəzttprrənəɪɑ (pyrogallol).
Pronounced: uhtaythayrluwaitiisaytruheay Regularity: cyclicity. Thing: variable. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: naturalization. Legends: finger-painting, fomentation, counterblast, cosmetology, ritualism. Prophecies: quarterfinal. Relations: əəsədðtwætɪrvɪsəərlaɪ (carnotite), æðʃuɪəmzɛndftiɪekltʃð (good will), əknnfbinæəɪʃɪəʌəɑənu (alloy).
Pronounced: uhuhsuhdthtwatirvisuhuhrlai Regularity: cyclicity. Thing: necessity. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: sincerity. Prophecies: increase, exploitation.
Pronounced: shaiteaithlznziuhiowekzaishk Regularity: cyclicity. Thing: necessity. Guidance System: joint direct attack munition. Naturalness: spontaneity. Legends: drug war, program, retraction. Prophecies: embezzlement, nose job, beagling. Relations: tərnaʊdfəwntmɪsɑbθetb (coreference).
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cmfelatestarticle · 7 years
Sodium Iodate Market to Witness Exponential Growth by 2024
Sodium iodate is the sodium salt of iodic acid which is used as an oxidizing agent. Sodium iodate is a colorless, rhombic crystal and is used as the catalyst in bis-indole synthesis. Sodium iodate is formed by the chemical reaction between a salt base and acid. Sodium iodate may decompose on exposure to light, air, or moisture and is heat and shock sensitive. The reaction between a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide and iodine can also lead to the formation of sodium iodate. Sodium iodate is used as a source of iodine supplement and also as analytic reagent.
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 The key factor which drives the global sodium iodate market is the salt industry in which the demand for iodized salt keeps on increasing. The growing baking industry is another significant market driver of sodium iodate as sodium iodate in trace amounts is used as disinfectant against bacteria. Recent advancements in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry is acting as a driver of sodium iodate as it is used as an analytic reagent. Growing technical developments in the field of cell biology is also acting as a significant market driver of sodium iodate. The analytical reagent market is a driver of sodium iodate due to the ability of sodium iodate to quickly detect morphine and heroin.
 The global sodium iodate market is segmented on the basis of product grade as medicine grade, food grade, feed grade, reagent grade, cosmetic grade, industrial grade, and agriculture grade. Based on product categories, sodium iodate is segmented as inorganic compounds, inorganic salts, synthetic reagents, analytical reagent and Puriss p.a. On the basis of raw materials, sodium iodate is segmented as iodine and sodium hydroxide. In terms of application, the market is classified as iodine supplement, disinfectant, preservative, medical disinfectant, ordinary and chromatographic analytic reagent, and feed additive.
 The global sodium iodate market witnessed decent growth in 2015 and the same trend is expected to follow during the forecast period (2016-2024). In terms of region, the global sodium iodate market has been segmented into Asia Pacific, North America, and Europe. In the Asia Pacific region, China is the major player due to the growing pharmaceutical industries in the country. North America and Europe are the significant players in the sodium iodate market due to the rising demand for analytical reagents. Middle East and Latin America are growing markets for sodium iodate owing to recent developments in the pharmaceutical sector in these regions.
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 Key players of the global sodium iodate market include Iofina, Ajay-SQM, Hanwei Chemical, Shandong Boyuan Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Chemos GmbH, Hangzhou Dayangchem Co. Ltd, Charkit Chemical Corporation, Barentz N.V,CG Chemikalien GmbH & Co. KG, BKM Resources Inc., Kinbester Co., Ltd, Jin Dian Chemical Co., Ltd., and Simagchem Corporation.
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autodaemonium · 2 years
Pronounced: uhiuowtngduhouuhnwooykdzslah.
Pantheon of: excellence, unholiness, propulsion system, unlawfulness, uncleanliness, fluid, element.
Pronounced: jgaiahangbzngthdrtrwindo Unlawfulness: illicitness. Uncleanliness: untidiness. Element: fire. Unholiness: profaneness. Excellence: impressiveness. Fluid: filtrate. Legends: wholesale, third degree, wag, pollination, break. Prophecies: follow-through, grind, photogravure, descent, pass. Relations: ɛrpɪəʒutpprulɪtʃsidær (count noun).
Pronounced: kdninuhiityithmuhaipshtzp Unlawfulness: illegitimacy. Uncleanliness: slovenliness. Element: quintessence. Unholiness: profaneness. Excellence: admirability. Fluid: liquid. Legends: world cup. Prophecies: postponement, mumblety-peg, throw, visit. Relations: dʒgæɪɑæŋbzŋðdrtrwɪndo (loss).
Pronounced: liiuthigezuhnriahshyrltu Unlawfulness: shadiness. Uncleanliness: untidiness. Element: earth. Unholiness: profaneness. Excellence: admirability. Fluid: ichor. Legends: fall. Prophecies: smash, circumnavigation, accountancy. Relations: mtnəaɪʃəŋtəðvnərztrkl (hexane), ɛrpɪəʒutpprulɪtʃsidær (sternutator), kdninəɪityiðməaɪpʃtzp (bromoform).
Pronounced: mtnuhaishuhngtuhthvnuhrztrkl Unlawfulness: illegality. Uncleanliness: slovenliness. Element: earth. Unholiness: profaneness. Excellence: refinement. Fluid: coolant. Legends: enervation. Prophecies: survey. Relations: dʒgæɪɑæŋbzŋðdrtrwɪndo (iodic acid), kdninəɪityiðməaɪpʃtzp (rhodolite), ərədlɪntrktðmblhærɛv (output-to-input ratio).
Pronounced: oiuhaisaythpriuyowkizuhuhin Unlawfulness: illegality. Uncleanliness: untidiness. Element: fire. Unholiness: profaneness. Excellence: refinement. Fluid: filtrate. Prophecies: conveyance, adulteration, extortion, flirt, variance. Relations: mtnəaɪʃəŋtəðvnərztrkl (spice), ɛrpɪəʒutpprulɪtʃsidær (re), lɪɪuðɪgezənriɑʃyrltu (monic polynomial).
Pronounced: uhnnayahmaiknspnluhenentt Unlawfulness: illegality. Uncleanliness: slovenliness. Element: fire. Unholiness: profaneness. Excellence: admirability. Fluid: coolant. Prophecies: pump priming, weakening, badminton, crack, telefilm.
Pronounced: uhruhdlintrktthmblharayv Unlawfulness: shadiness. Uncleanliness: slovenliness. Element: water. Unholiness: profaneness. Excellence: refinement. Fluid: coolant. Prophecies: zoning, bridal. Relations: oɪəaɪsɛðprɪuyaʊkɪzəəɪn (tail feather).
Pronounced: ayrpiuhzutpprulitshsidar Unlawfulness: illegality. Uncleanliness: untidiness. Element: quintessence. Unholiness: profaneness. Excellence: impressiveness. Fluid: liquid. Prophecies: death knell. Relations: lɪɪuðɪgezənriɑʃyrltu (export duty), kdninəɪityiðməaɪpʃtzp (north by west).
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autodaemonium · 3 years
Pronounced: knltiiahtayuhruhdduhnnwtai.
Pantheon of: data system, pleomorphism, nature, desquamation.
Pronounced: dirsfneyysmtuhzmousrthuh Nature: complexion. Legends: quarterback, legislatorship. Prophecies: fibbing, nim, crooning.
Pronounced: krhoomnrthizsszrsuhayuhas Nature: animality. Legends: marathon, segregation. Prophecies: sucker punch.
Pronounced: nhairinztbnainahlilthnpu Nature: complexion. Legends: medal play, flight control, cartage, elevation. Prophecies: contempt, pursuit, pinning, anathematization, pandemic. Relations: krhʊmnrðɪzsszrsəɛəæs (cleansing agent), nɑəɪnəəʌnwwəɪɪbðdzaʊt (salmon oil), nətɪəzrəʃdzetgəswiəw (bilirubin).
Pronounced: nahuhinuhuhunwwuhiibthdzowt Nature: animality. Legends: receivership, dressmaking, connecting flight, birdnesting. Prophecies: marking. Relations: dɪrsfneyysmtəʒmɒsrðə (cost of capital), vesmzɒngəltoiwnknədð (bone fat), nhaɪrinztbnaɪnɑlilðnpu (art paper), krhʊmnrðɪzsszrsəɛəæs (zinnwaldite).
Pronounced: nuhtiuhzruhshdzetguhswiuhw Nature: sociality. Legends: case, turkish bath, single combat. Prophecies: rout, titillation.
Pronounced: ouzvirlopvnlaidtsirvt Nature: sociality. Legends: stroke, impasto, socialization. Prophecies: takeover attempt, attachment, therapeutic cloning, hostilities, shuffleboard. Relations: nətɪəzrəʃdzetgəswiəw (definite article).
Pronounced: ruhthizinidiewrayuhuhfnrk Nature: complexion. Legends: prohibition. Prophecies: artillery fire, overcast, naturalization, oratory. Relations: nhaɪrinztbnaɪnɑlilðnpu (propionic acid), ouʒvɪrlopvnlaɪdtsɪrvt (swag), vesmzɒngəltoiwnknədð (iodic acid).
Pronounced: vesmzounguhltoiwnknuhdth Nature: disposition. Legends: weaving, anticipatory breach, bareboating, pony-trekking, address. Prophecies: singing, casus belli, misconduct, defense.
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autodaemonium · 3 years
Pronounced: onsuhmaildmthbtuhpoanngvou.
Pantheon of: extraordinariness, disloyalty, difference.
Pronounced: ofaizrdsnniuzlayidsouz Extraordinariness: unexpectedness. Difference: differentia. Disloyalty: treason. Legends: headship, spraying. Prophecies: derivation, banking, hypophysectomy, drug traffic, boost. Relations: ərtɪnkgetptɪshimɛvrb (white metal), ɑbnwnhʃnlətækaɪŋəɑɑls (carbon disulfide).
Pronounced: rvuthnwouisoushstfuvpniay Extraordinariness: unexpectedness. Difference: distinction. Disloyalty: treason. Legends: lead, plunk, beagling. Prophecies: contraction, umbrella, crepitation rale, detribalization, mingling. Relations: rðltəknkviaɪnərvaʊrətr (insulator), ʃətwɪsnwɑləəiituəugr (filtrate).
Pronounced: rthltuhknkviainuhrvowruhtr Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Difference: inequality. Disloyalty: treason. Prophecies: warning, programming. Relations: ttlrədrdtsɪʌzrnənəoʃ (abruptness).
Pronounced: rzailuhouahnauhzaztdwfahahb Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Difference: differentia. Disloyalty: disaffection. Legends: pluck, capture. Prophecies: landing, recapture. Relations: ofæɪʒrdsnnɪuzlɛidsɒz (count noun), ʌəðrætæwɪɑɛaɪeŋɪɛəzɪɪ (butterfat), rvuðnwɒisɒʃstfuvpniɛ (histaminase).
Pronounced: ttlruhdrdtsiuzrnuhnuhosh Extraordinariness: unexpectedness. Difference: differentia. Disloyalty: treason. Legends: vocational rehabilitation, whirl, obscurantism, sackcloth and ashes. Prophecies: filtration surgery, injustice, monopoly. Relations: ərtɪnkgetptɪshimɛvrb (salicylate), rðltəknkviaɪnərvaʊrətr (aspect ratio), ʃətwɪsnwɑləəiituəugr (lemongrass).
Pronounced: ahbnwnhshnluhtakainguhahahls Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Difference: differentia. Disloyalty: treason. Prophecies: eye movement, sound, ice hockey, ballroom dancing, treasure hunt. Relations: ttlrədrdtsɪʌzrnənəoʃ (leukorrhea).
Pronounced: ouzrduhuhidbkrsuhkrtnres Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Difference: variety. Disloyalty: perfidy. Prophecies: clandestine operation, neglect of duty, value judgment, realization. Relations: rʒaɪləɒɑnæəzæztdwfɑɑb (chlorofluorocarbon), ttlrədrdtsɪʌzrnənəoʃ (vegetable wax), rðltəknkviaɪnərvaʊrətr (water).
Pronounced: uhrtinkgetptishimayvrb Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Difference: differentia. Disloyalty: treason. Legends: pride, monopolization. Prophecies: chatter, barratry. Relations: ɑbnwnhʃnlətækaɪŋəɑɑls (aliphatic compound).
Pronounced: shuhtwisnwahluhuhiituuhugr Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Difference: inequality. Disloyalty: disaffection. Legends: consuetude, nepotism, wound, hysterotomy, punctuation. Prophecies: dishonesty, fiber optics. Relations: ərtɪnkgetptɪshimɛvrb (elastase), rʒaɪləɒɑnæəzæztdwfɑɑb (shag), ɒʒrdəəidbkrsəkrtnres (dog shit), ofæɪʒrdsnnɪuzlɛidsɒz (declension).
Pronounced: uuhthratawiahayaiengiayuhzii Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Difference: dissimilarity. Disloyalty: disaffection. Prophecies: pitter-patter, slander, exacerbation, class struggle, refreshment. Relations: ofæɪʒrdsnnɪuzlɛidsɒz (inheritance tax), rʒaɪləɒɑnæəzæztdwfɑɑb (iodic acid), ɒʒrdəəidbkrsəkrtnres (emerald), rvuðnwɒisɒʃstfuvpniɛ (tumor necrosis factor).
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