#it’s like chewing on a squishy plastic bag and then having to swallow it
babycatlix · 1 year
it is sunday, that means when i got up this morning, i changed to tray #2. for tray #2, the bottom tray is definitely tighter than tray #1, i can feel pressure on my crowded bottom teeth now and i've only had the tray in for about an hour. the top tray doesn't feel much different. and i know some of you, if not all, don't care about this 😂 but i wanna keep a record for myself.
okay, so my first 72 hours of attachments and invisalign is much different than all the videos i binged. all the videos i binged said that the first 72 hours with attachments, "was the worst pain of my life 😩" now, i don't know if it's bc i have a pretty high pain threshold, my teeth just weren't moving super dramatically/aggressively yet, OR bc i've had braces before and my body remembers this type of pain and i'm just ignoring it. for me, the first 72 hours with invisalign was relatively painless in terms of tooth pain. i did have an unrelated migraine on friday morning and my top tray was rubbing my cheeks raw (i wore orthodontic wax to help) but i haven't experienced tooth pain or discomfort until i changed trays.
the biggest ongoing challenge for me is eating with my trays in. yes, i know that you're not supposed to, however, this is what my orthodontist prescribed and in the words of lee felix, "i'm just doing what i'm told 😇" i'm still learning what foods i can easily chew without feeling like i'm going to break my trays. i know that this is just something i have to get used to, but again, eating with plastic covering your teeth and not being able to feel the food on your teeth is such a weird sensation. crunchy things are still at the top of weird feelings 😂 i'm sure that the more i eat with them in the more used to it i'll get and i'll be more confident in actually chewing. i'm still barely chewing before i swallow.
i also had a lot of trouble getting my trays out the first 3 times i did it. i did have to use an "ortho key" (a handy device to remove the trays) to remove my top tray the first 3 times i did it. but now, i can easily pop both the top and bottom trays out just using my fingers. i'll still probably have an ortho key in my bag just in case.
i also put together some little "essentials" bags for me to carry in my bag and to leave at work. basically, after i'm done eating, i need to remove my trays, floss, and brush my teeth and trays. so i have a little bag with everything i need, toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, ortho key (just in case), a chewy (a soft silicone squishy to chew on) and one of my aligner cases. the chewys are for biting on to make sure your trays are properly on your teeth. mine are shaped like little popsicles 🥰
my mouth has also been hella dry. i normally drink a lot of water, but the last 3 days have been boarding on ridiculous 😂 and i've been using a combo of plain chapstick and vasaline to keep my lips hydrated.
i think that's all for this update. again, this is really just for me to keep track of my experience, it's okay if you don't care 😂 i hope you have a good week, stay safe out there, and stay hydrated my friends! 💖
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justaghostingon · 4 years
Read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25962064
Once there was a man, who could not find love among the women he knew, so he decided to make his own.
“Oli, come with me. I’ve got a new project for you.” Gyrus’ smile was stilted as he beckoned Oli down the corridor. Oli followed, a bounce in his step as anticipation welled up inside him. The projects Gyrus had him help with were always interesting, even if they didn’t always work.
They entered the lab, and Oli froze. A woman hung suspended from the wires and machines. Her ethereal blue hair glowed in the dim light of the machine. It fell perfectly around her asymmetrical face, one half covered in soft skin, the other open and gapping to reveal a skull made of metal. She was barely more than a torso and upper arms, metal and wiring sticking out like some half finished machine, waiting for a mechanic to bring it back to life.
“Oli, meet Maria,” Gyrus said as Oli approached the remains of the woman. “She’s a robot from the last realm that I thought we could fix up and try and use on missions.”
He babbled on, talking about the advantages that a nie indestructible robot could have, but Oli wasn’t listening. Carefully he brought his hands up to encompass the woman’s face. Her single eyelid fluttered open, as delicate as the real one her long ago designer had tried to copy, and looked Oli in the eye.
“Hello Maria,” Oli whispered, for only a whisper seemed appropriate in this fragile moment.
“Hello.” She smiled, and Oli felt the whirl of machinery beneath his fingers humming like a pulse. The left side of her face was soft and warm against his skin, the right cool and smooth as steel, but Oli knew as he cradled her in that moment that all of her was undeniably human.
Many days and many nights did he labor over her, sculpting the perfect woman out of stone. And when he finished, he named her Galatea, for the white of her marble skin.
Fixing Maria was the hardest thing Oli had ever done. Her body was more complex than any project he’d ever worked on, and Oli found a new respect for the physicians who tended to the human body, their task was truly daunting if it was anything like the one of metal he and Gyrus labored over.
Every twist of wires, every slight calibration, every metal frame, all required the most delicate touch, lest they damage her beyond repair. She was magnificent though, a true masterpiece. As they inched their way along her body, rebuilding her from the ground up, Oli couldn’t help but wonder if the gods knew him in such intimate detail or if they did not care for the long labor his mother had needed to bring him to life.
Through it all Maria kept up her spirits, laughing and joking about the fine mess she had been reduced to. Oli admired her bravery, because even though she tried to grit her teeth, he knew their every motion caused her pain. She couldn’t hide it from him, even if she wanted to. Oli could see inside her every corner, and he knew when she bit her lip like that the reconnected wire beneath his fingers had burned her.
Gyrus seemed to notice too, and it made him sad, shoulders hanging with the weight of the world. But Maria did not like to see him so morose, and so would laugh or joke to try and lift his spirits.
“How’s your boyfriend?” she asked after a particularly hard operation. Oli blinked, confused. As far as he knew, Gyrus had no interest in anyone, to the great disappointment of many. But to his shock, Gyrus didn’t laugh it off like he usually did. Instead a cherry red blush crept across his face, until even his ears burned a brilliant red.
Oli started, but Maria laughed, throwing her head back in an echoing howl. Gyrus’ ears turned, if it were possible, even redder. “He is not my boyfriend,” he hissed, shooting Oli an alarmed look. Maria laughed again.
“Right, right,” she said, amusement obvious in her voice. “You just hold hands, have sleepovers, spend every waking moment you can together, and talk constantly about him when you can’t. Completely platonic, my bad.”
Up until today Oli hadn’t been certain Gyrus could have those types of feelings, but when Maria put it like that it seemed obvious. There was only one person who Gyrus spent so much time with, one name he slipped into nearly every conversation.
“Are you, talking about Kodya?” he asked, feeling slightly light headed. Gyrus’ eyes widened in alarm.
“There is n-nothing between me and Kodya!” Gyrus shook his head, waving his hands in the air in denial. But Oli noticed the red did not fade.
“Uh, yeah,” Maria rolled her eyes, “because someone’s to cowardly to confess.”   Gyrus hid his face in his hands. Oli felt a bit bad for him.
“I’m sure Kodya wouldn’t say no,” he offered, because everyone knew Kodya was in love with Gyrus, and because Oli knew all too well the way insecurity could whisper and ruin someone’s will to ask.
“Really?” Gyrus peaked between his fingers at Oli who tried to smile encouragingly. Maria tried to help, but her clear amusement had the opposite effect. “Gahhh,” Gyrus buried his head back in his hands as he stood up. “I’m going to get more metal!” He squeaked, running from the door before Oli could remind him that he could create anything and they had plenty of ingredients.
“Looks like it's just you and me now,” Maria chuckled, and as Oli turned to her, he realized that they had never been alone before.
The man would talk to his Galatea as if she were a real person.
The silence stretched out far too long as Oli struggled to come up with a topic of conversation. Maria raised an eyebrow, and Oli felt his stomach drop. “Come on, I don’t bite,” she said, and Oli looked down.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered but Maria shook her head, loose hair flopping against skin and metal alike.
“No, no! Don’t apologize! Ask me something! Go ahead, I know you want to!” She smiled at him, and for the first time, Oli wondered if she paid as much attention to them as they did to her. The revelation was disconcerting, but there was something he had been dying to ask.
He cleared his throat nervously and went for it. “What’s it like being a robot?” he said and then flinched at his own daring.
“Yeah I figured that would be the first thing you’d ask.” Maria’s voice caused him to look up. “First thing everyone does,” she added, sounding rueful. Oli clenched the front of his robe, feeling horrible.
“If I had to put it into words, I’d say it's a lot like being human most of the time,” Maria tried to shrug, but the wires holding her steady didn’t let her. She gave a half wince, and Oli stepped forward, hand instinctively raised to stop her.
Maria smiled, a small, sad smile that didn’t fit her usual chipper personality. “There is one difference though. I can survive with a whole lot less than a human can.” Oli’s brow furrowed in puzzlement. Was she talking about food?
Maria saw his confusion and elaborated. “Like blood,” she said. “You need blood to survive. But I don’t. It keeps me warm, but if I were to lose it, I’d still function.”
“That’s horrible,” Oli murmured, trying to imagine living life devoid of warmth, and feeling nothing but cold and hollow.
“Yeah it kind of is,” Maria replied, and Oli snapped his hands over his mouth, realizing how insensitive his words had been. Maria’s gaze softened. “Thanks,” she said. Oli lowered his hands, confused. “Not a lot of people notice that. But hey,-” she shot him a wide smile, more in line with her usual personality, “if I were half as squishy as you, I wouldn’t be here now would I?”
That was true, Oli felt a bit of guilt leave his shoulders. But still. “Maria?” he asked, and the woman turned her blue eyes on him. “What’s your favorite food?”
Maria blinked at him, and Oli felt his lips twitch into a smile.
He would make meals and present a portion to her cold body.
Oli hurried to the lab, a small bag in one hand and a plastic cup in the other. Gyrus wouldn’t be there right now. Oli had asked Kodya to ensure that he stayed that way, citing his worry over Gyrus overworking to ensure Kodya would not let him within ten feet of it. Oli felt a little guilty about using Kodya against Gyrus like that but he shrugged it off. He was going to do this, and he didn’t want Gyrus to stop him.
“Maria!” he called as he pushed his way into the lab. “I brought the food!” He held the little bundle aloft.
“Oh yeah! Bring in the goods!” Maria yelled, face split into a wide grin as her eyes never left the bundle in Oli’s hands. She sucked in a deep breath through her half finished nose as Oli came closer and licked her lips. “Oh man I can smell it, my mouth is watering already.”
“Just a minute,” Oli cautioned as he opened the bundle to reveal the strange wrapped bread and meat sandwich and the slices of deep fried potatoes Maria had painstakingly instructed him how to make. Maria gave a little whimper, and Oli smiled.
Oli took the sandwich first, lifting it with one hand to her face, while the other held the cup up to the bottom of her torso, to the little tube that led directly to her throat. Maria bit into the sandwich eagerly, sharp teeth nearly missing Oli’s fingers. He yelped a bit, but Maria didn’t seem to notice, to wrapped up in chewing to pay attention to Oli.
“Oh man,” she swallowed, and Oli held the cup close to the tube as the mashed up food slipped out. “It has been so long since I ate a burger.”
“I’m glad you like it,” Oli smiled. “I hope it tasted like it's supposed to.”
“Like it's supposed to?” Maria echoed, shooting him an incredulous stare. “It tasted fantastic! Oli you’ve got to be the best chef in the world!” She beamed at him, bits of sauce still stuck to her cheeks, and Oli felt like he was on top of the world.
“Now a fry,” Maria demanded, and Oli obligingly brought one up for her to bite. She took from his fingers, holding it in her mouth by the end, before gulping it down. “Mmmmm,” she groaned as she swallowed, licking the edges of her mouth. “That’s good.”
Oli blushed from the compliment as the remains of the fry slipped into the cup. “If you like it so much, I could always bring you more.”
“It would have to be soon,” Maria frowned. “You and Gyrus are gonna hook up my esophagus soon, and then the only way out will be through my stomach and the intestines.”
“Then I’ll just have to get a bigger cup,” Oli shrugged. He was a mechanic, he could figure something out. But Maria had looked so happy, and he wasn’t going to deny her something that made her feel more human.
“Alright!” Maria cheered, “Now I’ll take another bite of that burger baby! I’m feeling hungry tonight!”
And he would dress her in the finest clothes he could buy.
From then on, Oli would visit Maria whenever he could get away, bringing her food or just keeping her company. He found she was a wonderful companion, whose brash personality and boundless optimism always managed to put life in perspective. Oli couldn’t wait until the project was completed, so he could introduce her to everyone else. He was certain a warm personality like hers would get along with everyone.
He wouldn’t have to wait for much longer though, as he and Gyrus were almost finished. There were just a few final touch ups, and they would be able to take her to meet everyone. Every day Oli was able to remove one of the wires tying her to the machine, and everyday she looked more and more human.
Oli was just unwiring one of the no longer necessary wires, Gyrus left after being radioed by Don for some sort of emergency meeting, when he noticed a shiver run across Maria’s skin.
“You’re cold!” he said, hand hovering over the spot, unsure what to do. Maria gave him a slight smile.
“Yeah well. After you guys added my blood I’ve been able to notice how breezy it can get in here.” She gave a half shrug. “But it's fine. I can handle it.”
“No, no.” Oli shook his head, looking around the room. His eyes landed on a sheet in the corner where it still covered some old inventions in an attempt protect them from dust. He grabbed it and brought it back to Maria. “If you’re cold, we can fix that.”
Maria stared at the sheet with slight apprehension. “I don’t know if that’s going to work, since my arms are all spread out thanks to these wires. the air will just get underneath, not to mention my legs.”
“Oh ye of little faith,” Oli smiled, and began to twist the fabric in his hands. Every child in all of Hellas knew how to make a tunic. He carefully wrapped it around her body, mindful of the parts still attached to the wires, and fastened them at her shoulders with rubber bands. For the final touch, he took off his own belt, and slipped it around her waist, tying it so that it would hang down in the fashion his mother had so enjoyed.
“There,” he said, stepping back to admire his handy work, “now you look like a proper Hellenes lady.”
“Wow!” Maria looked down at herself, twisting a leg to brush against the white fabric, causing it to ripple. “I’m not normally a girl that looks good in white, but this is something else Oli!”
“I’m glad you like it,” Oli smiled. “When your final repairs are done, we can get you proper clothes, a whole wardrobe if you want it!”
Maria bit her lip, her exuberant excitement dimming as she was reminded of her immediate future. “When the repairs are done, yeah.”
“Hey,” Oli placed a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. “Everyone’s going to love you ok? You don’t have anything to worry about.”
Maria smiled at him, warm and kind as the sun. “Yeah,” she said, but Oli got the feeling she didn’t quite agree. No matter. Come tomorrow, she would see it for herself. “Oli?” she added, and for the first time Oli heard a bit of hesitance in her voice.
“Yes?” he smiled.
“Thank you,” she said, blue eyes boring into his. “For everything.”
“Of course,” Oli said. Feeling like something important was being said, but not quite sure what. “What are friends for?”
But no matter what he did, she did not move, speak, or eat. She had no consciousness of what he had done for her. She could not love him, and so he despaired.
Oli knew something was wrong the moment he stepped into the lab. The room was darker because the dim light of the machine had been fully switched off. To the side Gyrus sat, shoulders slumped, when he should have been excited at the project’s near completion. Worst of all, Maria was missing from the center of the room, and in her place was a blackened husk of metal and junk.
Oli felt his heart stop. He took one shaking step towards the pile in the center of the room before collapsing on his knees in front of it. Gyrus started talking in that gentle way of his, about how there had been an accident, an electrical surge that had accidentally fried Maria, and how he was shutting down the project. But Oli wasn’t listening.
He brushed a trembling hand against the dark metal. A part of him expected to feel the electric hum beneath his fingertips. But there was nothing but cold, empty steel. A drop of water landed beside his hand, then another, and Oli gave into his tears as great, ugly sobs racked his body.
Gyrus came to sit beside him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Oli allowed him to lead him to the bench and rub soothing circles in his back. “There was nothing you could have done Oli,” he said softly.
His words only served to heighten Oli’s despair. “Poor Maria,” he sobbed into his hands as his mind began to torture him with possibilities, “Maybe it was a flaw in my design!”
“Of course not,” Gyrus moved to grip his shoulder. “If you need to blame someone, blame me. But don’t blame yourself. You did everything you could for Maria.”
Oli wished with all his heart he could believe him.
One day the man brought his pleas to the gods, begging them to bring the woman he loved to life. Aphrodite heard him, and moved by his tale, she waved a hand and brought the statue to life.
Oli hurried down the corridor, head spinning. Nephthys was missing, Don was too, and his wheelchair was alone in the infirmary under a pile of rubble. The others were saying Gyrus was to blame, but Oli wasn’t so certain.
He remembered the last thing Nephthys had told him, about how the seven boss swords had been replaced, and how she needed to check on Kodya before getting to the bottom of it all. Now she was gone, and the last place she had been clearly contained signs of a struggle. Awfully convenient that the last person who had known something was amiss happened to die at the hands of madman, even when said madman was monitored so constantly there was no way he could access to the swords to make the switch.
No, something else was going on here, and he was the only one who knew. Which also meant he would be the attacker’s next target. He gulped, and prayed to every god he could think of that his friend would return.
The least he could do he supposed, was fix the infirmary wall. Maybe if he preserved the evidence he could look through for clues. Or at least have somewhere to hide. He stopped in front of it.
The act itself was easy enough, there were plenty of parts lying around in the rubble. In all honesty it took him maybe a minute. There. He turned to walk away, only to hear a vaguely familiar voice coming from behind him.
“... Who could have fixed it already?” the voice cried, sounding frustrated.
“I-I did!” Oli stuttered as he turned, afraid of the danger this strangely familiar voice could offer.
“Huh?” the voice said, and Oli flinched, but raised his eyes to meet the strangers. Her blue hair was swept up in a messy ponytail, her clothes were red and black in a foreign style Oli had never seen before, and she had a white stick of something in her mouth that reminded Oli vaguely of a fry. But there was no mistaking her face, the face Oli had labored painstakingly to fix.
“Maria?!” He exclaimed, hardly believing his own eyes.
“Oli!” she cried, expression brightening with a painfully familiar smile.
A sound came from behind her and her eyes widened, a note of fear in them as her companions glanced backwards. Oli wasted no time. He thrust a hand on the wall and forced the solid rock to give way, allowing her and her companions to flee inside. Then he stepped in himself, closing the wall behind him.
He knew he should turn the intruders over, but he didn’t care. Something was horribly wrong in the Room of Swords, enough so that he would take his chances.
Besides, he thought as he could hear the sounds of confusion coming from the other side. He had lost Maria once. He would not lose her again.
Gatalea threw her arms around the man and embraced him for the first time, and the man, Pgymalion, finally found joy.
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pilindiel · 7 years
JeanMarco Month Day 29: Generator Day 4 |AO3|
@jeanmarcomonth You read my mind.
Shout out to @nakiriknife for helping me start the fight scene.  You’re an angel.
For those of you who are unaware, I have a fic in the works called “Trick or Treat” which is a Modern Horror/Supernatural AU.  Where Marco is a werewolf.  And also Jean's bodyguard.  Jean is also a photographer as a hobby.  Guys.  This is legit scary.
Prompt:  Photographer!Jean and werewolf!Marco are young adults.  Jean is and Marco joins him
Rating: T
Word Count: 2675
I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up – the inside is just as shitty as the outside and as Marco sweeps his flashlight over the interior, my nose scrunches.
It smells musty and old as balls, like something curled up, died, and then disintegrated to a stain on the hardwood floor. The ground groans as we step and I swear I can hear field mice scurry under our feet beneath the boards. The wallpaper is old and peeling, but the design on them is intricate, delicate even. Like it must have cost a fortune when it first got put up.
Karanes is cold this time of year – the rush of the wind is harsher, bitter – and I wrap my arms around myself as we exit the car, brandishing my Letterman jacket against the evening wind. Marco, the fucking furnace, seems completely unfazed by the gusts but neither one of us can stop the fall of our expressions when we come upon the house.
I'm sure it must have been beautiful. You know; thirty years ago.
A pitched gray roof hangs over a shingled off-white exterior, and the shutters hang desperately off the edges of boarded up windows. The dormers of the second floor are the only ones still in tact, but the glass is cracked, splintered and spider-webbed like someone threw rocks at it from below. Ivy climbs up the outside walls, trying to drag the house back into the forest beyond its borders, and even with the moon out, bathing everything in a calm light, the house is gloomy, like it permeates darkness.
A black and red sign loudly proclaiming “No Trespassing” is nailed to the front door just below the brass knocker, and Marco gives me a dubious look before slipping his access key into the lock. The deadbolt creaks as it slips out of its slot, agonizing in the way the metal scraps against the wood, and with a mighty heave Marco shoves the door open.
I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up – the inside is just as shitty as the outside and as Marco sweeps his flashlight over the interior, my nose scrunches.
It smells musty and old as balls, like something curled up, died, and then disintegrated to a stain on the hardwood floor. The ground groans as we step and I swear I can hear field mice scurry under our feet beneath the boards.  The wallpaper is old and peeling, but the design on them is intricate, delicate even. Like it must have cost a fortune when it first got put up.
“Remnants of a bygone era,” I snort, and Marco hums in agreement, shutting the door behind us and bathing us in the dark.
Survey can't afford to keep these safe houses “safe”, I guess. It makes me realize just how fucked we really are, how desperate Survey is to get funding again. They can keep these safe houses, but they sure as hell can't maintain them.
To be fair, there's nothing that says we have to stay in a safe house – Marco and I both know basic symbols we can place on the doors and windows of any motel we stay in – but that's just the problem. They're basic, and lucky for me none of the things after my ass are basic ghosts or monsters.
There's something heavy about the air in here and even with my phone flashlight and Marco's torch, the inky black of the house feels oppressive. Graffiti is sprayed all over the walls, no doubt from kids from town who wandered out here for the thrill of defacing an empty house, and as we move into the pitch black living room, I'm surprised we find any furniture at all.
Marco brightens, just a little, and wanders over to what I assume was once a couch. It's huge and curved, and the upholstery is red with what look like faded gold embellishments, though that could be just the dust settled on it fiddling with the light of my phone.
The musty stench is unbearable in here, and I rub at my nose with my sleeve. I can't imagine how hard it must be for Marco and his crazy werewolf senses – I feel like I'm about to gag.
“Isn't this nice, Jean?” Marco says over his shoulder at me. His voice is strained, but he's giving me a smile so sweet it pulls at my heart and I shove my free hand into my pocket in defiance. “Now we don't have to sleep on the floor.”
Damn him for trying to make the best out of a shitty situation. Damn him and his smile and the way his broad chest looks in that flannel. Damn him and his stupid hair and his stupid dimples and the stupid things it does to my heart.
Still, I meet him at the edge of the light and bump him with my shoulder.
“Looks ancient,” I grouse, dropping the duffle bag at our feet. Marco smiles at me and shrugs – a small, helpless gesture – and I kneel down to pull my camera out.
It was a gift from Dad for my last birthday, arriving the day before Marco trampled into my life brandishing a flamethrower, but I'm no stranger to photography. The first camera I got was when I was eleven and Dad was so happy, so relieved I had found something to occupy my time, a hobby. He and Mom don't know why I wanted one, and they don't need to. They don't need to know I don't think I'll live long enough to leave a legacy behind.
That there won't be any evidence of my existence outside of these pictures and broken memories.
I can feel Marco's eyes on me, the way he's acutely becoming aware of how solemn I get when I take pictures of our surroundings, but so far he hasn't brought it up so I don't either. I just take the strap of my camera, mindful of the lens, and drape it over my neck, letting the metal and plastic rest over my heart like a medal.
The eeriness of the house is nothing new to me, but there's a charm to this skeleton that makes my fingers twitch. I need to have evidence of it existing, at least so someone out there knows there's still some beauty in these tattered old walls.
The spark of creativity is familiar, but the feeling never gets old. The strap is nestled around my neck, a sure grasp that binds me to my passion, but that connection breaks just as I'm reaching for it.
The way Marco's head swivels towards me is alarming, and I can see the way his nostrils flair, his dark eyes darting to the windows and corners of the room. There's something here.
Most safe houses have a enchantment etched on the door, keeping the interior of the house secured, but god knows the wear and tear must have scratched away at whatever old spells used to linger in the air.
A cold feeling coils up my leg around my jeans, something thin like paper but sharp as knives, and it chills my senses and renders me motionless. Though, maybe it just feels that way because I'm not as quick as Marco.
I can't keep up, my ears catching the bang of Marco's Smith and Wesson as he fires at the creature working its way up my body. My freedom is granted and I pivot, but my relief is short-lived. The shadow recoils with an angry hiss and it's like it descends on us from the perimeter of Marco's light, growing larger and looming its darkness over us.
I've been in enough danger to know when something is after me, and that ever familiar coldness pricks at the back of my neck.
I don't have a lot of time to linger on my fear though as the monster lunges towards Marco and the small beam of light beckoning it closer. On instinct I leap to Marco, but I'm a split second too late. His gun is steady in his right hand, but the other is weak and limp in comparison, and the flashlight flies through the air, clattering onto the floor and lighting up each corner of the room as it spins on the hardwood.
Marco isn't phased. His gun barrel gleams in the strobing light, aimed towards the shadow as it lunges at him.
My mind is racing, trying to sift through my knowledge of myths and legends and ghosts at rapid speed to make sure we don't get fucking butchered by something we can't fucking see.
And that's when it clicks.
“Marco,” I shout, “The flashlight!”
His eyes fly to it, (amber irises, I note with a clench to my heart), but he leaps away from the jab just in time, rolling closer to the light and flicking it off with a sharp snap.
Silence follows – a heavy, thick silence – and I swallow as my sight ineffectively tries to adjust to the unnatural gloom.
“Marco,” I call, cautiously stepping even though I know it won't do us any good, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” a voice says, distantly to my right, “Clue me in on what we're fighting here.”
“A wraith.” I chew the inside of my lip, pulling at the skin. “I think.”
I hear Marco slowly take a breath. “Okay,” he murmurs, but I can hear the calculation in his measured words, “Intelligence?”
“Not much,” I reply, shifting the knife from one hand to the other nervously, “But it only fights in the light. Uses the shadows to move and attack.”
I wait. Another breath. My chest tightens.
“Okay,” Marco says again, “And I'm guessing we can only kill it in the light, right?”
I nod, but then realize how stupid that is. “Yeah.”
Something thumps at my side, hand wrapping around my bicep, but my gasp dies when I feel Marco's warm fingers squeeze my arm reassuringly.
“So, what's the plan?” he whispers.
I've stopped questioning how he can find me in the most unlikely circumstances – he could probably smell me a mile away, or maybe he just hears the pounding of my heart in how deathly quiet it is. God knows I do. I can barely see the outline of his face in this oppressive darkness, but I try to force my gaze to where I think his eyes are and level with him.
“Well,” I begin, swallowing, “We both have lights, right?” I poke my camera against where I think his arm is and when I'm met with his squishy chest I can't stop my smirk. “Let's light 'im up.”
I know he disapproves but he's also impressed, and I can hear it in his chuckle. His laughter caresses my cheeks before he slips away to the other side of the room, giving my bicep one more squeeze before he leaves my side. I try no to linger on the loss of his warmth, try not to think about the heat that is burning up my neck, and square my shoulders.
One hand tight around my knife. The other on the camera, finger on the shutter. Feet apart. Knees bent.
“Now!” I shout.
The room is illuminated – my camera flash and Marco's light are blinding – and the first thing my vision catches is the whisper of a black cloak, disappearing to my right.
Marco jumps and dives, shooting into the dark and brandishing his torch like a weapon, swinging and firing it in the direction he thinks the wraith is heading.
My camera is unsteady and cumbersome – I can barely get the shutter off in time with how heavy it is in my non-dominant hand and I'm bobbing and weaving more than fighting. I'm not as fast as Marco and it shows; I may have been running my whole life, but that sure as hell doesn't mean I can outmaneuver something I can't see.
Thankfully, Marco's drawn its attention so far but that doesn't put me at ease.
Marco's not the target here.
I manage to get another camera flash off as I take a hard right to the other side of the small room, skidding on the rotting floor, and that's when I hear the whispering. It's like a hiss in my ear; this nasty, sickly voice and it repeats the same thing over and over, clawing at my insides and sticking in my gut.
“Let me have,” It wheezes, “I want, I want, I want.”
It brushes the back of my neck, fingers long and thin and bony, and I whip around too fast. I'm frantic, movements slow and stupid and the camera shutter is loud in my ears as it clicks.
Marco skids in front of me before I can catch up. The wraith's limb – frighteningly quick and sharp as needles – slams him hard in the shoulder.
My voice cracks on his name.
Marco goes flying.
My mind is a blur. My breath is in my chest. Distantly, I hear his body smack against something, hear him thud onto something soft – the couch? I can't see, everything is fucking black – and then silence.
His flashlight cracks against the floor and flickers once before going out.
My mind is blank. I'm bathed again in this darkness, this black that sinks into my gut and sucks out the air of my lungs and I can't stop how my mind flies to Dad, to the empty socket where his eye used to be and the blood gushing down his face and I can almost see it, can see it swirling to focus in the ink and the guilt coils around my throat and I –
And I hear Marco groan through my haze. Hear him curse under his breath and shift against the cushions.
The rush of air in my lungs is dizzying. I would take the time to relish in his safety, but...
I wet my lips quickly and rip the strap off my neck. The floorboards creak as I crouch and I pause, waiting between heartbeats.
There's something that happens when your body goes through so much trauma and stress where you become stupidly lucid, and thankfully I'm one of those lucky sons-of-bitches that it happens to when it counts.
Or maybe it's the practice; I'm well versed in trauma and stress.
Hastily, I shift my weight and aim the camera between my knees, pointed up at an angle.
I snap the shutter and simultaneously thrust my knife in front of me, sinking deep into the shadows. A pair of orange eyes meet mine, shining and empty like the smiles of jack-o-lanterns, and the wraith screams.
I use my position to duck and roll out of the way just as it stabs the empty air, keeping my camera under me. I clamber to my knees as soon as I skid to a stop, knife heavy in my hands as the wraith writhes and hisses and shrieks.
There's a gasp, a sound like air being sucked into a vacuum, then nothing.
The heavy atmosphere lifts and it's like a breeze blows through; cooling my heated, sweating skin and taking the musty smell along with it. It's easier to breathe and though I hate the cliché, the air feels lighter. Comforting.
Moonlight spills through the cracks in the wooden slates that cover the windows and it bathes the living room in a tranquil blue, but my eyes fly to the couch and to the young man sitting on that ugly-ass upholstery.
Marco smiles at me weakly, covered in dust and plaster, and I nearly slip on the ash from the wraith on the ground as I race over to him. My legs are shaking so bad I'm surprised I even make it to him in one piece.
His irises fade from amber to that warm, honey brown I'm notorious for getting lost in, and I breathe out a sigh.
“You okay?” we both say at the same time. Marco laughs quietly – a mirthful, gentle sound – and I can't stop the way my mouth splits into a grin.
“Wanna skip this place and go to a shitty motel instead?” I venture.
Marco rolls his eyes but stands, sending soot into the air as he does so. Marco scrunches his nose, freckles bunching, and he hangs his head.
“Only if you write the charm on the door,” he retorts.
I sling the duffle bag onto my shoulder and punch him lightly in the arm. “Don't I always?”
Marco nudges me back and we walk out into the night, leaving the safe house behind to the ivy and the wind.
15 notes · View notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners – SyndRanker
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/09/05/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-syndranker/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners – SyndRanker
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/09/05/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-syndranker/
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syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips YK Linked
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/10/01/15-money-saving-tips-yk-linked/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips YK Linked
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/10/01/15-money-saving-tips-yk-linked/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips SyndRanker
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/10/01/15-money-saving-tips-syndranker/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners JMLinPage
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/07/30/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-jmlinpage/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners StumbleUpon
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/07/29/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-stumbleupon/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners IMWithYVESK
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/07/29/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-imwithyvesk/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners IMWithYVESK
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/07/29/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-imwithyvesk/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners Imgur 1
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/07/29/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-imgur-1/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners – Blogger
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/09/27/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-blogger/
0 notes
syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners Medium
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/07/29/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-medium/
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syndranker1 · 5 years
15 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners – Blogger
According to CNBC, American dog owners spend upwards of $2,000 per year on routine care and maintenance for each of their pups. If there is a medical emergency, that figure can easily sore above $10,000. With these tips, you can give your furry family members the best of the best and save money in the process! 1. Make Your Own Products: -DIY Dog Beds IMAGE CREDIT: 99PALLETS  There was a time when pallets were tossed out like useless garbage. Now, there are countless DIY projects from holiday decorations to trendy dog beds to be made with these free (or at least inexpensive) wooden platforms. The hardest part about these pallet beds is choosing which one your pup will like best! -DIY Toys IMAGE CREDIT: INSTRUCTABLES  The internet is overflowing with fun, innovative ideas for creating toys from household items or inexpensive bric-a-brac. Here’s a roundup of 33 different options to brighten up any pup’s toybox for less. -DIY Healthy Treats IMAGE CREDIT: DOGGY DESSERT CHEF  A single bag of treats made from high-quality, domestically-sourced ingredients can cost upwards of $20! Making your own not only allows you to control exactly what your furry friend eats, chances are you already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win! -DIY Pill Pockets Does your pooch require daily medication? Is she too smart to fall for the old pill-in-cheese trick? Squishy, delicious Pill Pockets are a wonderful way to ensure your dog swallows her meds, but they can be quite expensive.  This simple, no-bake DIY recipe requires just three ingredients: milk, crunchy peanut butter and the flour of your choice – try almond, pups love it! 2. Take Advantage Of “Frequent Buyer” Promos Whether it’s a rewards card to a pet supply store or a frequent buyer program direct from the manufacturer, you can save on the essential products you purchase regularly. Big box stores like PetSmart offer “Pet Perks” for members such as in-store discounts, members-only online coupons, and customized email alerts to let you know when your favorite products go on sale. Many of the major pet food manufacturers also offer benefits to their loyal customers like Buy-10-Get-One-Free programs or customer appreciation coupons.   3. “Clip” Coupons With websites like Coupons.com and Groupon, you don’t have to steal your neighbor’s newspaper to cash in on money-saving offers! In addition, several websites have emerged with the sole purpose of selling discounted pet products. Doggyloot and Coupaw offer their members up to 75% off retail savings and free shipping on dog treats, chews, toys, food and accessories. Dog.com posts frequent “doorbusters” and promo codes such as 20 – 30% off your entire purchase – just remember to take shipping into account. Wag.com was recently purchased by Amazon, allowing you to acquire many of their deeply-discounted pet products with free Prime shipping. Even non-Prime members get free shipping on purchases of $49 or more.   4. Score Free Products If you are willing to invest a small amount of your time writing reviews, websites like PINCHme will reward you with free goodies! You simply fill out a profile, select the products you’d like to try, and the company will send you a monthly package of samples to try out and review completely free – including shipping! SnagShout is another way to score free loot. Joining the group gives you access to free or deeply discounted products from Amazon in exchange for your honest review. They offer a wide range of categories – including pet supplies. 5. Buy Food In Bulk & Store It Properly Lugging around gigantic bags of dog food may be a pain, but the savings are worth it! The cost per pound of kibble tends to go down as the weight goes up. Check the expiration date and store it properly in your home to ensure it stays fresh. 6. Make Your Own Pet-Safe Household Cleanser Pet-safe household cleaners can be costly, but you probably already have the ingredients to make your own. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a tried-and-true method for cleaning and deodorizing almost any pet mess. 7. Use Gloves & A Squeegee For Hair Removal Do you find yourself constantly lint-rolling your sofa to remove pet hair? Rubber dish gloves and squeegees effectively extract shed hair from carpets and furniture – plus, you only need to purchase them once.   8. Extend The Life Of Your Pet Shampoo Did you know that almost all dog shampoos/conditioners are intended to be diluted? That means you are washing money down the drain if you use it as-is. Instead, dispense a small amount into a plastic pitcher, mix with warm water, pour over your pup, and lather! 9. Wipe Those Paws You can preserve your flooring and furniture while saving money on household cleaning products by wiping your dog’s paws before she enters the house. High-quality grooming wipes can also remove allergens, prevent excess yeast build-up, and keep your dog smelling fresh between baths. 10. Trim Nails At Home Having your dog’s nails professionally trimmed is not a major expense – typically between $10 and $20 – but these fees add up over time. If you are comfortable and have someone to help you, consider trimming your dog’s nails at home. You can also try a few methods to extend the time between trims. 11. See The Vet Regularly The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the absolute truth. Dogs are extremely stoic, and waiting until they “seem sick” to see your vet may cost you big bucks – and precious time with your pooch. The money you spend on regular head-to-toe checkups could end up saving you thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, not to mention a lifetime of regret. 12. Prioritize Dental Health Caring for your dog’s teeth is one of the most important aspects of care you can provide. Not only will maintaining a healthy mouth save you money on expensive dental procedures, oral health also impacts your dog’s heart, liver, kidneys and overall wellbeing. You can even use coconut oilinstead of buying specialty doggy toothpaste. Additional Tip: Should your dog need a dental cleaning, many veterinarians offer discounted procedures during National Pet Dental Health Month each February. 13. Watch The Waistline Obesity in dogs can lead to expensive and life-threatening health problems like diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In addition, over-feeding your pup will add up exponentially in extra food over the years. Instead, make healthy diet and exercise choices on behalf of your pup – his health and your wallet will thank you! 14. Invest In Pet Insurance Or Open A Savings Account No matter what your opinion is on pet insurance, preparing for an emergency makes good financial sense. Some pet insurance policies only cover unexpected accidents and illnesses, while others offer discounts on routine care as well. If you decide to purchase insurance for your dog, do so as soon as possible since premiums tend to increase with age. You may also want to add your dog to your car insurance. Many companies, such as Progressive, have programs that will cover your dog’s vet bills in the event of an accident. If you prefer to avoid the risk/reward gamble of paying into pet insurance, consider opening an interest-accruing savings account for your dog’s veterinary care. If your dog remains healthy, you are not out money for insurance premiums; but if there is an emergency, you will be financially prepared. 15. Adopt Don’t Shop If you are planning to add a new dog to your family, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group rather than buying from a pet store or a breeder. Adoption fees vary widely, but tend to cover much of the costly care a puppy needs in his or her first year including vaccines, spay/neuter, microchip and veterinary exams. In addition, many shelter dogs have already undergone training which will save you money on professional trainers, potty training pads, etc. If you have your heart set on a specific breed, keep in mind that 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. Sites like PetFinder allow you to search for adoptable dogs all over the country by age, breed, gender and geographic location so you can find your perfect pooch-match! https://strategiesmarketing.wordpress.com/2018/09/27/15-money-saving-tips-for-dog-owners-blogger/
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