#it could just be a moon pearl but it's my explanation as to why ravio isn't a bunny (and why legend wasn't either in albw)
triplechain · 2 years
The Dark World and Lorule
I am aware canon exists but I think it'd be more fun if things were a little different.
The Dark World and Lorule are one and the same... at least for the purposes of LinkedUniverse and Triple Chain.
Lorule hosts the Sacred Realm of Hyrule. (Hyrule Triforce in Lorule) Hyrule hosts the Sacred Realm of Lorule. (Lorule Triforce in Hyrule)
When Ganondorf entered the Sacred Realm in Ocarina of Time, he was met with Lorule's Triforce.
The two Sacred Realms are a fairly easy boundary to cross between the two worlds, as they both host a great deal of power. Still, the Triforce of one world is kept in the other as an additional layer of security. A crack still needs to be formed or otherwise existent, but it's far easier there than in other locations. And Ganondorf was not about to be stopped.
Crossing between Hyrule and Lorule is dangerous. Being cast into one from the other causes the true nature of the victim to show, though this can be negated through magic, such as through a Moon Pearl or preserving one's appearance in a painting. Without some form of protection, those who cross will be trapped in their other form unless they find a way to return to their original world.
Ganondorf was a beast in Lorule. He stole Hyrule's Triforce for himself and used its power to start laying waste to Lorule as a test. The people lived in fear of the Demon King. They wanted power to protect themselves. Rumors said he used the Triforce to get that strong.
And that there was another.
The Lorulean Civil War broke out, scared and angry people trying to find a way to protect themselves even after Ganon had left their lands to terrorize Hyrule proper. Tattered records state the people grew more aggressive towards the crown and made attempts to break in and take the golden treasure for themselves.
The decision to destroy it was the last resort for the Lorulean Crown. It was theoretically sealed away in another world - the one from whence the Demon King came - but that was ineffective. The Demon King still traveled to Lorule for the power he sought. Others could learn to do the same, crossing the boundaries with magic to reach the other world and take the Triforce for their own.
Destroying Lorule's Triforce cemented the kingdom's path towards becoming the Dark World. The royal family's power diminished over the years. The people could only watch as their land drifted further and further from the thriving world it used to be.
And then the Demon King returned. Sealed in the Dark World and sealing the kingdom alongside him. They could do nothing to stop him.
When Legend eventually defeated Ganon, several years down the line in his first adventure, he was able to reclaim Hyrule's Triforce, blissfully unaware there was another. Whispers on the wind spoke of another having once been in the Dark World before it was destroyed, but he didn't believe them. There was only one Triforce, and the Dark World was just the corrupted Sacred Realm. Easy as that.
Hyrule's Triforce was never returned to its proper place in Lorule's Sacred Realm. Though the Demon King did wield it, having the Triforce in their world did help negate the effects of destroying their own to some extent. It was kept "safe", in the Sacred Realm that once held Lorule's Triforce, away from prying eyes of the Dark World. Others apparently believed the stories of another Triforce and its apparent destruction.
It just took a little while for those actions to have consequences.
(Ravio was able to travel through the crack in the Sacred Realm by inserting a "Sun Pearl" into his bracelet, functionally a Moon Pearl but from people from Lorule. He lost it sometime afterwards though which is why it needed magic to travel through fissures later on.)
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