#it actually makes total sense that he would use watashi (the mere idea of him using ore terrifies me to my core) but it's still funny
insecateur · 1 year
hi hi hi! fellow transmasc here!
Do you actually headcannon Lysandre / Sycamore as being transgender? I've seen it going around on social media a bit and I was curious about your opinion on it :) (sorry if this is a lame ask)
THIS IS NOT A LAME ASK AT ALL !!! please never worry about sending me asks... i sometimes will take a little bit to reply for busy or timezone reasons but i do not mind getting them. i actually enjoy getting them a lot this was like the one thing i missed the most from no longer being on tumblr 💔
to answer your question..!! i don't know if i would say i headcanon them as transgender as like, a general rule (as in i think of them as transgender as like. their default state when i envision them in my mind's eye) but i do love and cherish the idea of them being transgender!! i have drawn both of them in trans pride stuff in the past and i've even written augustine as transgender once although it was in porn so .
i am sometimes... i guess "wary" of stuff where augustine is trans and lysandre is cis and it has this kind of . oh augustine is smaller and lysandre is manlier so obviously this is the way this makes sense vibe to it HOWEVER. i realize that for some people it's more of a "projecting on the character who looks more like me/who i like more" thing. so i don't begrudge anyone for it although i do wish there was more trans lysandre in the world... (and especially more t4t prfr tbh.)
wait actually this is making me realize i haven't talked about me being professionally diagnosed with lysandregender here ?! at least i don't think so. okay so when i went to see a gender therapist in order to start transitioning the guy was asking me random questions i think it was at our second appointment. and he was like "do you collect anything" and i, FOR SOME GODFORSAKEN REASON, decided to tell him i collected merch of my favorite pokémon character lysandre. and then i was like "actually, i'm wearing a shirt with him on it right now" and i lifted up my hoodie so he could see my lysandre shirt. i don't remember the exact conversation that followed but basically he looked right through me and went "this is about your Gender." and i was like "this is definitely about my Gender." and this is how i was professionally diagnosed with lysandregender
i do genuinely think i have a lot of Gender Feelings tied to lysandre which is also why i like the idea of him being trans, although for a long time it felt too self-indulgent so i kind of refused to partake in it fully. thankfully for everybody i no longer feel a sense of shame about anything so we all live in a post-trans lysandre world now
my favorite thing about them being Gender is that augustine is actually exclusively a "feminine" name in french, and lysandre is gender neutral so both men and women can be called lysandre, although it's rarer for women (kind of like the opposite of "camille") so i think they should both be allowed to trans their genders as much as they want. that is my wish,
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