#it's a shame because i think it's holding LW back from doing more interesting work with carly's grieving
bklynmusicnerd · 9 months
The Liz and Carly scenes at Kelly's were beautifully written. Liz talking about how Bobbie was a "refuge" for her in the aftermath of being raped will always get to me.
Liz and her career as a nurse are absolutely intertwined with the best of Bobbie's legacy, and it was nice to see that highlighted. I also appreciated that they didn't try to force some artificial bond between Liz and Carly. It was emotionally honest. It almost felt like Liz was doing Bobbie a solid and checking in on her daughter for her, because that's what she would have wanted. Good dialogue writing.
Two people who don't get along setting aside their differences to grieve over someone they both loved. That's real and beautiful and grounded by strong performances from RH and LW. More of this effective use of history and longstanding relationships and less of the SEC nonsense.
*Mom informed that I missed a part where Carly accused Liz of being her "friend", obviously that line is not included in my compliments toward the writing of this scene lol
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