#it was (parasocially? I guess?) disappointing to find out that the comics and show weren't holding with my vision of the chars
upsidedownknight · 2 years
Your opinion is your own of course but respectfully I have to say I disagree with your friend about the Heartstopper show having nothing to say about mental illness. It’s absolutely touched on more in the show than it was in the early comics. Charlie’s eating disorder is implied, and his low self-esteem is explored and we see it impact his life more than in the first two volumes of the comics that the first season covers. There is one added scene in particular in episode 8 with Charlie and Tori that is far closer to Solitaire’s serious themes than anything in the first two comic volumes.
Mental health as a topic hasn’t been explored explicitly yet, but the groundwork has been set for them to fully delve into it in season 2. The story just hasn’t gotten there yet. And I think it makes sense that it was kept on the backburner in season 1, because they weren’t sure if they would get a season 2 or 3. I think they didn’t want to fully open up Charlie’s eating disorder, OCD, and self-harm storyline if they were unsure they could get to the point where he starts getting some help (though it’s definitely there and more than we got in the comics by that point in the story). Since being renewed, both Alice and Charlie’s actor have talked a lot about how a major focus of season 2 will be the mental health themes. Alice has even said that they wish they had not glossed over some of the harder parts in Charlie’s story in the comics, that they felt a bit trapped by the format, and feel the show is an opportunity to explore those parts more deeply.
So I guess my advice would be maybe check in around the time season 2 comes out and see what people are saying? I think it’s just too soon to tell where the show will be going with it. But it’s definitely not absent from the show in season 1 even. The groundwork has been laid. And as someone who struggles with a lot of the same issues as Charlie, his characterization and story in season 1 made me cry because it hit me so personally.
thank you for this detailed response to my ranty post! I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me more abt the show. obviously, I haven't watched it-- in fact, I tried my best to stay away from news about it bc it squicked me out-- so I'm glad to hear that Alice has spoken some about the fact that heartstopper (comic) glossed over the harder parts of Charlie's story. that same ''glossing over'' was why I stopped being able to read heartstopper (in 2021 sometime?)
I would really love it if season 2 does touch more on Charlie's mental illnesses! and I'm happy they have laid the groundwork for it-- from my distant perspective, the show really looked like a fluff piece, which (obviously) broke my heart. I read solitaire as a self-harming, anxious and compulsion-ridden teen and saw myself in so many parts of both Tori's and Charlie's stories. Without saying that I'm glad you've struggled, it's reassuring to know that you could relate to the show's characters (as it means that I might too, if I could get over my hesitations).
I totally get that heartstopper (show) had to make concessions for time and planning reasons: I have a whole separate rant stored in my heart about the fact that so few TV show get to plan for a multi-series story arc like they used to. in any case, you've convinced me: I'll unblock the tag when I hear s2 is out, and see if little ol' teen me will get the heartwrenching moments that I once loved Solitaire for!
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