#isa's a bit confusing here but i think that makes it funnier
beneathsilverstars · 4 months
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angelspigeon · 5 years
Sun of Corona - Chapter 04
This was a big big fic at first and I only split it up so it’s easier to read. So, this chapter is ‘shorter’ !!!
You still can read it on AO3 though, just behind the Door! > |   °|<
Words : 1633
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“Isa? … Isa?”
His head was heavy, unbelievably heavy…
“Isa!!!” a happy voice spurt out.
And then a weigh on him, so quick that his head hit the floor and he groaned.
“Ah! Sorry!! I’m so happy you’re here! You’re back!!”
Isa blinked, trying to see with his view blurred. He heard his Heart hammering in his chest when he saw Lea. His fingers twitched and he brushed the cheek sparkle with a thousand of soft freckles… He always said it was because of the kisses of an Angels and with time, he just pretended his skin was keeping the memories of every of his kisses…
“Yay!! It’s me! It’s you!”
Isa felt a kiss on his lips and he still was a bit in the blur but gave him a tender look. He just tried to understand everything. His last memories were him dying in Lea’s arms. If he couldn’t come back, dying there what was he really wished though he knew it was horrible for the one he loved. But there… there he was next to Lea. Lea crying while landing kiss on his skin.
“Lea, you’re hugging me too tight,” Isa said.
It was hard for Lea but he let go on him. He was just so afraid to see him vanish. Since one year, it seemed to be their fate. But Isa was there… just there, within his reach.
“You’re doing okay? You need anything?”
“I’m fine, Lea… Just a bit…” His eyes moved in the room as he tried to fix his attention, find back his marks, and he froze seeing Xion and Roxas, both waiting next to the door. “… lost.”
“It’s going to be okay. Take your time. I’ll bring you water and…”
Isa grabbed his cheeks, seeing the red marking the line around his eyes but also the dark circle. And if it was only that… Lea was absolutely beautiful. Not just because he loved him more than anything in the World but because he had his hair tied backward. And what about the clothes that were absolutely unusual for him. No more outfits you would quickly put on or the eternal Organization coat. Not, this was a nice and classy pant with a jacket… though this one couldn’t hide it the t-shirt had a big Chocobo on it…
“How many time?”
“How much time it took for my body to be recompleted?”
Lea didn’t reply, looking down. He could have reply but he was afraid to do it on the other hand. Because it would obviously hurt one of them. Or both of them…
“One year.”
“Roxas!” Lea protested at him.
“Almost one year,” Xion rectified, her hands clenched around her pink dress adorned with flowers.
“Al…most one year?” Isa replied.
“We were about to go to Corona when Ienzo called,” Roxas pointed out.
His voice was quite bittersweet.
It wasn’t a surprise that Lea would want to reach his family if he could. He wanted to matter for so many people and the events had let him more alone than before. Isa was truly not surprised. But now, seeing Roxas with a straight pants and a shirt, and Xion so pretty, without talking about Lea… it sure meant something.
One year… it was long.
“You… you’re going to a wedding?” Isa asked.
“The wedding is over since three months,” Roxas replied. “You would have loved it.”
“Who… Who it is?”
“Eugene! He’s nice! A bit poser but nice. And he got really along with Rapunzel!!” Xion said.
“Rapunzel? Why?”
“It’s his wife,” Lea said. “Better them to get really along together, or I would have to kick some ass and I’m too busy lately,” he joked.
“Rapunzel it’s… what?” Isa asked, confused.
“He kissed you, dumbass, Lea is really still into you! You can tell since he cries every night for you!”
“Roxas stop that!” Lea blushed.
“What?! I’m helping!” he smiled, making Xion giggle a little.
“Yeah, he never stop talk about you!” she said.
“Stop that! You two!” he said, his cheeks trying to be as red as his hairs.
And reached that color when he felt lips against his and heard a tender ‘I love you’ swirl in the air. He pressed his forehead against his and kissed him softly.
“We were about to leave but… maybe you can join? We can grab some clothes at your place and… leave and then… you can install yourself at home?” Lea offered.
Isa’s Heart was singing at this idea. They always dreamed to have a home and they never ever got it…
They could have a home…
But there was a little problem he didn’t want to tell to Lea. A problem he could see in the look of Roxas, mostly. The weight of his mistakes. He had hurt the teenagers, they would be in right to hate him and he deeply believed they really hate him. He had been mean to them. To protect Axel. And while he was sure he didn’t do that wrong, seeing the events they had to fight against, he knew he really did badly.
Will they only accept them in this journey?
In their home?
“If Roxas and Xion agree, I agree too,” he replied.
“Nice,” Roxas said.
He was putting the possible sorrow of Lea on them?
Isa couldn’t step back now but he did a mistake, again.
“More we are, funnier it is, right?” Xion smiled.
“Nice! So we go get your stuff and we go to Corona with the Gummi ship!”
“If I may… I prefer not to have to go to my parent’s… You know them, if they can believe I’m dead, it’s perfect.”
“Got it. It’d been age since I didn’t sneak in your room,” Lea smiled. “You take care of them, okay?”
Lea pressed a kiss on his cheek. “Yes, you! We’re leaving just after!” He blew him a kiss then moved backward and left the place.
From here, Isa’s house wasn’t so far away…
Isa glanced to the teenagers. And felt something in his guts…
  Pushing the door open, Xion entered and extended her arm with a smile.
“Tadaaaaam, it’s our place! Axel will be there soon.”
“Yes…” Isa felt uncomfortable. “Where is Lea’s room?”
“Aren’t you supposed to take care of us?” Roxas asked.
“Is it what you want?” he replied.
They looked at each other with opposed feelings. Xion cleared her throat with a soft smile.
“It’s upstairs, at right. Don’t worry, we can easily take care of ourselves! Axel is always afraid!”
Isa just nodded before moving away and going to Lea’s room.
This place was immediately more welcoming. It was warm and garish, just like Lea. The bed was undone and there was a slight stuffy smell so Isa just came to the windows to open them, wishing his lover won’t hate him for that.
He supposed no.
One year…
It wasn’t abnormal he had needed so many time. His body had a parasite within him, Xehanort’s remnant… Without it, it could becoming what it was at the beginning however… one year. One year was just horrible. How could he had left Lea alone for so long? He hated himself… It wasn’t his fault and yet, he thought it was…
He leaned over the windowsill and looked outside… strangely, nothing had changed…
 “You didn’t stay with the kiddos?”
Isa jumped, hearing the voice, and he turned toward Lea who smiled to him, a fair amount of clothes in his arms.
“I see you’re already saving my room from my own dumbness! But don’t worry, it stayed alive one year!”
“I’m sorry Lea. For the times, for my mistakes or for not staying… with the “kiddos”. I couldn’t… I don’t think it’s correct to force them to be around me when they can avoid it.”
“You say you’re sorry for your mistakes… But were they?” he asked.
Isa frowned.
Lea came to his bed, completely done, the blankets perfectly tugged, and put down the clothes.
“Of course. I made you suffer. And them. I kept the distance between us… I wanted to protect you, however, I’m conscious I made you suffer.”
“Yeah. And I know I have been a dick too. I could have come see you, I could have beg for you to stay with me? I could have saved you in other way than letting you die! Maybe you fucked up but I fucked up too. With you and with them. They forgave me and I’m sure they will be able to see how awesome you are!”
Isa let out a sound of disdain.
“I doubt of that.”
“They fucked up too,” Lea said. “We were all thinking about our own interest, what we wanted and nothing more. We thought we had to act like that because we had no Heart and we had Heart… We just believed the wrong words… I know you since forever. You saw me fuck up more often than ever…” Lea let out a sigh. “Give yourself a chance. You weren’t wrong on everything. And I kept talking about you to them, they know you are not the Monster you were showing to them. Everything will change from now on.”
Isa approached him and took his hand.
“I’m still sorry. I made you suffer. I can’t excuse myself for that.”
“I excuse you for that and I will love you as you deserve it, no matter how much you will hate you. I’ve so much love for you anyway. I’ll show you how awesome you are,” he swore, caressing his cheek.
He slid a hairclip in the blue hairs, and just with the sound, Isa knew it was this hairclip Lea offered him when they were kid. It has a Bunny on it…
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