#it kind of annoyed me at the time seeing all the 'womin you must stop shaving it will get soft again there's no reason to shave' shit
lungfuls · 1 year
I tried growing out my leg hair for 7 or 8 months and it never came in full, it stayed prickly. That's why I shave
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perkoform · 5 years
Shipping God
Middle Man
Okay so middle man is on the phone to shipping God the whole time. Customer is trying to buy a beauty product that makes you look EXACTLY like Grace Kelly, through this shipping company. But middle man keeps refusing.  It is one act.
*note on recitation: watch youtube video called: Zuikin Girls – take anything you want! For tonal value.
Shipping god: we can’t sell that. Tell her that.
Middle man: I’m sorry ma’am we can’t sell you that product today.
Customer: come on, I have the money. (Pause). Trust me sir, I know about the side effect, how it makes you look EXACTLY like Grace Kelly.
Middle man: (turns away from customer) she says she has the money and that she knows about the side effect, what do I say.
Shipping God: don’t tell her anything. Say we do not sell this product.
Middle Man: I’m sorry ma’am we do not sell this product, you will have to try somewhere else.
Customer: (to audience) contrary to popular cinematic convention, (whips out giant gun) I’m not going to whip out a giant gun and threaten the guy, because I can’t get what I want. (throws gun over shoulder)
Customer: it’s a beauty product! I mean, can’t I for a moment take my own health into my own hands…?! (scoff)
Shipping God: tell her, it’s her health.
Middle Man: it’s your health, ma’am.
Everyone laughs
*Someone holds up a sign to the audience that says, ‘LATERS, ON…’
On stage is a girl with her hair in a towel, wearing a GRACE KELLY mask.
I ordered ‘The Rest of Eternity’ Online
Shipping God
DIALOGUE: Customer: hi, I ordered ‘someone else’s life to live’ the other day from your company, but some part of the product was still a drag to experience, and I’d like my money back please.
Shipping God: I’m sorry sir, there must have been some kind of mistake. I would like to inform you that we have just received a new shipment of, ‘Krishna’s Own’ Good Karma, ‘Corrupt Cops’, ‘Colonial Values’ and ‘The Original Scapegoat’ that comes in ‘the body and the blood red’,‘Twin Towers were an inside job grey’, and ‘the dingo stole my baby blue’. The blue one comes with an ‘assumption’, on the house. Would you like to try one of these products today sir?
Customer: Why thank-you, I might try ‘Corrupt Cops’. Do you still stock Solipsism? Yes? Thank-you, I’d like to order 22 of this product if that’s possible.
Shipping God: Okay sir, the items will be shipped out just in time for the next mention of a social revolution.
Customer: tank-you.
The Punch-Up: Season 1
(played by women)
Fred and Jim are having a rational conversation about how they do not get along at the moment and about how they used to be friends.
*NOTE: Jim and Fred both wear one boxing glove each. Fred is holding a beer can the whole time. Jim is holding tongs and wearing an apron.
Fred: oh my god I hate youuuuuuu…(said like, hi how are you?)
*throws a punch
Jim: you have no idea (said like, its been a while how are you? Using fake smiles.)
*throws a punch
Fred: I’m going to kill you over that incident with my wife.
*punching each other
Jim: haven’t you heard of polyamory, maybe you should branch out and actually live a little.
*remove their punching gloves and stop punching
Fred: you know…you make a good point. I actually can’t fight you there…I agree, but you see I’m channelling Barbara, (turns to crowd and says, ‘she’s my wife’) and she needs me to be jealous, so you are gonna fuckin’ pay for what you did. I am pissed.
*put gloves back on and start punching again
Jim: tell her I’d knock her up, that’ll do it. .  
*cease punching for a moment, jim and fred grab each other by the shoulders and say
Fred: we should all just have kids withal the wimmin. Leave no womin unimpregnated. 24/7.
Jim: yeah, what kind of society is this? What are we even doing here, I mean why isn’t 24/7 baby making like, the norm??
*resumes punching. Jim continues punching as Fred stops to contemplate
Fred: I’m gonna try and answer that. Perhaps it’s just not the right time in earth’s geological cycle to support that kind of reproduction, the food plants are not growing enough. They are sending us an internal, instinctual message that this is kind of life is not supportable at the moment.
Fred continues punching as Jim states
Jim: very logical, I think that’s the reason. So again, why do you hate me? Because Barbara needed you to be jealous so that she feels valued?
*fight stops for a second
Fred: I’m not the type to say to her, ‘but hey Barbara, you scored me and Jim!’
- maybe I should say to her, ‘you’re an individual’, that wouldn’t go down that well, maybe ‘you’re special, there’s only one of you’.
Jim: try saying, ‘you suit me uniquely’
Laughter from Fred and Jim
*resume punching. They punch for a while. Jim goes down cold, Fred states
Fred: it’s just like I don’t even know, there’s no one like her or anyone for that matter. Even twins are different. So like, I can’t value her anymore at the moment.
*Jim is lying on the ground, he states
Jim: I get it you have to like, show her that you value her, without getting into a brawl, show her that jealousy is not the answer! Free love is the answer!
Fred: I don’t know how that’s possible, all reason aside.
Jim: okay Fred, okay.
Boxing gloves
A moustache (for Fred)
Face paint (to paint a beard on Jim)
Beer can
Misogynistic apron
*note must be wearing wife beaters and short shorts
Get A Way With It
*Jimmy is reciting the following text, while doing the following things:
 Jimmy shoots Satan
Jimmy shoots God
Jimmy dowsing the Great Barrier reef with bleach.
Jimmy cuts down the oldest tree known to man.
Jimmy dressed as Captain Cook, shooting Aborigines
Jimmy dressed as Bob Marley, shooting the sheriff.
A baby born doll with giant lollipop. Jimmy steals the lollipop.
Jimmy is wearing a shirt that says, ‘Get-a-way-with-it’
*Jimmy smokes a bong.
God: And so it was told, (Jimmy shoots Satan)
Jimmy: (said with an efficient air) Shit in one hand, wish in the other and see which one gets full quickest. (shoots God)
This is what my mother used to say. (Shoots aborigine)
Because everyone knows that if you can get away with it, (bleaches the reef)
it’s legal. Because, well, it happened. (steals candy from baby) No one stopped you right?
and so, It. Is. legal. (licks the lollipop, then throws it away)
So, aim for the heart, stab once, and tell ‘em, down the street. Because (shoots the Sheriff)
you only get one chance, and if you fuck it up, it’s your head on the chopping block. (cuts down the tree)
Hitler moustache
Bandana (for aborigine)
Face paint – black and white
Fork and horns
Toga and beard
Captain cook hat
A map
20 Litre storage container/round fish tank with coral statue in it. (to label with a sign that says ‘the great barrier reef’)
Bottle of bleach
A bong
Baby born doll
Giant carnival lollipop
Dreadlock wig
Sheriff badge
Potato gun
Cardboard cut-out of a tree
A saw
A t-shirt
Black marker
Poignant Sculptural representations #1: The Winning Diorama at the Primary School Fete
20 litre storage container full of black water with a layer of dirt and astro-turf stuck to the lid. Jimmy sticks a pump in the turf and pumps out the “oil” into a jerry can, by sucking on the pipe. Meanwhile, an automated voice reads out geological facts about oil and its lifespan and how it’s the nutrients for the forests of the future.  (in a really poignant way.)
Poignant Sculptural Representation #2: The Prospective Sculpture
On a table is 30kg of clay with a scroll in a canister, hidden inside. Participants have 5minute to search through the clay for the canister with the scroll inside. If they find the scroll they get a free beer. This will be on stage by the way, in the interval.
Track Marks and Pigeonholes
‘Main Character’
‘Other people’
*this is a video work
‘Main character’ is not a heroin addict.
‘Other people’ believe that ‘main character’ is a heroin addict. ‘Other people’ won’t stop treating ‘main character’ like a heroin addict.
‘Other people’ are constantly trying to catch ‘main character’ in “the act” of taking heroin but ‘main character’ actually never takes heroin so they will never catch them.
‘Other people’ cry and wail and state “when do you do it, I know that you do!” and grab him by the arm, to check for track marks.
‘Main character’ always begs ‘other people’ to believe that “I don’t do that, seriously. I don’t know what else to say.”
‘other people’ bust in on ‘main character’ and accuse him of taking heroin:
-          On the toilet
-          In the shower
-          In bed asleep
-          At the corner store at 11pm
-          Driving
-          Praying in an empty church
-          Helping an old lady across the street
-          While watching television, the people on the television are accusing him.
-          Running from crazed fan grrls.
-          In china from inside a bowl of rice.
-          After he drops a hanky and a crowd swamp him ‘Perfume-style’. He blurts out over the top of the crowd, I don’t take heroin!
Idea: Making Mighty Boosh Into a SERIOUS DRAMA about father-son bonding psychology
Initially Undetected
“You’re Not allowed to Draw Me While I’m Raping you emotionally with This Other Girl,” he said, sounding a bit annoyed. “it totally ruins the point.” He got up and pulled out his dick, no no, he pulled it out then got up and walked over to me. He grabbed the computer I was using to draw him with (on paint) and clipped me in the head, with the computer. I went down cold, hah hah. Funny story.
Last in Winning Backwards #1
A girl wakes up in her backyard one morning. She is lying on her back on the grass. She thinks, “it’s a beautiful day, I might go for a walk”. She goes for a walk in the park. As she’s walking she contemplates life. The end.
*Birds twitter. The sun is shining.
Girl: hmm I think I might go for a walk.
*Cut to park. Girl is walking
Girl: I think that I might believe today that I was born along time ago. And it was before anyone I know in this life were ever alive. I had decided shortly after I was born that, I would never fuck and live forever. So I guess it makes sense that larger society marginalise me. I ignore it when they marginalise anyone else, really it’s just me. The point being, for the third time, they marginalise people. They hate. They are murderers. They don’t get shit. They don’t honestly do it with the same vengeance to everyone else, and and, hell is hierarchical. Not heaven. So I’m the top dog around here. Do you get shit? Hah hah respiratory I fucking will wake up in this bed cunt tomorrow morning. You will NOT get me out of bed, CUNT.
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