#is permanently adorable and I'd like to see someone try to convince me otherwise
muu-kun · 1 year
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I don't know what the implications of being someone's affiliated blog entails, but I'm sure being one is very nice.
#; ♡ ; ooc#I'm not really the type of blog to appear on them because I am the absolute worst at ooc conversation due to a one track mind BUT#I never am so let down by that that I can't find it absolutely the cutest shit possible when the people in my dash talk about#those kinds of connections they have with each other#if anything I think my actual complaint is the lack of mood boards !! those are the SHIT and I live better every day I see one#pop up into my dash as this indicator amongst muns like I was thinking of you so heres a present !!#God it is the cutest shit and no one would ever be able to rid that from me ever#because the Innate celebrations muns hold for each other regardless of age or time on this platform#is permanently adorable and I'd like to see someone try to convince me otherwise#and if anyone is ever sad thinking to themselves how much they wish people loved them and their creation enough to include them#In such a list know that your time will come someday its okay !! there are an abundance of blogs on this platform#and eventually you will stumble across even just a modest few that will genuinely think to themselves wow ur neat !!#and I know that is easier stated than felt when all you ever see is the existence of squads or popular cliches that don't include you but#fuck that mentality for a second and consider the possibility such can occur all the same#and know you are probably at least doing better than me lmao#been here for ten years and only has a tiny amount of rp friends BUT I love muu so we stay being everyone's problem LMAOOOO#you'll have to beat us off this hellsite with a STICK
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you know I never thought I'd get requests and honestly, it's a new development I didn't ask for, but I feel it'd be rude if I didn't do them
Being Hilda's little sister and having a crush on Claude would include....
You adorn the same pink hair, but yours is a lighter almost pastel pink
You didn't have your hair up in pigtails, it was down as two strand were braided and tied in the back
You were shorter than her and two years younger than her
While Hilda was spoiled by both his father and brother, you were spoiled by your father, brother, and sister
However, you always got embarrassed when they'd dote on you in public
"but you're so cuteee~"
Hilda's adoring attitude didn't falter when you arrived at the monastery
Let's just say that like Hilda you don't really do anything
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It's not that you're lazy, it's just that Hilda makes other people do your things for you
Well, ask is a more accurate term
"my sister's so tired... do you mind doing this for her?"
"she has so much studying, she can't possibly water the plants; can you do it for her just this one time?"
Everytime you go do your chores turns out someone has already done it for you
You thought it odd at first, you didn't think your older sister had been getting other people do it
"hilda, I thought today was my day to do the chores?"
"oh~ you probably got the days mixed up"
"hmm~ you're probably right..."
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That's was until Claude brought it to your attention
"you do realize Hilda is getting people to do your chores, right?"
You didn't believe him
Your sister was tricking people to do your work for you?
Hilda would never
"she is. how have you not seen her do it?"
"I know my sister, she wouldn't do that"
Claude finding your obliviousness cute and somewhat annoying, decided he'd prove it to you
Claude concocted a scheme to catch her in act but whenever he get close to it, Hilda would backtrack
Hilda knows when your near, it was something she could always do
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One time you finally got around doing your chores
You were watering plants only have Hilda come in and stop you mid way
"what are you doing, Y/N? You shouldn't be doing this, come on let's have some tea."
"but I have to do this, it's my turn..."
"its not your turn, silly."
Was it really not your turn?
you could've sworn it was...
You shrugged it off, your sister never lied to you
Little did you know, Ignatz came by a few minutes later to do it
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Claude had convinced you to join him in a late night rendezvous
He needed to catch Hilda red handed
You wouldn't believe him otherwise
You would get angry with him
"stop accusing my sister of things she clearly would never do!"
Claude's flabbergasted at your blind faith in hilda
Honestly, he couldn't believe that you held your sister in such pedestal
Anyway, his scheme goes sideways again
He couldn't fathom how Hilda knows when you're near
It's unnatural
"see, she's innocent, the only rule breaker here is you, Claude, with all your scheming"
"I'll prove it to you one day, Y/N. Stay tuned until then."
Despite all this, you began to develop feelings for Claude
Hilda has a talk with Claude after this. Let's just say, Claude was more determined to prove to you that Hilda was getting people to do your chores
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Byleth had instructed you and Claude to do the wyvern duty
Before you could put on your gear to meet up with Claude, Hilda came up to you
"what are you doing?"
"sky watch, I'm paired up with claude"
"I'm sure, Claude can do it himself"
"but the professor said-"
Claude stepped in before Hilda could convince you to leave with her
"how's my favorite Goneril? Ready?"
You smiled, "Yeah"
"can't you handle this yourself Claude? sky watching is far too dangerous for my little sister"
"don't worry," he put his hand behind his head, "I'll make sure she doesn't fall, even she does I'll catch her"
A light blush dusted your cheeks
"I'll be fine Hilda, you don't need to coddle me"
Hilda pouted, but your tinted face didn't go unnoticed
Claude noticed too
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Claude treated you to dinner after the sky watch
"so, was today proof enough?"
"proof of what?"
"Hilda was going to let me do all of this by myself while she whisked you away for some tea"
"she was just worried..."
Truly this was astounding
How could you be so blind to your sister's tactics?
"I'm mystified at your complete faith in Hilda"
"she's my sister, Claude, of course I have faith in her"
How could you be so refreshing, yet so annoying
He even felt the need to protect from the world
"I have faith in you too, you know, Claude. Even if your shrouded in mystery and secretive I think you're good person"
"I think you're naïve"
You frowned
"but I'm glad you trust me, not many people would"
It hurt, the boy you liked just called you naïve
You smiled through it though
"thanks for dinner, Claude. I'm gonna go back to my room"
You avoided Claude after this
Goddess's Tower
It had been a few months since you've had an actual conversation with Claude
"i've gotta go, Claude"
"are you busy? I wanted to talk"
"actually I am, maybe another time"
It took the night of the ball and ignatz to convince you to go to the goddess tower with Claude laying in wait
"i'm sorry, Y/N. Claude was persistent"
"you've been avoiding me"
"i have to get back to the ball, Hilda will be worried"
He reached for you
"i only wanted to apologize"
You feigned innocence
"Look, it was wrong of me to call naïve but -"
"it's fine, Claude. Now if you excuse me-"
"make a wish with me"
You wanted this ordeal to be over
"Fine, what are we wishing for?"
"isn't anything we want"
"it has to be the same wish, Claude"
Claude gave you a striking smile
"what would you wish for?"
"i'd wish for everyone that I love and care about to be safe, or world peace"
Claude chuckled
"you really put mine to shame, Y/N"
"what is yours?"
Claude didn't answer as he brought up question of his own
"do you have ambitions of your own?"
"I guess..."
"Then let's wish for that... For both our ambitions to come true"
You nodded
Once you were done, you turned to leave only to have Claude stop you
He grabbed your hand and pulled you back
"so, tell me, did I chip away at your wall of hatred?"
"i don't hate you, Claude"
"could've fooled me"
He pulled you closer, he brought your hand up to his lips
A blush crept up
"oh my~"
You pushed yourself off him
The blush stayed permanently on you until the night was over
Which he reveled in with a smug smirk
Hilda teased you through the night as you returned to the ball
You were going to slip out the dance room and go to your dorm that was when you ran straight into Claude's chest
"where are you off to in such a hurry?"
"Claude... I'm just tired"
"of what? you barely touched the dance floor"
"that's not true, I danced with Dimitri, Ignatz, Sylvain, even Lorenz"
"All but me"
"like I said, I'm tired"
Claude held out his hand
"give me the honor of your last dance"
You took his hand
"if you insist"
Claude guided you towards the dance floor
Flirty comments whispered in your ear
Jokes exchanged: chuckles, giggles shared
The night was beautiful
The Adrestian empire declared war against the Church of Seiros. You fled with Hilda back home. It took five years to reunite with the golden deer
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Your crush had not been crushed but it had wanned through out the years and seeing him again did make your heartbeat a little faster, but it was minor...
You though it was you trying cling to anything from the past: simpler times
So you brushed it aside
After the battle of Gronder field and both of you suffered wounds; wounds, which were healed for by Marriane, he sought you out
"haven't talked in a while, have we?"
"not really... But I have missed you"
"I'm honored"
You smiled but even his striking smile couldn't ease the awkwardness, so you jested
"how is Duke Claude von Riegan, Leader of the Lecester Alliance, and master tactician faring?"
"not you, too"
"i think it's funny"
"yes, you're hilarious. However, back to more pressing matters"
You crossed your arms
"and what would those be?"
"I never proved to you that your sister was getting people to do your chores"
"Five years gave me some perspective, Claude. She told me after when we got back home"
"speaking of homes, I wanted to ask you... Would you like to come with mine?"
"No, my Homeland... I'd love to show it to you, when all of this is over"
"where is your Homeland?"
Claude interwove his hands with yours
"i'm afraid, I can't tell you until all of this is over, but I assure you, you'll be shocked"
"will it be a good shock?"
"I hope so"
"I don't see any reason to refuse..."
"so then, don't."
You nodded and smiled at him
"When this is over, I'll go with you"
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Entrusting the future of Fodlan to his friends, Claude returned to Almyra to reclaim his place as heir to the throne. When he finally became king he asked Y/N Goneril with his heart full of love to become his Queen. You, with trust and love, said yes. The both lived happily and were deeply in love, and having a Fodlan born queen helped paved the way for better stability. Your kindness was unparalleled, with that relations with Almyra and Fodlan grew as old traditions, and petty grudges were left forgotten in a bygone age.
Hilda was godmother of your children
Holst won't admit but he cried at your wedding
Ignatz painted a glorious painting
Raphael gave you all warm hugs
Marianne helped with the pregnancy
Lorenz gave expensive silks and blankets for whatever necessary
Leonie came bearing gifts from everyone in her village
Unfortunately, Lysithea and Byleth could not make but removing crests are ongoing arrangements, but they promised to be there when the baby arrives
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