#it was fun to write this but it's waaaay out of my comfort zone probs won't write anything like this again
bragganhyl · 2 years
&. 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. "you don’t have to be gentle. i won’t break. " With casters/writer's choice.
Thanks, Anon, I kinda paraphrased the prompt, I hope you don't mind. And I also hope you don't mind that this got stupidly long (5.8k words... roughly... yeah). So here's some Aloth x Watcher x Edér filth.
Cw for graphic depictions of a threesome, including my Watcher getting dp-d so don't even look at this if you're a minor, don't even look at me, just... don't, just go.
Gaura couldn’t contain her excitement. She hummed a cheery tune to herself as she tied the straps of her nightgown, occasionally interrupting herself with giggles she couldn’t hold back. Her gaze kept wandering to her desk and to a book upon that desk: the fruit of her labors as an explorer working with Sanza. For the period of their partnership, the Watcher could feel like she was back in the Living Lands, discovering and rediscovering hidden corners and long abandoned wonders of the unknown. However, even her old profession didn’t offer her the privilege of recording her journeys as stories. On paper, the book was an explorer’s guide, but it felt more personal than the ones she used to pen all those years ago. Not that she ever had an issue with her name being left out of the pamphlets and travel journals that wanderers, researchers and would be settlers would use heading out into the Valleys. She was never the point – her findings were. But now, the book on her desk reflected her own name back at her, and now Captain Gaura would be remembered along with the Watcher of Caed Nua.
Once she was ready to head to bed, Gaura picked up the book and joined Aloth, who was engrossed in a surprisingly thin tome of his own. He only reacted to her presence when she gave his cheek a playfully forceful kiss. A quiet chuckle escaped him and the tips of his ear turned red. To his luck, the Watcher got distracted by movement by the cabin’s window.
Edér stood up from the footlocker when he finished his last smoke for the night. He reached his pipe out the window to empty the ashes within into the sea. He was momentarily distracted by the sound of Gaura’s lips on Aloth’s face and the chuckle she received as a response. The Watcher’s eyes met his when she noticed him standing and when her attention was turned back to the wizard, he was no longer holding his book. Edér closed the window with a fond smirk then joined them as well. He grabbed Gaura as soon as he reached the bed and pulled her as close as he could without burning himself with her flames. She let out a surprised laugh, then as she too became aware of their proximity she turned around and lightly pushed his face away from her. Edér merely laughed back at her, and leaned in again, now at the right angle to steal a kiss from her.
‘Love it when you get like this before bed,’ he said, still grinning at her as he let her go, and reached his hand towards Aloth, wordlessly asking him to cast protective spells on him.
‘Savor tonight, then,’ he answered, ‘with the Explorer’s Guide printed, who knows when we get to find some gods-forsaken place that will offer her the thrills she seeks.’ Aloth flashed a smile at the Watcher that somehow looked both apologetic and mischievous, before he granted Edér’s request.
‘Come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t have some fun too.’ Gaura lied down, and almost immediately, Aloth moved to her side and buried his face in the curve of her neck. Edér lied down on her other side and wrapped an arm around her belly. He left one absent-minded peck on her shoulder after the other.
‘Ah, yes, the joys of nearly being buried alive in some sandy tomb,’ Aloth’s sarcasm was undermined by his fondness in his voice.
‘Or watching you drink that weird swamp water,’ Edér added.
‘Or battling powerful lich wizards.’
‘And now travelers in the Deadfire will know how to avoid all those things,’ Gaura retorted. She realized that they’ve lied on her copy of the travel guide and blindly started looking for it, reaching under their pillows. ‘Because Captain Gaura ventured far and wide to find the most exciting places and the safest routes to reach them,’ she said triumphantly as she pulled out… the wrong book.
‘Huh?’ As the Watcher held up the thin red book, it opened at a seemingly random page – at an intricate illustration of two men making love to the same woman, entering different orifices at the same time.
Edér pushed himself up to take a closer look. ‘Huh.’
Aloth looked up a mere moment later, and his eyes widened as he recognized the volume. ‘Oh gods,’ he sat up surprisingly fast, snatched the book out of Gaura’s grasp and hid it, in what seemed like the same move. He sat then, with his hands elegantly laying in his lap and his back perfectly straight. A single, stray lock of hair fell into his face. He cleared his throat, trying to ignore it. When he failed, he tucked it behind his lowered, red ear. He did his best to avoid Edér’s and the Watcher’s gaze. But once again, he failed. He lied down, once again, propping himself up with his elbow.
‘It seems mine is not the only explorer’s guide in this bed,’ Gaura commented, a faint, amused smile hiding in the corners of her lips.
‘Yeah, but yours ain’t got any pictures.’ Edér took out the travel guide from under his waist and quickly flipped through it.
‘You’re supposed to use your imagination,’ the Watcher took her book from him.
‘Sorry, mine ain’t as vivid as Aloth’s.’ He winked at the wizard, whose blush somehow turned to an even deeper shade.
‘Right, laugh it up’ Aloth lied on his back, pointedly looking at the ceiling, ‘but you can’t fault me for being curious. And studious. And prepared.’ He crossed his arms, defiantly, drawing an adoring laugh out of Gaura.
‘I’m not making fun of you-’
‘Even though it’s very funny.’
Edér’s interruption earned him a light, backhanded slap on his chest.
‘You just… never mentioned you had such fantasies and I… never pegged you as someone who would.’
Aloth looked to her, then to Edér. Slowly an expression of anguish appeared on his face, as if he was trying to fight off an irresistible urge. Even without looking, Gaura could picture a grin slowly brightening Edér’s face next to her. The wizard eventually shut his eyes tight as he gave up with a sigh.
‘I wouldn’t mind if you did peg me,’ he said, barely louder than a whisper. Edér burst out in happy laughter, satisfied hearing the effects of his and the Watcher’s questionable influence.
‘Yeah, good one! Up top!’ He sat up and raised his palm.
The wizard rose as well, fondness and feigned anger written on his face, as he slapped the broad, inviting palm. ‘I loathe you both, with all my heart.’
‘Sure, you do,’ Edér reached behind his head and pulled Aloth on his lips. The farmer chuckled into their kiss and kept it up even as he let him go and lied down again. The wizard in turn lied on top of Gaura and rested his head on her collarbone.
‘Yeah, this does feel like pure hatred,’ she teased as well.
Aloth groaned. ‘Can we just drop the subject?’
‘You did say we might not have decent opportunities to explore…’ Gaura ran a finger down along Aloth’s spine, ‘and that we should savor tonight…’
The Watcher’s barely subtle suggestion was met with silence. Aloth looked up at her, flushed, meanwhile Edér pushed himself up to stare down at her, shocked.
‘What?’ Her tone was flat.
‘I thought you were just teasing me.’
‘Thought we were just messing with him.’
The two men spoke at once, but while Aloth sounded astonished and almost relieved, Edér seemed more baffled with each word.
‘Well… I wasn’t. That illustration did look pretty fun,’ Gaura shrugged, then wrapped her arms around Aloth, hoping that the comfort of his presence would repress the shyness threatening to overcome her at the sudden attention of her lovers.
‘Really?’ They spoke in unison once again.
‘You know me,’ she chuckled, ‘I’m a pretty curious sort too.’
‘Yeah, I mean, I did know that-’ Edér began, and plopped down next to the Watcher again trying to find the right words to continue.
‘But you also don’t give the impression that you like-’ Aloth spoke tactfully until his words seemed to have stuck in him. He gestured at his book as best as he could lying on top of her instead.
‘Backdoor stuff,’ Edér helped him out.
Silence filled the room for a moment that seemed to have stretched infinitely.
‘I don’t know if I do, I never tried it before.’
‘Yeah, now that I figured,’ Edér turned to her. His gaze was warm as he lightly touched her shoulder with his knuckles. ‘All the girls I’ve been with told me it’s an exit, not an entrance and that it can hurt pretty bad if you do it wrong and just…’ He shrugged, unable to explain himself further. His worry was written into the movement, however, as was his affection into his eyes.
The Watcher smiled at him reassuringly. ‘And you always preferred being gentle with me,’ she reached out to cup his face. Edér moved his hand from her shoulder and pressed her hand against his cheek harder. ‘You can still be gentle with me,’ she went on, ‘and even if you weren’t, I can handle it. I trust you, both of you, with all of me,’ she said as she looked down at Aloth, who was watching her intently.
‘That means more to me than you know,’ the wizard said with a faint smile that disappeared a moment later. ‘Still… don’t you think this might be a little too much, too fast?’
‘As if I could ever get enough of you,’ Gaura laughed fondly, ‘of either of you.’ She sighed. ‘Anyway, I won’t make any of you do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing, so… if you ever change your mind, you can just let me know.’
Aloth looked towards Edér for a brief moment. ‘If you’re certain,’ he began, turning his attention back to the Watcher, ‘then I’m willing as well. Just… don’t overextend your limits for us.’
The farmer was silent, even when all attention was on him. ‘Yeah, you keep talking to us,’ he looked to Gaura, ‘things don’t feel anything less than great, you let us know. Don’t care if you think you can handle pain, I don’t want you to have to handle anything.’
Gaura chuckled to herself. ‘You’ll be the first to know.’ Her response was met with a gentle caress on her cheek from Edér, and an affectionate smile from Aloth. The wizard then sat up, seemingly having remembered something.
‘I did buy some waterproof massage oils the last time we went to the Luminous Bathhouse,’ he said as climbed off the bed and made his way to his pack, ‘we probably will need it.’
Edér and Gaura looked to one another, both wondering how long Aloth may have been planning the night. The thought enticed the Watcher. Curious, studious and prepared, indeed. She sat up so she could keep an eye on the wizard. She cocked her head to the side and bit her lip as she watched him. There was something thrilling about seeing this side of him - an undiscovered corner of his mind where his desires lay - and having been invited to explore it. A touch snapped her out of her musings, however. Edér wrapped an arm around her belly and pulled her down to lie next to him. Before she could react, the farmer changed his grip on her, digging his fingers into her hip and guiding it to his own lap. Gaura gasped at the feeling of his bulge growing hard against her already.
‘And here I was worried you weren’t really on board,’ she noted as she backed up against him slightly more. Edér stifled a groan and slid his hand down her thigh to edge of her nightgown. He tried to push the fabric up slowly, but his impatience got the better of him. The Watcher laughed at that, joy and relief clearly ringing in her voice.
‘You know, I got a weakness for you, Honeycake,’ Edér leaned right over Gaura’s ear, ‘and I’d lie if I said I wasn’t getting any ideas, so…’ He now reached for the straps of her nightgown and untied one with a single but excruciatingly slow pull. ‘So just leave the worrying to me, and remember what we agreed on.’
‘Keep talking to you?’
‘Keep talking to me,’ Edér kissed the soft spot under the Watcher’s ear, slowly and sloppily, while he revealed her breast and began fondling it. Gaura exhaled a quiet moan and instinctively pressed her thighs tighter together, trying to slow her arousal already building within her.
‘Well… for starters,’ she rolled her hips against him, matching his pace, ‘this feels very nice. It’s getting me really, really eager to please too.’ She let out a wistful sigh, as she turned around and pushed lightly against Edér’s chest. Her breath caught when she felt his heart racing under her hand. ‘You might not like it though,’ she leaned over him, close enough to feel his mustache against her lips, ‘after all, I won’t be able to talk.’ She claimed his lips, her teasing smirk turning the kiss shallow but not any less hungry. The farmer chuckled at her intensity and answered it with lightly, and slowly caressing her back.
‘I think I can forgive you,’ he gently pushed her away, eventually. His face was clearly flushed, but it was also red from the heat of Gaura’s flames.
He got out of the bed, just as Aloth approached them with a clear, elegant glass bottle. The farmer stopped him by his shoulder before he could climb on the bed and he in turn gave him a knowing look. He gave Gaura the bottle then reinforced his protective spells on the both of them while she examined the exquisitely blown waves adorning bottle.
‘I bought this because it reminded me of you,’ Aloth sat beside her and rested his chin on her shoulder. He easily removed the plug even with one hand and brought it to the Watcher’s nose. The smell of sandalwood was palpable the moment the bottle was opened, but as she inhaled more of the oil’s scent, she smelled a sweet, floral fragrance as well. It evoked an image of massage rooms, the penumbra born of the light of scented candles and the smoke of burning incense. Under any circumstances, it would have relaxed Gaura, but in that very moment it only fueled her anticipation.
It didn’t help that Edér was busy stripping naked right at the edge of the bed. Gaura bit her lip to hide the hungry grin brightening her face, but it only added an impish quality to it.
‘What do you think, Edér? Should we cover your chest in it?’ She teased, then turned to Aloth. She gently lifted his chin from her shoulder and left a short, gentle kiss on his lips as she handed him the bottle of oil. She moved to the edge of the bed but before she could say or do anything else, Edér pulled her on his lips. He blindly untied the one strap keeping her nightgown on her, and as the fabric pooled at her knees, she felt a second pair of hands reaching for her underwear. Aloth carefully pulled it down her thighs then with the same care and tenderness, he traced a crack on her thigh back to her hip. A gasp escaped Gaura, but the farmer didn’t let her move away from him: he kept her in place by the back of her head. Aloth completed her loving prison by embracing her from behind. She heard a kiss by her ear, but she didn’t feel it. She could only assume he was kissing Edér’s wrist, since he let her go a moment later. The next kiss the wizard gave away landed on the curve of Gaura’s neck. As was the next, and the one after that. He set himself a pace while his hands on her hips moved to her front. One hand remained on her belly, the other slid down, right between her thighs. The Watcher leaned her head back against Aloth’s shoulder as he began lightly rubbing her clit.
‘Yeah, I think I’ll pass,’ Edér said with a smirk. Gaura responded by reaching for his erection, quickly wiping his expression from his face.
‘It… it doesn’t have to be your chest,’ the last note of her suggestion turned into a moan. The farmer watched her lips and a chuckle bubbled up from her.
‘Doubt I’d like it more than what your mouth can do,’ he glanced at Aloth, ‘you think you can let her lie down?’
‘I was about to suggest it,’ the wizard answered and let go of the Watcher. Gaura backed away from Edér as well, slightly so she could lie on her belly, when Aloth grabbed her hand. ‘I’d prefer it, if you were on your back.’
Gaura turned towards him, clumsily, obstructed by her clothes at her knees. She laughed at her herself as she dropped down on her back and she heard Aloth echo her. He quickly slipped her constraints off her and leaned over her. He claimed her lips, still smiling, only to have them be interrupted by a voice coming from above them.
‘Not to bother you, but…’ Edér tapped the wizard on his shoulder. Aloth looked up at him and sat up. The farmer in turn reached for the Watcher’s chest and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, drawing a surprised yelp out of her. He left a sloppy kiss on her cheek as he straightened again, only supporting her by the back of her neck. It was only then, that Gaura realized that her head would be dangling off the bed, if it weren’t for that loose hold on her. Edér’s cock was right by her face and she instinctively angled herself to take him in her mouth. ‘Wow, you weren’t lying about being eager,’ the farmer laughed, only for his laughter to turn into a short, low groan as he felt a kiss land on the base of his shaft.
‘Or about trusting us,’ Aloth noted as he climbed over the Watcher again. ‘Are you sure you’re comfortable like this?’ He asked her, prompting her to try and lift her head.
‘Well, now I’m not,’ she feigned a complaint as she leaned into Edér’s hold again. ‘This is kinda nice, though.’
‘How about now?’ Edér angled her head slightly downwards. Gaura’s gasped – it hasn’t fully sunk in how much she’ll have to rely on him. The farmer smiled down at her as he lightly caressed her neck with his thumb. ‘I got you,’ he reassured her, ‘won’t do that again, don’t worry.’
‘Then…’ she began, her heart easing as she got used to her position, ‘yeah, I’m good. This is…’ she was interrupted by Aloth’s lips touching her collarbone. His kisses were featherlight as he traced a faint crack down her breast. ‘This is very comfortable.’ She reached for the wizard, and lazily rested her hand on the top of his head. She enjoyed the feeling of his hair between her fingers as her grip tightened with every kiss he left on her chest, working his way down to her sex. At the same time Edér guided the tip of his cock to her mouth, wordlessly asking her to let him in. Gaura parted her lips for him just as Aloth ran her tongue along her folds. She took a deep breath and within a fraction of her moment, Edér lightly thrust into her mouth, muffling the moan she exhaled.
‘Tap on me, if you need air,’ the farmer said as he pushed further into her, ever so slightly, further and further with each thrust.
Gaura’s eyes fluttered shut from the sensations Aloth evoked, however. His mouth closed around her clit as he lapped at it, setting the Watcher’s nerves ablaze. His thumb rubbed her folds, much slower than the movement of his tongue and the contrast got her squirming, barely visibly. She wanted to hold him by his hair and grind against his face, she wanted the waves of pleasure his touches promised, and her restraint was quickly fading as her senses grew slowly overwhelmed by Aloth and as her focus was occupied by Edér. Then, almost as if Aloth could tell what she was thinking, he dragged his tongue along Gaura’s slit. She wanted to throw her head back and let her voice out, to show him a glimpse of the pleasure building in her. But the best she could do was a staggered moan that was rhythmically pushed back into her throat by Edér’s cock. Her grip tightened on the wizard’s hair, and he took that as encouragement: he loved her labia up with ever changing pace and ever changing patterns. He spoiled and challenged her, and Gaura answered without realizing – all her focus was on breathing. She rocked her hip at the same rhythm as Edér, and Aloth followed it, but his pace remained quicker. Gaura lost her sense of time and soon, she realized, she had a truly hard time breathing steadily. She tapped on Edér’s thigh, hesitantly, with a trembling hand and he pulled out immediately.
‘That felt pretty damned great, Honeycake,’ the Watcher could only vaguely make out the words over the sounds escaping her and her heart beating like a war drum in her ears. Edér changed his grip on her and knelt down. Her eyes popped open as she felt her head against his chest, her horns lightly scratching his collarbone. ‘Relax,’ he spoke with a voice hoarse with lust.
Gaura wanted to answer something witty. Or anything at all. But almost as if to emphasize Edér’s words, Aloth slipped his fingers in her. The Watcher could only curse as he brought back the familiar rhythm and as his tongue teased her sensitive clit again. And this time her body gave in to his care. Ecstasy washed over her in waves, each stretching into infinity, even as Aloth gently guided her senses back to her.
‘Help her back onto the bed,’ he told Edér, who merely helped the Watcher turn on her belly, then she pushed herself up, unable to stop grinning and unable to resist Aloth’s touches as he hugged her from behind. She twisted herself to claim his lips, disregarding the awkward angle. He kissed back slowly, allowing her to savor her taste on his tongue, and in turn she allowed him to enjoy Edér’s taste on hers. Aloth then backed away from her, allowing Gaura to lie down again, on her stomach, casually propping her head by the elbow and crossing her ankles lifted in the air. She would have looked bored had it not been on the excited, mischievous grin tugging at her lips.
‘You think you could go for more?’ Edér flashed a cheeky smirk at her as he sat on the bed as well, right beside Gaura. He idly traced the cracks on her back with a finger as his grin slowly faded and left only a gaze warm with care.
‘Mm-hmm, ready and eager,’ the Watcher smiled up at him. Edér turned away for a moment, following Aloth gathering pillows behind the two of them. While he was distracted, she reached for his still erect cock and began stroking it at a lazy pace. The farmer let out a satisfied hum as he looked to her again. He shook his head in disbelief, with a fond smile plastered on his face.
‘You’re really something, you know that?’ His voice rang with affection.
‘All too well,’ she smirked at him impishly. Her attention was then claimed by Aloth, who gathered their pillows and now busied himself propping her up by her abdomen. She let herself down, her head now rested by the edge of the bed and she thought back to the feeling of being supported by Edér alone, and as she did so, she noticed her strange imbalance. Her hips were higher than her head. Just slightly, but the realization drew a giggle out of her.
Aloth then pushed against her thighs. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t rather face me?’ He asked as he caressed the inside of her thighs with his knuckles.
‘Is this not comfortable for you?’ The Watcher turned her head towards him, but failed to truly see him.
‘What matters is that you are comfortable.’
Gaura smiled to herself as she rested her head on the bed again. ‘I am comfortable. And I trust you.’
She felt a soft kiss being placed on the small of her back. A moment later, a now familiar scent filled the Watcher’s nostrils. The next thing she knew, cool, viscous liquid was dripped onto her ass. Aloth applied the oil generously on his hands and his fingers moved gently and precisely. And to the Watcher’s surprise, his touch against her anus felt… strangely pleasant.
‘Try to relax,’ he said and Gaura couldn’t quite tell if it was aimed at her or himself, ‘being tense is the surest way to get hurt,’ his words sounded like a recital. A moment later she felt his fingers again, this time pushing further inside her. Her breath caught in her throat as the wizard pumped one finger, than two, carefully introducing her body to the strange new sensation. A kernel of arousal formed in the Watcher’s belly as she enjoyed the friction of his fingers entering her and the gentle sparks that friction ignited along her nerves.
However, that was all she felt. Aloth’s presence in her was pleasant as always, his touch, tender and precious as always. And yet the kernel in her didn’t sprout, the sparks within her didn’t spread. There was only a pressure building towards… nothing, and it only left her frustrated.
‘Don’t you think, that’s gonna be enough oil?’ She asked, her impatience getting the better of her.
‘I’d rather use too much of it, than too little,’ Aloth answered and left a reassuring kiss on her back.
‘It feels more than enough, if you ask me.’
Aloth’s movements stopped at that. ‘If you say so…’ he said somewhat shyly and a little hesitantly. Then the feeling of his fingers was gone.
‘How do you feel?’ Edér’s voice came from above her, and Gaura didn’t know what to say without offending. She was certain that if the lack of intensity can be explained, the reasons would be found on her end, rather than on Aloth’s.
‘Like there was something in my ass,’ she said with an awkward chuckle.
‘Does it hurt?’ Edér followed up.
‘No, it’s kind of nice, just… I don’t know I expected things to be more intense.’
‘Well, those were just my fingers. Maybe it will feel more intense as we go on,’ Aloth chimed in, as he lined himself up behind her.
Gaura held her breath when she felt Aloth enter her. He only pushed the head in first, as if he was testing waters, then when he concluded how easily the Watcher’s ass would receive him, he continued. She tensed up at the discomfort he evoked, prompting the wizard to stop and lightly rub the base of her waist.
‘Remember to relax,’ his reminder almost sounded like a plea. Gaura couldn’t help but wonder how he was feeling. As he moved again, slow and deep, a quiet moan escaped him. The sound enticed her, his touch comforted her and in a matter of few, careful and graciously slow thrusts, she grew used to him. Aloth took his time as he reached further and further in her, until her ass was right against his lap. He stopped then, as if he needed a moment to comprehend what he was feeling. The Watcher took that moment to push herself up on her knees and to start rocking herself against him. Aloth grabbed her hip and in that contact she could feel a tremor running through him. She chuckled at that, lovingly, a little smugly, the way she would whenever she pleased him. Maybe that was the intensity she was supposed to look forward to, she mused, as she enjoyed the faint arousal his friction brought, even though the pressure within her brought no release.
‘You look like you’re having fun,’ Edér commented as he was stroking himself, watching her intently.
‘Only as much as I had with you down my throat,’ she teased him.
‘Oh, thank the gods,’ Aloth sighed behind them. ‘I… I was starting to feel quite guilty,’ he spoke breathlessly. ‘You feel… beyond anything I can describe… as you always do.’ He leaned over her and showered her back in kisses. The Watcher laughed, but she still pulled away from him. She gave Aloth an apologetic look as she turned around.
‘Then I hope you can forgive me for getting a little greedy,’ she stole a kiss from him, then she gestured towards Edér. Aloth understood her voiceless request. He lightly touched his shoulder as he cast his spell on him, then left a quick kiss on his hair before he turned back to the Watcher. Gaura pushed against his chest as she hungrily sized him up. The wizard let out a faint grunt as his back hit the bed, then a wide smile brightened his face as he watched her climb on top of him. The Watcher claimed his lips, and poured all her affection and gratitude into their kiss. For a moment, she laced her fingers with his, sealing her trust and comfort into their touch. Then she pulled away, and turned her back on him. She moved on to crouch over him, and braced herself for the now familiar discomfort that would follow. She guided his cock into herself again, but this time a single move was enough. A loud groan came from behind her as she got comfortable on top of him, then with a wiggle of her finger, she invited Edér to join them.
‘You sure, I won’t be too much?’ He asked as he closed the distance between them. He held her by her waist and rested his forehead against hers. He craved her closeness and she felt it in the smallest brush of his fingers against her skin.
Gaura smiled and tenderly cupped his face. ‘Trust me,’ she spoke softly, ‘I won’t break.’ She leaned back slightly as an invitation. Edér gave her a nod, a little unsure in himself, but fully confident in her. He lined up his stiff cock against her heat, and ground against her a few times, slowly and gently.
But even that took the Watcher’s breath away.
She hasn’t realized how ravenous she was, how sensitive she was. As the farmer entered her, she felt like a missing puzzle piece falling into place. Her arms threatened to give out under her.
‘Fuck, you feel tight like this,’ Edér grunted, failing to notice Aloth slightly squirm under the Watcher as if he too could feel his presence. Gaura involuntarily rolled her hips against them both, a high pitched, silent moan was carried by the heavy breath she exhaled, and she felt like every last of her nerves flared up by merely feeling the two men within her. She couldn’t even hear the groans she drew out from her lovers over the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears.
‘F- follow my lead,’ she breathed the words as she lied down on top of Aloth. The wizard wrapped his arms around her tight and instinctively, almost desperately, left one kiss after the other on her neck. Meanwhile Edér held her by her hips, or at least he tried to. His hands wandered along her thighs, to her hip again, to her belly, as if he couldn’t stop them from moving, as if he needed to touch her everywhere. ‘I’ll set a rhythm for us,’ the Watcher rolled her hips again, slowly, both to let the men with her find the right time to meet her with their thrusts and to let her mind catch up to her senses.
She felt like she was dancing. Presence and movement, movement and presence, everything Edér did was amplified by Aloth, everything Aloth did was amplified by Edér. Edér’s movement, Aloth’s presence, Aloth’s movement, Edér’s presence. Like colors building on top of another, like melodies forming a harmony. Gaura didn’t even notice she stopped moving, once they found the perfect rhythm and her stillness was soon followed by her release. She just about rode out the waves of her ecstasy when she felt her lovers picking up the pace.
‘Gods, but I love you both, I love you so fucking much,’ she whispered without care, without knowing if either of them even heard her. Her mind felt ablaze by the loving assaults on her senses and she could only hope she could come again before her lovers did because nothing else felt enough to relieve her.
‘I… I love you too,’ Aloth’s response was quiet and staggered, meanwhile Edér seemed to have been spurred on by the Watcher’s words. It took him every bit of restraint he had to remain gentle with her. Gaura might have told him he didn’t need to be, that he won’t break her, or maybe she just wanted to. Somewhere between her thoughts and her sounds, her words kept losing their coherence. The wizard on the other hand, seemed to have had a harder time to keep his movements up. He buried his face in the curve of her neck and tightened her hold on her. Her eyes fluttered shut when she heard the familiar rise in Aloth’s pitch, and sure enough, he filled her up soon, pushing her to her climax once again. And a mere moment later, she felt Edér finish as well, unable to resist the precious squeeze of her core.
Neither of them knew how long they stood there, waiting for their senses to return to them. Eventually, Edér pulled out and carefully helped Gaura get off Aloth. Shivers kept running through her, even though she wasn’t cold.
‘I… I should probably get cleaned up,’ the Watcher said but she wasn’t sure if she could walk just then. The next thing she knew was Aloth snuggling against her. He rested his head on her shoulder and wrapped an arm around her chest. His breathing was slow, as if he was ready to fall asleep. Edér moved closer to her well. His fingers kept trailing the cracks adorning her belly.
‘So… how’s that for exploration?’ He asked, his own awe-struck answer clearly hiding behind the question. ‘One for the history books?’
‘It was more of a hidden treasure for me,’ Aloth said without bothering to open his eyes. ‘Our little secret,' he let out a short, sleepy chuckle, 'I… I can’t help but feel rather greedy too,’ he yawned.
Gaura merely smiled to herself. One day she might find the words to describe the findings of that particular discovery.
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