#it's 3 am and i haven't slept and this it first thing i've drawn in days
Cat/Mouse/Den EXTRA! Getaway Fever
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AN: This is the quick story a personal friend wrote based on Cat/Mouse/Den! I actually vastly prefer his writing to my own because I feel like it fits König's POV much better. Everyone tell him how good it is in the comments to fluster him <3
He walks along the base of a gradually sloping desert-esque hill, with trees and high rising scrub against the base of the hill, up it, and maybe even over it. The occasional tree, large stone, or elsewise normal scenery slowly passes him as he patrols. Then the wind catches him. 
 He sucks in a breath, and takes in the scene in, in a different way. The smell of acacia, a light rain from this morning, and something else. It's different, not new. Out of place. The smell lingers in the back of his throat. Makes his arm hair stand. ‘Ich geisteskrank’  he thinks, (I’m insane)
 He closes his eyes, for a few seconds, as another whipping wind rolls down the hills, breaks around his form. 
 And this time he closes his eyes, and breathes in deeper. And he catches it again. 
 “No closer.” A cool, flat tone, from the radio at his hip. There's almost an edge of excitement or thrill on the end of the words that come over the radio. It's her. Of course
 So all he does is lean back on a small boulder, just less than a yard behind him. It's funny how no matter where the line is drawn, it seems to always be in a comfortable place. Maybe it’s that he could make himself comfortable in her presence, anywhere. Maybe that she makes sure he’s comfortable wherever he may be. But he does stop, and he takes up post. And she watches closely as the tension seems to leave him. 
 His shoulders drop, half a foot, from where he holds them. He slouches a little. He even rolls his neck, to stretch. And as he does, he stops, about halfway up his right shoulder. 
 She can't see it perfectly from over 70 yards. But he's making eyes at her. The crisp desert air, or maybe a lucky delusion, brought her right to him. 
 “Hallo, Maus.” His voice is high. It means “I missed you so”
 “König.” Her voice hides her eagerness. It means “You made me wait.” But she continues “Don’t move a muscle.” It means 
 “I missed what you look like.”
  He draws his favorite knife, and rolls it around in his hand, idly. He cant think of what to say, but and it's eating at him instantly. Like hes running out of time. Like she’ll shoot him for his lack of etiquette, or for worse- boring her. In an antsy fervor, he wracks his brain for something clever. Impressive? Entertaining? His hands move on their own accord, and start passing the blade back and forth. It snaps from hand to hand, almost moving so fast it can only be seen on departure and reentry from one palm to another. 
“Das es not my first place to pick on vacation. Yet we’re both here?”
Her eyes roll back into her skull, and after a second of him wanting to cut out his own tongue, she throws him a rope. “Just enjoying the pool, maybe the view too. It's not half bad.”
Her smirk is audible. ‘I am going to explode’  He thinks. But it comes out as “Have you tried the uhh… mini bar? Or the breakfast?”
“No, I haven't, I've been sleeping in.”
 She’s maybe slept half an hour in the past 24, not wanting to chance missing him. “Is it any good..?” She entertains the idea. In her mind, she doesn't imagine it being a bad place for such amenities, or at least how much better it would make things.
It goes on, and they play pretend for a little.
 It's hushed, and quiet, and statements usually finish with “It would be nice.” But it makes a good pass time, as they draw up and design the perfect little vacation together. And, eventually the sun sets, and two shadows head to camp, and report nothing. No imaginary hotel, or imaginary margaritas, or even imaginary golden orange sunlight that creeps through imaginary curtains as the twilight spreads across the arid landscape. 
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introvertedwolf · 3 years
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(this guy is owned by @theriverpersonshadow)
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Clavis Lelouch. Propose to you.
Chapter 1. Part 1/1
I've been curious for a long time.
Clavis: .... Hmm? What's the matter, you're looking at me like that.
Clavis: No, you don't have to stop. I'm a nice guy, so it's only natural that your eyes are drawn to me.
Clavis: I don't mind if you stare at me until morning, do you?
MC: No, it's not like that.
As usual, in Mr. Clavis' arms, I breathe to soothe my burning body.
My whole body is tired, and if I turn over the sheets I can still see traces of our affair, so it's an awkward moment, but it's a happy time, before I fall asleep, when I can feel Mr. Clavis the most.
(Today is the day...I have to listen to him.)
(No, but how about hearing it? I wonder...)
(But I don't know how to ask that....)
(Probably shouldn't after all...)
(...I feel like someday I'll have to deal with this, too!)
This isn't the first time I've been bothered by questions like this.
I noticed it after I became a lover of Mr. Clavis some time ago, and have been pondering it for a long time.
Clavis: Hmm? You can't sleep?
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Clavis: Then I'll sing you a lullaby with love.
MC: No, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep... I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do it.
(Let's hear it. I'm already burning with curiosity!)
MC: Mr. Clavis said that...
MC: ..Umm..
Clavis: If you have something to say, say it loud and clear, okay?
MC:...it's hard to say it out loud...
MC: It's painful... isn't it?
Part 1/2
Clavis: Is it painful? What is it?..
(Am I the only one who cares. .... No, but I don't think so.)
Steam is about to blow out of my face, but I'm determined not to pull away today.
I carry Mr. Clavis's shirt tightly and shake off the shame.
MC: Always... I feel like I'm the only one who feels comfortable...
Clavis: ....
MC: ... You know what I mean, don't you?
(This smirking face... Unbelievable!)
Mr. Clavis stroked my hair with a smirk and a smile of amusement.
Clavis: Could you be more specific and clear?
MC: Well, that's why...
Mr. Clavis's long fingers traced the lines of my body, as if to cause the fever to begin to subside.
(This is it... If I've gone this far, let's hear the end of it!)
MC: Оh! You've never really slept with me, have you?!
When I asked the question in a burnt-out, shouting manner, Mr. Clavis blew up laughing.
Clavis:...Ha! I never thought I'd be asked such a direct question... And you're so red... Ha-ha-ha!
MC: I thought Mr. Clavis told me to speak up!
Clavis: Yeah, that's right. But I didn't think you felt unsatisfied.
Mr. Clavis flips up the hem of his negligee and hurriedly holds it down with his hand.
A body that has been loved so much before does not have enough energy left to withstand a second caress.
MC: Oh, I've had enough! It's just that Mr. Clavis...
Clavis: Hmm... I'm gonna be honest with you, it's hard, okay?
Part 1/3
Without hiding it, easily, Mr. Clavis admitted.
(...It was hard, I knew it.)
Clavis: But I have no plans to hold you at the moment.
MC: Why not?
(.... even though we are lovers)
Clavis: Why is a funny thing to ask. Did you forget that I'm a gentleman?
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Clavis: Your first time is precious. I'm not going to take it away from you until we're engaged, okay?
MC: ...
MC: ...That's the reason, isn't it?
(Yes, that's right. Mr. Clavis was that kind of person.)
Although Mr. Clavis looks like a terrible catastrophe, in a strange way he is disciplined and serious.
Once I knew the reason, I fell into his arms and this time I laughed.
MC: ...Thank you for taking care of me.
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Clavis: I can't believe you just realized that. I've always cared about you, haven't I?
MC: I knew that, but it was more than I had imagined.
(I like this kind of thing.)
I reached out and hugged Mr. Clavis and felt him spring to life.
Clavis: ... I can't believe you would do something like that after what you just said.
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Clavis: No... If you have more than a lover's relationship, I'll be free from suffering, right?
(More than a lover ...In other words, engagement)
The words, unfamiliar to me, seeped into my heart.
(I'd be lying if I said I never thought about it at all...)
(...Someday I'll be married to Mr. Clavis, I know...)
The thought of it brought up an inexpressible feeling of joy...
Part 1/4
(What?... I guess...)
I was puzzled because I had no idea of the feelings that were pouring into my heart.
When I closed my mouth, the hand on my cheek turned my face up and...
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Clavis: Why are you silent?
His adorable golden eyes are carefully on me to probe my mind.
MC: No, no! I never thought about it until now.
MC: Someday, I will marry Mr. Clavis, won't I?
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Clavis: Yeah, right? I'm not gonna let you go for the rest of my life.
(...I know that)
The thought of Mr. Clavis made my heart skip a beat so fast that it seemed to soar, but for some reason, I could not rejoice in an honest way.
The next day, under a piercing blue sky, it was people's screams of joy and sorrow that echoed through the air.
Clavis: Well, bride and groom. In our country, celebrations are supposed to be filled with joy.
Clavis: Therefore, I, the King, have prepared a very special surprise for you.
Attendee 1: Aaaaah! Petals are suddenly blowing out of the ground!
Attendee 2: Aaah! Something fell from the ceiling!
Attendee 3: *cough* *choke* ...! What's with all the petals? What's wrong?
(... Wow, this is a wedding, isn't it?)
Today, a wedding ceremony was being held in the "Kingdom of Lelouch", which was founded by Mr. Сlavis.
The event was a celebration of new beginnings for a refugee woman who had fled from Obsidian to Clavis's country, and for a merchant man who had originally settled in the area.
The king, Mr. Clavis, wanted to congratulate them, so he rode to the church and here we are.
(It's a mess.)
I don't know how it happened, but artificial flowers blowing out from everywhere fill the church.
Clavis: Wedding in a sea of flowers...Romantic, isn't it?
Groom: Yes, it would be romantic if the quantity were a little more moderate!
Bride: .... Everyone is buried, is it okay?
Clavis: Anyway, Mr. Groom. I've got to take a look at you. The moment the flowers fell from the ceiling, you immediately protected your bride, didn't you?
Part 1/5
Bride: ..Yes. I met him because of you, Mr. Clavis.
Clavis: Haha, no. You only met him because you were meant to meet him.
Clavis: By the looks of it, we're in it for the long haul.
(Of all the people gathered in this church, Mr. Clavis seems to be the most enthusiastic.)
The bride was one of those previously brutally persecuted by Obsidian and sheltered by Mr. Clavis.
The attendees looked out from the sea of flowers and all grinned in unison as the groom embraced his bride in a bottomless embrace in front of Mr. Clavis, who stood at the altar.
Perhaps it was an unconscious action, but the groom, who suddenly let go of his bride, was red-faced.
(Funny, isn't it?)
Mr. Clavis may have aimed for this and had a lot of flowers erupt from the ceiling, floor, and walls.
Clavis: No need to be shy. You chose a good groom as your partner, didn't you?
From a situation where they did not know if they would live to see tomorrow, they have found a happy life, and not only the people themselves, but also the king, Mr. Clavis, and all the people in the town are celebrating.
(The country seems to reflect the personality of Mr. Clavis).
(.... I like that.)
I think about this as I sit in a corner of the church.
Сlavis: Well, it's time for the bouquet toss, which everyone here has been waiting for!
When Mr. Clavis, who officiated today's wedding, announced it in a joyful voice, the people drowning in a sea of petals, regardless of gender, rolled up their sleeves and strained.
Such frivolity may be typical of Mr. Clavis's country.
Suddenly I see the bride's and his eyes meet.
(What is it?.. I think you smiled at me...)
Bride: Okay, here we go.
The bride turns her back and flies a bouquet of mauve roses, of which there are many in this country, into the air.
I followed the roses with my eyes, a shade somewhat reminiscent of Mr. Clavis's....The bouquet flew in a straight line toward me and settled in my hands.
Clavis: What on Earth is this?
Clavis: Finally, I guess it's time for us to have our own ceremony, huh?
1. There are spoilers in the translation.
2. 🤨😅🕵️‍♀️ Either I must have translated it through my ass, or the game contradicts itself. I thought the "first time" was a long time ago.
They definitely had something about the romantic ending and the event stories. But… Maybe it never got to the end.
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