#it's been a while since i've posted any “jeeves is autistic” content
Of note in "Bertie Changes His Mind"- just noticed that for all Jeeves's expertise in ~the psychology of the individual~, he actually displays a failure of emotional intelligence at the beginning of the story. He's noticed that Bertie has been moody for the past few days, but attributes it to his having been sick lately, and is surprised by what he thinks is a sudden outburst. He evidently failed to notice any signs of sadness or loneliness building up to it, despite a later scene where he says Bertie's face is easy to read (in this scene Bertie's emotions are intense and pretty easily inferable from context clues, which probably helped).
I feel like this indicates that Jeeves might have trouble reading people's subtler emotions. I doubt he'd be able to derive someone's entire mental state from a minute eyebrow twitch the way that Bertie can. This would support my general theory that Jeeves uses his study of psychology as a crutch to compensate for poor social skills-- he's carefully observed and memorized the way people who are feeling a certain way will react to different stimuli, but he has to know how they're feeling first. Which might be troublesome for him, and somewhere where it would be interesting to see him and Bertie teaming up.
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