#it's been so long since i went to a mall wow
pepperful-qt · 4 years
who in hq is most likely to get lost at a mall?
wow remember going to the mall :')
Kageyama: canonically has no orienteering skills. his only hope is that he's 6ft so no one will lose track of him. probably ends up in the sports store examining all the volleyballs ajdkf
Hinata: bc he's short haha JK but he's also just always on the move and ends up moving ahead of everyone else that by the time he looks up he's in the middle of like a macy's or smth
Osamu: he's not lost necessarily, but he does follow his nose. you'll find him somewhere in the food court circling around and around the same stalls for samples
Bokuto: look he has such a short attention span he sees something in a window and just woosh he's gone. don't walk by a lush or bath & body works jfc
Ushijima: it's rare but sometimes he'll start reading an advert and will just...stop while you keep walking & when you look back he's gone. or he's like kags & is examining all the equipment in the sports store
Yamagata: bro this guy,, so he ends up losing his phone, probably when he and the other guys were eating at the food court, so he has no way to contact anyone else or look up directions when he's left behind looking at the cool sneakers LMAO he ends up just going back to the train/bus station and waiting 💀
Hoshiumi: he's a man on a mission and that mission is looking at everything that piques his interest. bro that tunnel vision means he doesn't even remember how he got where he is. v similar to Hinata but he's too proud to ask for directions so he keeps browsing acting like everything is fine until the shops are closing and the shopkeepers are all "um, sir, we closed 10 minutes ago you have to leave" hirugami pls rescue him (he won't)
Kenma: he's not paying attention. nose in games at all times (unless you're in the game store, then he's just looking at the games pff). if someone doesn't guide him around by the arm he will be left behind. and he won't even care he'll just pop a squat and wait (literally what he was doing when he first met Hinata)
ok that's all i can think up rn :)
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