#it's also a subtle example of the guts thing being referenced again which effs me up personally because
the thing is that Kintsugi Kid is a very good example of what the band has described as SO Much (For) Stardust's combination of nihilism and hope. and it's also a good example of the frickin... Dune litany against fear type thing of acknowledging a feeling ("I spent 10 years in a bitter chemical haze and I miss the way I felt nothing") and letting it exist instead of trying to A= get rid of it or B= suppress it and like... what does the litany thing say?? let it flow through you and then only you remain?? that thing. the song ends with Pete's youngest kid screeching in joy because she gets to be a rockstar on a song (I'm not kidding. look at the Genius note.) the whole album is basically a case in this, in saying... yeah. this is the honest truth about how I'm feeling. but it isn't the end.
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