#it was just because of college burnout and a surprise contract job that's almost full time
q-kanbas · 2 years
it’s probably partly because i lack the energy to care anymore and will probably never get it back but i’m hitting a point where seeing other people’s socio-political opinions on twitter is beginning to cause some kind of damage. like. i know the country is going to shit. i know we’re all going to die.
i know everything that’s happened has irreversibly eroded Any form of sanctity and stability of this country and that it gets worse every day and that i’ll loose all of my basic rights soon because of it. i know i’ll probably never be financially stable and safe unless i leave the country for residence somewhere else. i just don’t need to be told ad nauseum over and over again every time i go onto socials i try to keep for fun at this point. that i keep to try and not succumb to crippling depression that keeps me locked into a shit future.
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
19 People Reveal the Moment Someone Completely Changed Their Lives
Sometimes all we need to make a big change is a little bit of inspiration. These 19 stories of people totally transforming their lives with one tiny change might provide that bit of inspiration you need to do the same! If you’re happy just the way you are, these nice stories are guaranteed to brighten your day.
via: Shutterstock
A guy I know constantly looked so tired and napped all the time during the day. He would nap so hard that you would have to shake him to wake him up, and he could fall asleep anywhere super fast. I asked him about it and he told me he felt tired all the time because he couldn’t sleep at night, he figured he just had insomnia or something but refused to go to a doctor about it. One day he had a legit mental breakdown after a few drinks, we basically had to babysit him all night and I’m convinced it was because of his constantly exhausted state.
Not long after that incident, he went to the doctor about his sleep and it turns out he had been living with severe sleep apnea for years. The doctor told him he was basically on the verge of a heart attack or stroke because of it. Now he sleeps with a special mask at night and he has completely changed for the better. He visibly has way more energy and his performance in school went through the roof. –Frostedchunks
via: Shutterstock
Worked with a guy at AutoZone that had two set of kids and two sets of child support payments. He worked 40 hours with us and then 30-40 at a grocery store just killing himself to survive. Turns out that he was like 9 hours away from a degree he had begun a decade earlier and he just randomly mentioned it to a coworker while they were stocking things. The managers at both stores knew his situation and worked his schedule together to get him the hours he needed. They started a tuition fund that anyone could donate to and both sat him down to say he needed to finish his school. The school put together a pre-req class for him, which he made an A in, and off he went one class at a time. One year later he walked the stage with a marketing degree and turned his whole life around at 41 or 42. –SaddestClown
via: Shutterstock
I had a friend that had an addictive personality. He was incredibly smart but liked to party too much. During junior year of high school, he got in a car accident, broke some bones, and got addicted to the pills he was prescribed. He spiraled downwards after that and barely made it out of high school. Most people lost contact with him and thought he would just be another lowlife.
A few years after high school one of our mutual friends committed suicide and he took it very harshly, but it was enough to change his attitude. He took up an interest in investments and decided to move away from his burnout friends to attend a college. He graduated in less than 4 years and ended up working for a reputable bank earning six figures, and now he’s always posting his luxurious vacations on Facebook, it was a crazy turn around for him. –Willbo
via: Shutterstock
My lifelong friend went down the heroin/jail path in his early 20s. His personality was always to “Go with the flow”, for better or worse. He became part of a terrible group of people that routinely did awful shit in order to score. Imagine robbing your own grandmother, that caliber of desperation. After a stint being locked up and getting clean, he stopped talking to anyone from that group. No communication whatsoever, cold turkey. Lived with his mom, found a job he could walk to since his driver’s license was long gone and started getting in shape physically. He did counseling, broke his heroin habit, got into martial arts as a positive outlet for his energy. Talking to him now, he says breaking contact with all those people was the only way he made it out. –TurboAbe
via: Shutterstock
About 5 years ago I started doing this little mental trick… if there was some small thing I needed to do I just counted to 3 in my head and did it. Stuff like “1,2,3: put on my workout clothes”, “1,2,3: empty the dishwasher”, “1,2,3: answer that email”, “1,2,3: turn the TV off”.
I promised myself that every “1,2,3” would be something I could achieve in less than 10 minutes and that I would never fail to do something once I finished the countdown. I was amazed at how many of life’s problems were solved by overcoming those little moments of inertia during the day.
My level of motivation before and after that shift was night and day. It made a huge difference in my health, career, financial state, etc. I know it probably sounds silly, but my life made a massive and quick change for the better once I adopted this strategy. –Trent_A
via: Shutterstock
I quit my minimum wage job and stopped talking to my abusive dad. Some 9 months later I got hired into my current job, got my driver’s license, bought a brand new car, and have started losing weight gradually. It’s been 2 years and my car is a little over half paid for and my dad has no idea how awesome my life is. I plan to keep it that way. –HolyOrdersOtaku
via: Shutterstock
One week in high school I decided that I would go for a bike ride every day after school. Massive improvement in attitude and motivation. I began to like school more, got my homework done earlier, and I also got into shape which was an added bonus –atooch
via: Shutterstock
Getting into a routine. Growing up with school and odd work hours, things just seem hectic. Working a set schedule has really helped me in life. Jacon2012
via: Shutterstock
A homeschooler had drifter parents and unemployed friends. He decided on his own to start school in grade 11, graduated, got a trade that he hated so started going to university and working on the side. He graduated with high honours and just started his dream job. –cisco54
via: Shutterstock
Moving to a new state and starting over. It’s short-term and if you don’t keep doing the work necessary to improve you will slide into old behaviors. But just riding the novelty of it all in the beginning can set you up nicely. A fresh start can’t happen when you’re doing the same old things. –283diamonds
via: Shutterstock
My coworker dropped out of high school and basically just became a druggie until he was about 21, working odd jobs and occasionally being homeless. After that, he decided to take a brief web development course(I think it was an intense 9-month course or something, basically a full-time job) and now he works in web development with me.
He’ll sometimes mention how he thinks my 4-year degree is impressive, how he regrets wasting all his time, etc. But I think it’s pretty impressive to go from where he was to being in the same career as me. –sasquartch
via: Shutterstock
A friend met the right girl. He had been mostly insufferable for years- overly needy and demanding of his friends while simultaneously annoying and picky and abrasive at the same time. He met his now-wife and he mellowed out 100% and is now cool to be around again. Barkingpanther
via: Shutterstock
In middle school there was a guy who was always goofing around in class, would get in trouble a lot, and didn’t seem to care about school at all. Once high school came around he was suddenly taking advanced calculus classes and ended up getting into a really good school after graduating. I always wondered what caused the change, until one year there was a little snippet in the yearbook about him where he said that his cousin basically just told him to stop messing around and start caring about school or else he wouldn’t end up in a good place in life, so that’s what he did. –0321654
via: Shutterstock
What got me off WoW was having a kid, the look my wife gave me the first (and only) time she asked me to help with the baby and I said: “but I’m in a raid” was bone chilling. I logged out then and there, canceled my subscription and haven’t played in 9 years. –whiskymakesmecrazy
via: Shutterstock
Not someone else but myself.
Spent 5 years in prison for armed robbery. Been on parole for 8 months now. Started as an intern at a big marketing company. Signed my contract as a sales manager today. Loving GF is pregnant. Got a nice apartment and feel happy as s**t. –DerDieDas
via: Shutterstock
Last year in school I was making really, really s**t grades. Wouldn’t have passed if not for the mercy of my teachers. I posted on Reddit about my aversion to work and the intense sense of dread I get just knowing I have to do something for school. Some Redditors suggested I might have ADHD.
I got prescribed Vyvanse almost immediately after going to the doctors and I am now in my junior year of high school doing great. Last year’s GPA was a 2.6. This year’s is a 4.2. –pbwarren2001
via: Shutterstock
Kid I knew in high school purchased Bitcoin back around 2011. Just sold for over $20 million. –DaLagavulin
via: Shutterstock
Managed an apartment community where one insanely obese man splintered the bottom of his shower from simply standing on it. We replaced it at no charge, but the embarrassment got to him. Within a week he found a dietician and started walking around the community. Within a few months, he bought a bike and started riding around the neighborhood. Within a year he dropped what seemed to be at least 100 lbs. Within 2 years he weighed less than I do now.
Casey, if you happen to see this (and I know you’re a Redditor), you’re a freaking inspiration! Keep at it! –RVBY1977
via: Shutterstock
Not someone else, but a personal habit I picked up. I’m not sure how much this helps other people, but I just started making my bed every morning. I was pleasantly surprised at how much more productive in the mornings I became. Now making my bed is almost like hitting the “I’m not tired anymore” switch in my brain. I know it’s all mental conditioning, but I think it really works. Takes like 30 seconds once you get the hang of it. –roketmanp
If you liked this story, share it with the person who most recently improved your life!
Read more: http://twentytwowords.com/19-people-reveal-the-moment-someone-completely-changed-their-lives-ia/
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2KBLTwr via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
19 People Reveal the Moment Someone Completely Changed Their Lives
Sometimes all we need to make a big change is a little bit of inspiration. These 19 stories of people totally transforming their lives with one tiny change might provide that bit of inspiration you need to do the same! If you’re happy just the way you are, these nice stories are guaranteed to brighten your day.
via: Shutterstock
A guy I know constantly looked so tired and napped all the time during the day. He would nap so hard that you would have to shake him to wake him up, and he could fall asleep anywhere super fast. I asked him about it and he told me he felt tired all the time because he couldn’t sleep at night, he figured he just had insomnia or something but refused to go to a doctor about it. One day he had a legit mental breakdown after a few drinks, we basically had to babysit him all night and I’m convinced it was because of his constantly exhausted state.
Not long after that incident, he went to the doctor about his sleep and it turns out he had been living with severe sleep apnea for years. The doctor told him he was basically on the verge of a heart attack or stroke because of it. Now he sleeps with a special mask at night and he has completely changed for the better. He visibly has way more energy and his performance in school went through the roof. –Frostedchunks
via: Shutterstock
Worked with a guy at AutoZone that had two set of kids and two sets of child support payments. He worked 40 hours with us and then 30-40 at a grocery store just killing himself to survive. Turns out that he was like 9 hours away from a degree he had begun a decade earlier and he just randomly mentioned it to a coworker while they were stocking things. The managers at both stores knew his situation and worked his schedule together to get him the hours he needed. They started a tuition fund that anyone could donate to and both sat him down to say he needed to finish his school. The school put together a pre-req class for him, which he made an A in, and off he went one class at a time. One year later he walked the stage with a marketing degree and turned his whole life around at 41 or 42. –SaddestClown
via: Shutterstock
I had a friend that had an addictive personality. He was incredibly smart but liked to party too much. During junior year of high school, he got in a car accident, broke some bones, and got addicted to the pills he was prescribed. He spiraled downwards after that and barely made it out of high school. Most people lost contact with him and thought he would just be another lowlife.
A few years after high school one of our mutual friends committed suicide and he took it very harshly, but it was enough to change his attitude. He took up an interest in investments and decided to move away from his burnout friends to attend a college. He graduated in less than 4 years and ended up working for a reputable bank earning six figures, and now he’s always posting his luxurious vacations on Facebook, it was a crazy turn around for him. –Willbo
via: Shutterstock
My lifelong friend went down the heroin/jail path in his early 20s. His personality was always to “Go with the flow”, for better or worse. He became part of a terrible group of people that routinely did awful shit in order to score. Imagine robbing your own grandmother, that caliber of desperation. After a stint being locked up and getting clean, he stopped talking to anyone from that group. No communication whatsoever, cold turkey. Lived with his mom, found a job he could walk to since his driver’s license was long gone and started getting in shape physically. He did counseling, broke his heroin habit, got into martial arts as a positive outlet for his energy. Talking to him now, he says breaking contact with all those people was the only way he made it out. –TurboAbe
via: Shutterstock
About 5 years ago I started doing this little mental trick… if there was some small thing I needed to do I just counted to 3 in my head and did it. Stuff like “1,2,3: put on my workout clothes”, “1,2,3: empty the dishwasher”, “1,2,3: answer that email”, “1,2,3: turn the TV off”.
I promised myself that every “1,2,3” would be something I could achieve in less than 10 minutes and that I would never fail to do something once I finished the countdown. I was amazed at how many of life’s problems were solved by overcoming those little moments of inertia during the day.
My level of motivation before and after that shift was night and day. It made a huge difference in my health, career, financial state, etc. I know it probably sounds silly, but my life made a massive and quick change for the better once I adopted this strategy. –Trent_A
via: Shutterstock
I quit my minimum wage job and stopped talking to my abusive dad. Some 9 months later I got hired into my current job, got my driver’s license, bought a brand new car, and have started losing weight gradually. It’s been 2 years and my car is a little over half paid for and my dad has no idea how awesome my life is. I plan to keep it that way. –HolyOrdersOtaku
via: Shutterstock
One week in high school I decided that I would go for a bike ride every day after school. Massive improvement in attitude and motivation. I began to like school more, got my homework done earlier, and I also got into shape which was an added bonus –atooch
via: Shutterstock
Getting into a routine. Growing up with school and odd work hours, things just seem hectic. Working a set schedule has really helped me in life. Jacon2012
via: Shutterstock
A homeschooler had drifter parents and unemployed friends. He decided on his own to start school in grade 11, graduated, got a trade that he hated so started going to university and working on the side. He graduated with high honours and just started his dream job. –cisco54
via: Shutterstock
Moving to a new state and starting over. It’s short-term and if you don’t keep doing the work necessary to improve you will slide into old behaviors. But just riding the novelty of it all in the beginning can set you up nicely. A fresh start can’t happen when you’re doing the same old things. –283diamonds
via: Shutterstock
My coworker dropped out of high school and basically just became a druggie until he was about 21, working odd jobs and occasionally being homeless. After that, he decided to take a brief web development course(I think it was an intense 9-month course or something, basically a full-time job) and now he works in web development with me.
He’ll sometimes mention how he thinks my 4-year degree is impressive, how he regrets wasting all his time, etc. But I think it’s pretty impressive to go from where he was to being in the same career as me. –sasquartch
via: Shutterstock
A friend met the right girl. He had been mostly insufferable for years- overly needy and demanding of his friends while simultaneously annoying and picky and abrasive at the same time. He met his now-wife and he mellowed out 100% and is now cool to be around again. Barkingpanther
via: Shutterstock
In middle school there was a guy who was always goofing around in class, would get in trouble a lot, and didn’t seem to care about school at all. Once high school came around he was suddenly taking advanced calculus classes and ended up getting into a really good school after graduating. I always wondered what caused the change, until one year there was a little snippet in the yearbook about him where he said that his cousin basically just told him to stop messing around and start caring about school or else he wouldn’t end up in a good place in life, so that’s what he did. –0321654
via: Shutterstock
What got me off WoW was having a kid, the look my wife gave me the first (and only) time she asked me to help with the baby and I said: “but I’m in a raid” was bone chilling. I logged out then and there, canceled my subscription and haven’t played in 9 years. –whiskymakesmecrazy
via: Shutterstock
Not someone else but myself.
Spent 5 years in prison for armed robbery. Been on parole for 8 months now. Started as an intern at a big marketing company. Signed my contract as a sales manager today. Loving GF is pregnant. Got a nice apartment and feel happy as s**t. –DerDieDas
via: Shutterstock
Last year in school I was making really, really s**t grades. Wouldn’t have passed if not for the mercy of my teachers. I posted on Reddit about my aversion to work and the intense sense of dread I get just knowing I have to do something for school. Some Redditors suggested I might have ADHD.
I got prescribed Vyvanse almost immediately after going to the doctors and I am now in my junior year of high school doing great. Last year’s GPA was a 2.6. This year’s is a 4.2. –pbwarren2001
via: Shutterstock
Kid I knew in high school purchased Bitcoin back around 2011. Just sold for over $20 million. –DaLagavulin
via: Shutterstock
Managed an apartment community where one insanely obese man splintered the bottom of his shower from simply standing on it. We replaced it at no charge, but the embarrassment got to him. Within a week he found a dietician and started walking around the community. Within a few months, he bought a bike and started riding around the neighborhood. Within a year he dropped what seemed to be at least 100 lbs. Within 2 years he weighed less than I do now.
Casey, if you happen to see this (and I know you’re a Redditor), you’re a freaking inspiration! Keep at it! –RVBY1977
via: Shutterstock
Not someone else, but a personal habit I picked up. I’m not sure how much this helps other people, but I just started making my bed every morning. I was pleasantly surprised at how much more productive in the mornings I became. Now making my bed is almost like hitting the “I’m not tired anymore” switch in my brain. I know it’s all mental conditioning, but I think it really works. Takes like 30 seconds once you get the hang of it. –roketmanp
If you liked this story, share it with the person who most recently improved your life!
Read more: http://twentytwowords.com/19-people-reveal-the-moment-someone-completely-changed-their-lives-ia/
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2KBLTwr via Viral News HQ
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