#it isn't necessarily a big secret but I've only shared it with 3 beings currently and tend to see if I can trust that they won't judge for
angeltism · 6 months
Well, your knight seems to have good taste in favorite characters if they happen to be my Lady’s fragments. I also find it funny that out of ivantill, my lady’s vessel is complimentary to the one out of them I relate to more.
And well, in regards to how long I’ve liked you, that’s a complicated question. Your Knight started off having a mostly platonic crush (wanting to be friends, you know?) and it progressed to proper ‘crush’ territory eventually. When did this all happen? I can’t say for sure myself.
Fufufu, I definitely agree with you ! Your taste in characters truly is wonderful,, and ah ? How amusing and charming that we compliment each other, my dear knight ♡
Hmm, that does make sense, since.. well, romantic feelings do tend to base themselves in platonic attraction to some degree (like ideally, your partner should also be someone you feel is a very good friend of yours, and all that).. Very interesting, and I thank you for your answer, my dear <3
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
I have a bunch of questions for WS anon since I am interested in other celebs possible pr too!
1. With your job, is it regular for anyone working in the industry to have tea? And do people working in or share what’s real or not?
I would say it gives you the opportunity to hear gossip or rumors that only people in the industry would know. I will say you'd probably need to go out of your way to learn about it. In my case I work with athletes and aside from the people they hookup with, their scandals, vices it's not really a place with tea. But I do make a lot of friends in the industry and we gossip all the time and they share from their respective fields and about the celebs they work with or have a connection to. I guess it's the same as any kind of workplace gossip.
Working in what? You mean working in pr? A celeb's pr team will never tell you what is real/authentic or straight up fake or a mix of both. The most they'll give is what strategies they impose or how they mold things. But not directly, oh this is fake btw. For obvious reasons, they keep a lot of things secret and things only they would know. A lot of friends in pr do like sharing input or teach our gc how things go or look for the signs or the strategies we wouldn't even have figured without their help. A lot of times we also just hear a lot of rumors from inside sources that just outward contradicts what is being presented by the media/pr play of a celeb.
2. Can you tell me your thoughts on often thought pr couples? I am not a harrie at all and I see this from pop culture blogs.
lily/timmy - I don't know if it's pure pr or not but I've at least heard Timmy was also hooking up with other women during all those times he was with Lily. A lot of people have told me it's pure pr/mostly pr though. They did seem like a nice match as future it girl/boy but their reunion it didn't seem as interesting.
seb/ale - I actually don't follow either of those two enough. I thought Seb has always been pretty open about his gfs? At least I thought him and Leighton were pretty public. For his current gf, if it's pr then he hasn't gain a lot of fame imo. The only place I see him relevant or getting talked about is the tumblr/twitter stans which while loud isn't that big. I mean his fans sure let his last film flop hard, I doubt the BO was even enough to pay him.
henry/nat - I feel like I blocked out Henry's love life when he was dating a 19 year old. But I would say this is real. Until I see Natalie suddenly becoming a star I'd say this is pretty standard for Henry. Him and Kaley, yeah none of you can convince me that was real.
chris/jenny - A lot of people will kill me, but since Jessie admitted she also thinks they're pr then I'll admit I do too.
tom/zendaya - I think they're real. Either way I love it. We can probably judge based on how long this will last.
shawn/camila - real, but my friend says they're way more subdued in private at least
bennifer - I already sent an answer to this before
ben/ana - the blueprint
hiddleswift - pr
abelena - pr
If you're asking if I think they're pure pr, I don't know what happens when they're alone together to say it's all fake. I imagine hiddleswift, abelena, ben/ana probably hookup in private but was never as serious or real as they made it appear. If you're asking if they're real and using it for pr, well yeah I would say all of these would qualify as they're using it for pr too which isn't a bad thing. Like Ryan/Blake are obviously real and using their relationship for publicity.
3. Do you think hiddleswift was bad pr for Tom?
Not really. I do think it was meant to be longer with a full better rollout and ended too early with Taylor backing out. As someone who considers herself a self-hating swiftie, Tom gained a lot of loyal fans in the fandom for example and hiddleswift was pretty memorable pop culture moment in general.
4. How do you really feel about the holivia questions and harries in general since you tend to get the most abuse from them?
I'm irritated because of the angry anons and people who can't respect opinion. Other than that, my opinion on holivia still remains the same and it will not physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or financially hurt either Harry or Olivia. In the first place, I don't remember ever spending money for them. I think as long as Jessie allows pop culture discussion and allows the question, we can all and should respect opinion. I'm not in any way anti or pro holivia. I don't mind a pr relationship cause to me it's a normal and harmless part of their job. I also don't think pr should be equated as bad at all. We're kidding ourselves if we don't think celebs are like this.
5. I’m just basing this from the harry stans in this blog, but how do you see Harry benefit from holivia?
I already said this to my one harrie friend here but I always saw his fans overestimate his fame. Harry is big but he isn't BIG. He hasn't come to the level of Taylor, Drake, Ed, JB, or their counterparts for actors. Every celeb who came at that level went to levels of attention seeking and pr. When you're trying to venture into film, there are separate pr that could also be demanded from you. Being big in one industry doesn't equate to being an instant hit or success in the other. Especially when the film industry does have a lot of hesitation with singers to actors. Especially when with Harry he seems to want to be taken as a serious actor rather than the easy going route many of his contemporaries have done to jump start their acting career. Harry is being talked about a lot by blogs and accounts that used to barely mention him before. He is being discussed as a regular gossip which didn't happen for years. Imo fans just think he's too big for anything or that he is immune to pr or attention seeking. Me and my friends never saw him that way and we also never saw Harry as incredibly relevant or big, rather than he has an incredibly dedicated fanbase
Question for WS anon but I would also like to hear your opinion Jessie? Do you think Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling call the paps . Because I've generanlly heard that he is an extremely private ccelebrity but all those spottinga with his kid don't necessarily seem very organic to me Also are there any celebs that dont really call the paps?
You can be a private celeb and still call the paps. Ryan is a private guy but he has always been pretty open who he's dating and end of day they don't give us a lot of update or info about their relationship. Abel has started calling the paps a lot, but in hindsight he's still very private about himself.
I think the only celebs who don't call the paps are ones who don't have publicist.
- Worcestershire Sauce Anon
You answered this so thoroughly, thank you! X
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