#is tha nisa <3
mbappebby · 2 years
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Like their older brothers || Fifthteen (Finale)
Ethan Mbappé x Anisah Hakimi (OC)
Summary: In which, Ethan finally asks the question Anisah has been waiting for..
Requested: Yes, by anonymous: Hey! I got a request for the series, maybe this can be like one of the last parts you do. Like the future of Ethan and Anisah, getting engaged or something like that but Ethan having to ask Achraf for permission to propose to Anisah? Thank you!! Also, by anonymous: Heyy can you do one where Anisah and Ethan get engaged? Thank you, love the series so much!!
Words: 1.2K +
a/n: The amount of love and support I got on this series has been incredible, thank you to the people who gave me requests to make this series what is it. Thanks for those who were patient with me as well, it’s onto the Jude Bellingham series and maybe more coming soon! I hope you enjoy the final chapter <3
Today was the day, Ethan was going to ask Anisah to marry him. Was he nervous? 100% But hopefully everything goes to plan.
“You nervous, aren’t you?” Kylian asked. “Of course I am! I’m asking someone who I have been in love with for years to spent the rest of our lives together!” Ethan replied.
“Eth, she’s going to say yes. You don’t need to be worried” Kylian reassured him. “She will Eth, I know my sister and she’s been in love with you ever since we arrived here at PSG” Achraf added.
“Well let’s hope so, otherwise it’s going to be really awkward. I don’t want thousands of fans seeing me getting rejected” Ethan said. “Get that that out your head, it won’t happen” Kylian told him.
Yeah, Ethan is going to propose to Anisah in the stadium after the game. It was the last game of the season and the team was doing a lap of honour after the game so a lot of the fans would stay for that.
And yes, Anisah and Ethan are named in the first team tonight but they are in the starting 11 alongside their brothers as well.
“What you are three talking about?” Anisah asked as she came up from behind them. “Just the game, Nisa” Achraf replied.
“Mhm, okay” Anisah said not believing the three of them. “Mum is in here, she asked if she could see you before the game” Achraf told her.
“Oh yeah, she texted me too! I’ll head up there now, see you lot on the pitch” Anisah added as she walked away and made her way to the family box.
“Close one” Kylian mumbled.
“Ethan Mbappé passing the ball over to Anisah Hakimi, who has a hit and—what a goal that was!! PSG leads 2-0!”
“We have already seen a Mbappé and Hakimi link up already this game, the opening goal when Achraf passes to Kylian who puts it away!”
“No wonder why people call Ethan and Anisah, Mbappé and Hakimi 2.0! Great link up between the both young talents!”
Anisah smiled as she ran over to the corner to celebrate with the fans before the rest of the team came over and tackled her into a hug.
“Let’s go lil sis!” Achraf said with a big smile of his face as they preformed their handshake before Kylian pulled her into a hug as well.
As most of the team started to make their way back, Ethan and Anisah kneel down and put their thumbs touching their nose and their pinky sticking out.
They were cheers around the stadium after they stood up and did their handshake. Kylian and Achraf having big smiles on their faces as well.
“Let’s go and make it 3-0” Ethan said. “You can count of me, Eth” Anisah replied.
And, they sure did to that..
All the players families had made their way down onto the pitch, the players starting to walk around the pitch and clapping the fans that have stayed in the stadium.
Ethan however was getting very nervous and even more when Kylian handed him the small box, that he had got off their father who had been keeping it safe.
“You can do it, Eth! Trust me, she will definitely say yes” Kylian said as Achraf made his way over too. “Promise you, she will say yes” Achraf added.
“Okay, I’m going!” Ethan said as he started to walk over to Anisah. “They really go grow up fast” Neymar said. “You can say that again” Sergio added.
The fans cheered loudly as they saw Anisah nodded her head as Ethan placed the ring on her finger. The couple hugged tightly before they were interrupted by a lot of the team pushing them to the ground.
Eventually, they all got off the newly engaged couple and actually started to congratulate them properly. “Told you, nothing to worry about!” Kylian said as he hugged Ethan.
“Yeah, I feel stupid now” Ethan laughed and then he was hugged into a hug by Achraf. “Thank you for taking care for her, I knew you were the one for her since the beginning” Achraf said.
“Thank you for helping with me everything” Ethan added. Ethan then ran over to Anisah as they had a little moment together.
“I love you so much” Anisah mumbled. “I love you more baby” Ethan said as they kissed.
“We are officially going to be related to each other now, bro” Achraf said. “We knew from right as the start this was going to happen” Kylian added.
“I think Kylian and Achraf are more happy they are going to be related to each other now” Anisah said with a giggle. “I wouldn’t be surprised” Ethan laughed.
A year later is was official; Ethan and Anisah Mbappé were a very happy married couple and the also the pair were expected a new addition to the family in a few months..
Kylian and Achraf were very happy for their younger siblings, but all of us know that they are more happy that they are related now..
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miffydolls · 9 months
happy 2017 i love all of you
honestly i don’t get much traction on here or any other platform besides when i post art or there’s like, drama.. i’m sorta used to it tho and have kinda preferred it this way. but i think i did a lot better this year at coming out of my shell & sharing my creations. i even joined a map that was really fun to do with one of my closest best friends, the same one i met in person for the first time in October
so, @bigbadconnivingbastard hi Pearl <3 thanks for making my 2023 amazing. there’s so much i could say to you but first & foremost thank you for believing in my change. you’ve stuck by me for like 3-4 years now, but i feel like we really did something this year. i love watching you get better and i love hearing you talk about all the crazy stuff you’re into, i hope you and i can start talking more because i do miss you. thanks you for everything you do, thank you for being my friend. i cannot stress enough how much of a positive impact you’ve had on me, i’ve been getting better for you & it makes me so happy that we got to hang out again recently
@asteix0 hi Cereal!!! god i remember meeting you for the first time in the spiders gc and honestly thinking you were so cool, i wanted to talk to you more & i still do, and it kinda sucks i’m too shy to come out of our server to talk to you straight up. you keep the server alive & i love seeing your art and your improvement, you are such an inspiration to me and i am so thankful that you’re here for me, too. thanks for sharing pics of ur STUPID ASS FUCKING DOG when i’m sad and always being there to comfort me <3
@vam-piritz HI!!! DAD!!!! funny story, do u know ur like, one of the first people i got comfortable with to say “i love you” to again? i sorta had a wacko period where i didn’t say it to anyone but you kinda changed that, i wanted to appreciate you a lot and show you that i care. i really hope you’re doing okay because gosh i do love you platonically!!!! i love being milkyway cookie & stardust cookie together, i love having u in my life and giggling at the crazy shit u do in the server. ur my dad 4 lyfe
as for all my moots and people i’ve kinda sorta interacted with too, off the top of my head, Loki!!!, Anna, Q and Nisa, thank you if you ever see this <3 even if not, thas ok! you all improved my 2023 so much by interacting with me and unintentionally giving me spaces to talk & co exist with others. happy 2024 suckahhhhssss
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pixel32bit · 3 years
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(loba teuing hak cipta make gambar jeung video batur mah, jadi weh aya nu leungit diblokir ku YouTube, acan deuih para hacker nu ngaganggu server internet. moal nyambung carita na atuh euy, kumaha ieu teh)
Naha teu bisa kituh eta penguasaL ngajieun peraturan mun eta pemanggilan arwah teh haram hukumna. terkecuali geus sesat kabeh eta penguasaL di Negalla ieu (meuni kacida).  kadon udud nu diharamkeun, teuing udud nu kumaha deuih nya, nu ngebul atawa nu teu ngebul ???
    yang mereka petik hanyalah bencana bagi mereka sendiri. seseorang yang hanya mampu berdo'a (kepada Allah SWT) dari kesesatan yang mereka banggakan, hingga membuat diri seseorang tersebut terkulai lemas, tak berdaya. hingga akhirnya, -Dia (Allah SWT) memperkenankan do'anya dan memberikan perlindungan kepadanya, dimana perlindungan (dari-Nya) itu entah menjadi kebaikan ataupun sebaliknya bagi mereka yang bangga akan kesesatannya. ketika keburukan menimpa diri mereka, seketika itu juga mereka menyalahkan ke yang lainnya...(meuni jeunteul)
sebuah kemenangan dari-Nya ketika seseorang mengetahui yang menjadi lawannya ternyata menembus hingga kebiasaan kebo'satan para penguasaL (orang-orang yang ingin menjadi penguasaL) di Negalla Endorsenesiah bertempat di sebuah planet bernama planet Ur'Anus....
(kajeun eleh wae oge, kadon paeh terus hirup deui....Mwahahaha. da ti Allah SWT kemenangan mah, kekalahan karena kesalahan seseorang tersebut...loba salahna berarti eta jelema....goblok banget dah, harap dimaklumi karena manusia biasa dari planet Namek).
akan tetapi, pembalasan dari-Nya bagi mereka (kebo'satan) bukan hanya di dunia namun di akhirat pula. bergembiralah dengan kehidupan duniawi mu (sementara) wahai para ‘hadyu‘, entahlah kelak di akhiratnya...(bakal aya azab dunia mun teu salah mah ti Allah SWT keur maraneh teh)
Mun ngarumasa boga masalah komo deui salah mah, atawa sabalikna silaing ngarumasa pang benerna dan tak mungkin terbantahkan, alusna mah datangan jelema na ku silaing sorangan (mun boga kawani eta ge) lain ngirim anak buah. ieu kadon panggil arwah komo neupi ka nyantet mah. deudeuh teuing gusti meuni ku kitu na.
pertanyaan sederhana...
apa yang kau lisankan ketika bertemu setan dalam mimpimu....???
a. indung bapa adik lanceuk nini aki dulur
b. ideologi Negalla dan udang-udang dasar
c. ngarenghap wae hese
d. anjink goblog
e. semua nama mantan
Allah SWT nu disebut mah koplok sia teh...
Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabbarrakatu.
gud bay Endorsenesiah.
Saiyan Master God Instinct Bonus;
Shad 71 (38)
Ibrahim 30 (14)
Maryam 42 (19)
An Nahl 123 (16)
Al Maidah 30 (5)
Al Maidah 46 (5)
Al Fath 1 (48)
Al Mu'minun 69 (23)
Hud 61 (11)
Al Anbiya 70 (21)
Hud 111 (11)
Al Balad 13 (90)
An Nahl 4 (16)
Al Maidah 103 (5)
Al Mursalat 2 (77)
Al 'Adiyat 5 (100)
Ali 'Imran 103 (3)
Al 'Alaq 11(96)
Al Baqarah 4 (2)
Ya sin 14 (36)
Ar Ra'd 2 (13)
Al Mursalat 12 (77)
Asy Syu'ara' 179 (26)
Ali 'Imran 81 (3)
Al A'raf 135 (7)
Ash Shaffat 112 (37)
Al An'am 9 (6)
Al Kahf 86 (18)
Fathir 43 (35)
Asy Syu'ara' 136 (26)
Al Baqarah 14 (2)
Yusuf 33 (12)
At Taubah 14 (9)
Nuh 14 (71)
Fushshilat 32 (41)
Al Jinn 10 (72)
Tha ha 2 (20)
Al Ghasyiyah 19 (88)
Al Anfal 33 (8)
An Nisa' 112 (4)
Asy Syu'ara' 114 (26)
Al Mu'minun 33 (23)
Shad 60 (38)
'Abasa 15 (80)
Tha ha 42 (20)
Luqman 6 (31)
Ash Shaffat 170 (37)
Al Furqan 9 (25)
Tha ha 42 (20)
An Naml 79 (27)
Al Insyiqaq 24 (84)
Al An'am 159 (6)
Asy Syu'ara' 196 (26)
Maryam 74 (19)
Al Ikhlas 4 (112)
Hud 110 (11)
Al Baqarah 29 (2)
Al Buruj 11 (85)
Yunus 21 (10)
Nuhun Ya Allah
Nuhun Endorsenesiah
Nuhun ka kabeh
Nuhun Tumblr
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