#it took us years to learn algebra and know we're supposed to be able do math this other way within a couple weeks?? im dying??
sebastianshaw · 4 years
RP Meme Lines from "AHS: Coven" Episode 2: "Boy Parts" Part One of Two
Every hook I baited with that jerk chicken got a gator.
It's the odor, I tell you.
Yeah, either way it's a death sentence.
Come on, come to Papa/Mama, baby.
Well, we're cooked if she already made the call
This is wrong. All wrong.
All rot and black.
This will not be forgiven.
Why would you kill God's innocent creatures?
You play with dead things, you're more than likely to join'em.
He should be canonized.
How can you be such a bitch?
I understand people, and that guy would have happily taken a turn on me if he had the chance.
He wasn't like that.
It's guilt by association.
I'm sorry I killed your boy candy, okay?
Given your black widow status, he was living on borrowed time anyways.
I'm kind of busy right now.
My God, what's that smell?
I went to a Chinese doctor, he gave me some herbs to boil. I know it's kind of pungent.
If you scream, I'm gonna put you right back in the ground where I found you.
I want you to tell me right now how it is you're still alive after all these years and not some moldering corpse.
Jesus, woman, it's a cell phone, all right?
Now you just stay quiet, and when I get back, we're gonna continue our little chat. And you better make it worth my while.
I got an "A" in math. All of 'em. Calculus, trig, advanced algebra.
Look, I'm sure you're a genius.
Look, Pencil Dick, I'm not stupid, okay?
You ate that extra piece, and now you want a freebie.
Get the manager!
I am the manager!
Did they send you to jail?
Help! She's burned me!
You didn't want to join us at first.
So, technically, I'm part of your tribe.
Is this where we all sing "Kum-Bah-Yah"?
Bitch, I will eat you!
You guys have got to start taking care of each other.
We have enough enemies on the outside.
How could they possibly do that?
I'm just looking for someone who had a motive to hurt those guys, who could've screwed with the brakes.
Maybe whatever happened in that room was upsetting.
Shouldn't we have a lawyer here or something?
Had you met them before?
They took me in the back room to try to get me high, but I said no.
She's come a long way with her addiction issues.
I felt bad for him.
He died right after you left.
I have no idea what she's talking about.
She's clearly lost her mind.
She can move things with her mind.
I killed that asshole in the hospital.
I have powers, too.
We're witches.
I have powers, too. We're witches.
[NAME] has clearly suffered some kind of mental break.
Everyone here is a witch.
Please don't send us to jail.
Nobody's going to jail.
Are you in charge here?
I'm in charge everywhere.
Oh. Tough guy.
Come on, give up.
I'm barely trying, you know.
In about ten seconds, I'm going to turn the heat up in that chubby melon of yours, and I'm gonna turn your brains to scrambled eggs.
Frankly, it's been a hard morning, and I'd really rather not work up a sweat.
Just drink the damn water, will you, please?
Do you think [NAME] can fix it?
You're such a goddamn idiot.
I can't believe you told them everything.
I'm supposed to be cleaning up my act.
When this gets out, I'm screwed.
Who cares? This is murder.
Who cares? This is murder. Like, multiple murders.
They're not gonna find any evidence that we messed with the bus because we didn't mess with the bus!
What did you do to that shit-dick in the hospital though?
Now, I forgave your ham-handed mass murder business with the bus-- overexuberance of youth and all that-- but if you haven't got the goddamn brains to know that when strangers come asking questions, we close ranks, then I fear our line is truly at an end.
I couldn't toast a piece of bread with the heat they were putting on you.
You are soft. You're emotional. You care what people think.
Now, if there's one thing you learn before leaving this place, it's that we, even the weakest among us, are better than the best of them.
Are we gonna get arrested?
You are missing the point.
In this whole wide wicked world, the only thing you have
to be afraid of is me.
I know what you did for me, dealing with that asshole, so I'm gonna return the favor.
Resurrection spell. We're gonna bring your boyfriend/girlfriend/dog/father/etc back to life.
Guess that crash was even worse than I thought.
He's still kind of cute though.
I see potential.
I wonder if he's a shower or a grower.
Is this just a joke to you?
All we have to do is follow this recipe.
Find me a saw.
How's the oven?
I wish I could say yes.
She goes through hell and it doesn't even work.
We've been at this for a year.
All I can do is stand around like an asshole while you get sick.
If you want to try this, I'll support it.
I'm not ready to give up.
I should be able to have a baby just like any other woman.
I know it's horrible, but a lot of women do this.
This is about us having a family.
You don't know what you're asking me to do.
This kind of magic-- it's. . . dark.
It's about life and death, and I don't want to play God.
So you're gonna let [NAME] play God instead.
Doesn't that smell good?
You probably don't need to eat, being immortal.
Of course, sometimes we just like to do things because we enjoy them.
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