#it's a crime that they took away his snatched waist in the epilogue
red-dead-simp · 1 year
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
thieves in the shadows
part one | read on ao3
pairing | mal x mc [but other pairings could be implied]
word count | 6.5k
warnings | this is a crime au, so there are quite a few warnings. violence, blood, knives, guns, police, criticisms of religion etc. my mc is a detective in this series.
tags | @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @natesewell, @choicesarehard, @jaxmatsuo, @pantcmime 
author’s note | so for the last day of blades week, the lovely @pixelsandkink hosted a sleepover and one of the questions were “what type of au’s would you like to see?” and the idea of a crime au wormed its way into my brain and i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it! i tried to get the whole story done by epilogue day for @bladesappreciationweek but i only managed part one, so more’s to come – i really hope you like it !!! disclaimer: i had to make the names a bit more realistic since they’re human in this au, so tyril is ty, imtura is immy, and my mc zilyana is yana. another disclaimer: people hc imtura as black so she’s written as such in this fic!
bullets pelted the crates they were crouched behind, wood splintering in every direction. bodies were strewn across the warehouse, the unmistakable pools of blood streaking across the stone.
“raine! to your left!” immy yelled her way, barely sparing her a glance before unloading her clip, shell casings clinking against the ground.
the gun trembled in yana’s hands. she’d shot one before – practice at the gun range, glass bottles in a back alley – but never a live target.
before she could edge around the shield of crates to take her aim, the cold steel of the blade dug into the skin at the base of her throat.
“well, well,” the voice said. “you seem to be in a bit of a bind, detective nightbloom.”
when she first got assigned to the case, she didn’t want anything to do with it. she was minding her business, just coming off of the high of the egovore case – she’d busted a druglord selling hallucinogenic laced opiates that’d killed a handful of teens in the area.
she turned the new case down initially, citing she needed a break, but in reality… she didn’t care to go undercover again. she’d been asked to do things she never wanted to do, like flirt with vicious criminals who could snap her in half without an ounce of remorse.
don’t get it twisted – she was meant to be a detective. it was in her blood.
but the things she was asked to do took a bit of a toll on her and she needed time to recuperate. she was exhausted, and quite frankly, wanted to be yana nightbloom for a couple of weeks before jumping into another identity.
however, when mayor valleros showed up to the station requesting to speak to her privately, she knew there was no getting out of it.
that night she curled up in bed, reviewing the sensitive case files as well as her new identity, hoping that she could wrap it up in a couple of months.
the taxi dropped her off at the seedy motel on the outskirts of the city, just a couple blocks away from the auto shop.
she suited up in an outfit that “raine” would wear, tucking her gun into her belt, before making the trek.
the sun was low behind the old buildings, most of the strip abandoned or looted, graffiti covering nearly every inch of wall space. tents were scattered in empty lots, a handful of homeless people pushing their carts towards the tents as the last slivers of light dissipated.
all she knew about the area was that a man popped up a couple months prior, bought almost every plot, and set up shop.
he clearly bought the dying businesses so they would stay out of his way.
she’d memorized every inch of her file, committing her persona to memory as well as any details about this crew, which were surprisingly next to none.
mayor valleros couldn’t prove it, but he had a sneaking suspicion that the string of robberies targeting big businesses and millionaires was somehow connected to this rinky dink shop.
the garage was halfway open, the light coming from it trickling out onto the street. the trunk of an old convertible poked out, and she could hear the bass line of a soft rock song the closer she got.
the file she’d received was nearly bare – she was walking into the situation blind. from her knowledge, they were always open to recruits, but they turned away quite a lot of people. they had a serious vetting process and didn’t trust just anyone.
she probably had little to no chance of getting in, but she was gonna do her damnedest to earn their trust. 
when she approached the car, she took a slow cautious step inside, hand firmly on hip, ready to pull her gun out at a moment's notice.
a quick cock of a handgun pulled her attention south.
the man rolled to a stop from underneath the car, flat on his back against the scooter, brow quirked, the barrel of his gun pointed up at her.
“and who might you be?”
“i could be asking you the same thing,” she said, hand still on her hip.
“toss the gun over.”
she sighed, tugging it out from her waistband, squatting slowly to place it on the ground, skitting it towards him. she stood up slowly, hands in front of her in surrender.
he snatched the gun, before pushing himself up till he was standing. he slid her gun into his waistband with one hand, keeping his other trained on her.
“gimme the blade in your boot, too.”
she tried keeping her composure – she always kept a pocket knife on her but she nearly forgot it was there. how the hell did he know?
“fuck me,” she cursed under her breath. “if you insist,” he grinned, then motioned his hand towards himself. 
she dug it out of her shoe, tossing it over. “how could you tell?”
“lucky guess. didn’t really know if you had one,” he shrugged, pocketing the blade.
they stood in silence, sizing each other up. his eyes raked over her body, lingering on places she was glad she had covered in baggy clothing.
“so, you gonna tell me your name?”
“have it your way, rando. you’re not getting past this garage unless you give me something. doesn’t bother me a bit.”
“you clearly seem bothered,” she muttered, shifting her weight to her other foot.
she probably shouldn’t have been so bold, but if he wanted to shoot her, he would’ve done it already.
“nope. i don’t have shit to do. i could do this all day,” he raised a single brow, the one with a slit shaved into it.
“raine,” she said, the one syllable begrudgingly making it past her lips.
“now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” he cocked his head to the side.
“you’re not that smart if you think that’s anything more than my street name.”
“street name? what are you, a fed?” He laughed, motioning the barrel of the gun upwards. “show me your waist and back.” “didn’t know ty hired perverts as door greeters,” she rolled her eyes, tugging her shirt upwards, slowly rotating to show off her stomach and lower back, proving she wasn’t wearing a wire.
his brows furrowed as a loud, booming cackle sounded from the doorway.
“you’re just gonna let her talk to you like that, mal?” the tall woman laughed, crossing her arms when she came into view.
“why’d you just say my name like that? i had a whole thing going,” he all but groaned, running a hand over his face.
“eh, who gives a shit. not like she’s in a position to do much, anyway,” she shrugged, her biceps flexing with the motion. “plus, she clearly knows who ty is. she didn’t just waltz in here – armed, might i add – for nothing.”
“who sent you, raine?”
yana shook her head, already slipping into the new, abrasive personality, scrunching her face up in disgust. “i’m not telling you two bozos shit. bring me to ty.”
the woman closed the gap between them in a couple steps, towering over her. she was easily six foot (even taller if you counted the locs piled atop her head), tattoos riddling every exposed inch of her body, her menacing grin gleaming in the dim light. her hands fisted the fabric at yana’s neck, tugging her just high enough that the tips of her shoes brushed the concrete.
she leaned in, quirking a pierced brow. “bozos?”
yana’s resolve was weakening with every second she was dangled by the tall woman. mustering up the last bit of her strength, she furrowed her brows and looked her dead in the eye.
“yeah. you heard me. bozos.”
the woman howled with laughter, and set her down, tousling her hair. “i like this one. she’s fiery.”
“of course you would. you like ‘em when they talk back,” mal chuckled, lowering the barrel.
she sucked her teeth, shrugging. “the harder to tame, the better.”
“i’m not here for either of you.”
“raine, was it?” she ignored the dig, holding her hand out to yana instead. “immy. i’m kind of the brawn around here if you haven’t noticed.”
immy jabbed her thumb at mal, smirking. “he’s not the brains of the operation. don’t worry about that.”
“hey!” he said, holstering his gun. “you’re really gonna disrespect me like that in front of some rando?”
“damn right i will. right this way, raine,” immy said, offering her arm. yana eyed it, forcing a grimace.
“i highly suggest you take my arm so i don’t have to restrain you.”
yana laced her arm through immy’s, her taut muscle telling her everything she needed to know – she could not fight her way out of this one.
they weaved through the shop, making their way down a dim hallway towards a back room. the decor was modest, much like a bar you’d see on the edge of town where the patrons are always the same and everyone minds their business.
mal walked in front of them, approaching the big wooden door, rapping his knuckles on it a few times.
she was so wrapped in the adrenaline rush of it all that she hadn’t really noticed quite how attractive mal was. she’d dealt with attractive criminals before, but none that were as infuriating and arrogant as him. most of them minded their business and didn’t let those feelings surface, even if it was in a joking manner.
she guessed she was staring a bit too long – when she met his eyes, he winked.
“ayo, someone’s here to see you,” he yelled, leaning his hip against the door frame with a smirk.
“come in.”
“wow, bossman didn’t even hesitate,” immy said, seemingly impressed.
“maybe he knew she was coming,” mal mused before pushing the door open.
the room was large, the bookshelves lining the walls filled left to right, top to bottom with books. the black leather couches looked straight out of a casting call room, much to her distaste.
his desk was massive, seemingly a bit out of place with the rest of the more toned down decorations – long, polished mahogany with intricate carvings up and down the sides.
his posture was perfect, his fingers laced in a neutral pose. as they approached the seats facing his desk, he pushed his book to the side, slipping his glasses off and placing them on top of the cover.
“i’m assuming someone sent you,” he stated, rather than asked, expression unreadable.
“no one sent me. i don’t have a crew,” yana answered, trying to keep as calm as him.
“someone must have told you about our operation.”
“well, you’re not infamous by any means, but people are definitely talking,” she shrugged.
he stood, taking slow steps until he was at the front of the desk. he glanced at immy, then the chair, and before yana knew it, she was shoved down into a sitting position.
she tried to remain nonchalant as he leaned against the edge of the desk, arms neatly folded.
“so what do you think you know about us?” he asked with a small smile, bright blue eyes piercing.
“i know you’re ty, the head of the group. i don’t know much else,” she was being completely truthful with him, glad to drop the facade (albeit briefly).
he nodded. “that’s good. we want as little information out there as possible.”
he leaned down, long strands of hair falling in front of his shoulders, holding her gaze.
yana wasn’t one to squirm under pressure, but the way he was looking right through her, as if he was browsing the core of her being, she couldn’t help but ball her hands into fists to stop them from trembling.
“what’s your name?”
“raine,” she murmured, struggling to keep her face neutral.
his eyes subtly flitted around her face, probably trying to pick up on her microexpressions – she’d been trained in the art of facial expressions and lying, so she was thankful in that moment that she’d actually paid attention to the presentations.
he leaned back, looking at mal and immy. “she’s trustworthy.”
just like that? she kept her breathing even, trying not to visibly relax. she expected it’d be a bit harder than that.
“so, raine. what exactly do you want to do here?” he asked, walking around the desk to sit back in his seat.
“last time i worked with a crew, they cheated me out of most of my cut.”
ty nodded, eyes focusing in on her face again.
“i’m not here to make friends. i just want to make enough money to stay afloat,” she said bluntly, letting a bit of the truth shine through again.
he nodded again, putting his glasses back on, flipping through the book.
“we all pull our own weight here. we’re all expected to defend ourselves in any situation we’re in,” he said, voice low, scrawling notes in the margins of the book.
“can you shoot a gun?”
“can you wield a knife?”
“hand to hand combat?”
most of the training was because of the academy, but she’d been a scrappy teen – she’d got into plenty of fights and had always been able to hold her own.
mal plopped onto the seat next to her, leg strewn across the armrest, popping a stick of gum in his mouth. “she’s gonna need a little bit of training. immy and i got her.”
ty arched a brow at mal, seemingly in slight annoyance. “training?”
“oh yeah, she strolled in here with a gun and a knife and i took her out before she could cock it,” he laughed, shooting a wink her way.
immy laughed, too, but ty wasn’t nearly as amused. “she’ll need to be at Mal’s skill level at least by our next phase.”
“‘mal’s skill level’? what the hell does that mean?” mal asked, sitting up straight.
immy’s soft chuckles morphed into her friendly booming cackle that yana had been introduced to a couple minutes before.
“you’re clearly weaker than immy. no one’s touching her,” ty said simply, delving back into his work.
mal sighed, standing. “cut me some slack, boss. not my fault she’s taller and buffer than me.”
“yes, you should blame genetics.”
yana found herself rolling her lips together, failing to back a smile. ty caught her eye and the corner of his mouth quirked up.
for just a second, she felt comfortable with them, but she had to bury that thought and keep at the task at hand.
they were criminals, this was an investigation. no attachment, no complications.
“when nia gets here, ask her to go shopping for raine,” ty said, then resumed his work.
“you got it, boss,” immy said, pulling yana to her feet, leading her to the bookcase across the room.
she pulled a book back, revealing a keypad. she typed a long string of numbers and popped her thumb on the screen at the bottom, stepping back so that the bookcase could shift. a set of stairs appeared, leading downwards, most likely towards a basement of some sort.
“are you guys gonna kidnap me or something?”
immy grinned. “nope. all the good stuff is down here.”
the concrete staircase led to a long hallway, multiple doors on either side. “your room is the last one on the left, right after the gym.”
“gym?” “yeah, you think i could upkeep these guns without a routine?” immy joked, walking with her to the end of the hallway.
her room was surprisingly big. king sized bed, walk in closet, huge bathroom with a separate shower and tub – it was larger than her apartment.
“i’ll leave you to it,” she said, pointing towards the dresser against the wall. “there’s some spare clothes in there.”
and then she was alone.
the shower she took was quick – she even stuck a chair under the door handle just in case. she didn’t trust anyone here enough to take a long shower.
she tossed on the clothes, wrapping her long dark hair up in a towel. right about then she’d wished she’d planned things out a bit better. all of her case materials were back at the motel, and she desperately wanted to update the case files with what she’d learned.
ty, mal, immy, nia. ty, mal, immy, nia. she committed the names to memory, and the appearances of the former three, too.
a knock at the door took her out of her train of thought.
she answered it, surprised to see mal standing there in a loose fitting floral top, way different than the hoodie he’d worn when she first met him.
“here,” he said, handing her the gun and blade. “forgot to return these in the excitement of it all.”
“thanks,” she said, turning to put both on the side table near the door, leaving mal standing there.
“you gonna invite me in?” he asked, leaning against the door frame.
she shrugged, feigning nonchalance as he strode in, plopping on the edge of her bed, legs sprawled wide while he leaned back on his elbows.
“so… raine. ready for training?”
“not talking much? understandable. i should probably introduce myself, though. properly.”
she eyed him, crossing her arms.
“i’m mal. i own all of this,” he said, gesturing around him. “volari’s the last name. well, the last name i picked.”
she nodded, knowing that she couldn’t reveal any personal information unless directly asked, trying to calculate out how to skirt around questions without being suspicious.
“the shop’s a front. kind of our homebase, ya know?” he popped his gum, gaze flitting up and down from her loose fitting clothes to her face.
“why are you looking at me like that?”
“just trying to figure you out, raine,” he emphasized her fake name, a knowing grin spreading.
yana rolled her eyes, crossing the room to the mirror, tugging the towel off her hair. “there’s nothing to figure out.”
“yeah, sure,” he said, sarcasm lacing his tone. “meet me in the gym tomorrow at 5 a.m.”
“that’s super early,” she said, watching him through the mirror as she raked her damp hair into a bun.
“we’ve gotta fit in your first training before we open shop,” mal winked, standing up from the bed.
“‘night,” he said, giving a lazy salute, before tugging the door shut with the toe of his shoe, leaving her standing alone.
she barely slept that night, unable to stop the unending rolodex of details flitting through her mind.
names, height, build, tattoos, notable scars, voice – anything that she’d recognize regardless of a bad dye job or style change.
she gave up after a while, getting up when the clock said 3 a.m. slipping her blade into her waistband, she headed to the gym, hoping that she could cardio her way into a short nap.
the gym was immaculate – top notch equipment neatly lined the walls with more than enough space throughout for a group of five.
after scanning the room, she opted for a treadmill, deciding that sprints were the best way to tire out both her body and mind.
each pump of her legs was more painful than the last, the aching burn flickering up her legs with every slam of her shoe against the belt.
keep going, keep going, keep going.
yana didn’t give up. never was a quitter, never would be a quitter.
sweat beaded across her back and forehead, her breathing in tandem with her strides.
when she crossed the mile line, she slowed her pace, opting for a light jog for as long as she could handle it (another mile or two).
the sound of a singular shoe squeaking had her grasping for her knife, ready to point it at the intruder. But before she could get a grip on it, another hand snatched it from her waistband, flicking the blade out, training the tip at the base of her neck.
mal grinned at her. “not bad.”
she panted, flyaway hairs sticking to every slick patch of skin. he used the tip of the blade to delicately flick a strand off her shoulder.
“reflexes could be a bit faster, though.”
he lowered the knife, tossing her a cool towel instead.
“it’s 3 a.m. and i wasn’t expecting anyone,” she grumbled, dragging the towel down her face to sop up the sweat.
“correction: it’s 4 a.m. and you should always expect the worst.”
“why are you here so early then?” she snapped, flinging the towel over her shoulder in exasperation.
“same reason you’re here. can’t sleep,” he shrugged, before reaching behind him to tug off his white tee.
she finally got a full look at him and she wasn’t disappointed.
tanned, muscled torso, riddled with scars and tattoos alike, peppered with hair all across his front. It was really fucking hard not to stare.
she averted her eyes as he did a couple warm up stretches, leaning and stretching and looking oh so gorgeous while he did it.
his right arm was covered, a full sleeve from shoulder to wrist. the other arm was a half sleeve, his forearm bare except for a small tattoo with daggers and blood drops.
she’d noticed his gold earrings when she’d met him, since it was one of the flashiest things about him.
but the singular nipple ring? that was new. and definitely something she didn’t think would stir something in her.
she strode across the gym, trying to put some distance between them, grabbing the small weights. yana squatted and lifted and squatted and lifted but nothing she did could distract her from the soft grunts coming from mal across the room.
he was on a fucking pull up bar, tugging himself upward, hair tied back, sweat beading on his brow.
one of the biggest undercover no-no’s was getting involved with anyone while on the case. Even if they’re surrounding the case – not even a main target – it was all but forbidden.
unless… it was for intel.
get a fucking grip, dude. she shook the thought away, all but spraying herself with a hose at the thought.
“it’s about that time,” he said, a while later.
she pushed through her last few crunches, shaking off the burn as she stood up.
“i fail to see why i need to be trained. i don’t even know what we’ll be doing,” she said nonchalantly, stretching her arms.
the easiest way for her to get intel was to pretend like she didn’t care. It worked with most male egos she came across – the second she acted like she’d rather be anywhere else, the man would all but spell out his diabolical plans with a diagram and a play-by-play.
“i think you’ll at least need to know how to defend yourself. never know what situations we’ll get into,” he said, vaguely, scrubbing his own towel across his chest and torso.
unfortunately, that told her nothing.
“alright, so first thing’s first, we’ll need to roll out these mats –”
immy slammed the door open, cutting off mal’s first order.
“nia brought the grub! get in here before i eat it all,” immy said, throwing a knowing look at yana.
she looked to mal, waiting for his direction.
“go ahead. i’m gonna finish up my workout. save me a plate, alright?” he asked, striding towards the weights.
yana slipped past her and into the hallway without a second glance, trying to look anywhere but the sly grin that stretched immy’s mouth.
“so what was going on in there?” immy asked, teasing.
“nothing. just training.”
“just training. suuuure,” she said with a laugh, clapping yana on the back, knocking the wind out of her.
they trudged up the stairs to the autoshop, yana’s legs crying out with each step. she was regretting the workout in that regard, but a tiny part of her brain was revelling in the time she spent with mal, mind reeling over each physical detail of him.
they made their way to the tiny kitchen (much smaller than the one underground), greeted with a few platters of breakfast food and a smiling woman.
“hi! i hear you’re the one who took over my bedroom,” nia grinned, giving a friendly wave. “it’s so nice to meet you.”
she cocked her head to the side, making sure to make a slight spectacle of almost not trusting nia’s friendliness – had to lean into the “raine” persona, right?
nia’s smile didn’t waver as she gestured at the food. “i thought i could give you a bit of a warm welcome. it was undoubtedly nicer than theirs, huh?”
ty chuckled under his breath, stepping away from the counter with a steaming mug of coffee. “you know us too well, nia.”
immy snorted, grabbing a plate and piling up the bacon and pancakes. “thanks, chief.”
nia laughed in response, handing a plate to yana, encouraging her to eat.
it was such a weird atmosphere. the night before was pretty tense – yana was tense. she was petrified of sleeping through the night for fear of someone coming in the room and offing her.
and to be greeted with platters of food and a chill atmosphere? madness.
it made her a bit nervous considering in her experience some of the most heinous crimes were committed by tight knit crews that considered each other family. she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of shit she’d gotten herself into.
she piled her plate with fruit and oatmeal, leaning against the wall as she popped a spoonful of cinnamon oatmeal in her mouth, chasing it with a sliced apple.
“glad to finally tip the scales. i didn’t think we’d be adding anyone to the crew, but i’m so happy you’re here,” nia said, taking a sip from her mug.
“i think immy’s woman enough for the both of us,” yana shrugged, shoveling another spoonful in her mouth.
“don’t tempt me, raine. i have no issue telling you exactly what i wanna do to you,” immy lifted a brow, licking the underside of her spoon very slowly, holding her gaze.
nia nearly choked on her tea, mumbling a soft “excuse me” as she grabbed a napkin to blot her mouth.
“flustering the nun. another tick off my bucket list,” immy cackled.
“former and i was training,” nia threw a pointed look at her, locking eyes with yana right after.
“you’re here with us now. that’s all that matters,” ty said, with a bit of finality, hushing the rest of the conversation.
mal burst into the room, drenched in sweat and half naked. “pancakes? oh fuck yeah. thanks nia.”
he piled the food on his plate, plopping down on the barstool at the counter. he glanced back at yana, then patted the seat next to him with a smirk. “i don’t bite.”
she rolled her eyes, rigid stance betraying the fluttering in her chest. she slid in next to him and ate silently, eyes trained on her food.
“so, boss, what’s on the agenda for today?” mal asked through a mouthful of food.
ty stared at him in disgust, setting his mug down to address the room. “we have a lot of planning to do. these next few jobs have to be absolutely seamless if we want to evade law enforcement.”
“what, you’re saying that the pigs caught wind of us?” immy asked, annoyance lacing her tone.
“no, not to my knowledge,” ty shook his head, a single wrinkle appearing between his thick brows. “but we won’t be able to keep this up for long.”
he strode over to the spread of food, grabbing a single grape, tossing it into his mouth. “each his has to count. there’s absolutely no room for mistakes.”
everyone nodded in agreeance.
“mal and immy, you’re with me. we’ll be planning escape routes, seeing if they match up with our physical map, scouting the areas – the grueling work. nia,” he said, glancing down at her. “you’ll take raine shopping. she’ll need a dress for the gala.”
he trained his gaze on yana, gaze penetrating right through her. she held her breath, hoping that nothing about the way she ate, sat, breathed tipped him off –
“get her a wig, too.”
a power nap and a couple hours later, yana and nia were in nia’s car, driving towards the center of the city to the mall.
“i’ve never been to a gala before,” yana murmured honestly, watching the storefronts pass by, gradually getting more and more expensive.
“once you’ve been to one, you’ve been to them all,” nia shrugged, flicking her blinker before turning into the parking garage.
shopping was fairly painless. nia took her to her favorite store, forced her to try on a handful of dresses, and thankfully the second one fit (and was both of their favorites).
“this is too much,” yana said bluntly, trying to mask her eagerness to wear the floor length gown.
“no it’s perfect. you’ll fit in seamlessly,” she said, swiping her card. the cashier handed her the plastic covered gown, and they were out again.
“i have a few wigs back in my room that you can try on. i’m thinking a short blonde bob for you,” nia said, reaching out to gently push yana’s long dark strands over her shoulder.
nia was beautiful. her long red curls soaked up the sun and reflected the gold – she was clearly the best of them all with a heart big enough for everyone and then some.
her eyes were soft, smile even softer, with curves even softer than that.
there was something about nia that felt like home. yana brushed the thought away, redirecting her mind to the event.
“what am i supposed to do at the gala?”
“schmooze some rich people, make them think you’re high society, gain their trust, all of that,” she said simply, unlocking the car.
after a quick wig fitting, nia flipped a hand mirror yana’s way, grinning widely. “you look gorgeous.”
“oh... that’s different.”
nia frowned. “different as in bad?”
“no, not bad,” she said, running her hand through the short blunt bob that didn’t even graze her shoulders. “just different. i’ve never been a blonde.”
“oh, you’ll be alright,” she reassured her, grabbing a mannequin head with a long blonde wig on it, pre-styled with curls and braids galore. “there’s always a first time for everything!”
when they emerged from their room, ready to head to the event in an unknown location (which made yana insanely nervous), the rest of the crew were neck deep in planning, mumbling amongst themselves.
“we’re out! be back in a few hours,” nia waved without a second glance, jingling the car keys as she went.
the three of them looked stunned when they laid eyes on yana. immy’s mouth upturned into a smirk and mal’s scarred eyebrow lifted – even ty looked a bit taken aback.
“you clean up well, raine,” immy nodded, gesturing to her gown.
“thanks,” she said, a bit uncomfortably.
as yana, she was flattered; as raine, she was bothered.
“uh, well, i’ll be back soon. bye.”
“wait,” mal called as she turned her back. “here.” 
he slipped a blade and a thin leather strap into her hand, gently closing her fingers around it. “just in case.”
“is this –” she stopped, looking at the buckle and pouch. a thigh strap for the blade.
“yup. stay safe, raine,” he winked, returning to the table, which was covered in maps and loose papers.
the gala was pretty boring.
maybe it was because she wasn’t exactly sure why she was there quite yet, so she couldn’t properly gather intel, but either way the attendees were bland.
nia blabbed on and on about mundane things with the men, laughing, twirling her hair, and gently resting a hand on a shoulder at the right time.
they were putty in her hands.
yana on the other hand was as charming as she could manage, trying to coax information out of the men who were two seconds away from getting handsy.
an hour and a half in, nia took the stage, which surprised her.
what shocked her even more was the fact that the gala was for charity. specifically nia’s charity. 
she commanded the stage like she belonged there, and by the end of her speech about taking care of the people of their city, every socialite was scrambling to add an extra zero to their checks.
“this is your event? for your charity?” she whispered in nia’s ear between shaking hands and thanking the patrons.
“yeah! i’ll tell you more about it on the way back,” she said offhandedly, before leaning in to hug a woman covered in decadent jewels.
when they made it to the car, nia spilled immediately.
“so, i’m the face of the charity by day. it’s fairly new and pretty small,” nia started, keeping her eyes on the road.
“and you failed to mention your connection to it because…?”
“the crew thought i should wait to tell you.”
“i feel like i don’t have all of the pieces here, though.”
she sighed. “you don’t.”
yana raised a brow.
“i’m a former novitiate. a nun in training, if you will. i trained at a large church in the heart of the city, and my dream was to eventually head an orphanage and lead troubled youth to christ.”
“what changed?” she asked cautiously.
“my eyes were open to the corruption of the church before it was too late, thankfully. i couldn’t handle the greediness. it felt like every decision was driven by profit, not spirituality. their numbers were dollar amounts, not souls saved,” nia sighed, slowing to a stop at the red light, tugging the wig off her head. “each case was hand chosen for potential monetary gain. nothing was genuine.
“after leaving the church, i created the charity specifically to take care of homeless citizens, since we have a huge population of them. we’re focused on small victories like proper kitchens and distributing survival kits right now, but we’re working towards bigger things.”
“so… why was i involved tonight?” yana asked earnestly.
“because you’re a new face. a pretty face. virtually undetectable to these people. i can’t do all of it on my own, you know,” she smiled.
“so what does this have to do with the crew?”
“i’ll let them explain that to you,” nia said simply, ending the conversation.
when they entered ty’s office, the rest of the crew were there, sitting around, drinking and chatting.
“there’re the pretty ladies,” immy slurred from her seat, holding up her nearly empty mug of beer.
“any news?” ty asked after taking a small sip of what looked like scotch.
“raine did awesome, just as i suspected,” nia beamed, throwing her arm around yana’s waist.
“that’s what i love to hear,” mal said from the seat next to immy, winking when yana caught his eye.
“i told her a bit about the gala, and my charity, but i thought i’d wait till we were all together to explain further.”
ty nodded. “that was the right move.”
“i’m all ears,” yana said, slipping into the open seat next to immy.
“you ladies earned a drink. let me grab you one before we get started. beer okay?” mal asked, jogging out the door towards the kitchen.
“beer’s fine,” yana called, slipping her heels off and rubbing her aching feet.
as soon as they both had their drinks, ty addressed her, launching into a full explanation.
“nia’s our best judge of character. i’d apologize that you weren’t kept in the loop until now, but you know how these things work. we can’t compromise the mission,” he said, stepping up from his desk to pace.
“nia is also our decoy, if you will. she’s the one who draws in the potential targets so we can gather information and plan. the rest of us are… not quite on good terms with the law,” he said, pausing his stride to look at yana.
immy laughed, throwing back the last of her beer. “you can say that again.”
“what’d you do?” yana asked, eyes darting between mal and ty.
“well, i’ve just done a lot of dirty work for people,” immy sighed, wincing. “and it backfired.”
“i’ll refrain from speaking about personal matters,” ty said, a hint of pain in his gaze.
“unlike the boss, i don’t mind telling you. i can’t remember a time where i wasn’t pissing off some cop. the list is endless,” mal grinned.
“you can’t just ask us and then not tell us what you’ve done,” immy complained, sliding her mug onto ty’s desk, quickly grabbing a coaster when ty’s gaze turned sharp.
yana shrugged. “i don’t know. i’ve always been a bit of a problem.”
it was true. growing up in foster care toughened her up pretty early. protecting her brother from bullies kept her in trouble.
they were never formally adopted, but they spent so much time in the same foster homes over time that kade just became her brother. 
she got into the normal scrappy kid problems, stopping eventually when she’d racked up enough petty misdemeanors to potentially get time.
instead, she begrudgingly joined the force. she never liked being a cop, but she loved detective work.
it wasn’t her dream job, but it was the job that let her be whoever she wanted to be. yeah, sometimes she hated slipping into a different identity every couple of months (or years), but she couldn’t picture herself doing anything else. at least right then she couldn’t, as she sat amongst a crew that she’d infiltrated with no issue – she was playing them like a fiddle, and they had no clue.
“good thing we like to fix problems here,” mal said, eyeing her as he tipped his drink back.
nia laughed nervously, gripping her bottle tight. “okay, can we continue? please?”
“thank you, nia, as always, for keeping us on track,” ty said, nodding her way. “our operation is one that some would consider the… vigilante sort.”
“as in, you’re taking matters into your own hands?”
ty nodded again. “we’ve all experienced corruption in the city at different levels, and we’ve grown tired of sitting idly by while nothing gets done by the same officials who get reelected term after term while having no record of accomplishments.”
“and you think i’m a good fit here?” she didn’t know why she blurted that question out. it’s like every time she was on thin ice she ventured farther and farther, begging for it to crack.
“i saw it in your eyes, raine. you want to help people,” he said, holding her gaze. “this – our operation – can be how you do that.”
“i still don’t know what i’m getting myself into. i can’t decide anything without knowing,” she said, honest again.
“you’re going to have to decide.” his voice was firm, unwavering. he knew exactly what he was doing – every step of the past twenty four hours was a test, each interaction with each member converging to this moment.
she looked to each person in the room, from immy’s bright gaze, to nia’s warm inviting eyes, to mal’s sultry stare, to ty’s – his icy blue eyes were piercing. like the first time she met him, he was staring right through her as if he could see the essence of her being if he searched hard enough.
“i’m in.”
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