#it's a double whammy of having to cringe at your art and old writing and then have to immediatley see negativity on it
arschbiene · 2 years
I understand wanting to get rid of all your old art, but truly I will miss all your hetalia art. And truly hope you don't get rid of it. Though I understand why you wanna.
But you are amazing and I hop3 you feel better !
Hi, thank you (and everyone else!) so much for your kind words. I really appreciate everyone's support and encouragement.
I reflected and I won't be deleting my entire collection, I'm just going to really pare it down to things I am proud of that are strong representations of my time in the fandom or have good memories attached. I dont have time or a reliable laptop to do it now so the full collection will be up at least through the weekend.
I always have used this blog as an open and honest art journey, I've been running it since I was 16-17 (I'm friggin 29 now) so this blog has every single awkward, experimental and bad drawing I've ever done. Growing up here and being transparent and okay with my failures has been the point of the blog which has been great but there's a vulnerability there and when in fandom hetalia fans are reblogging your old stuff with jeering comments to have a laugh with friends over a flawed doodle, then it's a problem. I don't want to be a part of that. I feel for every young and developing artist who is maturing in this space, it's not a healthy one. I just want to say it was NOT like this when I was 16.
The hetalia fandom is dealing with a creative exodus/drought right now bc of behavior like this and it seems my older stuff is circulating a lot more, which is great if the energy in fandom wasn't so hostile and middle school. I'm just gonna limit the material available and carry on. I'm in a rut but once I'm out of it, I'll continue on posting new material 🕺
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