#it'll be all the sweeter collecting that degree knowing that i've had to make some big decisions along the way
adhd-sorcha · 4 years
URL Change! (soon)
Hello everyone! I have a bit of an announcement. I’m withdrawing from my PhD program.
As it turns out, trying to speed run straight from school to undergrad to postgrad to another postgrad, with a continent move thrown in for good measure, all with undiagnosed ADHD is actually really bad for your mental health! Who knew?!
I’ve decided it’s best to take a break. I’m going to go to work for a few years and then try a PhD again. I genuinely believe that it’s well within my ability to do a PhD (and yours, if that’s what you want to do!) but not in the mental state that I’m in now.
A PhD is a marathon, not a sprint, and you wouldn’t keep training for a marathon on a broken leg, would you? No. You wouldn’t be able to train properly, you wouldn’t be able to run the actual marathon and you would probably do permanent damage to your leg. It would just be a complete waste of time and you wouldn’t get any enjoyment out of it.
It’s the same with this. I want to be able to enjoy my studies the same way I did in undergrad. I loved my subject then, but I’m tired and I need a break.
In the meantime, I’m looking for research assistant work in a university lab, so a very similar environment to the PhD, just without the added pressure of being a student (and hopefully better pay??) 
I’ll still be running this blog. I definitely have advice on what not to do in college! XD As well as if people want information on what working in a lab environment is like for ADHD or what my college experience has been like so far. I’ll also be going through the job application/interview process soon enough (T_T) so that’s some fun that I’m going to inflict on you all!
Please don’t be disheartened if you see this. Please don’t think that this is a sign that it can’t be done with ADHD. It can!! But, unfortunately too many problems went undiagnosed (ADHD) and unaddressed (depression and anxiety) for too long and I need to look after myself before attempting to go any further.
So, I’ll be changing my URL soon. I have one or two ideas, but I haven’t decided yet. 
TL;DR: I’m withdrawing from my PhD as I feel that it’s not the best time to do one due to unaddressed mental health issues. I will do one at some point in the future though. In the mean time, I hope to continue working in a lab environment. I will keep running this blog, feel free to continue sending in questions. I will obviously be changing my URL soon though (I haven’t decided on what I’ll change it to though yet!)
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