#it's a bigger reunion than just Alice and Jervis this time
Reunions 2 [Part 6]
Reunions 2  [part 1] [Part 2] [part 3] [Part 4] [Part 4.5] [Part 5]
(Hang onto your butts. There’s a lot of exposition in this one!)
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As if to purposely contrast the grim nature of the events of their lives the sun shined brightly overhead in the Gotham sky. Surely there was no other reason for the odd weather. Gotham never had sunshine unless something was wrong.
And there were jokes to be made about Jervis Tetch not being familiar with seeing the sun given his roots.
He sat alone in the adorable little guest room, just watching out the window through the curtain. He could see the street beyond the small, fenced back yard of Alice’s apartment and all the people passing on it. Life was going on as normal even though this was the most unusual day there could be. Even in this most unusual of cities.
He’d considered wandering out of the room, but he worried what awaited outside.It was the weekend. Alice wasn’t at work. Meaning she was home. With him. Ready to shove him down the stairs for reasons he didn’t fully understand. It was for those reasons he didn’t really get any sleep either. He greatly wanted to look around the home but something told him that would be a poor decision on his part.
Oh, but this was the first time Alice had actually invited him to be in her home! True the circumstances were a bit... Unsavory.
Deciding to just get on with his day Tetch grabbed his clothes and dressed himself for the day. He’d been awake all night but the sun had been up for long enough that surely dear Alice was awake. And when he went to the door he could already hear her voice coming from the level below. Talking to someone, but he couldn’t tell who. Perhaps she was on the phone?
He peeked out the door, slowly pushing it open before he stepped out into the hall. Jervis’ blue eyes wandered the walls, looking over the wallpaper and the well cared for hardwood floors. Alice kept a lovely home. But what else could be expected from the most lovely woman he’d ever known? He made his way down the stairs. He made it about half way when he realized that Alice’s conversation wasn’t in fact over the phone.
“So, let me get this straight. Your solution to thinkin’ he might have somethin’ to do with this.... Is lettin’ him stay in your house? How’s that make sense?”
“Because if he is behind it, he can’t do anything with me watching him.”
“And he can’t be watched in Arkham?”
“No. Because if he gets arrested legitimately and not by Batman he doesn’t go to Arkham. He goes to prison.”
“And what’s wrong with that?!”
Jervis paused, hand hovering over the railing as the living room came into view. The two voices, Alice’s and what seemed to be a gruff sounding man’s, were coming from the kitchen. He leaned around carefully, balanced on the edge of a step as he peeked over. He couldn’t see much of the other fellow but he could see enough to know it wasn’t her boyfriend. He was too short and a little smaller. And older. The brown hair atop his head was beginning to grey.
“What’s wrong is that if he gets thrown in jail they aren’t going to care that it might not be his fault. They’ll throw him in a cell and close the case.They’ll stop looking for the person behind this because on paper it looks like his work.... And you know better than anyone how the GCPD is.”
The man didn’t respond. Not at first. Jervis could hear what he assumed to be a frustrated sigh. Just who did this old man think he was? Telling Alice what to do in her own home!
..... Something in the very back of his mind thought that was ironic but he paid it no mind. Didn’t seem relevant at the time.
Cautiously, Tetch stepped down the remainder of the stairs, shoes softly landing on the wood floor as he entered the living area around the front door. He was in full view now and Alice quickly took note of him, her cornflower blue eyes lifting from where ever they’d been staring off to settle on him. It made his heart flutter in a way only her gaze ever could!
But she looked as pleased to see him as she did the night before.
“Ah. There you are.” She greeted him coldly, taking a sip of what smelled like coffee from where he was standing. Yuck.
The older man’s face looked just as thrilled as he turned to look at the blonde man who just made his entrance. They were perfect strangers but it seemed this gentleman already had an opinion of the Hatter. And it didn’t seem to be one of high regard.
“Well, look who it is.” The man spoke, his voice thick with the accent most common to Gotham. That sort of quasi-Boston accent that only the upper crust or the lowest lives seemed to have. Tetch couldn’t peg the man for which he belonged to. “I was wonderin’ when you were gonna show your face.”
Jervis approached, shoulders square as he sized this new fellow up. He looked several years older than Tetch. Perhaps a decade older. So not one of Alice’s peers, most likely. His clothes were a mix of formal and the most casual of clothes. With a hooded jacket over top of a pressed blue, collared shirt and black slacks. He wore steel toe boots that were oddly clean given the intent those shoes are often worn for. And his face was covered by a bushy, but well maintained beard with streaks of grey to match his hair. But the blue in his eyes was unmistakable.
“How do you do?” Jervis finally greeted, smiling in a way that didn’t fully reach his eyes. “Family of Alice’s I assume?”
He offered his hand for a handshake but the other man didn’t take kindly to it. Not only was the offer snubbed thoroughly, Tetch’s hand was harshly slapped away. How rude! Not the greatest at first impressions, this guy.
“Save it, nutjob. We ain’t friends.” He pointed out, arms crossing squarely across his chest as he stared down his straight, narrow nose at the Englishman. “Not after what you did to my daughter...”
... Oh.
.... OH.
Jervis felt his stomach drop and his heart stop. Alice’s father? This was Alice father. He was meeting his dear Alice’s- Oh, dear. Oh, no. This-... Is this how he dies?
“S-... Sir.” Jervis Stammered, not sure if he should be delighted to finally meet what he thought at one point might be his future in-law, or terrified that said future in-law looked as if he were about to rip his heart out of his rib cage.
“Jervis this is my father.” Alice introduced him with a bland, tired tone to her voice. Jervis wondered if she had gotten any sleep either. “Dad this is the man who ruined my life. But you knew that already.”
... Ouch. Jervis tried not to give her a look but it was rather difficult. The comment stung like a barb. He’d only ever wanted her to be happy. Was that such a crime? Sure his methods were a tad... Extreme... But it was love!
“Oh, yeah. I knew it already.. And let me make one thing clear, pal.” her father walked closer, Jervis pedaling backwards. “I know what you did to my daughter.. I know what you did to her fiance. And what you did to my son... And if I find out you’re tryin’ to get my little girl killed because you couldn’t get your way-”
“Ah-!” Jervis yelped as his back hit the wall, trapping himself between it and this threatening, older male.
“- There won’t be a body for anyone to find.” The elder Pleasance growled, his voice dripping with an earnest, murderous intent. The tone of voice that only a hardened criminal came make seem sincere. Dear lord... Now he saw where Alice’s unknown temper came from. At least she did better to hide it than this man.
Jervis swallowed, nodding. He didn’t imagine Alice came from a family of killers but it was never safe to assume.
“Alright, that’s enough, Dad.” Alice intervened, grabbing her father by the sleeve and pulling him off of her ‘guest’. “He knows to stay in line. Right, Jervis?”
Jervis’ eyes fell on her and he nodded eagerly. Death threats were not a bluff one wanted to call when unarmed. Thankfully he was given his personal space back and he was free to breathe and emerge from the high collar of his jumper that he didn’t realize he’d been hiding in.
‘Dad’, as Tetch now knew him by, grumbled something to himself as he stomped off to grab the coffee pot from the maker and pour himself a cup. Mr. Pleasance didn’t seem a sunny time but it could be stress given the current circumstances. And, if he were honest, Jervis was confused as to why he was here. Alice had this handled fine! They already had the young Joseph helping so what was the need for another body in the mix? And this was before Alice inevitably called her new beau and told him what was going on.
Jervis was certainly not looking forward to that. He’d had enough of that sadist’s ‘punishments’ for a season. He at least wanted the weather to warm up first. Christ..
Exhaling in the hopes it would steady his heart, Jervis took the liberty of sitting at the table in one of the four chairs. Right where he’d met with Alice the last time they were in this room together.
“You need anything to eat?” Alice asked, moving past him to walk into her kitchen. “I’ve got waffles... Apples if you want one.”
A small smile turned up the corners of his mouth at her hospitality but he didn’t have much of an appetite. Not after the ‘conversation’ that just happened. But he wasn’t about to be rude in her home.
“An apple is fine. Thank you, dear Alice.”
Another grunt from Mr. Pleasance at that... Hm.
Alice didn’t seem to pay it any mind as she pulled out a shiny red apple and tossed it to the Hatter seated at her table. He caught it with ease and smiled gratefully her way. She didn’t even look at him.
“So. My dad and I have been talking about the situation-” Jervis didn’t tell her that he’d heard the latter half of their conversation, “And I think I have a plan that keeps us all safe.”
She grabbed an apple for herself, and pulled a knife from a drawer. As she walked to the table to sit across from Jervis she sliced into the flesh of the fruit and began to cut a wedge for herself.
“I’d love to hear it.” Mr. Pleasance hummed, standing against the kitchen island a few feet away. He didn’t seem too keen on sharing space with Mr. Tetch.
Alice didn’t say what it was at first, just cut her a sliver of apple and took a bite with a loud, satisfying crunch. The expression on her face was thoughtful. Perhaps she was mulling it over, thinking of the words to say.
“... Way I see it... We can’t find who did this by using a laptop. We need good equipment. So I figure we have two options.” She glanced between the two men, “We use one of your secret labs- not going to happen- or we call in a favor... Last I checked, all of your old equipment still falls under ‘evidence’ in your many criminal cases so your lab has been untouched for years. Meaning all your stuff is still there.”
Minus the mice he hoped!
“My old lab? I would have thought they’d have gotten someone to fill that place ages ago.” He mused, rolling his own apple between his hands across the surface of the table. “There were rumors that the bio-science divisions of Wayne Tetch got liquidated but I was certain my work was valuable enough to continue.”
“Well... You were half right.”Alice assured him, taking another crunchy bite of her apple before continuing, “I kept up contact with Dr. Kates for a while after I left. Turns out that they were trying to replicate your control chips in the hopes of finding out how you did it.. I guess, in the hopes that they might find a way to combat it should even more dangerous people get their hands on the tech... They got close but it never worked.”
Not surprising. It took Jervis fifteen years or so to finally have to knowledge and skill to do what he does. But it was fascinating to him that despite how his work had been condemned as ‘immoral’, others were continuing it.
“So, what? You’re gonna go back to your old stompin’ grounds and put this guy back in the place that started it all?” Mr. Pleasance asked, skeptical from what it seemed.
“That’s a theatrical way of putting it... But, yes.” Alice smirked at her father before looking back at Jervis. “I called Mr. Wayne. He’s agreed to help us. And keep it quiet. But he had some conditions.”
Oh, wonderful. What could that possibly be? It wasn’t as if Jervis had never used his technology on Wayne. So it wasn’t like the boy billionaire had any reason to trust him.
“I’m all ears.” He relented, drumming his fingers against the skin of the apple idly.
“You finish the project you were supposed to be doing when you went bonkers and turned this mind control technology loose on Gotham.”
... Oh.
“That-... Oh, honestly, Alice. I’m not even an employee of his any longer. He can’t expect-”
“Well considering you’re running rampant with his tech, I’d say you don’t have a choice.” She cut him off and he fell silent quickly in befuddlement. What could that mean? “You made the original control chips with Wayne Enterprises resources, on Wayne Enterprises funding, while working on a project for Wayne Enterprises... Legally he owns them. Which means the ‘Mad Hatter’ you’ve made for yourself is Wayne Tech property.”
Damn. She had a point. Legally he was pinned. So if he didn’t agree to her terms not only would they not find the culprit behind these attempted murders, leaving him stuck with the blame, but he would also be giving the patents for his invention to Bruce Wayne... And a Rogue was nothing if not proud of their craft.
“... Aaggh-! Alright. Fine.” He groaned, He huffed, shoulders slouching as he fell back against the back-rest of the chair. “I’ll finish his project. But after all of this nonsense is finished.”
To his bewilderment, Alice chuckled, “I thought you liked nonsense.”
“Touche.” He rebutted, a half lidded glance given in her direction before he picked up the apple. He posed one more question before finally taking a bite. “So, what is the rest of this plan of yours that’s supposed to keep us safe, hm?”
“When I can’t be around with you, you’ll be supervised by my father.”
Jervis nearly choked on the apple.
“What?” He coughed, beating his chest in the hope that would help it go down, “Alice, are you sure-”
“Good.” Her father smirked. “I don’t trust that hospital to keep you in. No offense to Bolton, Alice.”
“Dad!” Alice snapped, though there wasn’t a hard edge to it like when she was angry with Tetch, “His release had nothing to do with Lyle. That was all on the doctors buying his ‘i’m cured’ bullshit. I’m sure if Lyle had his way he’d still be there.”
“You have no idea...” Jervis mumbled, absently rubbing his throat. One might think it was due to the near-choking incident, but there was a ghost sensation at the memory of being in that horrible asylum.
But it wasn’t time to dwell on that.
“So, Alice... If I’m to spend time with Mr. Pleasance while you’re off doing... Other things.. Who is going to be with you? It’s your life in danger, not mine.” He pointed out with great, and growing concern.
“Yes, but I don’t trust you.” Alice jabbed, brows raised and eyes squarely set on him, “I don’t need a babysitter... Besides. I have friends at work. You on the other hand won’t be left alone anywhere because on the off chance this person is as deranged as you, we can’t have you getting jumped and dragged off before you have the chance to help us find them.”
Hm.. “Fair enough.”
Alice stood, walking around the table to Jervis’ side. He leaned away cautiously as she perched herself on the corner, legs crossed in a ladylike fashion as she carved out another slice of her apple. She smiled in sinisterly sweet down at him and he felt a great sense of unease.
“But I want to make one thing very clear.” She began, her voice quiet despite the fact that there was no one around who might even possibly hear her. “My dad’s a big softy. I love my dad. He might scare you now, and he might knock you around if anything happens to me... But I promise you. He will keep you safe. But if you hurt my dad, or let anything bad happen to him... I will personally cut your dick off.”
Jervis swallowed, that feeling of dread rising up again after only a few minutes of it going away. Mother of God... Alice was a vicious woman when she was angry. Giving the orders in his place, pushing him around, making the threats.
... He wasn’t sure how to feel about that. He’d think about it later.
“N-... Noted. I’ll be diligent in getting to the bottom of this then.”
“Good!” Alice smiled more sincerely, hopping down from the table with a joyful bounce. Falling back into her pleasant, sunshine radiance that she was normally. “And while you work on that, I’ll be going around to my usual places and asking questions. Maybe someone in one of my regular hangouts has seen anyone suspicious around.”
She walked away, tossing her apple core into the trash bin on her way past it.
“Meanwhile you get to be reacquainted with your old boss!” She called over her shoulder as she seemed to strut towards the stairs, “Doctor Kates is just thrilled that you’ll be back. She’ll be letting you into your old lab once you get there. I’d suggest you don’t be late~!”
Dr. Kates... The obnoxious bat.
Jervis groaned, unhappily biting into his apple at the realization he would have to listen to her shrill shouting again. Ah, but he was a different man now. A stronger man. She wouldn’t be telling him what to do this time!
... He hoped. If there was going to be a woman telling him what to do it would be Alice or no one.
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