#it was userava's beautiful witcher edits that dragged me back in and i was in AWE so inspired to create something as well
mercymaker · 2 years
every day i come to this site and every day i see something beautiful. the talented gifmakers and graphic creators are the backbone of this site and i feel like more often than not they are taken for granted. you beautiful people creating beautiful things. the hours you spend selecting scenes, blending them together so seamlessly, spending hours upon hours coloring, painting, choosing the right shade. sometimes frame by frame. and unlike all the other social media sites where the majority of content creators are making things in order to monetize them, you do it all for free. out of passion for a show, a movie, a person. out of passion to make beautiful things and fill this space with them. i see fellow creators praising each other in the tags, admiring their choice of color, the hours they put to turn simple footage into a work of art. i see you get inspired by each other. i see you hatching new ideas, sending new waves and ripples that cross fandoms. i see you get thousands of notes and then get only hundreds, and yet you still create, despite diminishing reblogs, you persevere. and make even more beautiful things. and i see you. and i admire you
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