#it's Shover at round 2 man
tahobitz · 1 year
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y’all better vote for Shez in the voting gauntlet 
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bewaretheundead91 · 5 years
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A very Eventful Christmas Part 3: The unanticipated
Summary: You are on your way back to Washington D.C. to spend time with your family for Christmas. On your way you run into a man from your past.
Duncan Shepherd X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: none, but this is a slow burn, inspired by cheesy Christmas rom com tropes. So there are a lot of rom com tropes/clichés here. There is plot here.
A/N: I’m a sucker for the slow burn so there is no instant gratification here, but there is cuteness. Will be re-edited for mistakes. Also this plot can sound really unrealistic and it’s not supposed to be...it’s fiction. Is it a little AU? Maybe.
Part 1 Part 2
My Michael Langdon Fics
You sit back in your seat giving yourself some time to calm your nerves and the prickling embarrassment that stung the parts of your body that Duncan quickly held to prevent you from being injured. You stare out the window to see country side covered in a thick layer of snow, that seemed to make the darkness of night time not so dark. Along the tracks were tall lights that kept everything illuminated outside as far as you can see. The tall lamps creates a magical scene with the landscape.
You take another breath in, feel your phone buzz, and pull it out to see a text from Erica and from your sister who was expecting to be married soon. You slide open Erica’s message. Wine huh, she responds, thats something, just try and relax. You slide open the message from your sister. Hey Y/N, She greets, I’m so excited for my big sister to be back in town. I have so many people need to meet. We have so much to plan for my wedding. I love you and I’ll see you soon. And you’re going to love the bridesmaid dresses. At that moment you wished the train would just move off the tracks or find a way to delay your arrival back to town. Nothing was going to be more embarrassing than arriving back with stories to tell of Duncan Shepherd sort of being a gentlemen and your sister potentially being married off before you. In high society, these sort of things don’t go unnoticed among families. I’m still young, you think to yourself, in my 20s and young.
Suddenly a phone in the distance starts ringing and Maria Carry’s All I want for Christmas starts playing. Instantly the image of Duncan Shepherd in a Christmas sweater singing at your door step pops back into your head. Oh please don’t, you think to yourself, I can’t deal with this. You remember how soft his appearance was in your dream, with his loose dark hair and warm smile and at the same time materialistic, comparing you to a diamond. You shake your head and a pang of pain shoots through your heart. Of all the men and even women you’ve been around, Duncan was the guy to star in this Christmas movie theme dream you had. I saw him today and that’s it, you think again, it was only because I keep running into him. Jessica walks down the isle and you shoot a hand up to get her attention.
“Jessica,” You practically shout. “May I have a glass of water.”
“Opposed to the wine you refuse from me.” Duncan says loudly in the distance and you hear a round of laughter.
“Please anything, that isn’t alcoholic.” You say looking sorry.
“Yes, right away.” She smiles.
“Thank you.”
Suddenly there was a need for the bathroom. You stand up looking around the car for the nearest bathroom and to your luck and of course surprise, it was located in the very front of the car. You curse yourself as you eyes land back on Duncan’s luscious hair moving as he was talking to yet another train attendant and having a full on animated conversation. Once Jessica catches onto her fellow attendant getting more attention than her she makes a stop by Duncan. My water, you think to yourself, my damn water Jessica.
“So what is a man such as yourself doing taking a train to D.C.,” Jessica buts in, placing a hand on her hips. “Shouldn’t you be riding first class on a plain? You look like you have great taste and great taste…”
You shake your head at the very blunt comment Jessica is making. You step out of your seat and watch as the train attendant leans over and presses her hand to Duncan’s shoulder. His eyes lock on her physical contact. Your body holds in a rich laugh remembering how easy he had with the ladies growing up and you begin to walk towards the bathroom.
“I like to avoid a big commotion and at least once a year I take the train just to have some time to myself,” He says with a big smile. “There is just something so relaxing about looking out the window and watching the scenery as the train passes by.”
“Oh pardon us.” Jessica politely says moving aside to allow you to walk through. 
Duncan sits up straight in his seat and you walk by. You swear you hear him take in a deep inhale. Quickly you shover yourself into the small bathroom and empty your bladder. As you wash your hands you look up in the mirror and point a finger at your reflection.
“No,” You say to yourself. “No, yes he’s handsome and yes one of the most eligible men in D.C., but no bitch! No!”
You point at the heart beating unbearably fast in your chest and curse at it.
“No!” You practically shout. “He’s probably with someone else anyways.”
You dry your hands off and step out of the bathroom to see the train attendants were gone and Duncan was now gazing outside of his window with his head resting in his hand. You could faintly see the snow coating the ground outside and fir trees with a dusting of snow. He perks a head up as you start walking back. A smile appears on the corner of his mouth.
Then unanticipatedly, the train begins to jut back and forth on it’s tracks. You take a step and your ankle twists flinging your forward down the isle. You land with a loud thud. Duncan shoots out of his seat and rushes down the isle toward you. The train juts again and the power twitches, he shoots forward and falls in your direction. He lands with his body almost on top you with his own strong arms keeping him up in a push up position. 
“Are you okay?” He ask looking down at you. He presses his lips together tightly trying to keep up right.
“I’m fine,” You say gazing up at him with large eyes. You look down at this arms, shaking in their locked position. “I should have listened to you.”
“You should have stayed in your seat,” He laughed warmly. The power goes out on the train and a round of screams are heard from near by cars. “Looks like we are in a predicament.”
“Looks like it.” 
The train juts again making Duncan arms give out and lose his balance. His body comes crashing down on top of you knocking the air out of her chest and making you wrap your arms around his back. In reaction you open your legs to soften the blow. The scruff of his beard scratches at the side of your neck and jawline and his hair ticks at the high peaks of her cheeks bones. You feel his chest breathing heavily.
“I’m so sorry,” He says instantly being helped off of you. You see Jessica giving you a disapproving look. He extends a hand. “Are you okay? I’m asking genuinely concerned. By now you have to be bruised some where.”
“I think so.” You say cautiously grabbing it. You stand up and press a hand to your chest still feeling the weight of his body on top of you.
“Everyone don’t panic it looks like we have ran into some train trouble.”
“You don’t say.” You were secretly thankful.
You step off the train and meet a wall of wintery mixed precipitation. Your hand quickly grab the lapels of your jacket to hold it close. Due to the inconvenience of the train, the train station was offering half price for hotel stay at the closest hotel. Those who were willing to pay for a room ventured out in the weather to find it.
You arrive at what looks to be an oversized log cabin lined with Christmas lights. On the lawn were lit up Christmas gifts shapes along with lit up deer. It made you smile. Approaching the door you realized that Duncan Shepherd had not followed you or made his way to this specific hotel. The thought brings a feeling of relief to your body and the embarrassment from earlier dissipates and is was being replaced with the idea of of a relaxing shower or bath.  
Mounted on the doors were two large Christmas wreath decorated in glittery animal shaped ornaments and holly. With relief in sight you pull open the door and instantly get whiff of fresh baked gingerbread cookies and the scent of fir trees. On the back wall of the hotel lobby was a crackling fire surrounded by cushioned chairs and couches. You take a deep breath in feeling like you were someone how in a cheesy Christmas movie. Quickly you search for a check-in desk, and standing with a cheerful smile across her aged face, stands an older woman wearing a Christmas sweater of snow flake and fir tree print. You shake off remaining snow from your hair and approach the desk.
“Hello, this place looks unreal,” You greet with wide eyes taking in all the details. “This place is real right?”
“Yes it is!” The woman laughs. “I just love Christmas and tend to go all out, we didn’t put out the snow, the weather did that, but it’s a nice touch isn’t it?”
“It is,” You say laughing at her joke. “I was wondering if you had any rooms available for the evening?”
“Let me check.”
At that moment the door opens to the front of the hotel revealing wavy side swept hair and slender frame of no other than Duncan Shepherd. In his hand was the handle of a rather large piece of luggage. He looks down at the leather bag in your hand and shakes his head.
“I’ll take a room please,” You say pulling out your wallet. “Any room, small or big.”
“I’ll also take a room.” Duncan rolls his luggage and stands besides you.
“Okay let me take a look, I know we told the train station that we had a few vacancies, but it looks like the folks who got here already took every room except for the honeymoon sweet.”
“Surely there has to be other rooms available, as in plural.” You side eye Duncan and feel your cheeks start to burn.
“I’ll take the room,” Duncan interjects handing over a black credit card. “If Ms. Y/L/N does not want it I’ll take it.”
“I was here first and I’ll take the room. He can sleep on the couch in the lobby if that is okay.”
“You two know each other?” The woman side eyes you and then looks at Duncan with a particular grin that makes you feel anxious. “A lover’s spat perhaps?”
“Excuse me?” You ask and Duncan starts to laugh. 
“Yes,” Duncan’s eyes light up. He extends an arm around your shoulders. “We will take the honeymoon sweet, my girlfriend and I just got into a terrible fight since our travel plans have been delayed due to the train. Therefore I’m paying for the room. I’ll find a way to make it up to her. You wouldn’t have any red wine on hand would you? I know it’s late.”
The woman lets out a strange giggle and you shove his arm off from around you. The woman swipes Duncan’s card and hands it back to him then hands him a set of keys. Lastly she hands him a menu for room service.
“The kitchen is closed, but I can grab a bottle for you. Glasses should already be up in the room. Just follow me.”
Anger was boiling in the pit of your stomach and you internally were having a conversation with yourself questioning if you should share a room with Duncan or not. He looks at you and grabs the leather bag from your hand and shoots you a smile.
“I’ll sleep in the bathroom,” He whispers and your eyes lock on his romantic lips. “Don’t worry about it. We just want sleep right? It’s only for the night.”
“What if someone finds out?” You ask leaning down to grab you carryon. 
“No one will find out. No one knows who I am here. No one knows who you are here.” He assures you.
“I don’t like this.”
“Of course you don’t, you haven’t liked anything since you left D.C.”
“Excuse me?” You ask.
“Are you both coming?” The woman asks. “Follow me. In the morning you along with the rest of the guests will have a nice breakfast. It comes with the room. We have a lovely dining area where there is a fire place. You both will love it.”
It sounds like something you would enjoy if you were not around Duncan Shepherd of all men. You shoot Duncan one last glare and start to follow the woman up a flight of stairs. You can feel his eyes on the back of your head or at least you were assuming he was watching you.
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