#it also would be cool if they like confirmed that Soleil is Simon’s grandfather
ariaofsorrows · 3 years
Introducing Juste Belmont into Netflixvania
With the recent announcement of a Castlevania spinoff featuring Richter Belmont and Rondo of Blood, it got me a little sad that they were skipping a few Belmonts such as Christopher, Soleil, Simon, and Juste.
Until it came to me that they didn't have to skip Juste Belmont and that they could easily incorporate him into the show. I'll be talking about why and how Netflix can actually include this super underrated (plus my favourite) Belmont.
Firstly, let's have a little get-to-know section for everyone whose knowledge of Castlevania is limited to the animated series.
This is Juste Belmont:
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He's the protagonist of the game, Harmony of Dissonance. He is Simon Belmont's grandson and there is debate on whether or not he is Richter's father or grandfather. His main hobbies include studying magic and interior design (very important).
Why should we include Juste?
First, we're already missing a huge portion of the Greatest 5. Leon was only mentioned once, and Netflix is presumably skipping Simon and Juste, which leaves Richter and Trevor. That's just two of the Greatest 5 and two of eight possible Belmonts, why not add another one?
Secondly, Harmony of Dissonance (1748) and Rondo of Blood (1792) happen so chronologically close to each other that it is possible for Juste and Richter to interact with each other
It's really easy to introduce Juste too, and here's why:
Like mentioned before, time. Juste is 18 in the events of Harmony of Dissonance, which puts him at 62 years old in Rondo of Blood. He could be Richter's mentor that teaches him the history and magic of the Speakers, since he is known to be well-versed in it. In fact, Richter's Item Crash Ability and Hydrostorm spell can be attributed to Juste Belmont's knowledge of the arcane.
Also, the name Juste is French. He could very well be the reason why Richter is in France. Fun Fact: Juste means "just" and Richter means judge, I think that's pretty cool
Netflix confirmed that the new series is taking place during the French Revolution, and one of the biggest aspects of the Belmont clan is that they all have bank. The entire family was born into money, and it is confirmed that Juste (and consequently, Richter) lived a privileged life. Imagine what Netflix can do with that kind of information.
Remember when I said that Juste liked interior design? He has an eye for aesthetics, especially in furniture and clothes. I know for sure that Richter Belmont did not choose to go outside cosplaying as medieval Troy Bolton.
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Juste would have designed that outfit himself. (This point is just for fun)
If it were up to me, this is how I would introduce Juste into the show. I am going to take a few creative liberties just because and none of you will stop me.
Juste Belmont, Richter's father (he'll also be younger here too) has had many visions of bad things happening to his son ever since the child was born. Knowing what happened to him when he was 18 not only motivates Juste to train Richter rigorously in mind, body, and spirit, but to also become a bit of an overbearing parent. As a result, Richter is raised sheltered.
When the uprisings start, Juste's visions become more frequent, causing him to act even more paranoid. He forbids Richter from leaving the property altogether, not even for errands or to see Annette, his childhood best friend. On top of that, Richter's training increases in intensity and and frequency, making it even more difficult to communicate to Annette through letters.
All of a sudden, the Big Bad Evil Guy (TM) appears. His name is Shaft, and upon learning about Dracula, wishes to merge Earth and Hell together to create a world full of death and chaos. He gathers many vampires, and together, they ransack several cities for blood and negative energy that will fuel the Hell-merger spell.
Richter wants to go out and save people/make sure Annette is okay, and while his father heavily opposes the idea at first, he has no choice but to let his son go because Richter is more capable than Juste, who is growing frail due to sickness. Richter is so happy that he finally gets to leave his suffocating, crazy father for once. Cue Rondo of Blood.
Rondo of Blood bit: At first, Richter is a little cocky because he believes defeating Shaft is nothing compared to the training he suffered through. At first he is right, as he manages to rescue Annette from a den of vampires, a young mage named Maria Renard, and other girls with ease. At the same time, though, Richter witnesses the suffering of the French peasants and how bloody this whole mess is.
Shaft, upon finding out that Richter is advancing a little too fast for his liking, devises a plot to stop the vampire hunter, or at the very least, stall him. Knowing humans and their tendency to turn on each other, spreads a little rumour about the Belmont clan. Because they were so afraid of losing their wealth and power during the war, the Belmont witch, Juste summoned the very demons and vampires that were killing everyone.
When Richter arrives, Shaft greets him with a giant mirror that would livestream his father's public execution. Richter screams at Shaft to stop, but to no avail. When the peasants demand the truth, Juste admits that he is a witch*, knowing that he won't be able to escape due to his declining health. In his last vision before death, Juste sees his son sitting on a dark throne, in castle, smiling wickedly. He cries out to Richter, apologizing for everything, and telling him he was so afraid of losing his only child. The people cheer at his tears, and when his head finally comes off, they mount it on a stick, Miki Makimura style. This causes Richter to finally start taking everything seriously, and he beats the shit out of Shaft.
After Rondo of Blood, Richter develops depression, and goes to fighting to cope. Cue Symphony of the Night
Futher Notes:
*Witchcraft accusations and burning stopped in the early 1700s. The peasants aren't mad at the usage of magic, but more the reason it's being used.
I wanted to foreshadow the events of Symphony of the Night through Juste. It would be pretty cool to do, because animated series only people would believe Juste is crazy while game fans would be even more hyped at the idea of SotN Richter.
A really cool plot point that can be explored is Juste's inner conflict on the French Revolution. While he managed to save humanity from Dracula's evil influence (or something similar), he was ultimately blind to the suffering of the people at the hands of the rich.
I'm a worried, anxious bitch, so here are my fears!!:
Netflix Castlevania is notorious for having poorly written dialogue full of swears, so I am pretty scared if they decide to tackle Juste Belmont. You see, Juste is known to speak/act classy, and he's also an educated nobleman. I don't want to see him or Richter be reduced to Trevor 2 and 3 because the both of them (Juste especially) are put-together people. I pray the new writer won't riddle the script with curses.
Yeah, so I hope you liked that. My writing isn't the best, but I hope you liked it. What are your interpretations of Juste and Rondo of Blood?
P.S Dracula is here, but he's too busy getting pegged by Ghost!Lisa to even notice or care.
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