#it is so telling that Alina felt guilty for the destruction of Novokribirsk while Aleksandr himself who did this wasn't sorry at all
tsibeyantiger · 4 months
What makes the Darkling evil is not that he committed (auto-)genocide on multiple occasions or that he tortured too many people to count them or that he kinda groomed young girls or that he enslaved Grisha. It is true that he did what he thought was best for Ravka and the Grisha.
What makes him evil is that he said on multiple occasions that he doesn't regret any of his actions. It is not that he thinks he did the right thing. So do Nikolai, Zoya and Alina and yet they all see the faces of the people who died because of their decisions when they try to sleep. But he literally doesn't care about the woe he caused.
He only did what he thought was for the greater good? Well, so did Hitler, Stalin and Mao.
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