#it’s just hard to see it that way from being bed bound most of the time
hurlingdown · 12 days
Ima eat you and your writing it’s so good can I please get a whiny sub Luffy x domtop male reader who’s like kinda tall I’m talking a tad bit shorter then brook type tall you can ignore if this is too specific 👍 love your work
eat you up (top male reader, nsfw)
tags: whiny!sub!luffy who loves how big reader is, in terms of size and cock, anal sex, size kink, virginity loss, cum eating, tongue-fucking, blowjob, he has no gag reflex, luffy being luffy, bit fluffy ngl
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Luffy revelled in your size difference. 
The way you towered over him, your large hands being able to completely encircle his waist. Not to mention, you made such a good makeshift bed that he just couldn’t help but snuggle into your lap most afternoons, just to take a fat nap. 
You never really minded, as it didn’t interfere with your routine. Plus, having a lap warmer with you anywhere you went was undeniably a huge bonus. 
Today was one of those afternoons. 
Luffy hummed a song, squirming on your lap to find a comfortable position for his nap. You didn’t think much of it at first, until he started shifting about, his back pressed against your chest to directly sit on your cock. 
You froze, feeling the heat rush to your face, and somewhere else—it didn’t help that the rubber captain never kept still. Still, you couldn’t find it in you to push him off, as he had looked up at you with an adorably blinding grin, his gummy smile having wormed its way into your heart long ago. 
“Luffy,” you began awkwardly. 
“You’re hard today.” 
You spluttered. “I’m what today?” 
He turned around in your lap to blink innocently at you. “You’re harder than usual today, y/n!” 
“Oh. Haha… I am, aren’t I?” You let out a breath of relief. It hadn’t occurred to you that Luffy quite possibly didn’t know about that sort of stuff; or perhaps wasn’t interested in all, seeing as he never bat an eye to the beautiful, well-endowed Boa Hancock who practically threw herself at him at every chance. 
You were absorbed in your thoughts until you felt a hand palm your hard cock roughly. 
“Luffy!” Your hips bucked upwards, nearly throwing him off your lap. “What was that for—” 
“So yours does the same thing, too. Shishi, I thought my dick was broken when I touched it and it turned hard!” 
Oh. So he had touched himself before. Guess you could save yourself from having to give ‘the talk’ to an absolute airhead. 
“Wow,” Luffy continued to squeeze and fondle your cock through the thin layer of your pants, making you bite your lip to suppress a groan. “You’re pretty big!” 
“Captain,” you snapped, finally, glaring at him as he pouted. “This isn’t appropriate.” 
“But why not?” he protested, still not releasing his death-grip on your cock. 
“This—we—aren’t in that sort of relationship.” 
Luffy simply frowned. “Do we have to be in a relationship to touch each other’s dicks?” 
“Well, no, but—” 
Before he went back to straight-up kneading your poor cock, you grabbed his wrists and bound them behind his back with one hand. 
“But why?” he whined loudly, bottom lip jutting out as he stared up at you. “I want to! You gotta let me! I’m the captain!” 
You sighed. “You may be my captain, but that doesn’t mean you get to take advantage of your superiority to sexually harass me whenever you want.” 
“I’m not sensually harassing you, or whatever that is!” 
“It’s ‘sexually harass’, not sensually harass. And—why do you even want to do this in the first place? You’ve never acted like this before when you napped on me before.” 
“I just suddenly want to! What’s the matter with that?!” Luffy looked petulant, almost angry as he couldn’t get what he wanted, and he retracted one of his legs hooked around your waist to tramp on your cock. 
You let out a guttural moan at that, and Luffy’s eyes had widened visibly, as though he wanted to hear more. 
“Hey, y/n? My dick’s hard.” 
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“Is this what you wanted, baby?” 
Luffy’s knees were pressed into the mattress above his shoulders, making good use of his stretchiness as he shudders and whines a response beneath you. His hole is stretched perfectly around your cock, warm and wet and tight, taking you to the brim so well. 
“Y-yeah, puh—please!” he wailed desperately, raking his nails on your back as you angled your hips, thrusting up into his sweet spot. “So—so big—ah!” 
“There it is.” You grinned, hands fully wrapping around his waist to tug him back onto your cock like a ragdoll, perfectly nailing his prostate again. “Think we found it, mm?” 
Luffy nodded his head weakly, trembling all over as you railed him into the mattress with each heavy thrust, before dragging him back. “Feels really g-good! Right—right there!” 
“Here, captain?” You purposefully missed, tip of your cock barely grazing it, and he whined shamelessly. 
“No! Not there!” he moaned, shaking his head in frustration as he looked at you with pleading eyes. “Y/n, I need it s-so bad!” 
You would have never thought that Luffy was capable of such dirty talking. But right now—with your captain willingly spreading his legs for you, hole stretched wide open and insides rearranging themselves to fit your huge cock, you couldn’t even process it except for how good it felt. 
“And what’s the magic word, love?” 
“M-magic word?” He blinks at you confusedly. “I don’t know any—any magic word! I’m not—a magician, ah, silly!” 
Warmth curled in your chest at how utterly ridiculous Luffy was, and you gave a little laugh, before leaning down to kiss him. Luffy kissed you back with eagerness, biting and sucking impatiently at your lower lip. As you fucked your tongue into that pliant little mouth of his, mirroring your cock’s every thrust, he had sucked on it and moaned around it, drool spilling down the sides of his mouth as though it felt heavenly for him. 
“So full…” Luffy whimpered around your tongue, eyes rolling back in ecstasy—and you couldn’t pinpoint which hole he was referring to. 
You reeled back after a long kiss, going back to pounding into him as he whined for “harder”, for “more”, and “wanting to eat the funny liquid that comes out of your cock”. 
Your breath hitched in surprise as you realised what Luffy meant. “Want me to cum down your throat, baby? That what you want?” You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, his warm, spongy walls pulsating around you every time you pulled back, as though wanting to keep you inside forever. 
“Yes, yes—wanna, wanna know what you taste like, y/n!” he babbled mindlessly, clinging on to your shoulders as you flattened the head of your cock against his prostate, grinding hard and deliberately. “Ugh, ugh—it feels weird—” 
“Yeah? You gonna come for me, sweetheart? Fucking do it—cum on my cock, captain.” 
With the mention of his title, Luffy’s eyes squeezed shut before his head lolled back with a loud, drawn-out moan, body jerking violently and cock spurting all over his chest and abdomen. His hole clenched around you as tight as sin, and you had to hold back with all your willpower to not come on the spot. 
Luffy panted, still twitching beneath you as he raised one shaky finger, bringing it up to his face to point into his open mouth. Asking silently. 
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, but once you got the green light, you rammed back into his twitching hole, no longer prioritising his pleasure over yours, only able to process how divine it felt to be making love to your captain. As you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm, you pulled out of his hole all of a sudden and plunged your cock into his ready, parted mouth, cumming so hard down his throat you felt yourself ascend. 
Luffy’s lips wrapped around the base of your cock, sucking hard and milking you throughout your orgasm. You groaned, low and deep, thrusting messily into tight wet heat as cum steadily dribbled down a vacuum, as though insatiable. 
You released your hold on his hair as you felt yourself go soft, staring incredulously down at a red-faced Luffy who was sucking at you as if he was trying to swallow your entire cock. 
“Luff,” you huffed, gently wiping away a line of his own cum that had somehow splattered on his collarbones. “That’s enough.” 
It was then that he finally pulled back, frantically sucking air through his mouth. “I—I couldn’t taste it,” he whined, the corners of his lips turning down unhappily. “Your cum, or whatever. I couldn’t taste it and it went down my throat!” 
Oh. Oh. 
You suppressed a laugh—because that was what he was being prissy about. Caressing his face affectionately, you went to lay down beside him. “I’m sorry. Next time I’ll just put the tip inside.” 
“It’s fine. I felt full enough.” 
Luffy had to stop dropping these one-liners that made you gape. 
“What? Why’re you lookin’ at me like that?” He looked at you, frowning with confusion. “Y’know, this almost made me as full as the banquet-thingy Sanji put together last week. There was so much yummy food! Your dick was really good, too, though—so don’t get jealous.” 
You really had to get used to the way Luffy talked—because he talked way too much and it drove you absolutely crazy. In an almost ‘too good’ way. This had to stop. 
“Luffy.” You pulled him into your arms, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he giggled happily. “Stop talking.”  masterlist! p.s. luffy is such a fun character to write lol
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belovedcloud · 2 months
A Kiss Goodnight | Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
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Fluff for Leon since he's a cutie. I picture RE2 (after Raccoon City) or RE4 Leon in this but you can choose which ever one you like more.
WC: 1.1K
CW: Leon being a sweetheart? Pet names, kisses (duh), angst/fluff. Mentions of Leon's struggles after RC.
Working for the government was hard, especially after just getting dragged into it without a choice. Life was hard for Leon ever since that fateful night where he believed he shouldn't have lived. Luck was too kind to him, but the consequences of luck is always regret. Mission after mission, bioweapon after bioweapon Leon was tired. All he could think about was getting back to you. You were his saving grace, his only way to escape the pain. Even if it was only for a second, a minute, a hour, a day. You helped in a way where he was indebted to you for the rest of his life. Driving home, all he could think about was you. How you warmed him up after a hard time shooting and murdering anything that was diseased. He was yours, and you were his.
Leon shortly arrived home, sluggish in his movements as he took off his work boots and coat. His bag thrown into the corner of the doorway as he sighed heavily. Finally, his body could relax. Tense movements slowly turned into tired movements as he brought himself to the bathroom. Seeing a new cut on his face and blood and mud splatted on him. It never really was a nice sight. The house was silent, you were asleep. Something that wasn't unusual as the clock ticked to 3 AM. You never really knew if Leon would come back from his mission, that sense of worry hung low over you. Causing distress as every call you received could be Hunnigan's voice. Informing you of Leon's death, but you were lucky enough to not have that, not yet at least. As you slept peacefully, Leon showered and cleansed himself from his own sin. His murderous intent and sorrow washing down along with the dirt covering his body. The towel gently wrapping around his waist, he walked into your shared bedroom. Where you laid asleep, seeming to be cuddling a pillow in hopes of getting the same satisfaction of Leon having you in his arms.
Leon couldn't help but smile looking at you as he walked past the bed to his dresser, getting a pair of boxers and sweatpants. Quickly changing to soon sink himself to his side of the bed. Soft. Everything was soft around him. The pillow his head laid on, the new sheets and most importantly you. Getting under the covers he felt your bare skin touch his. Your shorts and t-shirt hugging you in a cozy way. Without thought, he wrapped his arms around your body. Nuzzling his face into your neck, there was no intention of waking you up... But it was bound to happen as he gripped you tightly. Giving you no chance to escape you whined as you woke up.
"Sorry baby... You just looked so warm." He mumbled into your neck as he gave a sweet kiss on your skin. Wriggling yourself to at least turn around to face him, you notice the fresh cut on his face. "What happened?" You whispered, still in a half sleepy state. It always worried you seeing him hurt, but Leon always reassured you he was okay. "Just a cut from the mission, nothing to worry about." He softly smiled, you couldn't help but replicate the smile. A gentle kiss on the nose is what Leon felt from your smooth lips. "You okay?" You asked as your hands wandered down his chest, carefully wrapping your arms around him. Ensuring you weren't going to hurt him in the process. "Everything is okay when I'm with you..." He murmured, slowly enveloping you in a sweet kiss. "God.. I missed you so much, you smell so good" He whispered to you in a gentle tone. Much different to the aggression towards the bioweapons he previously fought only hours before.
"I missed you too.. so much." You whispered back, a giggle following short afterwards as you felt him playing with your hair. "I love you." Was all Leon could say as he admired you in his arms, admiring his lover was his favourite thing to do in this situation. "I love you more." You poked at his cheek as you kissed him again. Soft kisses with him were heavenly, otherworldly. The clock ticked 3:30 AM, it really was time to sleep. Mellowed breathing was soon shared between you two as you held each other. Enjoying the comfort of one another as you were glad he returned home. He was glad for everything. Glad to live in a lifetime with you in it - he would protect you no matter the cost.
"Can't sleep?" You slowly opened your eyes, still feeling him stare at you. "No, kinda hard to." He muttered, relapsing the past mission in his mind. "Wanna talk about it?" Rubbing his arm always calmed him down, made him feel safe for once. Safe from the horrors of this world that he swore in his heart nobody else should face or see. That he would be the one to protect people, to save people. Even if that meant him deteriorating his own mental stability. At least others would be saved. But he didn't need to be the hero with you. He could just be Leon. A man who was lost in his own train of thought, still a young boy in his heart yearning for answers to why he was chosen to face dread at every moment of his life. Sadly, beggars can't be choosers. Although he had one choice in his life, and that was you. He would always choose you. Always. "Not right now.. Just wanna have you in my arms." You felt a peck on your forehead, a grin spreading across your face. "Okay. Well I'm always here for you Leon." Reassurance was vital for you and Leon. The slightest amount of praise to Leon was all he needed to crumble into your arms. He could be himself with you. "Thank you Y/N, I really appreciate you. So much." His voice cracked, tears slowly gathering in his eyes. What did he do in his last life to deserve you? Gentle hands caressed his face as he wept, your kisses taking away the pain.
Minutes passed, Leon's cries slowly disappeared as he cuddled you. Staring into each others eyes, you felt yourself slowly slip into a sleepy state. Same with Leon, he couldn't hold his eyes open much longer. Not when you gave him a warm feeling like no-one else did. "I have one request." He hushed out as he rubbed your back with his calloused hands. "Mm?" You murmured out, melting into his touch.
"One more kiss goodnight?"
Someone tell this man everything is gonna be okay.
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slutmegeto · 1 month
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sometimes, it was better to listen. and sometimes, it didn't matter a damn thing.
tw. yandere, noncon, dubcon, restraints, collared, use of leash, pet play, oral (male receiving), past physical abuse, reader is also kicked, use of sir, use of baby/slut/cumslut/pet, scars, eating his cum (on rice), master/slave, captivity (mention of being locked in a cage)
pairing: gojo satoru x f!reader
a/n: i will work through your guys' requests soon! i just had this pre-written and decided to post it before i head to bed :)
“come on, pretty. open that mouth for me.”
his words are taunting, and without even having to look up at gojo’s face you can already tell he’s smirking that wide grin of his. 
forced to your knees, hands tied behind your back with rope that bites into your sensitive skin. you have ever present marks all over your body, bruises and marks that will never fade because every day, no matter how hard you try to behave – you still end up tied up in some way or another. it’s long been made clear that gojo doesn’t tie you up for punishment or the fear of you running away; he likes it.
he likes tying you up, bending you in every little way that fits his fancy. he likes seeing you at his complete mercy, held together by some kind of rope or restraint. it doesn’t matter how. it doesn’t matter when. he gets some sort of sick enjoyment out of you bound; ass in the air, suspended so even your feet are hanging, hands locked behind you back so that you can’t do a damn fucking thing to defend yourself as he manhandles you into every position possible. 
today was the first day in a few he hadn’t left.
when you’d woken up in your cage that morning, you’d expected the same thing it was every day. gojo’ll let you out of your cage, to the bathroom, some breakfast that is usually something mashed together in such a way you can’t even really tell what you’re tasting (something tells you though that it’s not always made for humans) and then you’re locked back up in your cage until he gets home later that day and does whatever he wants with you then. every day is different. the only sense of normalcy is your morning routine and then being left in the cage all day. you’ve even begun enjoying your days in the cage – it was the only time gojo wasn’t there, wasn’t hovering over you, touching you, pleasuring you, torturing you… fucking you.
it was your only time alone and you’ve started to crave it.
started craving being left in a cage, on your hands and knees where you’re forced to hold in your piss and shit unless you want to face the wrath of gojo when he gets home. hours spent like a dog with no company, no entertainment and yet, you love it.
you think that’s what hurts the most.
but gojo hadn’t left this morning. after he’d let you out to pee, watching you as you wiped yourself and brushed your hands and teeth, he’d dragged you by your leash over to the bed. after tying your hands behind your back, you were spun, forced to your knees in between his legs.
“i won’t ask you again.”
pulled from your thoughts, you’d nearly forgotten the order given to you seconds prior.
you already know what to expect without having to ask. so, you don’t. instead, you obey his order without a second more of hesitation, fearing your punishment should you do so, and let your lips part. you open your mouth wide, wide enough it strains along the corners of your mouth, and stick your tongue out, tilting your head back ever so slightly. there’s a hum from gojo’s lips, before you feel the familiar sensation of his coarse and lean fingers in your mouth. 
they press against your tongue, pushing hard that makes your eyes squint in discomfort; you have to fight the urge to close your mouth and pull your tongue back. 
peering through squinted eyes, you watch gojo grin madly.
his fingers push back, two sliding along your tongue until it hits the back of your mouth. gojo doesn’t stop, keeps pushing back until that tickle floods through you and you can feel yourself gagging around the intrusion. 
“keep your mouth open, kitten.”
the order is clear and your eyes squeeze shut to try and obey, coughing and gagging around his lips as you try not to throw up as he ruthlessly pushes his fingers further back. the intrusion burns and you try to pull back, only for gojo’s free hand to fall on the back of your head, holding you in place. all you can hear is your gagging, the sound of your spit building up and throat choking around his fingers all whilst he simply watches you. you can’t see his face anymore, but you can feel his eyes digging into you, watching with undivided focus as you choke on his fingers.
then, finally, he’s pulling away, and you cough, trying to catch your breath, swallowing back the spit that’d built up. a harsh slap to your cheek pulls you from your own suffering, and through teary eyes, you watch him, letting your lips part once more, sticking your tongue out like he’d taught you.
he spits in your mouth.
it’s sudden and without hesitation. you see him staring back at you one moment, vision blurred, and then feel the cold, foreign hit across your tongue.
“swallow it.”
he keeps his hands to himself, watching. Waiting. ready to punish should you disobey.
closing your mouth, you swallow the spit, ignoring the disgust you feel well within you as it slides down the back of your throat. and then, when you’re done, you part your lips once more, showing him.
“good girl,” he soothes, brushing back a strand of loose hair and tucking it behind your ear. “now keep your mouth open for me. i have a surprise.
your brows furrow in confusion, but you don’t have to wonder long before there’s metal being pressed in between your teeth, prying them apart. the familiar sensation of something foreign being forced between your lips quickly registers in you, and you feel gojo lean forward, looping the gag around your head and locking it in place firmly.
except, this ball gag is different from anything he’s used on you before. there’s no hard plastic ball in between your lips and instead, you can stick your tongue through the opening around the metal ring locking your mouth in place.
“remember that gag I told you about?” gojo explains at your confused face, pulling back to meet your gaze. “we’re gonna try it out today, okay?”
the memory comes to mind then, heart sinking.
"i planned to make you suck me off too," he explains, "bought a special gag for it too. but we'll save that for later."
that horrible day – the first day of the rest of life spent in captivity. you’ve never experienced peace since.
the words hit you like a slap to the face and you can’t help the whimper that leaves your lips.
“no, no, kitten. no need for that.” gojo shushes, shaking his head at you as he grabs your jaw, pulling your gaze up and back on him. you stare into his eyes fearfully, feeling the way your heart starts to pound madly against your chest, and try to shake your head. gojo just tightens his grip, frowning. “stop arguing.” it’s a simple order, but his voice is laced with threat, and despite the terror pounding at you, you quickly halt, digging your nails into your palms behind your back.
he watches you a moment longer, making sure, and when he’s satisfied, you watch him move to his jeans. he easily unbuckles the jeans, pulling down the zipper and pulling his cock from its confines with ease. almost immediately his dick slaps back into his stomach, standing straight up and very clearly hard. His cock chokes and hurts you to take him even without the gag.
there’s precum leaking from the tip, slightly red, and you can tell by the expression on gojo’s face it had been aching before; it makes you sick to think that he’d gotten hard watching you choke on his fingers and then swallow his spit.
“i haven’t fed you breakfast yet, have i?”
confused, your eyes flicker away from his dick and back up to his face.
gojo reaches behind himself, pulling a bowl of rice from behind him that you’d never even noticed him grab. you blink at the sight of it, stunned at how you could’ve missed him hold that and also the fact that it’s the first bowl of real food you’ve seen in days; let alone the fact that it’s in a real bowl and not a dog bowl like he usually made you eat out of it. it was real food. rice. and even though it was so incredibly simple, you felt your mouth water, drool pooling down your chin at the thought of finally being able to eat something… human.
and out of a bowl made for humans.
you’re too excited to notice the lack of chopsticks.
“if you suck me off and make me cum, i’ll let you eat this.”
eyes falling back on gojo’s, your gaze glows.
“oh, i know, y/n,” he coos at you, petting your face with his free hand, fingers ghosting across your cheek. you’re too distracted by the food and his words to even really notice his touch, or the way your stomach has started to growl in response. “it’s been a while since you’ve been able to eat human food, huh? forced to eat all that gross dog food.”
so, it was dog food.
you’d practically already known, but it was a whole new experience being told that what you’ve been eating for the past few days has been… dog food.
still, you hardly care now if it means you’ll get to eat that rice. you’ll give no response and happily suck gojo off if it’ll mean he’ll give it to you. maybe… maybe if you do a good enough job, he’ll continue to let you eat human food.
even if it’s just rice.
you’ll eat rice for the rest of your life if it means you’ll never be forced to eat dog food again. even if it’s out of a dog bowls.
“suck me off and i’ll let you eat it, okay?”
you eagerly nod, shifting forward on your knees to try and get closer, ignoring the way you nearly stumble forward and fall right into his laugh. gojo laughs at the action, but you pay it no mind, quickly sitting up and tilting your head back. your lips are already parted due to the gag, but you let your tongue loll out, staring gojo right in the eye.
gojo chuckles; “if i’d known it’d take a bowl of rice to get you so eager, i would’ve done this a lot sooner.”
“please,” you try to beg through the gag, words gargled.
gojo takes them as eagerness to suck his dick, and you don’t care either way.
gripping the back of your head, gojo slowly guides his cock past the ring of the gag and slowly into your mouth. the intrusion is strange, even more so with the gag in your mouth restricting your movements, and you feel your eyes squeeze shut as his cock hits the back of your throat, making you choke lightly.
“keep your eyes on me, baby,” gojo guides, “i want to see you fall apart.”
you’re quick to listen, forcing your eyes open and staring up at him through your lashes. he’s grinning down at you, wide and clearly pleased as you press your tongue to the base of his cock, the only part of this you can control and you make sure to use it to please him, hoping it’ll reward you in the end. 
gojo starts off slow. guiding your head by your hair around his dick, before slowly up, and then back down. but second by second his pace quickens, and you can see the way it makes him feel as his face twists in pleasure, soft grunts echoing in the air. you try to control your own gag reflex as you’re forced down on his cock repeatedly, hitting the back of your throat and causing you to cough. you can feel the saliva building, drooling down your chin and neck and hitting your breasts before making a puddle on the floor beneath you. the wetness helps lube gojo’s dick though, making it easier down your throat as he pulls and pushes you up and down.
the only sound heard in the room is his soft moans of pleasure and you choking around his length.
his cock is long and lean. It’s not so much the girth, but rather how far back it goes down your throat, hitting the back of your throat and causing your eyes to water from the pressure. you’d only given gojo head a few times before all of this and that had been with more control (as much as gojo would allow)  – you’d been allowed the use of your hands and been able to set your own pace. when you’d done it then, it had been because you loved him and wanted him to feel good. you’d taken your time, kissed up the base of his cock, played with his balls, licked him up and down, kissed the tip and had slowly, but surely brought him to an orgasm.
with your hands behind your back, there’s no way for you to steady yourself. you’re completely out of control, and the thought brings the faintest bit of panic to the surface, unable to stop or control the way he ruthlessly pounds your mouth on his cock. you can’t even argue in defiance with your mouth not only gagged but currently sucking on his cock.
but you never close your eyes. staring through the tears, you make sure to keep looking at him, letting him laugh at you and ignoring the way it burns in embarrassment.
“look at you,” gojo grunts, voice cracking slightly in pleasure. “taking my cock so well.”
you gurgle around his length, coughing.
“your mouth was made for me. this is what you were made to do.”
and it burns. his words. but you simply just let him continue moving your head to his discretion, trying to nod in agreement if that’ll make him happier.
“my little cockslut, huh? right, baby?”
you nod to the best of your ability, humming and sending a vibration through your throat that has his head flipping back, a loud groan falling from his lips.
he’s growing close, you can tell. his movements become frantic and his face beads up with sweat as his nails dig into the back of your head, pulling on your hair faintly.
and then, just as you think he’s about to cum into your mouth, he pulls away. gojo basically shoves you back, without a care for you, and it takes you a second to find your balance, fumbling on your knees and bending your arms awkwardly behind you as you try to push yourself up. you feel a wad of spit dribble down your chin, and your confused gaze turns back to gojo, not sure what happened or what you’d done wrong; only to see him holding the bowl of rice up against the tip of his dick, and his cum pour all over the rice.
your entire body freezes, shoulders tensing, eyes widen in disbelief as you watch him cum all over your rice. his hand holds the base of his cock, directing the cum all over the bowl, hitting every corner.
gojo’s eyes fall on you then, grinning wildly. 
“just had to add the final touches, baby.”
your heart falls to the pit of your stomach, shoulders slumping in defeat as you watch your semblance of hope fade right in front of your eyes. it was sad enough that a bowl of rice had been your reasoning for hope but after days of being forced to eat dog food out of a dog bowl, degraded beyond belief, treated like nothing but a glorified pet used for someone else's pleasure… being able to eat rice out of a bowl had seemed like a miracle.
and gojo had ripped that from you with a simple reminder that you weren’t human anymore. not to him at least.
you didn’t have freedom. you didn’t have the choice to eat what you wanted, how you wanted. you couldn’t walk anymore, you couldn’t even talk when you wanted.
all you were was his pet.
“oh, baby, don’t tell me you thought I’d really just give you the rice, did you?”
at his mocking tone, your eyes flicker from the rice to his eyes, watching as he frowns at you, mocking your expression, shaking his head. 
“of course you had to have some seasoning with it, right?”
of course.
of course.
“come here, y/n.” he grabs your leash, the one attached to that stupid pink collar that hasn’t left your neck in days and probably never would again. he pulls, guiding you forward, and you have no choice but to listen unless you want to fall flat on his face. and when you’ve shuffled in front of him once again, snug between his legs, he reaches behind and unlatches the gag, pulling it from your lips. you swallow the second your mouth is free, eyes flickering from the bowl to his gaze.
he nods, “go ahead.”
and you know exactly what he means.
you notice then the lack of chopsticks. he’s not even going to let you use your hands. it was silly to ever think otherwise.
lowering your head, you hesitate only a second longer before parting your lips and pressing your face into the bowl. the rice is cold, clearly having been cooked a while ago, but his cum is still warm, the mixture of it is absolutely disgusting in your mouth. but you chew and swallow anyway. you keep chewing and swallowing, bite after bite, digging your head further into the bowl, until all that’s left is nothing but a few crumbs.
when you look back up at gojo, rice smeared on your lips, cum across your cheek, looking like nothing but a pig, he just glances back down at the bowl; “lick it clean.”
you do so without complaint.
sticking your tongue out, you lick the bowl until it’s completely clean – not a single trace of anything left and then some more.
Gojo grabs a handful of your hair, yanking your head up and out of the bowl, right up so he can lean forward and meet your eyes. he watches you for a moment, letting his eyes flicker across your face which you’re sure looks like a mess, before he sneers; “you’re disgusting.”
and the words hurt. shoot straight to your heart. but you don’t argue.
you are disgusting – at least, you certainly feel that way.
“you just ate my cum like it was a glorified meal,” he laughs, shaking your head by the hair, “and now my cum is smeared all over your face and you can’t do a single thing about it.” leaning in close, he pulls harder, causing you to wince. “how does that make you feel?”
you stare back at him, unsure how to answer. gojo hardly lets you speak and more often than not, your mouth is in a gag.
“i asked you, how does that make you feel?”
“g-good, sir,” you stumble out, not sure if you’re saying the right thing. terrified that you aren’t. “your cum makes me feel good, sir. It’s delicious.”
he grins wide, and you ease when you realize you’ve said the right thing.
“and what are you?”
“i’m your cumslut, sir.”
Gojo tilts his head; “that’s right. you’re nothing but my little cumslut. and cumsluts are only good for one thing. pleasuring their masters and taking all their cum, isn’t that right, slut?”
you nod the best you can in his grip.
“isn’t that right?”
“yes, sir, that’s right,” he tugs on your hair, scalp burning. “thank you, sir! thank you!”
letting go of your hair, you collapse once his grip is gone, falling to your side, unable to catch yourself. gojo stands then, setting the bowl aside and towers over you. you wince at your fall, before flickering your gaze up at him, staring fearfully up at him.
“say it again,” he orders, “say thank you to your owner.”
before you can even get the words out, there’s a harsh kick to your stomach, flipping you over so you’re on your back, arms pinned beneath you, staring straight up at him.
“thank you, sir! thank you so much!” you cry, afraid he’ll kick you again. just wanting to stop. You barely register what you’re saying. you just want it to stop. you need it to stop. “thank you for letting me be your cumslut! your cum was delicious, sir! I loved it! thank you so much, sir!”
his laugh has you pausing, watching as he throws his head back in pure bliss.
“that’s right,” he stares down at you. “thank your owner for giving you the privilege of eating his cum.”
body curling in on yourself in shame, you nod.
“thank you for letting me taste your cum, sir.”
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cherriette · 10 months
how they're like in bed ! [kuni/wanderer/scara]
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ~ cherry cherry~
featuring . . . . : K♡NIKUZUSHI (kabukimono) + W★NDERER + SC★RAMOUCHE + afab!reader (separately | headcanons)
NOTE ::: SMUT WRITTEN BELOW THE CUT : do not read if you do not like smut, obviously. 💗 this is my first time but i did my best to make it like all the good smut i've read :(
choking, degradation, impact play, begging, hair-pulling, oral (giving and receiving), marking, overstimulation .... etc.
NOT proofread. sorry. 😔
idc who interacts just make sure you're not on my dni list 🙏🏻😒
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ~ cherry cherry~
♡ Starting off with KUNIKUZUSHI who can be gentle; but prefers to go whichever pace you like. He's on the more vocal side (and this I strongly stand by), whimpering out your name regardless of how fast or slow, rough or gentle, etc. he's thrusting into you.
♡ KUNIKUZUSHI who whimpers and mewls into your ear; muttering about how good you're making him feel, how nicely you feel around him.
♡ KUNIKUZUSHI who just loves how you suck him off, the way your tongue swirls around his hardened, aching cock, or how you look up at him teary-eyed from all the times you've gagged on him. Might just get ahead of himself, and grab your hair to practically mouth-fuck you; whining out your name so loudly, and little 'yeah~'s and 'don't stop~'s. ♡♡♡
♡ KUNIKUZUSHI who, honestly, would be on the needier side -- in a way, just a sub? For the most part, really (but, not a bottom, necessarily)..? Yes, he wants you to feel good; but god, he just loves how you make him feel good; wanting more and more because he can't get enough of you 💗
♡ KUNIKUZUSHI who just loves eating you out. Licking your clit, before moving back down to your drenched folds. He just can't have enough of how good you taste --- and your moans on top of that? Relishing each and every one of them.
. . .
♡ Honestly; I imagine he likes any position where he can see your face, and otherwise just likes when you're on top of him. Seeing how your lips part to let out those pretty noises, and how your eyes roll back when he fucks you in all the right places. Getting so lost in pleasure as he ruts into you, holding your waist or hips --- or whatever part of your body he can, really, and his own eyes half-lidded and glazed over with pure lust. Slurred out words from him because he's just so drunk off your little pussy.
Burying his face into your chest (or the crook of your neck depending on the height difference..?) as he stuffs you with his throbbing cock, kissing along your pretty skin already abused and adorned by his hickeys and love bites.
Lasts pretty long, too; but, of course, will stop if you want to stop before he gets tired. He wants to make sure he's helping his dearest love feel good and is enjoying it, after all.💗
♡ Makes sure to do aftercare ; cleaning you up, cleaning up whatever mess you made - and cuddling you with kisses and making sure to get you whatever you need. Telling you how happy you make him, how much he loves you; making sure he wasn't being too much for you and that you're not hurt, etc. <3
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★ Leading up to SCARAMOUCHE who, unsurprisingly, is much more rough and merciless when he fucks you. Cock plunging into your poor abused cunt, still leaking his seed from the previous rounds; and your ass red from all the good, hard slaps he left there while pounding into you. Don't forget the hair-pulling, or how he groans out how good your pussy feels 'round him, how much of a dirty little slut you are for him; or how nicely you're taking is fat cock — bound to cum inside you for the nth time at this rate.
★ SCARAMOUCHE, who just loves when you're a mess for him. Drool trickling down your chin and glossing your pouting lips, eyes glistening with tears as they're half-lidded, your hair a mess (even more so from all the times he's grabbed and pulled it), and your pretty little pussy red from how hard he beat it with his dick ~💗 It almost makes him want to keep going, just ruin you a little more because fuck. <3
★ SCARAMOUCHE who will keep going 'till he absolutely overstimulates and ruins you. All that leaves your lips are incoherent moaning and poor attempts at forming any word from how much he fucked himself into you (and he's still going <3). He's sorry (he's not), he can't help it when you're being so good for him 💗💗
★ SCARAMOUCHE who has you sit on his face when he eats you out. Sometimes a 6-9, or straight-up just has you spread out all for him to have. Lapping at your clit and pussy lips, taking in your taste and all your moans. Holding you by your hips, or hugging your waist; and you can't even crawl away because he'll hold you still until he's finished with you. If he feels like it, he'll let you cum right away rather than edging and teasing you ~ but, realistically speaking, he just loves doing the latter so here's to silently hoping. ♡
★ Full-on dom, let's be honest. And he loves being the one in control; having you beg for him to fuck you senseless already, let you cum, etc. --- degrading and slapping your ass on top of that? If you're into it, he may just also choke you, slap you; maybe do a little bondage depending? Those are just 'if's on my end, though. </3 He looks like it, honestly..?
★ Loves to take his frustration out on you, too. After work, a shitty day ~ maybe something just pissed him off and he just wants to bury his dick into you to relieve it. 💗💗💗 He'll fuck you in any place and position he feels like. Bent over his desk, against the wall, cockwarming him in the middle of a meeting; whatever other wild places come to mind. You'll be leaving covered in bruises all over, hand prints on your ass, and shaking legs - with a potential inability to independently walk.
Oh, and don't ever think for a moment you can try take control; he'll just hold you down and fuck you even harder 'till you get it in that pretty head that your only job is to take all of him until one or both of you really just can't go on any longer. <3
★ And when he's done with you, he'll make sure to clean you up if he's in the mood for it. Maybe he will, maybe he'll just lazily flop beside you and go to sleep [if you're in such a place]. In the case he does do aftercare, it's not too different from Kunikuzushi; just he won't be as all over you as Kuni would.
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★ And finishing off with WANDERER, who I imagine is almost as rough as Scaramouche. Like, of course he'll fuck the shit out of you and degrade you ~ making sure you're sore and overstimulated by the time he's finished with you. He just can't help but get off from your hands desperately grab onto anything you can while he slams his hips into you, relishing all the little noises you let out for him.
★ WANDERER, who just wants to hold you down and bury his cock into you, muttering a balance of praises and degradation into your ear, carelessly ramming into your tired cunt regardless of whether you're currently overstimmed and unable to form a single word.
★ WANDERER who makes sure to leave his mark on you. Your neck, collarbone, thighs, where-ever else. By his teeth or harsh grip on you, he will leave something (multiple, more accurately). All the more to prove that you belong to someone; him.
★ WANDERER whose back is more or less likely filled with scratches from your own nails. He's just being so rough with you and you can't help it 💗 :(
★ WANDERER who prefers to be the one on top and in control, spreading your legs and just putting you in any position he likes. Holding your hips or thighs so tightly that his nails leave little crescent-shapes and bruises by the end of it.
★ He of course wants to make sure you feel good, letting you tell him how you want it — but, unless you really don't want it, nothing still stops him from fucking your brains out while all you can do is just scream out of pleasure. I imagine he likes taking it from behind; holding your wrists together on your back and pumping into you - or maybe burying your face into the pillow/whatever surface?
★ Also kind of likes you being on top of him 😕🙏🏻 Seeing the way you bounce on him just turns him on so much, even more so when he's the one shoving you onto him and forcing those sweet moans out of you.
★ Cuddles you after it, telling you how you did so well, kissing along your neck and holding you close to him.
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 #cherriete
AAAHHH 😖 not too proud of this one but i've been thinking ab (*overly obsessing over) scaramouche and this was the only thing i could manage to write.
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hoshiwhore · 1 month
svt (bias line) - anal sex
pairing: svt x fem!reader
genre: smut
warnings: uhhh, anal sex?
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✓ wonwoo - the type to be really into it, but also be super shy to bring it up.
wonwoo's an ass guy through and through (you cannot convince me otherwise) so it's not at all surprising that he has a thing for anal and has always wanted to try it.
what is surprising, however, is how the shy, stuttering and blushing mess from a few days- scratch that, a few moments ago is now nowhere to be seen.
not with the way he has a vibrator shoved up your pussy as he takes your ass for hours at a stretch.
he will begin with a painstakingly slow pace but with the visual of your ass jiggling, the sound of his balls slapping against your cunt and the tightness of your unused hole sucking all of him in, he is bound to lose control and start pounding into your ass with every last fibre of his being.
also, anal with wonwoo probably happens quite often so say goodbye to both sitting and walking for...
days? weeks? who knows?
✓ seungcheol - the type to be into it to assert dominance.
seungcheol undoubtedly fucks your ass every single time you try to tease him or get him jealous.
think of it as his way to remind you who really calls the shots in your relationship.
although you both know it's actually 'you' because he wouldn't even so much as mention anal sex ever again if you weren't okay with it.
he may be a dom (hard!dom!!!) but he's also a gentleman who's madly in love with you so your comfort comes before anything else.
speaking of him being a hard!dom, he'd want to be in total control from the very first second he enters you, railing into you as he tugs your hair.
however, he would lose his sanity less than a minute after he enters you because of how you clench and unclench around him. his thrusts would get erratic and he'd be on the edge of his high, releasing his cum inside you soon after.
to put it simply, your tight fucking hole will be the death of him, yep.
✓ mingyu - the type to do it when he is stressed.
mingyu is the purest, loveliest, kindest, most caring boyfriend ever, always treating you like you're fragile, calling you his princess and what not :(
always, except when he is troubled at work because then, things turn a total 180°. atleast in bed, they do.
it was your idea to try anal and when you had mentioned it, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. he immediately shut you down, reasoning that you didn't have to do that for him and that he didn't want to end up unintentionally hurting you.
but you, of course, had managed to reassure him that you'd be fine and that you would be able to take him well (you basically dirty talked your way) and he agreed; after assigning you a safe word, that is.
and that leads you to where you'll generally find yourself when he's had a troubled day.
after a long, tiring and very difficult day at work, he makes sure to take it out on you and the normal gentleness and care is long gone. you're bent over the bathroom counter, stretched on his fat cock as he pounds into you from behind.
he holds onto your hips with a grip tight enough to leave bruises while his other hand remains tangled in your hair, forcing you to look at your ruined, fucked out self in the mirror.
tears stream down your face as you maintain eye contact through the glass and he groans as your stretched hole flutters around him.
in conclusion? although you need to be prepped A LOT, you take him well; you take him just as well as you told him you would.
✓ soonyoung - the type to do it because it is exciting.
soonyoung loves anal because of how it is considered a tabboo; the very thought of you letting him do something so 'sinful' (you don't know where he heard that) to you excites him way more than it should.
he makes sure he fucks your ass every chance he gets; that he has stretched you open in every single room of your apartment at least once.
loves, loves, LOVES it when you let him hit it raw and loves seeing his cum ooze out of your tiny hole after he's used it to his heart's content. he then, 4 out of 5 times, proceeds to eat your ass until you're shaking and crying underneath him because-
a. he is filthy like that and
b. your boy also has a dacryphilia kink (source: trust me bro)
can definitely see him dirty talking and degrading you so so so much because this is soonyoung we're talking about.
cue "you're always willing to spread your legs for me, yeah?"
all in all, as much as he loves all three (3) of your holes, your ass is his absolute favorite.
✓ seokmin - the type to do it for the physical and emotional closeness.
even when he approaches you with the question, he is so gentle, so caring, so respectful. he rubs his thumb on your cheeks and places a kiss on your forehead, assuring you that it is okay to say no, that you don't need to do anything you dislike.
you, of course, smile and nod as you agree to it and that has seokmin on cloud nine. he whispers 'thank yous' and 'i love yous', gently pecking you all over your face :(
he'd be so soft and so considerate, moaning into your ears about how you, his beautiful girl, were doing so good for him. he'd gently rub your clit and place kisses on your neck, occasionally taking your nipples into his mouth and sucking on them
since it's all about intimacy to him, about how much you love and trust him, he makes sure you're comfortable and feeling loved and beautiful every second of the way.
"it's just as much about you feeling good as it is about me, love." ;(
basically, as usual, it would be him being the bestest boy ever.
✓ jeonghan - the type to do it only to punish you.
while seokmin is all about being soft, jeonghan on the other hand? not so much. he's very dominant and assertive in every aspect and that includes punishments.
he'd surely spank your ass and leave bright red imprints as he comes inside your hole. he'd then replace his cock with his fingers, pumping them in and out of you while you arch your back, sobbing at the overstimulation.
once he's done shoving all of his cum back inside, he'd insert a vibrating butt plug and have you keep it inside you until he says so.
HE'D ALSO BE HUGE ON AFTERCARE THO- kissing your eyelids and constanstly apologising for being too rough, while you'd simply lay spent in his arms with a loving smile on your face.
✓ seungkwan - the type to do it out of curiousity
i feel like, initially, he wouldn't really like the idea of sticking his dick inside your ass because he wouldn't want to hurt you. besides, there was no way it would feel good for you? right?
but that was until you decided to confront him about it, confessing that anal was one of your biggest fantasies.
he had neither agreed nor disagreed with it but when you were met with nothing but pin drop silence, you assumed it to be the latter and decided to stop thinking about it
loverboy seungkwan on the other hand couldn't really stop replaying the scenes from the movie he'd initially skipped, only this time, he watched it many a times, imagining the two of you doing the same.
safe to say, it had his dick straining against his pants in no time.
so the next time he sees you, he's a stuttering mess, tips of his ears tinted red. for an entire hour, you plead him to tell you what he's thinking about.
and aren't you pleasantly surprised when he's the one suggesting it this time ;) you tease him a little by not replying- oh how the tables have turned- but then when he begins apologising profusely, you kiss him mid-sentence.
one thing leads to another and you're now sat on his lap with his dick buried deep in your ass. you rub your clit in circles as seungkwan slowly thrusts into you from below, sucking your tits like a baby.
with your foreheads pressed against each other and soft moans and groans filling the air, you shed a few tears that he oh so gently- wipes away with his thumb.
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i'd know the difference
warning -> none, sfw, fluff <3 | happy birthday Diluc
diluc x gn reader | Anthology
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His back was tired. Tense muscles ignited by the sunlight pouring through the window. Diluc rolled his shoulder, dug his fingers into his trapezius muscle, and squinted at the sharp pain that ran down his arm.
The forms on his desk hardly dwindled since this morning. He swore they multiplied each time he placed one neatly into an envelope and pressed his seal into the ruby wax.
A knock at his study drew his gaze. "Sir, Diluc, the barrels are ready for inspection." A muffled voice slipped under the doorframe, their movements silenced by the heavy wood.
"I will be there momentarily," Diluc responded as his father's fountain pen glided across the final page of a contract. Another seller from Inazuma. Requests from the sealed-away nation had increased substantially after the Raiden Shogun opened trade routes. While it meant the Winery was bound to see a profitable quarter, he was bound to see many more sleepless nights.
Diluc filed the contract away into a water-sealed container and dropped it into a small, wooden box meant for outgoing correspondence. Three other letters softened the container's fall. He hadn't even made it halfway through.
The halls of the Winery were filled with still light, the decorated walls made everything compact but he had grown used to the opulent clutter. As a child, he spent many hours staring at the picture frames. Distant lands he hoped one day to traverse; he did and found that each depiction served little justice to the actual thing. The ornate rug muffled his steps and he moved swiftly toward the stairs. He fussed with his vest until something soft grazed his arm.
A fresh bouquet of flowers was placed on a tall, rounded table near the balcony overlooking the lower floor. A rich, sweet, earthy aroma filled his nose. Shades of royal blue, amber, and honey mixed with lush green. He rubbed a petal with his thumb and index finger, the satin texture unaffected by the roughness of his hand.
The corner of his lips lifted.
"There you are," Diluc said from the garden's edge. He had a feeling you'd be out here. Hard at work preparing beautiful arrangements you'd later place in the Winery. If he wasn't careful, he'd be trapped here forever watching you weave through the swaying flowers. He thought to ask a painter to capture the scene, but, in the end, he decided against it - there were some things he preferred to keep to himself.
"Morning," you called out, rising from the flower bed. With the back of your hand, you pushed up your sun hat.
The metal click of the gate rang out as Diluc made his way into the garden, narrow paths made it difficult for him to see where his feet landed while you moved through them with practiced grace. "How long have you been out here?" he asked.
"About as long as you've been cooped up in your study. I figured once you'd ultimately emerged, you'd appreciate being greeted by something lovely," you explained as you shooed a bug away from the ends of his hair.
"So why were you not waiting for me then?" he asked, teasingly, but in his heart he was serious. Your face was the thing he enjoyed most.
You shook your head and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I'll remember that for next time." With ease, you turned down the path and made your way to a sun-bleached table holding several bundles of partially trimmed flowers. He followed after you.
Diluc watched you work. Skilled fingers stripping the stems of their leaves, the soft clipping of prunes as you, one by one, measured the height of each flower. He moved in, drawn to you like the bees to the flowers.
"You smell divine," he professed and reached to steal your hat so he could kiss your head. The sun clung to every strand of your hair and warmed his desperate lips.
"Are you sure it's not just the flowers?" you asked, chuckling softly, your hands busy with bundling a fresh bouquet.
"I'm sure." Diluc stepped closer to you, his chest pressing against your back, his fingers trailing down your arm and fixing the shawl that had fallen off while you worked. He kissed the space below your ear and breathed you in. "I'd know the difference anywhere."
You turned just enough to look into his eyes and the sight of your face made his heart beat wildly. He shielded you with your hat and, with a gentle hand he cupped your throat, his thumb held your chin so he could keep you still and let his lips linger against your own until he was satisfied.
Even in a field of flowers, none of them compared to you - none could ever compare to his favorite.
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astarionenjoyer69420 · 7 months
reader x astarion - "i want an heir"
hi! this is my first fanfiction ever!
summary: ascended astarion has some...desires that only you can provide for him.
warnings: dubcon/noncon, smut, breeding kink, cnc, bondage
(not my gif)
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You were his. Forever. Aetherna amantis, he had claimed. Lovers forever. It almost sounded too good to be true. 
You should have known it was too good to be true. 
Being one of Astarion’s spawn, albeit the prized one, was not all it was cracked up to be. Sure, you had a certain degree of protection. And yes, you got to live in this fancy mansion, existing by your lover’s side both day and night. And the bite marks he had gifted you on your neck; well, they were just more reminders that you were his, entirely his, and no one could take you away from him. 
But Astarion had been ascended for a few months now. You had gone from being his only one, his only prized spawn, as he had promised you, to brothers and sisters galore, traipsing up and down the halls of the palace he promised was solely for the two of you. As much as you wanted to complain, you knew your now master would never hear of it. And he would get in one of his moods.  
And when Astarion got in one of his moods…you knew trouble was headed your way. 
And that’s how you came to be completely helpless, arms bound to posts of his velvety bed, stark naked with the nip of chilled air the only thing covering your body, rag shoved in your mouth so you couldn’t even talk to yourself, couldn’t even make any noises besides mere vocalizations. 
At least you still got some individual attention compared to the other spawn. 
He had tied you up…crap, how long could it have been? Hours ago now, most certainly, or maybe that was just you getting in your own head. “Be good, darling,” he had purred, tugging your restraints so hard they dug into your flesh, after he had physically picked you up and forced you onto his bed. “I’ll be back when I’m done for the day.” But he had not said exactly when, and there were no clocks in this ancient room. So you had sat, tears welling in your eyes at the utter humiliation of it all, for what felt like an eternity. And the bastard knew you couldn’t fall asleep, either. 
But there was something else. The longer you waited, the longer the pool of warmth grew between your legs, aching with anticipation for what would come next. Your thighs smushed together, desperate to indulge in any sort of stimulation, imagination running wild as to what your master had planned for you. He had never…done this before. Forced you to submit to him. You were always a good girl. But defying, you realized, had its advantages. And with every bit you wiggled and the leather dug into your wrists, the more slick you felt fountaining from between your legs. 
Low noises from the hall…footsteps. Quick, light footsteps. Your heart thrummed at a breakneck pace in your chest. You would know that stride anywhere. He was back. Your cheeks grew hot, remembering how completely exposed you were, stripped of any choice in him seeing you entirely nude. And you were starting to begrudge that fire in your belly that picked up when you thought about your forced indecency. 
Your lover’s footsteps grew nearer, then stopped as you discerned the sounds of a key turning in a lock. You were practically vibrating with adrenaline when he stepped in the room, swiftly sealing his door behind him, red eyes shifting to your helpless form on his bed.
You couldn’t help it; in the face of such perfection you felt almost dizzy. Power radiated through him, jagged and dark and untamable. Under his cloak, bulging muscles tugged at the fabric, and his white curls boasted perfection, as always. You were so overcome with lust you could barely speak…even if you hadn’t had a gag in your mouth. He was always the most beautiful creature you had ever laid eyes on, but the commanding swagger he exuded after he became master to you and the other spawn was, admittedly, a great look for him. 
He approached your body, wisps of a smirk tugging at his perfectly plump lips. “Darling. Tsk. Look at you, still here where I put you all those hours ago.” His smirk widened, becoming overt. “Not that you had much of a choice…I mean, look at you.”
“Mmph,” you tried to respond, your inaudible reply sending a flood of humiliation to your head, and you became aware of a soft thrumming in your nether regions. God, you had no idea you were so into this, being completely and utterly helpless and so degraded, but you supposed you were just along for the ride at this point. 
A pause. Thirsty eyes gazed into yours, never breaking eye contact as his overclothes were shed, and you tried (in vain) not to ogle his perfectly defined body; he had to be handcrafted by the gods themselves. You were grateful for even this tiny moment to soak him in; he was so busy nowadays.
“Darling, I have a proposition for you.” 
Your eyes darted to his face, which had abruptly transformed into something more serious, more pensive. You really hoped this proposition had something to do with his mouth and a few choice body parts, although it had been mostly you servicing him like that since the ascension. “Mmph?”
He stepped closer to the bed, and he was so close you could almost (metaphorically) taste him; every inch of his flesh was perfect, and you longed to be able to touch him, to reach out and trail your fingers down his abs, caressing his marble figure, lowering your hand down to his happy trail and lower…lower…
He inhaled sharply, taking time to fully release his breath from his lungs. “Darling, it can’t be any surprise you’re my favorite of the bunch of these…creatures. You know, we genuinely had something before…all of this. It was cute, yes, cute, the way you stared at me, the flawed…thing I was before I became unstoppable. Unkillable.”
Okay, not off to the best start by calling you and the rest of the spawn creatures, but you would take it for now. Especially because he was really hot. Like, really hot. And missing him all day helped matters as well.
“And so, now to my point. I have been…thinking recently. About the future. About expanding my network, so to speak.” His brow crinkled, and he began to pace, back and forth by the foot of the bed. “And how, since you’re usually so terribly obedient, how I could honor you in some way, perhaps by making you a part of that future.”
He stopped pacing, averting his gaze to rest on you, his eye contact almost too intense to bear. “After today, I realized you couldn’t be trusted anymore to serve me. Struggling, resisting your master simply will not do. Which is why this is going to happen now, regardless of any of those pesky opinions you might have about it.” He spat the word opinions out like it was poison on his tongue, and unfortunately the growl in his voice made the heartbeat between your thighs thrum more intensely.
“I want an heir. And you’re going to carry him for me.”
Silence. Your pulse skyrocketed, feeling like a hummingbird in your chest, but your brain had not been able to process his words yet. An heir? As in, like, a child? A…pregnancy? No, no, that wasn’t possible between two vampires. Unless… “Mmph…”
“I know, darling, aren’t you just so thrilled to hear the news,” he cooed, reaching out, cool fingers cascading slowly down your cheek, every nerve in your body alight at the simple touch. “It can happen, you know. Between vampire and spawn.”
And he was by your ear, you flashing back to nights in camp right before he would bite down on you, excitement zinging through your body like a rogue boomerang. His whisper surrounded you, tickled your neck, had you crying between your thighs. “And you would look just so pretty all swollen with my child. Body completely belonging to me. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
Logistically, you were panicking. Even if what he was saying was true, who knew if it was, that he could…get you pregnant in the first place, you had never been the maternal type. Your life as an adventurer had prohibited any thought of parenthood to ever cross your mind, and you figured you had officially forfeited that path once your heart had shuddered to a stop after your master’s ascension.
Logistically, sure, yes, bad idea. But an ever-growing part of you; one bellowing as it invaded you, sent waves of bliss through your body, moistened your inner thighs; wanted this. Wanted it bad, wanted it more than anything. You would be his, all his, a display of submission so great it physically took hold of you. None of the other spawn would have that privilege. And moment by moment, this was all looking more and more alluring. “Mmph…”
You felt yourself flush again as the vampire hopped into the bed, positioning himself so he was completely on top of you, using his two arms to balance himself, making you look at him directly in his glowing, almost ravenous eyes. Up close, it was even more unfair that he oozed perfection; unmarked skin, smelling of bergamot, rosemary and fine brandy, so tantalizing it made your head spin. Though you wanted to resist, wanted to protest, wanted to try and kick him off of you, Astarion was using the full extent of his vampiric charisma on you.
You couldn’t do anything but stare as he lowered himself to your neck, brushing gently against your collarbone at first, an involuntary moan escaping from your lips, only slightly resenting yourself for how much you would inevitably show you enjoyed this a little too much. With a low chuckle, he nipped lightly at your neck, not yet drawing blood, pain intermingling with pleasure as you knew he was marking you. He loved to do this, especially when he was in one of his moods, teasing you and working you up until you were begging him to give you pain, give you anything.
“Mmm…” you murmured as his teeth scraped your flesh, puncturing you, penetrating you, all over, as if your entire neck was his to maim. Your neck was throbbing, no doubt blooming now with marks all over, and you loved every second of it. You wanted the other spawn to know you were his, that you had the honor of being marked by him. 
Your hips bucked into him, once again desperate for any kind of touch, even just one lone finger. Your wrists yanked at the restraints as your body made itself known, shame of being completely nude gone, just wanting some release. 
Astarion pulled back, breathing hard, something gleaming in his eye. It wasn’t hunger, but it was close. Hunger for…something else. Something more than blood could give him. “Wear your hair back tomorrow,” he growled. “I want everyone to see what you let me do to you.” 
You nodded meekly, pulsing between your legs nearly painful, being fairly certain you had soaked the sheets. Although you knew you might be punished for it, you continued to try and grind on your master, though the angle wasn’t quite right. And he knew damn well what he was preventing you from doing, splayed completely on top of you, deadening any hope of movement in your legs for the time being. 
Astarion grinned. “I love it when you’re so good for me. See, it isn’t that hard, now is it?”
You shook your head, widening his smile, being only able to watch as he grabbed your breast, massaging it slowly with his hands, earning another choked moan from you as he pinched your nipple hard between two of his slender fingers. “Maybe if you were a bit more obedient this morning, you would get something of a choice in this matter.” 
His other hand made its way to your other breast, squeezing tightly. “But now…cute little sluts that like getting tied up need to get taught a lesson.” Your body was on fire, the shape of his large erection now prominently pressing on your thighs, and you dripped with want- no, need. “You want to get knocked up by me so badly, hm? You fought against me so hard this morning, but you want me to own your body for nine whole months more than anything, is that right?”
Any logical thoughts you harbored had sailed away long ago. “Mmm…” you replied in affirmation, drunk on him, his scent, his scarlet eyes, the low intonation of his voice, the way you were helpless, you had no defense, he could fuck a baby inside of you with no resistance. 
“Good girl,” he replied, and to your humiliation his hand trailed downward, dancing on your skin ever so slightly, goosebumps raising on your arm as he made his way between your legs, nearly casually dragging his index finger up the side of your folds. You gasped, the stimulation almost too much to bear, the bed quaking as your whole body seized with pleasure.
“Tsk, tsk,” he intoned, drawing his hand away as quickly as it had come, your clit thrumming with disappointment. “You have such a pretty little pussy, positively, delightfully soaked by me.” A low growl. A pause. Then: “Too bad I’m going to fucking ruin you for anyone else.” 
Before you could think, before you could react, his hand was back on you, aggrandizing slow circles being drawn around your clit, your heartbeat so loud you could barely hear his whispering. “Have to prepare you to be bred, darling. Have to give you so much pleasure your body knows me, and only me.”
Your legs shook, warm, radiant pulses emanating through every limb in your body, every neuron welcoming his touch, his filthy words, your complete and utter submission. You were already close- fuck, how were you already close? You pressed your pussy against him, trying to ride this high, to feel his beautiful hands while they were there. You began to tremble.
As if he could read your mind, his pace quickened, stroking you with renewed firmness, pressing down on your clit directly with his thumb, making you see stars. “Greedy,” he chided, his reproach only making you want him more, climbing higher and higher toward your release, flames licking at your core. “How does it feel to be defenseless? Totally at my mercy? Subject to the whims of your master, totally and utterly mine?”
You practically yelled as your body prepared you to cum, muscles tensing, his velvet voice so close to tipping you over the edge.
Then, he stopped.
Stopped point-blank, withdrawing his hands, sitting up, your body humming with broken promises, with betrayal. With wide eyes, you stared at his godly figure, silently beseeching him for an answer, for him to keep touching you, for…anything. You were a sopping mess, a puddle, your clitoris swollen with need. Tears sprung forward, much to your embarrassment. This wasn’t fair. You needed him.
You had apparently become upset presumptuously, because your lover had taken you to the edge and then ceased because he wanted to give you the proper treatment. This became obvious as the clothes on the lower half of his body were shed, you unabashedly reveling in the show, a huge, thick pale cock springing forward from his pants as they crumpled to the floor.
You always wondered how you could take him. Conservatively, he must have been eight inches, and you could barely wrap a hand around his girth. It had taken your breath away the first time you had seen it, one of your sweeter sexual meetups, a drunken encounter after a party, what seemed like ages ago now. It was sweet, him taking the lead, servicing you over and over again being the main event, him whimpering with carnal lust every time you so much as brushed against his length. But sweetness had been gone from your bedroom for a while now. Not that you minded so much. This…was also nice. Your mouth began to salivate staring at his perfect cock, wanting in equal measure for him to be inside of you and to taste him. 
Unfortunately, your master knew you too well, unabashed smarminess plain as day across his face after catching you ogling. He threw his head back to laugh; something you had never heard addressed to you before a few months ago, sadistic and mocking. “My little pet is so terribly desperate for this cock, isn’t that right, darling?” As you moaned your confirmation, he pushed your legs apart, the chill of the castle room whispering on your wet pussy, him smiling as he did so. In fact, he almost looked positively giddy to have you here, with no one to aid you. “Be a good little fuckdoll and take it, hm?”
You weren’t thinking about logistics anymore. You weren’t thinking about whether what he wanted was possible in the first place. All you knew, all you could register, all you could feel, was your body being folded in half, your legs nearly touching your shoulders, and your lover’s strikingly beautiful form above you, like a siren, like original sin himself. 
“Let’s cut the pretense, darling,” he purred, and you could feel him line himself up with your core, your body reading yourself for him, the tip of his cock dancing among your slick folds, your body writhing and spasming with need. “I’m not going to be gentle, nor must I be to give you my most precious gift, my son. You’re going to be stuffed full of my seed by the time I’m done with you, and you’re going to absolutely adore it. Understood?”
Astarion thrust forward, snapping into you, giving you no time to respond, no time to  adjust to his length. A cry escaped your lips, muffled by your makeshift gag; it felt like you were being torn in two, your pussy burning with the stretch of his width inside you, hitting your cervix, the pinch making your recoil. He began ravaging you, hips snapping back and forth, tears now streaming down your face and onto the silk pillows. He had never fucked you this brutally before, pain quickly ebbing into ecstasy as you clenched around his girth, so perfectly full of him.
Your master groaned, low and deep in his throat, eyes fluttering closed. His tough facade was crumbling, desire unmasked at last. “Always…always so fucking tight for me,” he panted, grabbing your chin, ruby eyes captivating yours as he pummeled you. He was a sight to behold, mouth ajar as he drew in breath, fangs glistening in the candlelight, smoldering gaze on your face. “G-gods above.”
The sound of your lover pumping inside of you permeated the stone room as if it were a heartbeat. Your mind spun, unable to focus on anything but the sensation of his cock impaling you, whimpering as he shifted his angle oh-so-slightly and hit your most sensitive spot. He knew how bad you wanted to be put in your place, the way his length dripped with your moisture revealing it, no perception checks necessary. 
“That’s right, darling,” Astarion cooed, recovered from the dominant edge slipping during his entrance, hips bucking faster within you, hammering your sweet spot. Dark spots danced at the edges of your vision. “Tell me, who’s my good little slut?”
Moaning through your gag, your walls eagerly clenched hard around him, feeling as if you were floating through the small pinches in your cervix as he thrust. It was you, you knew it was you, he knew it was you. You were his, mind, body, and soul. You couldn’t put any coherent thoughts together, and all you knew is that you wanted him as deep as he could go. 
He took you like that for a while, until you could feel your release approaching once again, the rhythm of Astarion inside of you so intense now you could barely breathe. Your fingernails dug into his back, earning a sharp hiss from the vampire, who in turn finally tore his eyes away from you to sink his fangs into your neck. Gasping at the sudden ache blossoming through your throat, you lost control. A wave of bliss tumbled through your body as you screamed, your orgasm ripping through you like a trail of fire. Astarion fucked you through it, every thrust to your overstimulated core making you see stars as you felt your blood slip further through his porcelain lips. 
As your climax receded, your vampire drew back, mouth and chin smeared bright crimson. You recalled the first time you had let him feed on you, the night you found out he was a vampire; he was careful, and he knew not to take so much. His face was softer then, a blush of gratitude touching his dialogue. Memories of that first night seemed so far now as you examined the beast before you, all sharp angles and lust.
“Well, isn’t this just perfect,” he sighed. “Thank god you’re so enamored with me. Conceiving is so much easier this way.”
And he began again, thrusting even harder than before. 
You could barely take it, the sensation of his cock burrowing even deeper inside of you, and you became conscious of embarrassingly inhuman noises you were eking out. Astarion gripped your chin, forcing eye contact as he continued to ravage you, minute beads of sweat trailing down his ivory face. Fingers dug into your face as you gazed into the vampire’s eyes, their shade of scarlet deeper than ever, unable to think about anything but his steely regard, futilely attempting to choke out his name. Smirking at your failed attempt, of course he was. He always made you feel so good, and unfortunately, he knew it. 
“Fantastic,” he cooed. “That’s my good fucking girl. You like this, don’t you? To be nothing but a toy for me. To be completely and totally vulnerable…” He hammered into you harder, your entire body nothing but a vessel centered around him, your sex practically chanting his name. His words sent pure shock to your core; resistance was futile and the new gush of wetness between your thighs proved it. Liking it was certainly inside the realm of possibility. Adoring it was far more likely. 
The bed groaned beneath your entangled forms, and your lover leaned in toward you, teeth grazing the top of your ear. “I’m close, my sweet.” And you felt yourself clenching around him much more, body thrumming with the promise of your shared release. 
With a grunt, Astarion dropped his face to ensnare you in a kiss as his warmth flooded into you, thrusting sporadically as he filled you to the brim. “Fuck,” he breathed as he forced himself deeper into you, taking care that none of his seed leaked from your eager hole. “Good girl, take all of it.” 
He grabbed your thighs, forcing your bottom half upwards, cum dripping further down into you, the angle change hammering you right in your most sensitive spot. You cried out as your release hit you like a freight train, muscles melting and becoming liquid, Astarion’s slow deep thrusts prolonging your nirvana. Ripples of adrenaline rushed through you as you felt his release pool in you, knowing undoubtedly that his rough breeding had worked. He decreased his speed until he was at a stop, your legs feeling awfully similar to jelly, as you basked in a combination of afterglow and shock at what had transpired. 
You stayed interlocked and still for a few minutes, your master’s breathing even and heavy, explaining in a whisper that he had to make sure the process was successful. You felt each beat of your heart in your chest, and if you had the privilege of language at the moment, you would have reassured him that your body was most certainly going to house his child. Eventually, he unsheathed himself, letting your hips back down to the four-poster bed, and you watched his statuesque form stand and begin to clean himself. After he had finished, with a smirk he made his way over to you and gently wiped your thighs of his release. 
You could do nothing but watch as he began to dress himself back into the armor he had previously worn, silently wondering if you were going to be let free.
Astarion didn’t even turn around as he spoke to you. “My pet, I think it only fair you remain in this bedroom for as long as it takes to successfully knock you up. I want you nice and helpless against me until I know for certain you’re too dependent on me to go anywhere. Shall we repeat this process…I don’t know…twice a day?”
Twice a day. For as long as it took until he could tell you were pregnant. Verbalizations strained against your gag, but you were completely ignored as Astarion walked out of the room, sealing and locking the door shut behind him.
Pregnancy symptoms could take a hell of a long time to show up. And maybe, even when they did…you could conceal them for a while. 
If it meant being used like this again, you would have done nearly anything. 
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remediesremedy · 1 month
hazbin hotel characters with a partner with mental health problems
WARNINGS: depictions of harm to self, drugs, alcohol, depression, anxiety, burns, crying, self deprecation, sad stuff but there’s lots of comfort and love.
features: lucifer, alastor, vox
comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated <3
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“and then she hugged me! Charlie actually hugged me, oh it felt so nice to see her smile and she was happy to see me. it was so awesome you should’ve been there to see it, and then there was this pesky radio dem-“ Lucifer paused mid sentence, the words that were about to spout from him abruptly stopped. the door he had just opened, inhabited a lump under the covers who hadn’t yet moved.
their shared bedroom had always had happy memories, but it seemed your mind had followed you home this time, and refused to let up on tormenting you behind the closed doors of your’s and lucifer’s residence.
“Love? has something happened?” The fallen angel whispered gently, moving forward to your side of the bed, peeling away the covers from your face to reveal dull eyes.
depression had followed you all throughout your time of being alive, and even with death it had stuck to you like glue, chains bound to you for eternity. As if being in hell wasn’t enough.
“Honey? can you look at me f’me please?” He rasped, a clawed hand cupping the full cheeks of your face, feeling the lack of warmth that rested beneath your skin. Lifeless eyes dragged themselves to gaze upon the king of hell, and they almost phased straight through him. “Oh sweetie.” his heart ached, he had been aware of everything about you when you were living, never bringing up how you died or what you suffered with. and he had no reason to, you hadn’t showed any signs of falling back into depression or struggling mentally, until now.
“I’m here, i’m here for you.” Lucifer mumbled as he scooted forward to place a tender kiss on your forehead, then the bridge of your nose, then both your cheeks. “can i come into bed with you?”
a small nod, devoid of any energy.
Lucifer scrambled under the covers, immediately going to scoop his lover into his arms, his strength made it easy to manhandle you as tenderly as he could into a position where your head laid softly on his broad chest. “y’know.” the devil hummed, opting to stroke his partner’s hair, “out of the billions of years of being alive. i have never, ever met someone like you.”
as if by reflex, you had scoffed, almost turning your head away from him.
a part of him panicked, his hand stilling and dipping down until it cupped your chin. “i’m serious.” he had mumbled, quieter than before, before regaining his confidence. “after i fell, i found it hard to love things around me anymore. a part of me was lost in that garden, i- the point is, i met you and my heart.” he breathed a little laugh.
“oh my dear, my heart, it has never been fuller.” he admitted honestly, his hand moving once again to caress your skin, his fingers touched you like you were porcelain. a doll, precious and fragile, but he’d have you no other way. “you are the most wonderful being i have ever met, nothing could compare to you.”
tears that had been welling up began to shed, to unashamedly trickle down his face. “nothing.”
the hands that were drawn into your body to almost cradle yourself moved swiftly, they snaked around whatever they could get their fingers on and squeezed thrice, a simple indication of ‘i love you.’
things would be alright after all.
-is very caring during episodes, finds himself almost sick with worry the more you get worse or if you don’t get better
-helps you with cleaning yourself, brings you meals if you haven’t eaten for a while, cradles you at night.
-will hide away with you until you’re ready to go out anywhere. will chaperone you everywhere if he can, stick to you like glue, always has to be touching you in some sort of way to let you know he’s there
-tries to stay awake with you when insomnia hits you, reads to you, will even sing.
-if you can’t take care of your hygiene, he takes his time washing your hair, hands massaging your scalp, humming as he drags the faucet over your head to get the shampoo and conditioner out. puts on face masks with you, showers with you, even if he has to haul you up (it’s not much effort to carry you). he lathers you up and caresses every part of you, you are his everything. will just smother you in his deodorant, you smelling like him always eases his little protective brain for some reason.
-celebrates every good day with you, a part of him breaks when good days get fewer and far between. he fears losing you, or that you’ll never get better. but he doesn’t know that being with him grounds you more than he could ever know.
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“hey alastor!” Charlie itched to talk to the demon, something in her eyes gave him the impression that it was urgent. Her pale hands waved at him a little too aggressively for his liking.
something was up.
he did not like that one bit.
“Charlie! what can i do for you?” His smile stretched impossibly larger, an arm sweeping to courteously gesture for the princess of hell to continue talking. he fought the urge to grit and ground his teeth, anxiety was never one of his favourite emotions to experience, for others it was.
“Alastor! Hi! Hi.” Charlie jogged to him, standing in front of the demon with a little nervousness in her step. she cleared her throat before sighing, “look i just, i noticed something off about your partner today. i don’t think they’re doing okay, and i was worried and i thought you should know so that you would have a heads up-“
“thank you Charlie.” Alastor’s words came out borderline grateful, softer than his normally charring static voice. “is that all?”
“yes! i- uh, i hope they’re okay!” She beamed, lingering for a second longer than alastor liked before getting the message to leave. As soon as Charlie’s back was turned, Alastor phased through the floor, becoming one with the shadows, after a moment of plunging into an abyss, he rose back up from the depth into his room. Nothing seemed awry, until he picked up on the sound of the shower running, the water spewed out rhythmically.
and then the radio demon noticed the noise behind the water hitting the shower floor.
The buck’s whole body froze at the foreign sound, the sobs that wracked through the air caused his smile to instantly drop. Worry clouded his senses and without feeling it, his form expanded, antlers growing larger and sharper and his eyes shone bright as he all but busted through the bathroom door, scouring the place for you. “Dear?” his voice cracked, frenzied state shrinking to his normal size as he found you curled into a ball while water hit your back.
his hands itched to scoop you up and take you to bed, but he didn’t want to make you more upset.
you had looked at him with wobbly lips and swollen eyes, “don’t look at me.” you whimpered, a fresh set of tears crashing down your red face, “i’m disgusting, i’m ugly, i’m fucking putrid to see.” you had humourlessly laughed, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth before another sob was pulled from the depths of your chest.
for a second time, Alastor felt himself froze, conflicted with you insulting yourself. insulting his perfect partner. disgusting? absolutely not. ugly? what a lie. putrid? how far from the truth could you be?
his claws reached to envelop your body, he almost hissed at the temperature of the water, boiling hot, enough to burn. you had been sitting there, getting sprayed by alarmingly warm water. “come now.” he started, an unusually soft tone coming from him, “you’ll get hurt if you stay under that water my love.”
“that’s the point.” you mumbled, “maybe if i’m damaged enough on the outside you’ll see how ugly i am on the inside too.”
“nonsense.” Alastor cut through your speech with an edge of anger, without another word, the demon’s hands wrapped around you, dragging your sore body from the wrath of the water. “we are going to bed, yes? and you will tell me why you think this so horribly about yourself my dear.”
“what? why aren’t you yelling at me? why aren’t you telling me i’m right?” your voice began to raise, and your face, already branded with a waterfall of tears, housed some more, fat globs of tears raced down your cheeks. “why won’t you hate me like i hate me?”
“i could never see anything apart from perfection in you my darling.” the deer murmured honestly, shimmying a towel up and down your body as quickly as possible, he wanted to cradle you as soon as he could. “you are more than i deserve. i would do anything for you.” he finished drying your body, swiftly changing you into dry and warm clothes. “and doing anything for you, entails loving you when you can’t find it in yourself to do the same. my love for you will never simmer, or dull, or lose its intensity. it will never falter, not even for a second.” something cold was applied to the raw and sore skin that was affected by the water, a paste for healing supposedly.
“the moment i laid eyes on you, i promised to protect you.” the radio demon whispered, finally able to hold you properly. he pulled the covers up before sliding both of you in, absentmindedly he undid his suit buttons, letting the fluff of his chest puff out from under his dress shirt. he laid your head on his fur, content to have you smothered by him. “so let me protect you, let me help you fight these cruel thoughts.”
“i’m sorry Alastor, i’ll try be better.” you had mumbled guiltily, nudging into his fur defeatedly.
“no no darling, no apologies, no being ‘better’. be as you are, and let me fight these thoughts with you.” his head dipped down, a smile coating his features as he softly nipped at your neck.
an airy, wet laugh left you, “okay Alastor, okay okay! no apologies.” you had agreed, hands tightening around him in thanks.
but you didn’t need to thank him.
Alastor would do anything for you.
-unused to caring for someone, unused to love and relationships as a whole. had never had any interest until he had seen you, it had opened a casket full of emotions he wasn’t prepared for.
-when it comes to your hygiene and taking care of you when you can’t, he’s very methodical, brushing your teeth for exactly two minutes, washing your body and hair stiffly. overtime he does try and show his affection through touch more, enjoys cradling you, kisses anywhere he can get his mouth on, mostly chaste kisses, not fully comfortable with long kisses of any sort.
-enjoys massaging your scalp with his claws, how you’ll finally be able to sleep while he caters to you by caressing and stroking your skin or hair. if you wander outside of your shared room, he tries to be around as much as possible, always a hand on the small of your back or a watchful eye on you.
-gets his shadow forms to take care of you and check on you when he’s in the studio or busy. cooks for you everyday, will spoon feed you, even in bed (he’ll change the sheets the day after).
-sneakily gets you to do affirmations with him, makes you stand in front of a mirror with him and says what a great couple you guys look like. tells you that he loves you in front of the mirror while holding or stroking a different part of you each time. will begrudgingly do skin care and make you do it with him, after a while you begin to enjoy it and start just doing each other’s skin care in the mirror.
-sees you nothing short as perfect, even when you can’t get up or cry for hours or don’t want to eat, even when you give up and refuse to try anymore. he finds a way to motivate you and want to try again.
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(disclaimer: getting tired around this point so writing from here on in may deteriorate or lessen in quality)
meetings had been long lately, plans for vox security were kickstarting. he was so busy and it was exhausting, news commercial here, press conference there, meeting here, new tv show there. Vox was tired and he missed you.
between all his schedule and stalking the radio demon unhealthily, it seemed he had almost forgotten about you, even though you flooded his mind at every instance.
he just hadn’t done a very good job at showing how much he had missed you these past few weeks. it left you in a state of loneliness you weren’t quite used to, eyes always trailing to the cameras around the building and in your room, but familiar light of Vox watching the cameras wasn’t there. he hadn’t been checking on in, maybe he didn’t even want to look at you.
self worth was at an all time low, and your anxiety had sky rocketed out of its temporary dormancy, coming back in tenfold. insecurities were on display more than ever, and Vox was nowhere to be seen, falling asleep at his desk or at Val’s and or Velvette’s place.
it was hard not to feel so utterly unwanted.
so you did what every other sinner would do, drink, go crazy on the town and snort some things you shouldn’t have. and at the end of the night, feverish and cold, shaky and nauseous, as you looked into a camera that belonged to vox security, the light didn’t flash on.
he wasn’t there. would he ever be again?
all the substances in your system caught up to you, your stomach began to bubble with pain and you no longer had it within you to keep up the charade that you were fine. you willed yourself to cry, to do something other than rot on the floor of an alleyway street, but no tears came.
instead blood trickled from out of your nose, a telltale sign that you had outdone yourself with whatever atrocities of chemicals you had put in your body. you threw your head back, an expression between a grimace and a smile graced your face, maybe if you fucked yourself up enough Vox would finally come back to you.
needles lay on the ground, no longer sterile but it did not matter. with already shaky hands you grasped one of them, putting it at an angle to inject, you brought it down and the moment it pierced your skin, a familiar hand pulled it straight out of you with a frenzied cry.
“what the fuck were you doing?!” Vox huffed, anger and concern battling to show through his words. worry etched into his features, but you didn’t manage to spot that, only the anger.
“i-i.” no words could come out, the blood from your nose congealed and dripped down onto your shirt, and the injection site pooled with crimson blood too. how could you explain to your partner that you had planned to completely self destruct in hopes he would care for you again?
“are you a fucking idiot? oh my fucking god you’re bleeding.” his palms glided across the blood on your nose and thigh, wiping it away on his skin, his lower lip trembled as he swore at you thoughtlessly. “do you have any idea how dangerous this is?” he bit back the yell, a sigh falling from his lips as he watched your expression morph from embarrassed to complete self hatred.
“i’m sorry, im so sorry.” you whispered, wanting nothing more than to be out of the way, “im sorry that im not good enough, ill be better, i promise, don’t leave me, don’t leave me-“
Vox’s heart, what was left of it, had shattered entirely at your words. regret punched him in the stomach, weeks of little attention and this is what he says in your darkest hour? “shh, shh, of course not, no, no, i would NEVER, never leave you.” his thumbs alternated between rubbing away your forming tears and beading blood.
“c’mere baby.” his voice cracked, he offered you his embrace silently. the look you gave him was utterly heartbreaking, doubtful that he would still love you, god, as if he could ever stop loving you. wordlessly you sank into him, trying to greedily cozy up into him as much as you could, to remember every inch of him. “please, forgive me.”
the words wouldn’t formulate, too drugged up and drunk to even respond, you slumped in his arms, barely able to blink. Suddenly fingers were pinching your cheeks, “hey, hey, don’t fall asleep, i need to make sure you’ll be alright.” he spoke softly, a complete contrast to before. “i’m so sorry, i should be the one saying sorry baby. i’m so stupid, mistreating my whole world.”
the more worked up and upset he got, the more static seeped into his voice. “i’m so sorry. so sorry babe. i haven’t been around and that’s unfair on you, ill book a few days off work okay? just me and you, and i promise ill make it up to you.” his head bowed down, nuzzling against you affectionately, “just stay awake f’me, we’ll get what’s out of your system, and ill make it all up to you, i promise.”
hearing his voice, feeling his touch was pure euphoria for you, a safe haven you had missed beyond anything. “anything for you Vox.”
-is a complete sweetheart, just struggles at first if you’ve done something harmful or destructive to yourself. anything he says in the moment is not thought about and is him panicking.
-makes it up to you every time, bubble baths, washing you and taking care of you like you’re his god. keeps a first aid kit on standby, one is in your room, other first aid kits in other areas of the building too. makes sure from then on in to reassure you, to let you know of his schedule, to bring you with him as much as he can. sometimes comes back from a meeting and just naps with you until he has another thing to do.
-cannot keep his hands off you, super touchy in public now, in meetings you’re new seat is his lap. will try to lessen his schedule more, will spend a lot of his time sleeping with you when you sleep a lot, you two fall asleep spooning or just completely intertwined.
-makes meals for you when he can, hires a personal chef to keep you fed when he’s working. makes a habit of checking his cameras in your shared room a lot more, doesn’t spend as much time infatuated with stalking the radio demon anymore, he’s better at figuring out his priorities now.
-kisses your knuckles when he comes back from work, and then kisses you properly, an intimate lip locking that won’t end until you get the point that he very much wants you. tries to work more remotely, practices affirmations with you and tries to work on his reactions to stressful scenarios so he doesn’t make you feel worse.
-work is important, power is important, but you are above them both, cherishes like you are the only thing to ever exist when you’re both together.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
hi! could i request something where jake secretly has an older daughter that he had with his high school sweetheart during their senior year and the squad finds out? i just love the idea of jake and his high school girlfriend being married and just as in love now as they were back then
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𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲
𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
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Things hadn't always been easy with Jake--God, no.
Well, really, things had been downright blissful in the beginning. What were teenagers going to fight about anyway? You two just clicked--you knew you were right for each other.
Then you got pregnant. And for a while, actually, things had been really hard.
Between the fateful night of your graduation when your pregnancy test came back positive and the next eight months of your pregnancy, the two of you fought more than you ever had before. It wasn't just because he was trying to do the responsible thing by asking you to marry him--which, let's be honest; he had planned on doing that long before the positive pregnancy test--and the stress of planning the shotgun wedding you were trying really hard not to call a shotgun wedding. It was the hormones and the academy and the moving cross-country in the middle of a difficult pregnancy and all the growing up the two of you had to do so hastily.
The two of you had bickered here and there--which was bound to happen when you are devoted to someone from the seventh grade forward--but had never fought as passionately as you were while you were pregnant. It was senseless arguments, ones sprinkled in between trainings and morning sickness and job searches and taping boxes.
It wasn't even that the two of you didn't love each other. That's what the most frustrating part of it all was, really; the two of you were stupidly in love. Like the kind of love people really only see on screens, which you would never say out loud (even though you know it's true), and wish for but usually never get.
Everything changed the day Charlotte was born. You went into labor in the middle of an impassioned argument--one that was going precisely nowhere, not that either of you would admit it--and made it to the hospital to settle in comfortably for a very uncomfortable seventeen hours of labor.
Young as you both were, scared (terrified, really) as you both were, exhausted as you both were--everything else in the world melted away when you held that little pink, squirming baby against your chest.
Jake had been a wreck, suddenly realizing how absolutely out of his element he was as a measly 19-year-old with a wife and baby on the way, but had not left your side for even a moment. And when Charlotte, that sweet and loud little thing, finally settled with her chubby cheek against the red skin of your chest--something changed in his body. Already he knew that he loved you--God, he loved you so much. But seeing you there on the hospital bed with your hair plastered to your sweaty head and your cheeks flushed and your eyes swollen from crying, that love suddenly expanded and overwhelmed him. He felt like he was going to positively drown in all that love.
As if you sensed it, you looked up at him with an exhausted sort of awe-struck look. Your eyebrows were raised, your dry lips parted, your cheeks flushed, your eyelashes clumped with tears.
"She's got your big mouth," you had said to him, laughing breathily, cradling her against you.
You were shaking--not just from the sheer effort of pushing that baby into this world, but from the overwhelming amount of love coursing through your veins for that little stranger in your arms.
It had made all the nurses and doctors laugh as they still hustled and bustled around your open legs, but neither you or Jake even noticed them. You were looking up at your husband--who was suddenly not that flirty boy with the sweeping blonde hair that let you put your books in his locker, but a man with tears of pride streaming down his face as he looked down at his newly-expanded family for the first time.
He thought he was going to explode--but instead he just sobbed out a laugh. Then he leaned forward and pressed your damp hair out of your face, bringing his salty lips down on your forehead again and again. His quivering hand pressed against Charlotte's back and God, he loved her so much already. He hadn't even really seen her face for the first time, but he knew she was fucking perfect. He could feel it just under the pads of his fingers, could feel your laughter and your tears beneath his trembling lips.
"No more fightin', angel. I promise. I'm sorry," he whispered against your skin, resting his nose against your temple, sniffing hard. "Don't ever wanna fight with you ever again, okay? Love you too damn much to be arguin' all the time."
"I love you so much," you whispered to him, lips trembling as they pressed against his wet ones, bones aching with tired. "I don't ever wanna fight with you again."
But as he cupped your cheek and nuzzled his nose against yours, peppering kisses all along your tears and flushed skin, you knew that he meant it. No more arguing. You knew something was bound to change, knew it would probably change once Charlotte was born, but you hadn't expected it to be so immediate. But you were radiating love now--so happy you felt like your heart was gonna fall out of your chest.
And the two of you, as devoted to each other and your daughter as you are, kept the promise with a fierceness. No more fighting--you meant it and so did he.
Now that you're used to deployments and special detachments and moving and all the rare beauty that is attached to life as a Naval aviator's wife, everything runs smoothly.
He loves that you still send him a picture of Charlotte every single day while he's not home--something you'd done since his very first deployment when she was a few months old. You never missed a day--like ever, which he still didn't understand the logistics of--and always wrote a paragraph about yours and Charlotte's day.
When she was little, it had been something like:
Today Charlotte and I went to the park. It was that cute little one by our house, the one with all the dogs and food trucks. She's getting really good at holding her head up on her own! And she's not so fussy anymore about tummy time, which is a relief. I got to read a little bit of my book while she napped on the picnic blanket. She wore that sunhat your mama got her (as seen in the attached photo) and laughed at a dog that came to investigate her. She's a big fan of animals--might be something to consider, huh? Right now, she is talking my ear off about you, telling me all about those bedtime stories you read and how your voices are so much better than mine. I get it--I'm obsessed with you, too. We miss you. Gonna go pray at the shrine we made for you, I guess. Get home safe, okay? We love you.
But right now, as Jake sits in The Hard Deck only a few days after the successful Uranium Mission, he's smiling as he scrolls through the emails you'd sent him that he's only just now able to read.
He's nursing a beer, shoulders slumped and lips pulled faintly upwards as he basks in the warm evening sun filtering in through the window. It's noisy as ever all around him--Rooster pounding away on the piano with Maverick right there next to him, Coyote and Fanboy shooting the shit as they play a truly pathetic game of pool, someone being thrown overboard--but everything's white noise when he reads your emails.
Your emails are a little bit different now--especially now that Charlotte is twelve. She's less apt to let you take pictures of her now, going through the make-a-face-at-the-camera phase or just running away at the first sign of your lens facing her. You managed to snap a good one the other day, one where her green eyes are glimmering in the sun as she sips on a lemonade. Jake looks closely at the picture and decides that the two of you are at that little bistro by your house that you like to walk to.
Your daughter's glossy hair is longer than it was when he left and God, if she isn't growing more and more beautiful everyday. She looks just like you. She's got your exuberance and even though he would never say it to you or Charlotte, she's even got the little crinkle between her brows that seems to just pulse when she's frustrated.
He rereads your paragraph again.
Well, good morning to you, Lieutenant Husband. I woke up this morning to your daughter's dog peeing on the rug outside the bathroom. And your daughter thought that was the funniest thing in the world until I made her clean it up! I'm a mean mom, I guess. But I made up for it because we walked down to Frankie's and I let her get the bottomless lemonade. Currently writing this during her fourth bathroom trip. Think we're gonna catch a movie in a little bit and then maybe get some ice cream after. We miss you, baby. Can't wait to hear your voice again. And even though she won't say it, I know Charlotte can't wait to take you up on that beach day you promised her. Be good, stay safe, stay alive, okay? We love you more than anything in the world and you're definitely gonna have to re-potty train Sandy when you come home!
He missed you two more than anything in the world. But what he missed the most was just the domesticity the two of you had blissfully settled into. What he wouldn't give to wake up to Sandy peeing on the rug outside the bathroom, to back you up when Charlotte groaned about having to clean it up, to walk down to Frankie's with the two of you and tease Charlotte for using the bathroom so many times, to go see whatever stupid Kristen Stewart movie is playing, to eat a cone of mint chip ice cream and take the long way home. He ached for it, really--even if he knew there was only a few more days until he'd be back in it.
He could hardly wait.
"Who's the teeny-bopper?"
Jake nearly jumps out of his skin, jerking back against the wooden booth and snapping up to look up at the squadron that has suddenly gathered all around him. It's Payback that's asked, his eyebrow perched as he leans in to get a closer look at Charlotte.
"God, she looks just like you," Phoenix adds, narrowing her eyes on what is essentially Hangman's mouth and nose on a much smaller face. "Younger sister?"
Everyone's staring at Jake now.
It isn't even that he's been hiding the two of you--he loves showing you off. But it's just that it hasn't come up and quite frankly, they've been a little busy the past few weeks.
Bob's always been good at reading people--so when he studies the photograph and then studies the redness in Hangman's cheeks and the way he wets his tongue nervously, Bob knows. Bob knows before anyone else--besides Maverick and Coyote, that is.
"How's my niece?" Coyote asks, clapping Jake on the shoulder with a sly grin.
Jake sighs, shaking his head softly at Javy before submitting to it all--thrusting his phone forward to let the squadron read your email and look at the picture of Charlotte.
"Niece? No way," Fanboy exclaims, brows furrowed. "No way."
But now Rooster is holding the phone, his mouth agape, zooming in on Charlotte's face and it is suddenly undeniable to everyone there--that is absolutely the spawn of Jake Seresin. Right down to the dimples and the green eyes, that is his daughter.
"Charlotte," Jake says softly, trying to choke down all that pride that is inching its way up his throat. "She's twelve. And she's the best person that's ever lived, obviously."
Phoenix would've snorted if she hadn't been so totally awe-struck.
"You taking all the credit for that?" Rooster quips, shooting a playful smirk Jake's way.
But Jake just holds his hands up in surrender, sighing as he shakes his head.
"I'll give that to the wife," he says fondly. "She's also the best person that's ever lived. Better than all of you combined."
Coyote takes a sip of his own beer before nodding.
"Oh, absolutely," he agrees at once. "That woman's a saint for putting up with you and raising that Hellion."
Javy's joking of course--he'd actually never seen a more communicative, loving relationship than yours and Jake's. And he'd never met such a well-rounded girl as Charlotte. She had a good head on her shoulders, put there by her parents. Javy was even sure that Charlotte knew more than he did already and she hadn't even finished middle school.
"A wife, too?" Bob asks softly, smiling as he reads your email.
"And a dog," Fanboy adds softly, scanning over your paragraph.
Jake hums, nodding, trying not to look too pathetically in love with you. Even though he is, in fact, pathetically in love with you.
"Going on thirteen years," Jake says. "Thirteen happy years."
And everyone knows that he means it, especially when he just glances back at his phone in Rooster's hands and smiles softly to himself. He is thoroughly in love with you and with your daughter--Hell, he just loves your shared life. He's itching to go home, even if a poorly house-trained dog is waiting for him.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Phoenix says, bumping him with her eyebrows furrowed.
"And when can we meet them?" Payback adds.
Jake is grinning now--just the prospect of his Navy family meeting his real family makes affection swarm his heart. He shrugs.
"Maybe we could figure something out before everyone has to go. I'm sure we can get Charlotte out of school for a couple of days. Family's a good enough reason for me--bet it will be for the wife, too."
He's gushing with pride--he's not even trying to, but he really is. Coyote is used to the way Jake practically glows when he talks about you and Charlotte. Hell, he even gets it. You're beautiful and funny and kind and whip-smart. You hold it down and make it look easy. And Charlotte is a perfect balance of the two of you, striking every single genetic sweet-spot.
"I'm shocked," Rooster says. "You're so...gooey right now."
"Yeah, Bagman," Phoenix says with a smile. "Going all soft on us."
Hangman wants to roll his eyes again. Really, he does. But he just can't. So he takes another sip of his beer, thinks about the way you would be cuddled into him right now and quipping back at Rooster as the two of you watch Charlotte sweetly order her third lemonade from Penny, and shrugs with a grin tugging on his lips.
"I guess I am," he smiles.
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here is my tag list!!
if you liked this, consider checking out my Jake x You story!
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intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
At His Mercy
Pairing: Reader x Joel Miller
Warnings: MATURE CONTENT NSFW 18+ ONLY, this one shot contains use of a sex toy, use of vibrator, denial of orgasm, mentions of sex, swear words
Length: 1091 words
Summary: Joel decides to teach you a hard lesson when he overhears a conversation between you and his brother
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
Imagine him pulling out a vibrator instead of a knife in this GIF cause that’s what I did! Tag list is open for Pedro! Hearts, reblogs and comments are highly encouraged and appreciated! Enjoy everyone! XOXO
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"Joel please." You begged from the bed the handcuffs digging into your skin.
Joel was standing at the foot of the bed watching your every move. Your wrists bound to the head board. A vibrator stuffed in between your legs at high volume. Your moans filling the room along with the buzzing of the vibrator.
“What’s that sweetheart?”
Your attitude towards him had gotten on his last nerve, and now he was punishing you. The punishment was not being able to cum. Which was kind of your fault, but still he didn't have push you like this.
"Joel fuck please I'm sorry." You whined tugging at the restraints.
“I don’t know if I believe you.” Clicking his tongue.
“God Joel please I’m begging you.”
He wasn't breaking though. That man was determined to not give in, and stay strong not letting you release.
"No. I let you cum so many times the other night but that wasn't good enough." His voice stern and rough.
Joel overheard you talking to Tommy of all people about your sex life. Confessing to his brother that he only lets you orgasm once or twice, and that it wasn’t enough for you. That you wanted more from him, and he wasn’t exactly satisfying you.
Of course Joel was furious about this, but then came up with his own plan to get back at you. Instead of fighting or arguing with you he would do things his own way. Then you would learn to appreciate how many times he lets your orgasm.
“You look so fucking good like this baby.” His eyes drifting up and down your body.
Your head back against the pillow desperate to cum. Legs shaking with need, and arms becoming tired from being held up for what felt like hours. Your juices probably soaking the vibrator. He just continued to watch and stare at you.
The vibrator was buzzing inside of your pussy, making the most filthiest of noises. It made your cheeks heat up, but turned you on even more at the same time. Your walls welcoming it and refusing to let it go.
"Fuck if only you could see yourself." He groaned as his eyes looked your trembling body up and down.
As if that wasn't torture enough he decided to thrust the vibrator inside of you. Moving it slowly in and out of you not plunging it deeply enough. Your screams not echoing throughout the room. Your back now arching off the bed.
"Fuck." You squealed your body gyrating with the toy.
Your pussy clenching around the toy trying to make yourself cum. Moving your hips along his movements hoping to get a better angle. Your sweet release so close, but yet so far away from you.
When Joel saw what you were doing he stopped thrusting the toy inside of you making you groan. He just smirked at your shaking and sweaty body writhing on the bed. Joel was tempted to give in, but he was enjoying this too much.
“Not so fast sweetheart. Think your so clever don’t ya?”
Looking at him your saw he was trying to restrain himself. His pants were forming a tent and his body language screamed lust and desire. He wanted you just as badly as you wanted him.
All he wanted was to ravish your sweaty body that was begging for him. He had to remember that this was your punishment.
Your mind was swirling with all type of feelings and thoughts. You tried imagining it was Joel’s cock inside you. Remember the feeling of how good it felt when he was pounding into you. Your thighs clenching at the memory of everytime he would fuck you into oblivion.
Your legs bending hoping maybe you could move the toy on your own. Joel could tell what you were attempting to do this time, and placed his hands on your legs keeping them flat. It wasn't enough and you wanted more and he knew that.
"Do you want to cum baby?" His tone mocking but you couldn't help but nod tears pricking at your eyes.
You were so desperate to have that familiar feeling over take you. Whimpering and whining like a desperate animal, but all Joel did was smirk at how pathetic you looked.
"Do you wanna cum baby?" He teased you as he pushed the vibrator deep inside of you keeping it there making you squeal. "Bet your squeezing this toy so tightly."
Unable to form words to speak you just kept nodding your head pleading with him. Without saying a word he walked over to the right side of the bed.
His hand reached down, and you thought he was going back to thrust the vibrator inside of you. Closing your eyes as you waited for the feeling to happen, but instead nothing happened.
Instead his fingers attached themselves to the little bundle of nerves that was aching. Rubbing figure eights which caused your body to twitch. Closing your legs on instinct as his hands pushed them wide open.
“Ugh uh baby keep those legs open for me like a good girl.”
Your stomach was tightening with how close you were getting to orgasm. The sweat was just beading on your forehead. Feeling your legs start to slowly shake at the sudden overly sensitive stimulation.
"Joel please fuck. I need to cum." Your voice shaky and desperate to cum.
Tears were running down your cheek unable to take anymore of this teasing. He just had this shit eating grin on his face. A lump forming in your throat as you tried to swallow the saliva in your mouth.
Not saying anything his hand gripping the vibrator and thrusted it into harder this time. Toes curling against the sheets, and your hands gripping onto the restraints feeling yourself get on edge.
“Let it all go baby. That’s a good girl just like that.”
Your head leaning far back against the pillow, and closing your eyes relinquishing in the feeling. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders. It was the best feeling in the world right now to you.
A couple more thrusts and you felt yourself squeezing the vibrator drenching it in your fluids. Your body tired from the sexual torture Joel had put your through. Your chest heaving up and down trying to catch your breath.
"Maybe this will teach you to appreciate how many times I let you cum." He whispered into your ear giving your neck soothing kisses before taking the restraints off.
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ivystoryweaver · 11 months
Would you mind writing a Miguel x f!reader fic where they are in a relationship and the reader is captured by a villain who's goal is to torture and ultimately kill her to gain information on the spider society? While the reader is missing and enduring the torture, she finds out from the villain that she's pregnant. Angst, hurt/comfort
I'm sorry this took so long, this idea is so freaking rad, i needed some time. I gave it a try!
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Content: Hurt/comfort etc. See the ask above. Cursing, torture, injury, blood, pregnancy, violence
Word count: 2k
My Masterlist
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Your eyes slowly blinked open, heavy with exhaustion and burning as if you'd slept in contact lenses for a week.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Your body ached. You felt cold. And wet? Why did you feel clammy in your own bed?
Drip. Drip...
Shifting uncomfortably, you found that your arms wouldn't move. Why couldn't you move your arms? A small whimper escaped your throat as your reality became plain to you.
This was not your bed. It was dark. Damp. And your arms and legs were bound. You were tied to a hard, metal chair. Panic spiked through your chest as you struggled against your restraints.
Squinting, you attempted to make out any details about your surroundings, but it was too dark.
"H-hello?" You rasped, finding your voice. You coughed, your voice hoarse from lack of use and from a terrible thirst. "Hello?" You tried again, pulling forcefully on your restraints.
As your breathing grew more shallow, you realized you were most certainly in trouble.
But why?
"I see you're awake."
You let out a small yelp when a sinister voice made itself known as someone emerged from the deep, shadowed corner.
"W-who are you?" You cried, squirming in futility. "Where am I?"
"Patience," the voice chided.
Your eyes strained but you still couldn't see.
"I have a few questions for you." The voice was male. Deep. That's all you could tell in the darkness.
"What?" You coughed out, desperate for water. "What do you want with me?"
No matter how you struggled, blinking, staring - your eyes would not adjust to the darkness.
You smelled his foul breath before you felt it brush your ear from behind you, caging you in with sickening possessiveness. "Tell me about the Spider Society."
Whimpering, you tried to shake him off you. "I don't know what you're talking about. Let me go."
You definitely knew what he was talking about. Your husband was the damn leader of it all.
He moved in closer, the stench of him making your skin crawl and your stomach churn. "We both know that's not true...Mrs. O'Hara."
Okay, that was more privileged information. Miguel at least attempted to keep his real name a secret.
You chomped down on your lip to keep from giving anything away but the bile in your stomach was not cooperating. You weren't sure what could possibly be worse than losing your stomach contents while bound, in some unknown, pitch black location.
"Not feeling so well, are we?" The voice taunted, after you wretched pitifully. "Maybe you have the flu?"
"Leave me alone," you spat, wiping your mouth the best you could manage with your shoulder.
After a long pause, the mysterious man granted your wish.
You were left in darkness - hungry, thirsty, cold and bound.
The biggest question besides where were you, and who had taken you was - how would you get out of here? Would Miguel be able to find you? You would die before endangering him or any of his friends or co-workers.
The man who had taken you must have realized this about you, and began to test your resolve.
You lost track of time. In the darkness, it could have been days that passed, or mere hours. It took some time for you to realize that you were being tortured - just not in the traditional slice-and-dice or head-dunked-in-water type of way.
They left you alone. Dark. Isolated. Then, without warning, some sort of bright light would shine on you - the brightest you'd ever seen. It burned red-orange right through your eyelids no matter how tightly you squeezed your eyes shut.
Your skin prickled with heat and you started to sweat. Just as you felt you would burn alive, the light would shut off. You cried out, blinded as colorful spots swirled before your eyes, making your stomach roil.
The darkness would consume you until you were freezing again. Then it would start over. Blinging light, blinding darkness. Over and over. Questions about your husband. And the other Spiders. It felt like a month had passed, it was so never-ending.
They tried to feed you but you couldn't keep anything down. You felt constantly sick. Someone even cleaned you up several times, since you weren't allowed the use of a restroom.
Finally, a needle was jabbed roughly into your arm, making you whimper in protest. Maybe it was poison. Probably for the best.
"Fluids," the voice informed. "Can't have Mrs. O'Hara dehydrated, can we?"
"Go to hell!" You weakly shouted. "I have nothing to tell you."
"You're lying," the man sneered, sickening you by brushing your matted hair away from your face with calloused fingertips. "You're going to tell me about your husband, I promise you."
You spat in his face, though your dehydration didn't afford you very much spit to begin with.
"I know you think you're strong," he taunted, pushing his disgusting hand over your abdomen, making your skin crawl. It was humiliating enough that people were cleaning up your messes, and now he wanted to touch you?
Miguel would rip him apart.
"I wasn't sure at first, why you can't keep any food down," he went on, rubbing your stomach possessively. "You're not sick - we tested for that."
"You...what?" You groaned, completely revolted at the feel of this man's hand, and the thought of him running some sort of tests on you.
His foul breath tickled your ear as he pushed two fingers hard into your abdomen. "You don't seem to respond well to our...techniques." He menacingly breathed. "But maybe you'll change your mind to protect your child."
Shuddering, your body went limp as tears stung your eyes. "I have no children. If you know who I am, then you know that."
Pressing your abdomen forcefully, he made you gasp in pain. "You do now." Then he nuzzled your ear. "That's why I'm giving you fluids. Can't let anything happen to your unborn child. Especially one that's half-spider."
"No!" You wailed, jerking against his hold on you. "No, I'm not! I'm not..." Tears spilled down your cheeks as you realized the truth. The nausea, the fatigue - your period was late. "No..." you whimpered.
"You know I'm right," the voice taunted. "And now that you know, I'm sure you'll be much more cooperative."
After that encounter, you were released from your bonds, given the chance to shower and change clothes. You actually attempted to choke down a meal as well.
Then it got worse. True, there was no more light/dark torture. And you weren't left in the freezing cold, but now the questions were asked with a knife to your abdomen. This was after you were shown proof of your pregnancy. A rapid heartbeat. A positive blood and urine test.
Miguel wanted to be a father so badly and you had tried for almost three years. Hell, his very favorite activity was trying to get you pregnant. He kept better track of your cycle than you did, and trying, if nothing else, had been a delicious endeavor.
So, if anything happened to this baby - if you let anything happen, Miguel would be devastated. But you couldn't endanger his life, nor anyone in the Spider Society. Despair filled your heart and mind as a choice placed itself before you.
Days upon days must have passed. You managed to not answer any important questions, but you paid like hell for it. Tiny cuts littered your body. The mysterious man used the knife, but thankfully, not anywhere near your abdomen.
Until one day, he did.
You cried and you begged, but because you wouldn't answer him, he did the unthinkable.
That was the worst mistake he ever made.
Now that you knew he was willing to hurt your unborn child and likely had already done so, there was no way you would ever talk.
"My husband will rip your fucking throat out," you croaked as warm blood pooled in the waistband of your pants, dripping down your legs.
"Like the vampire he is," the man sneered. "I know what he is. A monster."
"You're damn straight," you panted, feeling weak from blood loss. "He's going to use his talons to do everything you've done to me, cut for cut. You'll wish you were dead, I promise you."
"At least I'll die knowing I took his child from him," he darkly laughed. "If he ever finds you - which will never happen."
"Don't be so sure, pinche pendejo," the voice of your husband pierced the darkness.
Your entire body gave out, not only from exhaustion and blood loss but from overwhelming relief. A door was flung open and light was able to spill into the room.
"H-how did you..." the mysterious man croaked, calling out for his comrades.
Gripping him by the throat, Miguel lifted him several inches off the floor. "Spiders love the dark." Raising his free arm - talons fully extended, Miguel tore into the man's flesh, rapidly slicing him to ribbons, before doing just what you predicted. Baring his fangs, Miguel sank his teeth into the man's throat and ripped out his jugular.
The man's limp body dropped to the floor, making you whimper in relief...and honestly, a little bit of horror.
Whirling around, Miguel used the sleeve of his spider suit to wipe the blood from his chin before dropping to his knees.
Crimson eyes scanning you frantically, he didn't know where to touch you first.
"Baby? Baby are you hurt?" His hands flew all over you, stopping when his fingers grazed your abdomen.
"Miguel," you whimpered, hands pressing as hard as you could manage into your knife wound. Blood seeped through your fingers, warm and sticky.
"I've got you, honey, hold on," he soothed, easily lifting your much smaller frame into his arms.
"More of them," you murmured, collapsing against his chest, the solid warmth of him the first relief you'd felt in days. "There are more..."
"They're dead," he answered you, pressing a quick kiss to your hairline. "You're safe, mi vida."
"My stomach," you slurred, feeling consciousness slip away from you. "M-my baby..."
"Hold on, baby, hold on," Miguel whispered, gripping you tightly.
"Miguel...I'm sorry."
That was the last thing you remembered.
The next time you awakened, you didn't know where you were. Panic snaked its way around your heart until your eyes landed on the sleeping form of your husband, adorably cramped in a chair beside your bed.
Stupidly attempting to sit up, you winced, feeling the sting in your abdomen. Then you remembered - you had been stabbed. Multiple times - but those were shallow, feeble attempts to get you to talk. But then he tried to kill you. And your baby.
Fear gripped your heart, squeezing the breath out of you as you yanked your blankets away, pulling up the soft gown you wore to try and see...
"Hey, hey, it's okay."
Miguel was suddenly awake and at your side, gently grasping your arms to stop your flailing. "You'll rip your stitches."
"My baby," you gasped, your chest heaving with shallow breaths as you fruitlessly fought the massive strength of your husband's grip.
"Calm down, honey, please." Forcing your arms still, he eased onto the edge of the bed, holding you still. Dropping his forehead to yours, his heart shattered at the sight of your tears.
"I'm so sorry," you whimpered, even as he shushed you soothingly. "My baby - "
"Is fine," Miguel swore, reaching up to tenderly caress your cheek. Easing back, his scarlet gaze locked onto yours and he nodded reassuringly - the faintest smile brightening his eyes. "Our baby is okay. Strong heartbeat. You're eleven weeks along."
Shaking your head in disbelief, your lip trembled. "But - but he stabbed me. He tried to kill my baby..."
"I know, sweetheart," Miguel soothed, gingerly pulling you into his arms. "I know he hurt you. I'm sorry. So sorry." Rocking you slowly in his protective embrace, he pressed a fierce kiss to your temple. "You're safe now. You and our baby. I promise you."
✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧
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rainbowmothed · 4 months
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★ more content for the sapphic ladies because my brainrot for them is unfathomable!! as always, likes and reblogs deeply appreciated ♡ ly all
Vaggie yawned as she sprawled her wings out across the mattress. What she used to see as something horrible– a constant unwavering reminder of her gruesome past– was now something that she openly embraced. Most merely presumed she showed up in Hell with them since they didn't inherently look exactly like exterminator wings, so, hey, that was a definitive plus if anyone curious stumbled past.
Vaggies’ back ached slightly, strained from her previous workouts and strenuous activities. Through babysitting most of the Hotel residents to try to fix her fighting style with the help of Carmilla as her mentor, sometimes it got tiring. But one thing she could always look forward to at the end of the day was her girlfriend. Her beautiful, excellent, talented, outstanding girlfriend– who was also conveniently the Princess of Hell. But, sometimes, Vaggie failed to realize just how serious Charlie's status within the underworlds’ hierarchy was. After all, she interacted with Charlie just as she would anyone else; if not obviously much sweeter, and that was only because she was the best person in the world. Who wouldn't treat Charlie with utmost respect and love? Crazy people, Vaggie mused. The woman was a bundle of sunshine– it was hard to dislike her shining radiance. Charlie's idealism and bubbly attitude clearly set her apart from most other Inhabitants of Hell, which was one of Vaggie's favorite things about the demoness.
Vaggie flipped on her side, heavy eyelashes fluttering as her eyes opened, a flicker of illumination entering her pupils and catching her off guard as she saw the door to the bedroom slowly creak open, casting a line of soft, dull light across the carpet floor of her quarters. Vaggie’s first instinct was to reach for the angelic spear she kept by her bed at all times– soldier instincts, she endearingly deemed her first reactions to any possible threat– but she didn't. Vaggie wouldn't dare draw a blade on the person she loved the most, even if she was damn well considering it for the first few weeks following their first meeting. That all felt like such a blur, such a long, long time ago. It was both sweet and sad at the same time; the overbearing nostalgia was an overwhelming feeling that was foreign every time Vaggie experienced it, no matter how many times she was pulled through it.
The moth-like demon stretched slightly, a soft smirk spreading across her lips, which were still tainted with her typical black lipstick. Vaggie used her arm to perk her head up, resting her elbow on the mattress as she willed herself into a more comfortable position. “Hey, hon.” Vaggie greeted Charlie gently, tone as delicate as always.
“Heya, babe!” Charlie cheerfully mirrored the welcoming, despite hers being far more chipper and upbeat. It usually always was. She had an affinity for being loud; Charlie felt like she got to others easier that way! The princess bounded across the room, shutting the door behind her with her foot and flicking on the lamp with her index fingers, smooth black fingernails brushing across her girlfriend's forehead and swiping away any stray hair as she placed a kiss to her cheek.
Vaggie chuckled in response, scooting over to make room for her girlfriend on the bed. Charlie sat down and was immediately transfixed by her girlfriend's wings. They were always so beautiful to her– soft, feathery, and absolutely adorable! Everything that Charlie cherished, but especially the adorable-ness. Obviously, she had a clear affinity for things of that nature. Charlie got to work expertly running her fingers through the feathers, preening them with her delicate fingertips, mirroring the actions she'd been taught by her girlfriend. Charlie of course had wings, just like her father– but she disliked them. She never thought they fit with her overall demeanor, and were far too flashy for her personal liking. Charlie had a strong dislike for coming across as threatening, and strived to avoid drastic changes in her appearance like that to stay as gentle-looking as possible. “Your wings are so pretty, Vaggie,” Charlie complimented. “They fit you.”
Vaggie immediately rested her head on the pillow, lulled into ultimate relaxation as her girlfriend gently got to work preening her wings. She smiled further at the array of compliments spewing from Charlie's mouth, though most of them were drowned out by her state of rest. Usually, Vaggie never had time to truly settle down like this; it almost always felt like she was bouncing from one place to another, straying far away from one thing or pulling another closer. It was a busy life schedule, especially when she had to pertain to the Hazbin Hotel and its residents, but the gleeful grin on Charlie's face always made the hard work and raw effort worth it in the end.
“You're prettier than any old wing, Charls,” Vaggie retorted softly, paired with a chuckle under her breath. Charlie beamed, a bright toothy smile spreading across her face, enveloping her round features. “I wouldn't trade anything for you, you know that?” Vaggie continued, pressing her cheek into the fabric case of the pillow.
“I don't know about that. You're like, the prettiest thing in the history of pretty things!” Charlie responded, chipper as ever. That earned a chuckle from Vaggie. “I'm serious! You're gorgeous, Vaggie. I love you more than anything.”
★ not proofread, so if there are any mistakes, i apologize!! have a good day everyone <3 more content coming soon,, feel free to leave requests!!
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pinguwrites · 6 months
Dark!Neil refusing to pull out when the reader needs him to due to not being on birth control.
"no please stop, we can't! . . . hehehhehHAHHHAHA "
Drabble: dark!neil refuses to pull out
pairing | dark!neil lewis x girlfriend!reader
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Warnings: non-con, smut, dark!neil, forced breeding kink, sexism, implied reader co-owns gumshoe video with neil, PROCEED WITH CAUTION, DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE
Disclaimer: Watching The Detectives characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
A/N: you have @mrkdvidal1989 to thank for this, I took a break from another fic to get this out real quick so I could give you guys some fuel 😘. Writing about neil also reminds me of a dream I recently had where Neil spit in my mouth on a beach sooo yeah
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"Fuck, Neil!"
You weren't sure what had gotten into your boyfriend today. Since morning he had been uncharacteristically handsy and needy — not that he wasn't a little pervert most days — only that it was becoming so public and obvious that you had to swat Neil's hand away and give him a warning glare just so he would quit warding of the customers, multiple times since you both arrived at Gumshoe Video.
"I had a dream," he had murmured, wrapping you up in his arms, only for his hands to slide up underneath your skirt and feel the curve of your ass, to which you had snapped at him before frantically looking around the store to see if anyone saw.
"Well," you said in response, "you can tell me about it later — Friday's are one of our busiest times!"
Neil had backed away after that, but you could still feel the longing glances he sent over to you. You almost felt bad, though you knew you had to be professional at work. Besides, you relished in the idea of teasing him.
The moment you two had stepped foot inside your shared apartment he had pinned you against the wall and attacked your lips. He carried you to your bedroom, shoved you down on the mattress, grabbed some lube, and started thrusting like mad dog.
"P-please, slow down," you whimpered, the bed shaking so hard the creaks could be heard through the halls. His cock slid in and out of you at a pace Neil never used before, filling up your walls ungracefully, like you weren't his girlfriend, but a hole.
"Can't," he moaned, burying his face in your breasts. "Can't help myself when I'm around you. Just need you so bad . . . You know that dream I was telling you about?"
"Neil — just a break — "
Neil groaned, his hot breath on your neck. "I know women aren't that smart, but c'mon, it was only this afternoon."
Neil could be sexist sometimes. Your family and friends told you to avoid men like that, which was the specific reason you avoided telling them about your boyfriend's often slips. It was just — you loved Neil. You really loved him. There wasn't much else about the topic to discuss, or at least anything you wanted to admit about how problematic it really was.
"I remember," you said, breathless. "Is this what it was about? Fucking me till I pass out?"
"I bred you."
You froze, though your body was still moving due to Neil's deathly grip and the way he was shoving into you so desperately.
"N-no," you protested. "You can't now, I'm not on birth control. I don't have anymore, I ran out, the store's closed — "
" — It's not just that," Neil hissed, interrupting you. "I want a child."
This was bound to happen soon. You and Neil were well on your way to marriage, but not now, not like this. Not when you knew that you both weren't ready to raise a kid.
"You're just saying that because of the dream." You placed your hands against his chest, halfheartedly pushing him off. You didn't want this to be a struggle. You were hoping that he would understand the message and pull out, but he didn't.
Neil shook his head.
"Yes," you insisted, then you got scared. You didn't want to be the woman who only married her man because she got knocked up. What if Neil and you broke up after this? That would be even worse! These few moments of pleasure weren’t worth all the headache in the future.
Neil took your hands and pinned them above your head, pushing them into the soft, cold pillow.
"You do what I say, understand?" Neil said sternly, looking right into your eyes. "Be a good girlfriend and let me give you a child."
"No," you cried out, turning your head, your fear increasing by the second.
Neil used his free hand to grab your chin and forced you to look at him. He had never been this forceful, this violent before.
"Stop being so goddamn stubborn," he spat. "You're gonna have my child wether you like it or not."
He wiped away your tears and buried his head his head back in your breasts, muttering, "Stupid bitch."
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exchangestudentnova · 11 months
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Features: Yandere! Pro player Alexis Ness and Kaiser's crush! afab! Reader
Content: SFW, suggestive, manipulation (on Ness's part)
Term of endearment used for reader: cutie, darling, pretty thing
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Ness knew that Kaiser liked you even before Kaiser himself could recognise his feelings for you.
If you ask anyone else, they'll say they aren't sure, after all Michael Kaiser does not wear his heart on his sleeve.
But it's different for Ness
Being Kaiser's support as a midfielder and his loyal friend made Ness very good at judging Kaiser's emotion. And the one Kaiser felt for you was love.
Even his action spoke of such. Purposefully making eye contact with you from across the room, letting you sit next to him, long conversation that never seem to end. Even the small touches here and there did not escape his eyes.
Well, it's not like there was any bad blood between Kaiser and Ness. It's just that Ness can't bring himself to forget the pain and sorrow brought by Kaiser's words as he casually abandons him to go join another team. How he seems to forgot how hard Ness worked to let him be the star of the show. Now playing for different teams, they only have light conversations during events that invite all the German football clubs.
In events where you, a famous event organiser, were there.
"Hm? How is it that you're sitting all by yourself?" Ness did not hesitate to strike up a conversation when he saw the chance. "Oh, if its not Alexis Ness, care to join me for dessert?" "The only dessert I see is standing in front of me" he remarks with a wink, making you laugh sweetly. Oh he definitely understands Kaiser now. "Well but I'm not the type to refuse an offer from a cutie like you" "Oh another great football player calling me cute today, is it my lucky day or what?" 'Another' huh?
He guides you towards the couch where he orders a luxurious dessert for the two of you, on his tab of course. Conversation is made, him asking about you and you asking about him. It must have been quite a while before Kaiser's topic came up.
"So, for how long have you been friends with Kaiser?"
"Kaiser and I go way back. We used to be on the same team"
"Ah he did mention that! He's so debonair and sexy!"
"Oh really? Did something special happen?" You nod. "I said we'll go out on a date if he manages to score a hat trick in his next game. And guess what? He said he'll do it! Ahh he's so cool"
"Well that's Kaiser for you. If he said so he'll most likely do it. *sigh* but it is sad to see such a pretty thing like you being nothing but a name to cross off of his list"
You had 'shocked' written all over your face. "W-what do you mean?" Here it is. " Oh you didn't know? How he's just pursuing you just to get you in bed? Just a little bit of fun before he loses interest in you" "B-but how is that possible? I thought-" "Oh darling I wouldn't have told you about it if I didn't see many girls running out of his bedroom with tears in their eyes"
You looked genuinely sad, an expression which made him almost regret what he has done. "Hey, it's okay, you didn't know. Don't look sad. Here, put your head on my shoulder" Ness comforted you through the pain he had to create himself.
It was the next event where Ness met Kaiser, the one 3 days after Kaiser's match. "Hey Kaiser, long time no see! Congrats on your hat trick! It must have been difficult to pull off" Ness congratulated him with a handshake. "Of course, it's bound to happen when you're the best striker in the world" he has an arrogant smile plastered on his face, but his eyes are searching for someone. Ness knows who.
"Alexis~" "Darling! You're here!" You flug your arms around Ness, his first name rolling off your tongue showing your intimate relationship. Kaiser eyes widen as you proceed to place a kiss on his cheeks. You don't even make eye contact with Kaiser as Ness speaks for the two of you.
"Sorry I did introduce her. This is my girlfriend"
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roanniom · 2 years
eddie is soo the type of guy to be obsessed with how you smell. just presses his nose into your neck when you’re spooning in bed and breathes deep. smells your pillow when you’re gone and he misses you. pauses before eating you out to fucking inhale you and he moans. doesn’t get why you get so flustered and blushy. he could come just from your scent and tells you so. i need to lie down
Um I’m already laying down but maybe being horizontal is what is making this hit that much harder.
Ugh. This is where my brain immediately goes:
Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, dry humping, allusions to drugs though no drug use.
Eddie comes barreling through the door of your little apartment after a long day working as a mechanic. He’d stopped at his place to shower and change so he’s not sweaty and greasy for you, but that extra hour away from you had killed him.
You’re laying down on your couch when he barges in, making quick use of the key you’d given him the month prior.
“Babe!” you cry out, happy to see him. Before you can sit up to greet him more formally he’s bounded over and clambered on top of you on the couch. He pushes his way between your thighs impatiently, knees scooting up on the cushions and he’s bent over you in no time. Eddie braces himself up on his forearms to keep most of his weight off you as he buries his face in your neck.
“Eddieee,” you squeal, squirming beneath him and giggling. “That tickles, what are you doing?”
Eddie inhales deeply and aggressively against your skin.
“Mmm shhh, give me a moment,” he grumbles against you. His hands fumble down between you to grab your wrists, pulling your arms out and over your head and securing them against the cushion to keep you from wriggling even more.
You laugh but let him manhandle you the way he wants. It feels great to have his body against you after missing him all day so you content yourself with just feeling him on you.
He keeps breathing in deeply. Almost meditatively. His breath fans out against your throat with each exhale and yet with each inhale he’s pushing his face even harder against your skin.
Eventually you notice something else.
The rhythmic movement of his hips. His cock is hard beneath his sweatpants, and he’s begun to hump against your clothed mound with intention.
“Eddie what are you…oh!” You gasp yourself when he thrusts at an angle that provides perfect friction for your clit.
“I’m getting high,” Eddie says. And he means it. Whether it’s from your scent or his near hyperventilation of it, Eddie is lightheaded. He finally pulls away from your neck and gives you a grin, a dopey look in his foggy eyes.
“Oh yeah?” you laugh, shaking your head at how ridiculous he is. You’re breathing heavily yourself already, though, moving your hips to optimize the friction with each grind of his bulge. “You stoned already, baby?”
“Absolutely out of my mind,” Eddie agrees with a massive smile before diving down to sample your lips next.
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟖: 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐊.𝐘𝐒 ♡
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He Has Control
【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : You were his work of art, and he loved to watch you squirm under him.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 631
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: PWP. Smut.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Boyfriend!Yeosang x Girlfriend!Reader  
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : use of a blindfold, rope, and restraints. Candle wax. Teasing. Pet names. Neck kisses. Breast play. Fingering. Clit play. Marking and biting.
Thank you, @polyglot-ton , for requesting Yeosang for this day ♡♡♡.
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“Do you remember the safe word?” Your lover’s voice rang in your ears, making you take a deep breath in. Your eyes were completely covered, and your limbs bound. You couldn’t feel or see Yeosang, but you knew he wasn’t far. Listening carefully to his voice as he walked around the bed, you noticed the slight sound of fabric hitting the carpeted floor. He must have taken the rest of his clothing off.
And oh, how right you were. Yeosang was completely naked, standing at the end of the bed while he watched you squirm at the feeling of nothing other than his gaze. You looked like a work of art to him. The most beautiful masterpiece ever created, and it was all for his eyes alone to see. He watched the way your skin was pulled against the tight red rope he had wrapped around your figure and the way your cheeks were red and your mouth was sitting agape, gasping for air as your eyes were covered by a silk scarf, falling slightly on your nose, restricting airflow.
Everything was in place, ready and perfect.
“Yes…” You finally answered the question he asked a few moments ago, suddenly feeling need and loneliness from not feeling his touch. Yeosang caught on quickly, climbing the bed slowly with an object tight in his hand.
“You ready then, my angel?” He asked, fingertips grazing your ankle moving at a snail's pace towards your thigh before stopping right at the top of your hips.
“Yes…” You simply answered again, trying your best to buck your hips, but it was no use. You felt his hand be removed from you, making your skin burn in an ache only he could satisfy. His touch was electrifying to you, feeling his hot breath pooling on your sweating body. More, more, more. Your brain shouted, but your mouth grew slack, only being able to mumble out moans and groans as you felt Yeosang finally place his thumb on your sensitive clit. But watch caught you off guard was an overwhelming sensation of heat.
Candle wax.
“Fuck!” You cursed feeling like you were going to come just from the warm liquid dribbling onto your hard nipples alone. You had tried temperature play in the past but none of it felt like it had now, it was like your senses were heightened ten-fold. Every circle of his thumb on your bud was ten times more sensitive than before, his sloppy kisses on your neck were sending a shiver down your spine that you never thought was possible and the way the hot wax dripped on your breast was something else.
It was like you were floating but falling at the same time. On the edge but far away. Your brain was scattered, and your hands tugged, begging to be pulled free. Your legs, which were snug against the bed frame, wailed as you felt your high approaching. Everything was too much yet, not enough. It was like a new agonizing pleasure. “Please, please, please.” You repeated over like a broken record.
“It’s okay Darling…” Yeo’s voice got deeper if that was even possible. Leaning against your ear, his lips pressed themselves against your lobes. “Come for me, baby. Come on, my fingers.”
He pressed his two fingers into your dripping hole all the while his thumb stayed flat on your button. He didn’t stop the wax from dripping onto your tummy, and his kisses got more aggressive, biting and suckling harsh marks along your collarbone. You were gone for, and feeling him thrust at a pace that was just what you needed, you came crashing down quickly, all the while screaming his name over and over again.
- ♥︎
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